-- code provenance: `TypicalSqlPageNotebook.commonDDL` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/notebook/sqlpage.ts) -- idempotently create location where SQLPage looks for its content CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "sqlpage_files" ( "path" VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "contents" TEXT NOT NULL, "last_modified" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ); -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Script to prepare convenience views to access uniform_resource.content column -- as CCDA content, ensuring only valid JSON is processed. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TODO: will this help performance? -- CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_resource_type ON uniform_resource ((content ->> '$.resourceType')); -- CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_bundle_entry ON uniform_resource ((json_type(content -> '$.entry'))); -- CCDA Discovery and Enumeration Views -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Summary of the uniform_resource table -- Provides a count of total rows, valid JSON rows, invalid JSON rows, -- and potential CCDA v4 candidates and bundles based on JSON structure. DROP VIEW IF EXISTS uniform_resource_summary; CREATE VIEW uniform_resource_summary AS SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_rows, SUM(CASE WHEN json_valid(content) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS valid_json_rows, SUM(CASE WHEN json_valid(content) THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) AS invalid_json_rows, SUM(CASE WHEN json_valid(content) AND content ->> '$.resourceType' IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS ccda_v4_candidates, SUM(CASE WHEN json_valid(content) AND json_type(content -> '$.entry') = 'array' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS ccda_v4_bundle_candidates FROM uniform_resource; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS control_regimes; CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS control_regimes AS SELECT reg.name as control_regime, reg.control_regime_id as control_regime_id, audit.name as audit_type_name, audit.control_regime_id as audit_type_id FROM control_regime as audit INNER JOIN control_regime as reg ON audit.parent_id = reg.control_regime_id; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS control_group; CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS control_group AS SELECT cast("#" as int) as display_order, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY "Common Criteria") || '-' || (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='SOC2 Type I' AND parent_id!="") AS control_group_id, "Common Criteria" AS title, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='SOC2 Type I' AND parent_id!="") AS audit_type_id, NULL AS parent_id FROM uniform_resource_aicpa_soc2_controls GROUP BY "Common Criteria" UNION ALL SELECT cast("#" as int) as display_order, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY "Common Criteria") || '-' || (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='SOC2 Type II' AND parent_id!="") AS control_group_id, "Common Criteria" AS title, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='SOC2 Type II' AND parent_id!="") AS audit_type_id, NULL AS parent_id FROM uniform_resource_aicpa_soc2_type2_controls GROUP BY "Common Criteria" UNION ALL SELECT cast("#" as int) as display_order, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY "Common Criteria") || '-' || (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='HIPAA' AND parent_id!="") AS control_group_id, "Common Criteria" AS title, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='HIPAA' AND parent_id!="") AS audit_type_id, NULL AS parent_id FROM uniform_resource_hipaa_security_rule_safeguards GROUP BY "Common Criteria" UNION ALL SELECT cast("#" as int) as display_order, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY "Common Criteria") || '-' || (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='HiTRUST e1 Assessment' AND parent_id!="") AS control_group_id, "Common Criteria" AS title, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='HiTRUST e1 Assessment' AND parent_id!="") AS audit_type_id, NULL AS parent_id FROM uniform_resource_hitrust_e1_assessment GROUP BY "Common Criteria" UNION ALL SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM uniform_resource_scf_2024_2 AS sub WHERE sub.ROWID <= cntl.ROWID AND sub."US CMMC 2.0 Level 1" != "") AS display_order, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY cntl."SCF Domain") || '-' || (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 1' AND parent_id!="") AS control_group_id, cntl."SCF Domain" AS title, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 1' AND parent_id!="") AS audit_type_id, NULL AS parent_id FROM uniform_resource_scf_2024_2 cntl WHERE cntl."US CMMC 2.0 Level 1" != "" GROUP BY cntl."SCF Domain" UNION ALL SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM uniform_resource_scf_2024_2 AS sub WHERE sub.ROWID <= cntl.ROWID AND sub."US CMMC 2.0 Level 2" != "") AS display_order, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY cntl."SCF Domain") || '-' || (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 2' AND parent_id!="") AS control_group_id, cntl."SCF Domain" AS title, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 2' AND parent_id!="") AS audit_type_id, NULL AS parent_id FROM uniform_resource_scf_2024_2 cntl WHERE cntl."US CMMC 2.0 Level 2" != "" GROUP BY cntl."SCF Domain" UNION ALL SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM uniform_resource_scf_2024_2 AS sub WHERE sub.ROWID <= cntl.ROWID AND sub."US CMMC 2.0 Level 3" != "") AS display_order, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY "SCF Domain") || '-' || (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 3' AND parent_id!="") AS control_group_id, cntl."SCF Domain" AS title, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 3' AND parent_id!="") AS audit_type_id, NULL AS parent_id FROM uniform_resource_scf_2024_2 cntl WHERE cntl."US CMMC 2.0 Level 3" != "" GROUP BY cntl."SCF Domain" UNION ALL SELECT cast("#" as int) as display_order, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY "SCF Domain") || '-' || (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='Together.Health Security Assessment (THSA)' AND parent_id!="") AS control_group_id, "SCF Domain" AS title, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='Together.Health Security Assessment (THSA)' AND parent_id!="") AS audit_type_id, NULL AS parent_id FROM uniform_resource_thsa GROUP BY "SCF Domain" UNION ALL SELECT cast("#" as int) as display_order, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY "Common Criteria") || '-' || (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='Code Quality Infrastructure' AND parent_id!="") AS control_group_id, "Common Criteria" AS title, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='Code Quality Infrastructure' AND parent_id!="") AS audit_type_id, NULL AS parent_id FROM uniform_resource_code_quality_infrastructure GROUP BY "Common Criteria" UNION ALL SELECT cast("#" as int) as display_order, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY "Common Criteria") || '-' || (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='Database Quality Infrastructure' AND parent_id!="") AS control_group_id, "Common Criteria" AS title, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='Database Quality Infrastructure' AND parent_id!="") AS audit_type_id, NULL AS parent_id FROM uniform_resource_database_quality_infrastructure GROUP BY "Common Criteria" UNION ALL SELECT cast("#" as int) as display_order, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY "Common Criteria") || '-' || (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='Scheduled Audit' AND parent_id!="") AS control_group_id, "Common Criteria" AS title, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='Scheduled Audit' AND parent_id!="") AS audit_type_id, NULL AS parent_id FROM uniform_resource_scheduled_audit GROUP BY "Common Criteria"; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS control; CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS control AS WITH control_regime_cte AS ( SELECT reg.name as control_regime, reg.control_regime_id as control_regime_id, audit.name as audit_type_name, audit.control_regime_id as audit_type_id FROM control_regime as audit INNER JOIN control_regime as reg ON audit.parent_id = reg.control_regime_id ) SELECT CAST(cntl."#" AS INTEGER) AS display_order, cg.control_group_id, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."Control Identifier", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', '-'), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."FII Id", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', ''), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='SOC2 Type I') AS control_id, cntl."Control Identifier" AS control_identifier, cntl."Control Identifier" AS control_code, cntl."Fii ID" AS fii, cntl."Common Criteria" AS common_criteria, cntl."Name" AS expected_evidence, cntl."Questions Descriptions" AS question, (SELECT control_regime FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='SOC2 Type I') AS control_regime, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='SOC2 Type I') AS control_regime_id, (SELECT audit_type_name FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='SOC2 Type I') AS audit_type, (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='SOC2 Type I') AS audit_type_id FROM uniform_resource_aicpa_soc2_controls cntl INNER JOIN control_group cg ON cg.title=cntl."Common Criteria" WHERE cg.audit_type_id=(SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='SOC2 Type I') UNION ALL SELECT CAST(cntl."#" AS INTEGER) AS display_order, cg.control_group_id, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."Control Identifier", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', '-'), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."FII Id", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', ''), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='SOC2 Type II') as control_id, cntl."Control Identifier" AS control_identifier,"Control Identifier" AS control_code, "Fii ID" AS fii, cntl."Common Criteria" AS common_criteria, cntl."Name" AS expected_evidence, cntl."Questions Descriptions" AS question, (SELECT control_regime FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='SOC2 Type II') AS control_regime, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='SOC2 Type II') AS control_regime_id, (SELECT audit_type_name FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='SOC2 Type II') AS audit_type, (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='SOC2 Type II') AS audit_type_id FROM uniform_resource_aicpa_soc2_type2_controls cntl INNER JOIN control_group cg ON cg.title=cntl."Common Criteria" WHERE cg.audit_type_id=(SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='SOC2 Type II') UNION ALL SELECT CAST(cntl."#" AS INTEGER) AS display_order, cg.control_group_id, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."HIPAA Security Rule Reference", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', '-'), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."FII Id", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', ''), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='HIPAA') as control_id, cntl."HIPAA Security Rule Reference" AS control_identifier, cntl."HIPAA Security Rule Reference" AS control_code, cntl."FII Id" AS fii, cntl."Common Criteria" AS common_criteria, "" AS expected_evidence, cntl.Safeguard AS question, (SELECT control_regime FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='HIPAA') AS control_regime, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='HIPAA') AS control_regime_id, (SELECT audit_type_name FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='HIPAA') AS audit_type, (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='HIPAA') AS audit_type_id FROM uniform_resource_hipaa_security_rule_safeguards cntl INNER JOIN control_group cg ON cg.title=cntl."Common Criteria" WHERE cg.audit_type_id=(SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='HIPAA') UNION ALL SELECT CAST(cntl."#" AS INTEGER) AS display_order, cg.control_group_id, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."Control Identifier", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', '-'), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."Fii ID", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', ''), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='HiTRUST e1 Assessment') as control_id, cntl."Control Identifier" AS control_identifier,"Control Identifier" AS control_code, "Fii ID" AS fii, cntl."Common Criteria" AS common_criteria, cntl."Name" AS expected_evidence, cntl.Description AS question, (SELECT control_regime FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='HiTRUST e1 Assessment') AS control_regime, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='HiTRUST e1 Assessment') AS control_regime_id, (SELECT audit_type_name FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='HiTRUST e1 Assessment') AS audit_type, (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='HiTRUST e1 Assessment') AS audit_type_id FROM uniform_resource_hitrust_e1_assessment cntl INNER JOIN control_group cg ON cg.title=cntl."Common Criteria" WHERE cg.audit_type_id=(SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='HiTRUST e1 Assessment') UNION ALL SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM uniform_resource_scf_2024_2 AS sub WHERE sub.ROWID <= cntl.ROWID AND "US CMMC 2.0 Level 1" != "") AS display_order, cg.control_group_id, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."US CMMC 2.0 Level 1", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', '-'), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."SCF #", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', ''), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 1') as control_id, 'CMMCLEVEL-' || (ROWID) as control_identifier, cntl."US CMMC 2.0 Level 1" AS control_code, cntl."SCF #" AS fii, cntl."SCF Domain" AS common_criteria, "" AS expected_evidence, cntl."SCF Control Question" AS question, (SELECT control_regime FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 1') AS control_regime, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 1') AS control_regime_id, (SELECT audit_type_name FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 1') AS audit_type, (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 1') AS audit_type_id FROM uniform_resource_scf_2024_2 AS cntl INNER JOIN control_group cg ON cg.title=cntl."SCF Domain" WHERE cntl."US CMMC 2.0 Level 1" != "" AND cg.audit_type_id=(SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 1') UNION ALL SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM uniform_resource_scf_2024_2 AS sub WHERE sub.ROWID <= cntl.ROWID AND "US CMMC 2.0 Level 2" != "") AS display_order, cg.control_group_id, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."US CMMC 2.0 Level 2", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', '-'), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."SCF #", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', ''), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 2') as control_id, 'CMMCLEVEL-' || (ROWID) AS control_identifier, cntl."US CMMC 2.0 Level 2" AS control_code, cntl."SCF #" AS fii, cntl."SCF Domain" AS common_criteria, "" AS expected_evidence, cntl."SCF Control Question" AS question, (SELECT control_regime FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 2') AS control_regime, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 2') AS control_regime_id, (SELECT audit_type_name FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 2') AS audit_type, (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 2') AS audit_type_id FROM uniform_resource_scf_2024_2 cntl INNER JOIN control_group cg ON cg.title=cntl."SCF Domain" WHERE "US CMMC 2.0 Level 2" != "" AND cg.audit_type_id=(SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 2') UNION ALL SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM uniform_resource_scf_2024_2 AS sub WHERE sub.ROWID <= cntl.ROWID AND "US CMMC 2.0 Level 3" != "") AS display_order, cg.control_group_id, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."US CMMC 2.0 Level 3", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', '-'), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."SCF #", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', ''), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 3') as control_id, 'CMMCLEVEL-' || (ROWID) AS control_identifier, cntl."US CMMC 2.0 Level 3" AS control_code, cntl."SCF #" AS fii, cntl."SCF Domain" AS common_criteria, "" AS expected_evidence, cntl."SCF Control Question" AS question, (SELECT control_regime FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 3') AS control_regime, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 3') AS control_regime_id, (SELECT audit_type_name FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 3') AS audit_type, (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 3') AS audit_type_id FROM uniform_resource_scf_2024_2 cntl INNER JOIN control_group cg ON cg.title=cntl."SCF Domain" WHERE "US CMMC 2.0 Level 3" != "" AND cg.audit_type_id=(SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 3') UNION ALL SELECT CAST(cntl."#" AS INTEGER) AS display_order, cg.control_group_id, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."SCF #", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', '-'), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."SCF #", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', ''), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Together.Health Security Assessment (THSA)') as control_id, cntl."SCF #" AS control_identifier, cntl."SCF #" AS control_code, cntl."SCF #" AS fii, cntl."SCF Domain" AS common_criteria, "" AS expected_evidence, cntl."SCF Control Question" AS question, (SELECT control_regime FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Together.Health Security Assessment (THSA)') AS control_regime, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Together.Health Security Assessment (THSA)') AS control_regime_id, (SELECT audit_type_name FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Together.Health Security Assessment (THSA)') AS audit_type, (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Together.Health Security Assessment (THSA)') AS audit_type_id FROM uniform_resource_thsa cntl INNER JOIN control_group cg ON cg.title=cntl."SCF Domain" WHERE cg.audit_type_id=(SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Together.Health Security Assessment (THSA)') UNION ALL SELECT CAST(cntl."#" AS INTEGER) AS display_order, cg.control_group_id, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."Control Identifier", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', '-'), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."Control Identifier", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', ''), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Code Quality Infrastructure') as control_id, cntl."Control Identifier" AS control_identifier, cntl."Control Identifier" AS control_code, cntl."Control Identifier" AS fii, cntl."Common Criteria" AS common_criteria, cntl."Name" AS expected_evidence, cntl."Questions Descriptions" AS question, (SELECT control_regime FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Code Quality Infrastructure') AS control_regime, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Code Quality Infrastructure') AS control_regime_id, (SELECT audit_type_name FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Code Quality Infrastructure') AS audit_type, (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Code Quality Infrastructure') AS audit_type_id FROM uniform_resource_code_quality_infrastructure cntl INNER JOIN control_group cg ON cg.title=cntl."Common Criteria" WHERE cg.audit_type_id=(SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Code Quality Infrastructure') UNION ALL SELECT CAST(cntl."#" AS INTEGER) AS display_order, cg.control_group_id, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."Control Identifier", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', '-'), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."Control Identifier", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', ''), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Database Quality Infrastructure') as control_id, cntl."Control Identifier" AS control_identifier, cntl."Control Identifier" AS control_code, cntl."Control Identifier" AS fii, cntl."Common Criteria" AS common_criteria, cntl."Name" AS expected_evidence, cntl."Questions Descriptions" AS question, (SELECT control_regime FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Database Quality Infrastructure') AS control_regime, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Database Quality Infrastructure') AS control_regime_id, (SELECT audit_type_name FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Database Quality Infrastructure') AS audit_type, (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Database Quality Infrastructure') AS audit_type_id FROM uniform_resource_database_quality_infrastructure cntl INNER JOIN control_group cg ON cg.title=cntl."Common Criteria" WHERE cg.audit_type_id=(SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Database Quality Infrastructure') UNION ALL SELECT CAST(cntl."#" AS INTEGER) AS display_order, cg.control_group_id, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."Control Identifier", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', '-'), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."Fii ID", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', ''), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Scheduled Audit') as control_id, cntl."Control Identifier" AS control_identifier, cntl."Control Identifier" AS control_code, cntl."Fii ID" AS fii, cntl."Common Criteria" AS common_criteria, cntl."Name" AS expected_evidence, cntl."Questions Descriptions" AS question, (SELECT control_regime FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Scheduled Audit') AS control_regime, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Scheduled Audit') AS control_regime_id, (SELECT audit_type_name FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Scheduled Audit') AS audit_type, (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Scheduled Audit') AS audit_type_id FROM uniform_resource_scheduled_audit cntl INNER JOIN control_group cg ON cg.title=cntl."Common Criteria" WHERE cg.audit_type_id=(SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Scheduled Audit'); /* 'orchestrateStatefulControlSQL' in '[object Object]' returned type undefined instead of string | string[] | SQLa.SqlTextSupplier */ -- code provenance: `ConsoleSqlPages.infoSchemaDDL` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/web-ui-content/console.ts) -- console_information_schema_* are convenience views -- to make it easier to work than pragma_table_info. DROP VIEW IF EXISTS console_information_schema_table; CREATE VIEW console_information_schema_table AS SELECT tbl.name AS table_name, col.name AS column_name, col.type AS data_type, CASE WHEN col.pk = 1 THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END AS is_primary_key, CASE WHEN col."notnull" = 1 THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END AS is_not_null, col.dflt_value AS default_value, '/console/info-schema/table.sql?name=' || tbl.name || '&stats=yes' as info_schema_web_ui_path, '[Content](/console/info-schema/table.sql?name=' || tbl.name || '&stats=yes)' as info_schema_link_abbrev_md, '[' || tbl.name || ' (table) Schema](/console/info-schema/table.sql?name=' || tbl.name || '&stats=yes)' as info_schema_link_full_md, '/console/content/table/' || tbl.name || '.sql?stats=yes' as content_web_ui_path, '[Content](/console/content/table/' || tbl.name || '.sql?stats=yes)' as content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md, '[' || tbl.name || ' (table) Content](/console/content/table/' || tbl.name || '.sql?stats=yes)' as content_web_ui_link_full_md, tbl.sql as sql_ddl FROM sqlite_master tbl JOIN pragma_table_info(tbl.name) col WHERE tbl.type = 'table' AND tbl.name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%'; -- Populate the table with view-specific information DROP VIEW IF EXISTS console_information_schema_view; CREATE VIEW console_information_schema_view AS SELECT vw.name AS view_name, col.name AS column_name, col.type AS data_type, '/console/info-schema/view.sql?name=' || vw.name || '&stats=yes' as info_schema_web_ui_path, '[Content](/console/info-schema/view.sql?name=' || vw.name || '&stats=yes)' as info_schema_link_abbrev_md, '[' || vw.name || ' (view) Schema](/console/info-schema/view.sql?name=' || vw.name || '&stats=yes)' as info_schema_link_full_md, '/console/content/view/' || vw.name || '.sql?stats=yes' as content_web_ui_path, '[Content](/console/content/view/' || vw.name || '.sql?stats=yes)' as content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md, '[' || vw.name || ' (view) Content](/console/content/view/' || vw.name || '.sql?stats=yes)' as content_web_ui_link_full_md, vw.sql as sql_ddl FROM sqlite_master vw JOIN pragma_table_info(vw.name) col WHERE vw.type = 'view' AND vw.name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS console_content_tabular; CREATE VIEW console_content_tabular AS SELECT 'table' as tabular_nature, table_name as tabular_name, info_schema_web_ui_path, info_schema_link_abbrev_md, info_schema_link_full_md, content_web_ui_path, content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md, content_web_ui_link_full_md FROM console_information_schema_table UNION ALL SELECT 'view' as tabular_nature, view_name as tabular_name, info_schema_web_ui_path, info_schema_link_abbrev_md, info_schema_link_full_md, content_web_ui_path, content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md, content_web_ui_link_full_md FROM console_information_schema_view; -- Populate the table with table column foreign keys DROP VIEW IF EXISTS console_information_schema_table_col_fkey; CREATE VIEW console_information_schema_table_col_fkey AS SELECT tbl.name AS table_name, f."from" AS column_name, f."from" || ' references ' || f."table" || '.' || f."to" AS foreign_key FROM sqlite_master tbl JOIN pragma_foreign_key_list(tbl.name) f WHERE tbl.type = 'table' AND tbl.name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%'; -- Populate the table with table column indexes DROP VIEW IF EXISTS console_information_schema_table_col_index; CREATE VIEW console_information_schema_table_col_index AS SELECT tbl.name AS table_name, pi.name AS column_name, idx.name AS index_name FROM sqlite_master tbl JOIN pragma_index_list(tbl.name) idx JOIN pragma_index_info(idx.name) pi WHERE tbl.type = 'table' AND tbl.name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%'; -- Drop and create the table for storing navigation entries -- for testing only: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sqlpage_aide_navigation; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sqlpage_aide_navigation ( path TEXT NOT NULL, -- the "primary key" within namespace caption TEXT NOT NULL, -- for human-friendly general-purpose name namespace TEXT NOT NULL, -- if more than one navigation tree is required parent_path TEXT, -- for defining hierarchy sibling_order INTEGER, -- orders children within their parent(s) url TEXT, -- for supplying links, if different from path title TEXT, -- for full titles when elaboration is required, default to caption if NULL abbreviated_caption TEXT, -- for breadcrumbs and other "short" form, default to caption if NULL description TEXT, -- for elaboration or explanation elaboration TEXT, -- optional attributes for e.g. { "target": "__blank" } -- TODO: figure out why Rusqlite does not allow this but sqlite3 does -- CONSTRAINT fk_parent_path FOREIGN KEY (namespace, parent_path) REFERENCES sqlpage_aide_navigation(namespace, path), CONSTRAINT unq_ns_path UNIQUE (namespace, parent_path, path) ); DELETE FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE path LIKE '/console/%'; DELETE FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE path LIKE '/'; -- all @navigation decorated entries are automatically added to this.navigation INSERT INTO sqlpage_aide_navigation (namespace, parent_path, sibling_order, path, url, caption, abbreviated_caption, title, description,elaboration) VALUES ('prime', NULL, 1, '/', '/', 'Home', NULL, 'Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD)', 'Welcome to Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD)', NULL), ('prime', '/', 999, '/console', '/console/', 'RSSD Console', 'Console', 'Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD) Console', 'Explore RSSD information schema, code notebooks, and SQLPage files', NULL), ('prime', '/console', 1, '/console/info-schema', '/console/info-schema/', 'RSSD Information Schema', 'Info Schema', NULL, 'Explore RSSD tables, columns, views, and other information schema documentation', NULL), ('prime', '/console', 3, '/console/sqlpage-files', '/console/sqlpage-files/', 'RSSD SQLPage Files', 'SQLPage Files', NULL, 'Explore RSSD SQLPage Files which govern the content of the web-UI', NULL), ('prime', '/console', 3, '/console/sqlpage-files/content.sql', '/console/sqlpage-files/content.sql', 'RSSD Data Tables Content SQLPage Files', 'Content SQLPage Files', NULL, 'Explore auto-generated RSSD SQLPage Files which display content within tables', NULL), ('prime', '/console', 3, '/console/sqlpage-nav', '/console/sqlpage-nav/', 'RSSD SQLPage Navigation', 'SQLPage Navigation', NULL, 'See all the navigation entries for the web-UI; TODO: need to improve this to be able to get details for each navigation entry as a table', NULL), ('prime', '/console', 2, '/console/notebooks', '/console/notebooks/', 'RSSD Code Notebooks', 'Code Notebooks', NULL, 'Explore RSSD Code Notebooks which contain reusable SQL and other code blocks', NULL) ON CONFLICT (namespace, parent_path, path) DO UPDATE SET title = EXCLUDED.title, abbreviated_caption = EXCLUDED.abbreviated_caption, description = EXCLUDED.description, url = EXCLUDED.url, sibling_order = EXCLUDED.sibling_order; INSERT OR REPLACE INTO code_notebook_cell (notebook_kernel_id, code_notebook_cell_id, notebook_name, cell_name, interpretable_code, interpretable_code_hash, description) VALUES ( 'SQL', 'web-ui.auto_generate_console_content_tabular_sqlpage_files', 'Web UI', 'auto_generate_console_content_tabular_sqlpage_files', ' -- code provenance: `ConsoleSqlPages.infoSchemaContentDML` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/web-ui-content/console.ts) -- the "auto-generated" tables will be in ''*.auto.sql'' with redirects DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/table/%.auto.sql''; DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/view/%.auto.sql''; INSERT OR REPLACE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT ''console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql'', ''SELECT ''''dynamic'''' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''''shell/shell.sql'''') AS properties; SELECT ''''breadcrumb'''' AS component; SELECT ''''Home'''' as title, ''''/'''' AS link; SELECT ''''Console'''' as title, ''''/console'''' AS link; SELECT ''''Content'''' as title, ''''/console/content'''' AS link; SELECT '''''' || tabular_name || '' '' || tabular_nature || '''''' as title, ''''#'''' AS link; SELECT ''''title'''' AS component, '''''' || tabular_name || '' ('' || tabular_nature || '') Content'''' as contents; SET total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '' || tabular_name || ''); SET limit = COALESCE($limit, 50); SET offset = COALESCE($offset, 0); SET total_pages = ($total_rows + $limit - 1) / $limit; SET current_page = ($offset / $limit) + 1; SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, '''''' || info_schema_link_full_md || '''''' AS contents_md SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, ''''- Start Row: '''' || $offset || '''' '''' || ''''- Rows per Page: '''' || $limit || '''' '''' || ''''- Total Rows: '''' || $total_rows || '''' '''' || ''''- Current Page: '''' || $current_page || '''' '''' || ''''- Total Pages: '''' || $total_pages as contents_md WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL; -- Display uniform_resource table with pagination SELECT ''''table'''' AS component, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search, TRUE AS hover, TRUE AS striped_rows, TRUE AS small; SELECT * FROM '' || tabular_name || '' LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset; SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page > 1 THEN ''''[Previous](?limit='''' || $limit || ''''&offset='''' || ($offset - $limit) || '''')'''' ELSE '''''''' END) || '''' '''' || ''''(Page '''' || $current_page || '''' of '''' || $total_pages || '''') '''' || (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page < $total_pages THEN ''''[Next](?limit='''' || $limit || ''''&offset='''' || ($offset + $limit) || '''')'''' ELSE '''''''' END) AS contents_md;'' FROM console_content_tabular; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT ''console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.sql'', ''SELECT ''''redirect'''' AS component, ''''/console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql'''' AS link WHERE $stats IS NULL; '' || ''SELECT ''''redirect'''' AS component, ''''/console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql?stats='''' || $stats AS link WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL;'' FROM console_content_tabular; -- TODO: add ${this.upsertNavSQL(...)} if we want each of the above to be navigable through DB rows', 'TODO', 'A series of idempotent INSERT statements which will auto-generate "default" content for all tables and views' ); -- code provenance: `ConsoleSqlPages.infoSchemaContentDML` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/web-ui-content/console.ts) -- the "auto-generated" tables will be in '*.auto.sql' with redirects DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like 'console/content/table/%.auto.sql'; DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like 'console/content/view/%.auto.sql'; INSERT OR REPLACE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT 'console/content/' || tabular_nature || '/' || tabular_name || '.auto.sql', 'SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' AS component; SELECT ''Home'' as title, ''/'' AS link; SELECT ''Console'' as title, ''/console'' AS link; SELECT ''Content'' as title, ''/console/content'' AS link; SELECT ''' || tabular_name || ' ' || tabular_nature || ''' as title, ''#'' AS link; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''' || tabular_name || ' (' || tabular_nature || ') Content'' as contents; SET total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' || tabular_name || '); SET limit = COALESCE($limit, 50); SET offset = COALESCE($offset, 0); SET total_pages = ($total_rows + $limit - 1) / $limit; SET current_page = ($offset / $limit) + 1; SELECT ''text'' AS component, ''' || info_schema_link_full_md || ''' AS contents_md SELECT ''text'' AS component, ''- Start Row: '' || $offset || '' '' || ''- Rows per Page: '' || $limit || '' '' || ''- Total Rows: '' || $total_rows || '' '' || ''- Current Page: '' || $current_page || '' '' || ''- Total Pages: '' || $total_pages as contents_md WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL; -- Display uniform_resource table with pagination SELECT ''table'' AS component, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search, TRUE AS hover, TRUE AS striped_rows, TRUE AS small; SELECT * FROM ' || tabular_name || ' LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset; SELECT ''text'' AS component, (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page > 1 THEN ''[Previous](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset - $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) || '' '' || ''(Page '' || $current_page || '' of '' || $total_pages || '') '' || (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page < $total_pages THEN ''[Next](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset + $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) AS contents_md;' FROM console_content_tabular; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT 'console/content/' || tabular_nature || '/' || tabular_name || '.sql', 'SELECT ''redirect'' AS component, ''/console/content/' || tabular_nature || '/' || tabular_name || '.auto.sql'' AS link WHERE $stats IS NULL; ' || 'SELECT ''redirect'' AS component, ''/console/content/' || tabular_nature || '/' || tabular_name || '.auto.sql?stats='' || $stats AS link WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL;' FROM console_content_tabular; -- TODO: add ${this.upsertNavSQL(...)} if we want each of the above to be navigable through DB rows -- delete all /fhir-related entries and recreate them in case routes are changed DELETE FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE path like '/fhir%'; INSERT INTO sqlpage_aide_navigation (namespace, parent_path, sibling_order, path, url, caption, abbreviated_caption, title, description,elaboration) VALUES ('prime', '/', 1, '/ur', '/ur/', 'Uniform Resource', NULL, NULL, 'Explore ingested resources', NULL), ('prime', '/ur', 99, '/ur/info-schema.sql', '/ur/info-schema.sql', 'Uniform Resource Tables and Views', NULL, NULL, 'Information Schema documentation for ingested Uniform Resource database objects', NULL), ('prime', '/ur', 1, '/ur/uniform-resource-files.sql', '/ur/uniform-resource-files.sql', 'Uniform Resources (Files)', NULL, NULL, 'Files ingested into the `uniform_resource` table', NULL) ON CONFLICT (namespace, parent_path, path) DO UPDATE SET title = EXCLUDED.title, abbreviated_caption = EXCLUDED.abbreviated_caption, description = EXCLUDED.description, url = EXCLUDED.url, sibling_order = EXCLUDED.sibling_order; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS uniform_resource_file; CREATE VIEW uniform_resource_file AS SELECT ur.uniform_resource_id, ur.nature, p.root_path AS source_path, pe.file_path_rel, ur.size_bytes FROM uniform_resource ur LEFT JOIN ur_ingest_session_fs_path p ON ur.ingest_fs_path_id = p.ur_ingest_session_fs_path_id LEFT JOIN ur_ingest_session_fs_path_entry pe ON ur.uniform_resource_id = pe.uniform_resource_id WHERE ur.ingest_fs_path_id IS NOT NULL; INSERT INTO sqlpage_aide_navigation (namespace, parent_path, sibling_order, path, url, caption, abbreviated_caption, title, description,elaboration) VALUES ('prime', '/', 1, '/orchestration', '/orchestration/', 'Orchestration', NULL, NULL, 'Explore details about all orchestration', NULL), ('prime', '/orchestration', 99, '/orchestration/info-schema.sql', '/orchestration/info-schema.sql', 'Orchestration Tables and Views', NULL, NULL, 'Information Schema documentation for orchestrated objects', NULL) ON CONFLICT (namespace, parent_path, path) DO UPDATE SET title = EXCLUDED.title, abbreviated_caption = EXCLUDED.abbreviated_caption, description = EXCLUDED.description, url = EXCLUDED.url, sibling_order = EXCLUDED.sibling_order; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_session_by_device; CREATE VIEW orchestration_session_by_device AS SELECT d.device_id, d.name AS device_name, COUNT(*) AS session_count FROM orchestration_session os JOIN device d ON os.device_id = d.device_id GROUP BY d.device_id, d.name; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_session_duration; CREATE VIEW orchestration_session_duration AS SELECT os.orchestration_session_id, onature.nature AS orchestration_nature, os.orch_started_at, os.orch_finished_at, (JULIANDAY(os.orch_finished_at) - JULIANDAY(os.orch_started_at)) * 24 * 60 * 60 AS duration_seconds FROM orchestration_session os JOIN orchestration_nature onature ON os.orchestration_nature_id = onature.orchestration_nature_id WHERE os.orch_finished_at IS NOT NULL; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_success_rate; CREATE VIEW orchestration_success_rate AS SELECT onature.nature AS orchestration_nature, COUNT(*) AS total_sessions, SUM(CASE WHEN oss.to_state = 'surveilr_orch_completed' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS successful_sessions, (CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN oss.to_state = 'surveilr_orch_completed' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS FLOAT) / COUNT(*)) * 100 AS success_rate FROM orchestration_session os JOIN orchestration_nature onature ON os.orchestration_nature_id = onature.orchestration_nature_id JOIN orchestration_session_state oss ON os.orchestration_session_id = oss.session_id WHERE oss.to_state IN ('surveilr_orch_completed', 'surveilr_orch_failed') -- Consider other terminal states if applicable GROUP BY onature.nature; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_session_script; CREATE VIEW orchestration_session_script AS SELECT os.orchestration_session_id, onature.nature AS orchestration_nature, COUNT(*) AS script_count FROM orchestration_session os JOIN orchestration_nature onature ON os.orchestration_nature_id = onature.orchestration_nature_id JOIN orchestration_session_entry ose ON os.orchestration_session_id = ose.session_id GROUP BY os.orchestration_session_id, onature.nature; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_executions_by_type; CREATE VIEW orchestration_executions_by_type AS SELECT exec_nature, COUNT(*) AS execution_count FROM orchestration_session_exec GROUP BY exec_nature; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_execution_success_rate_by_type; CREATE VIEW orchestration_execution_success_rate_by_type AS SELECT exec_nature, COUNT(*) AS total_executions, SUM(CASE WHEN exec_status = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS successful_executions, (CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN exec_status = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS FLOAT) / COUNT(*)) * 100 AS success_rate FROM orchestration_session_exec GROUP BY exec_nature; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_session_summary; CREATE VIEW orchestration_session_summary AS SELECT issue_type, COUNT(*) AS issue_count FROM orchestration_session_issue GROUP BY issue_type; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_issue_remediation; CREATE VIEW orchestration_issue_remediation AS SELECT orchestration_session_issue_id, issue_type, issue_message, remediation FROM orchestration_session_issue WHERE remediation IS NOT NULL; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_logs_by_session; CREATE VIEW orchestration_logs_by_session AS SELECT os.orchestration_session_id, onature.nature AS orchestration_nature, osl.category, COUNT(*) AS log_count FROM orchestration_session os JOIN orchestration_nature onature ON os.orchestration_nature_id = onature.orchestration_nature_id JOIN orchestration_session_exec ose ON os.orchestration_session_id = ose.session_id JOIN orchestration_session_log osl ON ose.orchestration_session_exec_id = osl.parent_exec_id GROUP BY os.orchestration_session_id, onature.nature, osl.category; -- delete all /ip-related entries and recreate them in case routes are changed DELETE FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE path like '/opsfolio/info/control%'; INSERT INTO sqlpage_aide_navigation (namespace, parent_path, sibling_order, path, url, caption, abbreviated_caption, title, description,elaboration) VALUES ('prime', '/', 1, '/opsfolio', '/opsfolio/', 'Opsfolio', NULL, NULL, 'Opsfolio', NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 2, '/opsfolio/info/control/control_dashboard.sql', '/opsfolio/info/control/control_dashboard.sql', 'Information Assurance Controls', NULL, NULL, 'The Infra Controls is designed to manage and implement controls specific to various audit requirements, such as CC1001, CC1002, and others. This project provides a platform for defining, applying, and tracking the effectiveness of these controls, ensuring that your organization meets the necessary standards for audit compliance.', NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 3, '/opsfolio/info/control/control.sql', '/opsfolio/info/control/control.sql', 'Control Regimes', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 4, '/opsfolio/info/control/control_regime.sql', '/opsfolio/info/control/control_regime.sql', 'Audit Types', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 5, '/opsfolio/info/control/controls.sql', '/opsfolio/info/control/controls.sql', 'Control List', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 6, '/opsfolio/info/control/control_detail.sql', '/opsfolio/info/control/control_detail.sql', 'Control Details', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) ON CONFLICT (namespace, parent_path, path) DO UPDATE SET title = EXCLUDED.title, abbreviated_caption = EXCLUDED.abbreviated_caption, description = EXCLUDED.description, url = EXCLUDED.url, sibling_order = EXCLUDED.sibling_order; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'shell/shell.json', '{ "component": "shell", "title": "Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD)", "icon": "database", "layout": "fluid", "fixed_top_menu": true, "link": "/", "menu_item": [ { "link": "/", "title": "Home" } ], "javascript": [ "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/highlight.min.js", "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/sql.min.js", "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/handlebars.min.js", "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/json.min.js" ], "footer": "Resource Surveillance Web UI" };', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'shell/shell.sql', 'SELECT ''shell'' AS component, ''Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD)'' AS title, ''database'' AS icon, ''fluid'' AS layout, true AS fixed_top_menu, ''/'' AS link, ''{"link":"/","title":"Home"}'' AS menu_item, ''https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/highlight.min.js'' AS javascript, ''https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/sql.min.js'' AS javascript, ''https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/handlebars.min.js'' AS javascript, ''https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/json.min.js'' AS javascript, json_object( ''link'', ''/ur'', ''title'', ''Uniform Resource'', ''submenu'', ( SELECT json_group_array( json_object( ''title'', title, ''link'', link, ''description'', description ) ) FROM ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/ur'' ORDER BY sibling_order ) ) ) as menu_item, json_object( ''link'', ''/console'', ''title'', ''Console'', ''submenu'', ( SELECT json_group_array( json_object( ''title'', title, ''link'', link, ''description'', description ) ) FROM ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/console'' ORDER BY sibling_order ) ) ) as menu_item, json_object( ''link'', ''/orchestration'', ''title'', ''Orchestration'', ''submenu'', ( SELECT json_group_array( json_object( ''title'', title, ''link'', link, ''description'', description ) ) FROM ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/orchestration'' ORDER BY sibling_order ) ) ) as menu_item, ''Resource Surveillance Web UI (v'' || sqlpage.version() || '') '' || ''📄 ['' || substr(sqlpage.path(), 2) || ''](/console/sqlpage-files/sqlpage-file.sql?path='' || substr(sqlpage.path(), 2) || '')'' as footer;', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''list'' AS component; SELECT caption as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/'' ORDER BY sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation WITH console_navigation_cte AS ( SELECT title, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console'' ) SELECT ''list'' AS component, title, description FROM console_navigation_cte; SELECT caption as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/console'' ORDER BY sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/info-schema/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/info-schema'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Tables'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Table'' AS markdown, ''Column Count'' as align_right, ''Content'' as markdown, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''['' || table_name || ''](table.sql?name='' || table_name || '')'' AS "Table", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count", content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md as "Content" FROM console_information_schema_table GROUP BY table_name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Views'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''View'' AS markdown, ''Column Count'' as align_right, ''Content'' as markdown, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''['' || view_name || ''](view.sql?name='' || view_name || '')'' AS "View", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count", content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md as "Content" FROM console_information_schema_view GROUP BY view_name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Migrations'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Table'' AS markdown, ''Column Count'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT from_state, to_state, transition_reason, transitioned_at FROM code_notebook_state ORDER BY transitioned_at; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/info-schema/table.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/info-schema'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; SELECT $name || '' Table'' AS title, ''#'' AS link; SELECT ''title'' AS component, $name AS contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component; SELECT column_name AS "Column", data_type AS "Type", is_primary_key AS "PK", is_not_null AS "Required", default_value AS "Default" FROM console_information_schema_table WHERE table_name = $name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Foreign Keys'' as contents, 2 as level; SELECT ''table'' AS component; SELECT column_name AS "Column Name", foreign_key AS "Foreign Key" FROM console_information_schema_table_col_fkey WHERE table_name = $name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Indexes'' as contents, 2 as level; SELECT ''table'' AS component; SELECT column_name AS "Column Name", index_name AS "Index Name" FROM console_information_schema_table_col_index WHERE table_name = $name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''SQL DDL'' as contents, 2 as level; SELECT ''code'' AS component; SELECT ''sql'' as language, (SELECT sql_ddl FROM console_information_schema_table WHERE table_name = $name) as contents; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/info-schema/view.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/info-schema'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; SELECT $name || '' View'' AS title, ''#'' AS link; SELECT ''title'' AS component, $name AS contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component; SELECT column_name AS "Column", data_type AS "Type" FROM console_information_schema_view WHERE view_name = $name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''SQL DDL'' as contents, 2 as level; SELECT ''code'' AS component; SELECT ''sql'' as language, (SELECT sql_ddl FROM console_information_schema_view WHERE view_name = $name) as contents; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/sqlpage-files/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/sqlpage-files'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''SQLPage pages in sqlpage_files table'' AS contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Path'' as markdown, ''Size'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''[🚀](/'' || path || '') [📄 '' || path || ''](sqlpage-file.sql?path='' || path || '')'' AS "Path", LENGTH(contents) as "Size", last_modified FROM sqlpage_files ORDER BY path; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/sqlpage-files/sqlpage-file.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/sqlpage-files'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; SELECT $path || '' Path'' AS title, ''#'' AS link; SELECT ''title'' AS component, $path AS contents; SELECT ''text'' AS component, ''```sql '' || (select contents FROM sqlpage_files where path = $path) || '' ```'' as contents_md; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/sqlpage-files/content.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/sqlpage-files/content.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''SQLPage pages generated from tables and views'' AS contents; SELECT ''text'' AS component, '' - `*.auto.sql` pages are auto-generated "default" content pages for each table and view defined in the database. - The `*.sql` companions may be auto-generated redirects to their `*.auto.sql` pair or an app/service might override the `*.sql` to not redirect and supply custom content for any table or view. - [View regenerate-auto.sql](/console/sqlpage-files/sqlpage-file.sql?path=console/content/action/regenerate-auto.sql) '' AS contents_md; SELECT ''button'' AS component, ''center'' AS justify; SELECT ''/console/content/action/regenerate-auto.sql'' AS link, ''info'' AS color, ''Regenerate all "default" table/view content pages'' AS title; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Redirected or overriden content pages'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Path'' as markdown, ''Size'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''[🚀](/'' || path || '') [📄 '' || path || ''](sqlpage-file.sql?path='' || path || '')'' AS "Path", LENGTH(contents) as "Size", last_modified FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/%'' AND NOT(path like ''console/content/%.auto.sql'') AND NOT(path like ''console/content/action%'') ORDER BY path; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Auto-generated "default" content pages'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Path'' as markdown, ''Size'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''[🚀](/'' || path || '') [📄 '' || path || ''](sqlpage-file.sql?path='' || path || '')'' AS "Path", LENGTH(contents) as "Size", last_modified FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/%.auto.sql'' ORDER BY path; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/content/action/regenerate-auto.sql', ' -- code provenance: `ConsoleSqlPages.infoSchemaContentDML` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/web-ui-content/console.ts) -- the "auto-generated" tables will be in ''*.auto.sql'' with redirects DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/table/%.auto.sql''; DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/view/%.auto.sql''; INSERT OR REPLACE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT ''console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql'', ''SELECT ''''dynamic'''' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''''shell/shell.sql'''') AS properties; SELECT ''''breadcrumb'''' AS component; SELECT ''''Home'''' as title, ''''/'''' AS link; SELECT ''''Console'''' as title, ''''/console'''' AS link; SELECT ''''Content'''' as title, ''''/console/content'''' AS link; SELECT '''''' || tabular_name || '' '' || tabular_nature || '''''' as title, ''''#'''' AS link; SELECT ''''title'''' AS component, '''''' || tabular_name || '' ('' || tabular_nature || '') Content'''' as contents; SET total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '' || tabular_name || ''); SET limit = COALESCE($limit, 50); SET offset = COALESCE($offset, 0); SET total_pages = ($total_rows + $limit - 1) / $limit; SET current_page = ($offset / $limit) + 1; SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, '''''' || info_schema_link_full_md || '''''' AS contents_md SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, ''''- Start Row: '''' || $offset || '''' '''' || ''''- Rows per Page: '''' || $limit || '''' '''' || ''''- Total Rows: '''' || $total_rows || '''' '''' || ''''- Current Page: '''' || $current_page || '''' '''' || ''''- Total Pages: '''' || $total_pages as contents_md WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL; -- Display uniform_resource table with pagination SELECT ''''table'''' AS component, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search, TRUE AS hover, TRUE AS striped_rows, TRUE AS small; SELECT * FROM '' || tabular_name || '' LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset; SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page > 1 THEN ''''[Previous](?limit='''' || $limit || ''''&offset='''' || ($offset - $limit) || '''')'''' ELSE '''''''' END) || '''' '''' || ''''(Page '''' || $current_page || '''' of '''' || $total_pages || '''') '''' || (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page < $total_pages THEN ''''[Next](?limit='''' || $limit || ''''&offset='''' || ($offset + $limit) || '''')'''' ELSE '''''''' END) AS contents_md;'' FROM console_content_tabular; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT ''console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.sql'', ''SELECT ''''redirect'''' AS component, ''''/console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql'''' AS link WHERE $stats IS NULL; '' || ''SELECT ''''redirect'''' AS component, ''''/console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql?stats='''' || $stats AS link WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL;'' FROM console_content_tabular; -- TODO: add ${this.upsertNavSQL(...)} if we want each of the above to be navigable through DB rows -- code provenance: `ConsoleSqlPages.console/content/action/regenerate-auto.sql` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/web-ui-content/console.ts) SELECT ''redirect'' AS component, ''/console/sqlpage-files/content.sql'' as link WHERE $redirect is NULL; SELECT ''redirect'' AS component, $redirect as link WHERE $redirect is NOT NULL;', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/sqlpage-nav/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/sqlpage-nav'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''SQLPage navigation in sqlpage_aide_navigation table'' AS contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT path, caption, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation ORDER BY namespace, parent_path, path, sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/notebooks/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/notebooks'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Code Notebooks'' AS contents; SELECT ''table'' as component, ''Cell'' as markdown, 1 as search, 1 as sort; SELECT c.notebook_name, ''['' || c.cell_name || ''](notebook-cell.sql?notebook='' || replace(c.notebook_name, '' '', ''%20'') || ''&cell='' || replace(c.cell_name, '' '', ''%20'') || '')'' as Cell, c.description, k.kernel_name as kernel FROM code_notebook_kernel k, code_notebook_cell c WHERE k.code_notebook_kernel_id = c.notebook_kernel_id; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/notebooks/notebook-cell.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/notebooks'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; SELECT ''Notebook '' || $notebook || '' Cell'' || $cell AS title, ''#'' AS link; SELECT ''code'' as component; SELECT $notebook || ''.'' || $cell || '' ('' || k.kernel_name ||'')'' as title, COALESCE(c.cell_governance -> ''$.language'', ''sql'') as language, c.interpretable_code as contents FROM code_notebook_kernel k, code_notebook_cell c WHERE c.notebook_name = $notebook AND c.cell_name = $cell AND k.code_notebook_kernel_id = c.notebook_kernel_id; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'ur/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/ur'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation WITH navigation_cte AS ( SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) as title, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/ur'' ) SELECT ''list'' AS component, title, description FROM navigation_cte; SELECT caption as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/ur'' ORDER BY sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'ur/info-schema.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/ur/info-schema.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Uniform Resource Tables and Views'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Name'' AS markdown, ''Column Count'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''Table'' as "Type", ''['' || table_name || ''](/console/info-schema/table.sql?name='' || table_name || '')'' AS "Name", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count" FROM console_information_schema_table WHERE table_name = ''uniform_resource'' OR table_name like ''ur_%'' GROUP BY table_name UNION ALL SELECT ''View'' as "Type", ''['' || view_name || ''](/console/info-schema/view.sql?name='' || view_name || '')'' AS "Name", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count" FROM console_information_schema_view WHERE view_name like ''ur_%'' GROUP BY view_name; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'ur/uniform-resource-files.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, (SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/ur/uniform-resource-files.sql'') as contents; ; -- sets up $limit, $offset, and other variables (use pagination.debugVars() to see values in web-ui) SET total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM uniform_resource_file); SET limit = COALESCE($limit, 50); SET offset = COALESCE($offset, 0); SET total_pages = ($total_rows + $limit - 1) / $limit; SET current_page = ($offset / $limit) + 1; -- Display uniform_resource table with pagination SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Uniform Resources'' AS title, "Size (bytes)" as align_right, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search, TRUE AS hover, TRUE AS striped_rows, TRUE AS small; SELECT * FROM uniform_resource_file ORDER BY uniform_resource_id LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset; SELECT ''text'' AS component, (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page > 1 THEN ''[Previous](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset - $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) || '' '' || ''(Page '' || $current_page || '' of '' || $total_pages || ") " || (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page < $total_pages THEN ''[Next](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset + $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) AS contents_md; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'orchestration/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/orchestration'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation WITH navigation_cte AS ( SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) as title, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/orchestration'' ) SELECT ''list'' AS component, title, description FROM navigation_cte; SELECT caption as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/orchestration'' ORDER BY sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'orchestration/info-schema.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/orchestration/info-schema.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Orchestration Tables and Views'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Name'' AS markdown, ''Column Count'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''Table'' as "Type", ''['' || table_name || ''](/console/info-schema/table.sql?name='' || table_name || '')'' AS "Name", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count" FROM console_information_schema_table WHERE table_name = ''orchestration_session'' OR table_name like ''orchestration_%'' GROUP BY table_name UNION ALL SELECT ''View'' as "Type", ''['' || view_name || ''](/console/info-schema/view.sql?name='' || view_name || '')'' AS "Name", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count" FROM console_information_schema_view WHERE view_name like ''orchestration_%'' GROUP BY view_name; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation select ''card'' as component, 3 as columns; SELECT caption as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/opsfolio'' AND sibling_order = 2 ORDER BY sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/info/control/control_dashboard.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/control/control_dashboard.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, (SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/control/control_dashboard.sql'') as contents; ; SELECT ''card'' as component SELECT DISTINCT control_regime as title, ''arrow-big-right'' as icon, ''/opsfolio/info/control/control_regime.sql?id='' ||control_regime_id || '''' as link FROM control_regimes; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/info/control/control.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/control/control.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, (SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/control/control.sql'') as contents; ; SELECT ''card'' as component SELECT DISTINCT control_regime as title, ''arrow-big-right'' as icon, ''/opsfolio/info/control/control_regime.sql?id='' ||control_regime_id || '''' as link FROM control_regimes; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/info/control/control_regime.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/control/control_regime.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Audit Types'' AS contents select ''card'' as component SELECT audit_type_name as title, ''arrow-big-right'' as icon, ''/opsfolio/info/control/controls.sql?id='' ||audit_type_id || '''' as link FROM control_regimes WHERE control_regime_id = $id::TEXT; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/info/control/controls.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/control/controls.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Control List'' AS contents select ''table'' as component, ''Control code'' AS markdown; SELECT ''['' || control_code || ''](/opsfolio/info/control/control_detail.sql?id='' || control_id || '')'' AS "Control code", common_criteria as "Common criteria", fii as "Fii Id", question as "Question" FROM control WHERE audit_type_id = $id::TEXT; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/info/control/control_detail.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/control/control_detail.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation select ''card'' as component, 1 as columns; SELECT ''title'' AS component, common_criteria AS contents FROM control WHERE control_id = $id::TEXT SELECT ''title'' AS component, "Control Code" AS contents, 3 as level; SELECT ''text'' AS component, control_code AS contents FROM control WHERE control_id = $id::TEXT SELECT ''title'' AS component, "Control Question" AS contents, 3 as level; select ''card'' as component, 1 as columns; select question as title FROM control WHERE control_id = $id::TEXT SELECT ''title'' AS component, "Expected Evidence" AS contents, 3 as level; select ''card'' as component, 1 as columns; select expected_evidence as title FROM control WHERE control_id = $id::TEXT SELECT ''title'' AS component, "Mapped Requirements" AS contents, 3 as level; SELECT ''card'' as component, 1 as columns select fii as title FROM control WHERE control_id = $id::TEXT; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; -- code provenance: `TypicalSqlPageNotebook.commonDDL` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/notebook/sqlpage.ts) -- idempotently create location where SQLPage looks for its content CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "sqlpage_files" ( "path" VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "contents" TEXT NOT NULL, "last_modified" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ); -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Script to prepare convenience views to access uniform_resource.content column -- as CCDA content, ensuring only valid JSON is processed. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TODO: will this help performance? -- CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_resource_type ON uniform_resource ((content ->> '$.resourceType')); -- CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_bundle_entry ON uniform_resource ((json_type(content -> '$.entry'))); -- CCDA Discovery and Enumeration Views -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Summary of the uniform_resource table -- Provides a count of total rows, valid JSON rows, invalid JSON rows, -- and potential CCDA v4 candidates and bundles based on JSON structure. DROP VIEW IF EXISTS uniform_resource_summary; CREATE VIEW uniform_resource_summary AS SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_rows, SUM(CASE WHEN json_valid(content) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS valid_json_rows, SUM(CASE WHEN json_valid(content) THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) AS invalid_json_rows, SUM(CASE WHEN json_valid(content) AND content ->> '$.resourceType' IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS ccda_v4_candidates, SUM(CASE WHEN json_valid(content) AND json_type(content -> '$.entry') = 'array' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS ccda_v4_bundle_candidates FROM uniform_resource; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS policy_dashboard; CREATE VIEW policy_dashboard AS WITH RECURSIVE split_uri AS ( SELECT uniform_resource_id, uri, substr(uri, instr(uri, 'src/') + 4, instr(substr(uri, instr(uri, 'src/') + 4), '/') - 1) AS segment, substr(substr(uri, instr(uri, 'src/') + 4), instr(substr(uri, instr(uri, 'src/') + 4), '/') + 1) AS rest, 1 AS level FROM uniform_resource WHERE instr(uri, 'src/') > 0 AND instr(substring(uri,instr(uri, 'src/')),'_')=0 UNION ALL SELECT uniform_resource_id, uri, substr(rest, 1, instr(rest, '/') - 1) AS segment, substr(rest, instr(rest, '/') + 1) AS rest, level + 1 FROM split_uri WHERE instr(rest, '/') > 0 AND instr(substring(uri,instr(uri, 'src/')),'_')=0 ), final_segment AS ( SELECT DISTINCT uniform_resource_id, segment, substr(uri, instr(uri, 'src/')) AS url, CASE WHEN instr(rest, '/') = 0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS is_folder FROM split_uri WHERE level = 4 AND instr(rest, '/') = 0 ) SELECT uniform_resource_id, COALESCE(REPLACE(segment, '-', ' '), '') AS title, segment, url FROM final_segment WHERE url LIKE '%.md' OR url LIKE '%.mdx' GROUP BY segment ORDER BY is_folder ASC, segment ASC; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS policy_detail; CREATE VIEW policy_detail AS SELECT uniform_resource_id,uri,content_fm_body_attrs, content, nature FROM uniform_resource; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS policy_list; CREATE VIEW policy_list AS WITH RECURSIVE split_uri AS ( -- Initial split to get the first segment after 'src/' SELECT uniform_resource_id, frontmatter->>'title' AS title, uri, last_modified_at, null as parentfolder, substr(uri, instr(uri, 'src/') + 4, instr(substr(uri, instr(uri, 'src/') + 4), '/') - 1) AS segment1, substr(substr(uri, instr(uri, 'src/') + 4), instr(substr(uri, instr(uri, 'src/') + 4), '/') + 1) AS rest, 1 AS level FROM uniform_resource WHERE instr(uri, 'src/') > 0 AND instr(substr(uri, instr(uri, 'src/')), '_') = 0 and content not LIKE '%Draft: true%' UNION ALL SELECT uniform_resource_id, title, uri, last_modified_at, CASE WHEN level = 4 THEN segment1 WHEN level = 5 THEN segment1 WHEN level = 6 THEN segment1 WHEN level = 7 THEN segment1 END AS parentfolder, CASE WHEN level = 1 THEN substr(rest, 1, instr(rest, '/') - 1) WHEN level = 2 THEN substr(rest, 1, instr(rest, '/') - 1) WHEN level = 3 THEN substr(rest, 1, instr(rest, '/') - 1) WHEN level = 4 THEN substr(rest, 1, instr(rest, '/') - 1) WHEN level = 5 THEN substr(rest, 1, instr(rest, '/') - 1) WHEN level = 6 THEN substr(rest, 1, instr(rest, '/') - 1) WHEN level = 7 THEN substr(rest, 1, instr(rest, '/') - 1) WHEN level = 8 THEN substr(rest, 1, instr(rest, '/') - 1) ELSE segment1 END AS segment1, CASE WHEN instr(rest, '/') > 0 THEN substr(rest, instr(rest, '/') + 1) ELSE '' END AS rest, level + 1 FROM split_uri WHERE rest != '' AND instr(substr(uri, instr(uri, 'src/')), '_') = 0 ), latest_entries AS ( SELECT uri, MAX(last_modified_at) AS latest_last_modified_at FROM uniform_resource GROUP BY uri ) Select distinct substr(ss.uri, instr(ss.uri, 'src/')) AS url,ss.title,ss.parentfolder,ss.segment1,ss.rest,ss.last_modified_at,ss.uniform_resource_id from split_uri ss JOIN latest_entries le ON ss.uri = le.uri AND last_modified_at = le.latest_last_modified_at where level >4 and level <6 and instr(rest,'/')=0 order by ss.parentfolder,ss.segment1,url; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS vigetallviews ; CREATE VIEW vigetallviews as Select 'Up time' title,'viup_time' as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/viup_time.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Log' title,'viLog'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/viLog.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Encrypted passwords' title,'viencrypted_passwords'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/viencrypted_passwords.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Network Log' title,'vinetwork_log'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/vinetwork_log.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'SSL Certificate' title,'vissl_certificate'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/vissl_certificate.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Available Storage' title,'vistorage_available'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/vistorage_available.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Ram Utilization' title,'viram_utilization'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/viram_utilization.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Cpu Information' title,'vicpu_infomation'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/vicpu_infomation.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Removed Accounts' title,'viaccounts_removed'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/viaccounts_removed.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'SSH Settings' title,'vissh_settings'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/vissh_settings.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Unsuccessful Attempts' title,'viunsuccessful_attempts_log'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/viunsuccessful_attempts_log.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Authentication' title,'viauthentication'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/viauthentication.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Awareness training' title,'viawareness_training'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/viawareness_training.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Server details' title,'viserver_details'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/viserver_details.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Asset details' title,'viasset_details'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/viasset_details.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Identify Critical Assets' title,'viidentify_critical_assets'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/viidentify_critical_assets.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Risk Register' title,'virisk_register'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/virisk_register.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Security Incident' title,'visecurity_incident'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/visecurity_incident.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Security Incident Response Team' title,'visecurity_incident_team'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/visecurity_incident_team.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Security Impact Analysis' title,'visecurity_impact_analysis'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/visecurity_impact_analysis.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Confidential Asset Register' title,'viconfidential_asset_register'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/viconfidential_asset_register.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Disable USB device' title,'vidisable_usb_device'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/vidisable_usb_device.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Fraud assessment' title,'vifraud_assessment'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/vifraud_assessment.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Sample Tickets For Terminated Employees Have Been Revoked.(Gitlab)' title,'vigitlab_terminated_employee'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/vigitlab_terminated_employee.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Gitlab Tickets' title,'vigitlab_sample_ticket'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/vigitlab_sample_ticket.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Sample User Access Provisioning Ticket' title,'visample_access_provisioning_ticket'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/visample_access_provisioning_ticket.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Disaster Recovery Test Reports' title,'vidisaster_recovery_reports'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/vidisaster_recovery_reports.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Disaster Recovery Test Result' title,'vidisaster_recovery_reports'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/vidisaster_recovery_reports.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Sample Change Management Git Ticket' title,'visample_change_management_ticket'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/visample_change_management_ticket.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Medigy-Closed Gitlab Tickets' title,'vimedigy_closed_gitlab_tickets'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/vimedigy_closed_gitlab_tickets.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Medigy-Open Gitlab Tickets' title,'vimedigy_open_gitlab_tickets'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/vimedigy_open_gitlab_tickets.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Penetration Test Report' title,'vipenetration_test_report'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/vipenetration_test_report.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Firewall Inbound Rules' title,'vifirewall_inbound_rules'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/vifirewall_inbound_rules.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Firewall Outbound Rules' title,'vifirewall_outbound_rules'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/vifirewall_outbound_rules.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Firewall' title,'vifirewall'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/vifirewall.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Open Github Tickets' title,'viopen_github_tickets'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/viopen_github_tickets.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Closed Github Tickets' title,'viclosed_github_tickets'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/viclosed_github_tickets.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Open Github Tickets-Polyglot' title,'viopen_github_tickets_polyglot'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/viopen_github_tickets_polyglot.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Closed Github Tickets-Polyglot' title,'viclosed_github_tickets_polyglot'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/viclosed_github_tickets_polyglot.sql' as path,0 as used_path; DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path IN ( SELECT a.path FROM sqlpage_files a INNER JOIN vigetallviews b ON a.path = b.path ); WITH get_allviewname AS ( -- Select all table names SELECT viewname,title FROM vigetallviews ) INSERT OR IGNORE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT 'opsfolio/info/policy/' || viewname||'.sql' AS path, ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/drh/cgm-data'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; SELECT ''' || title || ''' || '' Table'' AS title, ''#'' AS link; select ''title'' as component,'''||title||''' as contents ; SELECT ''table'' AS component ; SELECT * from ''' || viewname || '''' FROM get_allviewname; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS viup_time; CREATE VIEW viup_time as SELECT json_extract(value, '$.days') AS Days, json_extract(value, '$.hours') AS Hours, json_extract(value, '$.minutes') AS Minutes, json_extract(value, '$.seconds') AS Seconds FROM uniform_resource, json_each(content) WHERE uri ="osqueryUpTime"; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS viLog; CREATE VIEW viLog as SELECT json_extract(value, '$.date') AS date, json_extract(value, '$.message') AS message FROM uniform_resource, json_each(content) WHERE content like '%session%' and uri='authLogInfo' order by created_at desc limit 100; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS viencrypted_passwords; CREATE VIEW viencrypted_passwords AS SELECT json_extract(value, '$.md5') AS md5, json_extract(value, '$.sha1') AS sha1, json_extract(value, '$.sha256') AS sha256 FROM uniform_resource, json_each(content) where uri ='osqueryEncryptedPasswords'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS vinetwork_log; CREATE VIEW vinetwork_log AS select json_extract(json(IIF(datas <> '', datas, NULL)),'$.atime') AS atime, json_extract(json(IIF(datas <> '', datas, NULL)),'$.category') AS category, json_extract(json(IIF(datas <> '', datas, NULL)),'$.ctime') AS ctime, json_extract(json(IIF(datas <> '', datas, NULL)),'$.gid') AS gid, json_extract(json(IIF(datas <> '', datas, NULL)),'$.hashed') AS hashed, json_extract(json(IIF(datas <> '', datas, NULL)),'$.inode') AS inode, json_extract(json(IIF(datas <> '', datas, NULL)),'$.md5') AS md5, json_extract(json(IIF(datas <> '', datas, NULL)),'$.mode') AS mode, json_extract(json(IIF(datas <> '', datas, NULL)),'$.mtime') AS mtime, json_extract(json(IIF(datas <> '', datas, NULL)),'$.sha1') AS sha1, json_extract(json(IIF(datas <> '', datas, NULL)),'$.sha256') AS sha256, json_extract(json(IIF(datas <> '', datas, NULL)),'$.size') AS size, json_extract(json(IIF(datas <> '', datas, NULL)),'$.target_path') AS target_path, json_extract(json(IIF(datas <> '', datas, NULL)),'$.time') AS time, json_extract(json(IIF(datas <> '', datas, NULL)),'$.transaction_id') AS transaction_id, json_extract(json(IIF(datas <> '', datas, NULL)),'$.uid') AS uid from (SELECT json_extract(value,'$.columns') AS datas FROM (select content from uniform_resource ur where uri ='osquerydFileEvents' and json_valid(content) limit 1 ) , json_each(content) limit 100), json_each(datas) where json_valid(datas)=1 limit 100 ; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS vissl_certificate; CREATE VIEW vissl_certificate AS SELECT distinct json_extract(value, '$.hostname') Hostname , json_extract(value, '$.valid_to') Valid_to FROM uniform_resource, json_each(content) where uri ='osqueryWebsiteSslCertificate'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS vistorage_available; CREATE VIEW vistorage_available AS SELECT json_extract(value, '$.%_available') AS available, json_extract(value, '$.%_used') AS used, json_extract(value, '$.space_left_gb') AS space_left_gb, json_extract(value, '$.total_space_gb') AS total_space_gb, json_extract(value, '$.used_space_gb') AS used_space_gb FROM uniform_resource, json_each(content) WHERE uri='osqueryDiskUtilization' order by last_modified_at desc limit 1; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS viram_utilization; CREATE VIEW viram_utilization AS SELECT json_extract(value, '$.memory_free_gb') AS memory_free_gb, json_extract(value, '$.memory_percentage_free') AS memory_percentage_free, json_extract(value, '$.memory_percentage_used') AS memory_percentage_used, json_extract(value, '$.memory_total_gb') AS memory_total_gb FROM uniform_resource, json_each(content) WHERE uri='osqueryMemoryUtilization' order by last_modified_at desc limit 1; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS vicpu_infomation; CREATE VIEW vicpu_infomation AS SELECT json_extract(value, '$.cpu_brand') AS cpu_brand, json_extract(value, '$.cpu_physical_cores') AS cpu_physical_cores, json_extract(value, '$.cpu_logical_cores') AS cpu_logical_cores, json_extract(value, '$.computer_name') AS computer_name, json_extract(value, '$.local_hostname') AS local_hostname from uniform_resource, json_each(content) where uri='osquerySystemInfo'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS viaccounts_removed; CREATE VIEW viaccounts_removed AS SELECT json_extract(value,'$.description') AS description, json_extract(value,'$.directory') AS directory, json_extract(value,'$.gid') AS gid, json_extract(value,'$.gid_signed') AS gid_signed, json_extract(value,'$.shell') AS shell, json_extract(value,'$.uid') AS uid, json_extract(value,'$.uid_signed') AS uid_signed, json_extract(value,'$.username') AS username, json_extract(value,'$.uuid') AS uuid FROM uniform_resource, json_each(content) where uri ='osqueryRemovedUserAccounts'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS vissh_settings; CREATE VIEW vissh_settings AS select json_extract(value, '$.name') AS Name , json_extract(value, '$.cmdline') AS cmdline, json_extract(value, '$.path') AS path from uniform_resource, json_each(content) where uri='osquerySshdProcess'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS viunsuccessful_attempts_log; CREATE VIEW viunsuccessful_attempts_log AS SELECT json_extract(value, '$.date') AS date, json_extract(value, '$.message') AS message FROM uniform_resource, json_each(content) WHERE uri='authLogInfo' order by created_at desc limit 100; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS viauthentication; CREATE VIEW viauthentication AS select json_extract(value, '$.node') AS node , json_extract(value, '$.value') AS value, json_extract(value, '$.label') AS label , json_extract(value, '$.path') AS path from uniform_resource, json_each(content) where uri='osqueryMfaEnabled'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS viram_utilization; CREATE VIEW viram_utilization AS SELECT json_extract(value, '$.memory_free_gb') AS memory_free_gb, json_extract(value, '$.memory_percentage_free') AS memory_percentage_free, json_extract(value, '$.memory_percentage_used') AS memory_percentage_used, json_extract(value, '$.memory_total_gb') AS memory_total_gb FROM uniform_resource, json_each(content) WHERE uri='osqueryMemoryUtilization' order by last_modified_at desc limit 1; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS vicpu_infomation; CREATE VIEW vicpu_infomation AS SELECT json_extract(value, '$.cpu_brand') AS cpu_brand, json_extract(value, '$.cpu_physical_cores') AS cpu_physical_cores, json_extract(value, '$.cpu_logical_cores') AS cpu_logical_cores, json_extract(value, '$.computer_name') AS computer_name, json_extract(value, '$.local_hostname') AS local_hostname from uniform_resource, json_each(content) where uri='osquerySystemInfo'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS viaccounts_removed; CREATE VIEW viaccounts_removed AS SELECT json_extract(value,'$.description') AS description, json_extract(value,'$.directory') AS directory, json_extract(value,'$.gid') AS gid, json_extract(value,'$.gid_signed') AS gid_signed, json_extract(value,'$.shell') AS shell, json_extract(value,'$.uid') AS uid, json_extract(value,'$.uid_signed') AS uid_signed, json_extract(value,'$.username') AS username, json_extract(value,'$.uuid') AS uuid FROM uniform_resource, json_each(content) where uri ='osqueryRemovedUserAccounts'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS vissh_settings; CREATE VIEW vissh_settings AS select json_extract(value, '$.name') AS Name , json_extract(value, '$.cmdline') AS cmdline, json_extract(value, '$.path') AS path from uniform_resource, json_each(content) where uri='osquerySshdProcess'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS viunsuccessful_attempts_log; CREATE VIEW viunsuccessful_attempts_log AS SELECT json_extract(value, '$.date') AS date, json_extract(value, '$.message') AS message FROM uniform_resource, json_each(content) WHERE uri='authLogInfo' order by created_at desc limit 100; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS viauthentication; CREATE VIEW viauthentication AS select json_extract(value, '$.node') AS node , json_extract(value, '$.value') AS value, json_extract(value, '$.label') AS label , json_extract(value, '$.path') AS path from uniform_resource, json_each(content) where uri='osqueryMfaEnabled'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS viawareness_training; CREATE VIEW viawareness_training AS SELECT DISTINCT p.person_first_name || ' ' || p.person_last_name AS person_name,ort.value AS person_role,sub.value AS trainigng_subject,sv."value" as training_status,at.attended_date FROM awareness_training at INNER JOIN person p ON p.person_id = at.person_id INNER JOIN organization_role orl ON orl.person_id = at.person_id AND orl.organization_id = at.organization_id INNER JOIN organization_role_type ort ON ort.organization_role_type_id = orl.organization_role_type_id INNER JOIN status_value sv ON sv.status_value_id = at.training_status_id INNER JOIN training_subject sub ON sub.training_subject_id = at.training_subject_id; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS viserver_details; CREATE VIEW viserver_details AS SELECT ast.name as server,o.name AS owner,sta.value as tag, ast.asset_retired_date, ast.asset_tag,ast.description,ast.criticality, aty.value as asset_type, ast.installed_date,ast.planned_retirement_date, ast.purchase_request_date,ast.purchase_order_date,ast.purchase_delivery_date, asymmetric_keys_encryption_enabled,cryptographic_key_encryption_enabled, symmetric_keys_encryption_enabled FROM asset ast INNER JOIN organization o ON o.organization_id=ast.organization_id INNER JOIN asset_status sta ON sta.asset_status_id=ast.asset_status_id INNER JOIN asset_type aty ON aty.asset_type_id=ast.asset_type_id; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS viidentify_critical_assets; CREATE VIEW viidentify_critical_assets AS SELECT ast.name as server,o.name AS owner,sta.value as tag, ast.asset_retired_date, ast.asset_tag,ast.description,ast.criticality, aty.value as asset_type, ast.installed_date,ast.planned_retirement_date, ast.purchase_request_date,ast.purchase_order_date,ast.purchase_delivery_date ,asymmetric_keys_encryption_enabled,cryptographic_key_encryption_enabled, symmetric_keys_encryption_enabled FROM asset ast INNER JOIN organization o ON o.organization_id=ast.organization_id INNER JOIN asset_status sta ON sta.asset_status_id=ast.asset_status_id INNER JOIN asset_type aty ON aty.asset_type_id=ast.asset_type_id where ast.criticality= 'Critical'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS virisk_register; CREATE VIEW virisk_register AS SELECT risk_register_id, risk_subject_id, risk_type_id, impact_to_the_organization, rating_likelihood_id, rating_impact_id,rating_overall_risk_id, mitigation_further_actions, control_monitor_mitigation_actions_tracking_strategy, control_monitor_action_due_date, control_monitor_risk_owner_id, created_at FROM risk_register; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS visecurity_incident; CREATE VIEW visecurity_incident AS SELECT i.title AS incident,i.incident_date,ast.name as asset_name,ic.value AS category,s.value AS severity, p.value AS priority,it.value AS internal_or_external,i.location,i.it_service_impacted, i.impacted_modules,i.impacted_dept,p1.person_first_name || ' ' || p1.person_last_name AS reported_by, p2.person_first_name || ' ' || p2.person_last_name AS reported_to,i.brief_description, i.detailed_description,p3.person_first_name || ' ' || p3.person_last_name AS assigned_to, i.assigned_date,i.investigation_details,i.containment_details,i.eradication_details,i.business_impact, i.lessons_learned,ist.value AS status,i.closed_date,i.feedback_from_business,i.reported_to_regulatory,i.report_date,i.report_time, irc.description AS root_cause_of_the_issue,p4.value AS probability_of_issue,irc.testing_analysis AS testing_for_possible_root_cause_analysis, irc.solution,p5.value AS likelihood_of_risk,irc.modification_of_the_reported_issue,irc.testing_for_modified_issue,irc.test_results FROM incident i INNER JOIN asset ast ON ast.asset_id = i.asset_id INNER JOIN incident_category ic ON ic.incident_category_id = i.category_id INNER JOIN severity s ON s.code = i.severity_id INNER JOIN priority p ON p.code = i.priority_id INNER JOIN incident_type it ON it.incident_type_id = i.internal_or_external_id INNER JOIN person p1 ON p1.person_id = i.reported_by_id INNER JOIN person p2 ON p2.person_id = i.reported_to_id INNER JOIN person p3 ON p3.person_id = i.assigned_to_id INNER JOIN incident_status ist ON ist.incident_status_id = i.status_id LEFT JOIN incident_root_cause irc ON irc.incident_id = i.incident_id LEFT JOIN priority p4 ON p4.code = irc.probability_id LEFT JOIN priority p5 ON p5.code = irc.likelihood_of_risk_id; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS visecurity_incident_team; CREATE VIEW visecurity_incident_team AS SELECT p.person_first_name || ' ' || p.person_last_name AS person_name, "Netspective Communications" AS organization_name, ort.value AS team_role,e.electronics_details AS email FROM security_incident_response_team sirt INNER JOIN person p ON p.person_id = sirt.person_id INNER JOIN organization o ON o.organization_id=sirt.organization_id INNER JOIN organization_role orl ON orl.person_id = sirt.person_id INNER JOIN organization_role_type ort ON ort.organization_role_type_id = orl.organization_role_type_id INNER JOIN party pr ON pr.party_id = p.party_id INNER JOIN contact_electronic e ON e.party_id=pr.party_id AND e.contact_type_id = (SELECT contact_type_id FROM contact_type WHERE code='OFFICIAL_EMAIL'); DROP VIEW IF EXISTS visecurity_impact_analysis; CREATE VIEW visecurity_impact_analysis AS SELECT sia.security_impact_analysis_id, sia.vulnerability_id, sia.asset_risk_id, sia.risk_level_id, sia.impact_level_id, sia.existing_controls, sia.priority_id, sia.reported_date, sia.reported_by_id, sia.responsible_by_id, sia.created_at, ior.impact FROM security_impact_analysis sia inner join impact_of_risk ior on (sia.security_impact_analysis_id = ior.security_impact_analysis_id); DROP VIEW IF EXISTS viconfidential_asset_register; CREATE VIEW viconfidential_asset_register AS SELECT ast.name as server,o.name AS owner,sta.value as tag, ast.asset_retired_date, ast.asset_tag,ast.description,ast.criticality, aty.value as asset_type, ast.installed_date,ast.planned_retirement_date, ast.purchase_request_date,ast.purchase_order_date,ast.purchase_delivery_date ,asymmetric_keys_encryption_enabled,cryptographic_key_encryption_enabled, symmetric_keys_encryption_enabled FROM asset ast INNER JOIN organization o ON o.organization_id=ast.organization_id INNER JOIN asset_status sta ON sta.asset_status_id=ast.asset_status_id INNER JOIN asset_type aty ON aty.asset_type_id=ast.asset_type_id; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS viasset_details; CREATE VIEW viasset_details AS SELECT asser.name,ast.name as server,ast.organization_id,astyp.value as asset_type,astyp.asset_service_type_id,bnt.name as boundary,asser.description,asser.port,asser.experimental_version,asser.production_version,asser.latest_vendor_version,asser.resource_utilization,asser.log_file,asser.url, asser.vendor_link,asser.installation_date,asser.criticality,o.name AS owner,sta.value as tag, ast.criticality as asset_criticality,ast.asymmetric_keys_encryption_enabled as asymmetric_keys, ast.cryptographic_key_encryption_enabled as cryptographic_key,ast.symmetric_keys_encryption_enabled as symmetric_keys FROM asset_service asser INNER JOIN asset_service_type astyp ON astyp.asset_service_type_id = asser.asset_service_type_id INNER JOIN asset ast ON ast.asset_id = asser.asset_id INNER JOIN organization o ON o.organization_id=ast.organization_id INNER JOIN asset_status sta ON sta.asset_status_id=ast.asset_status_id INNER JOIN boundary bnt ON bnt.boundary_id=ast.boundary_id; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS vidisable_usb_device; CREATE VIEW vidisable_usb_device AS SELECT ast.name as server,o.name AS owner,sta.value as tag, ast.asset_retired_date, ast.asset_tag,ast.description,ast.criticality, aty.value as asset_type, ast.installed_date,ast.planned_retirement_date, ast.purchase_request_date,ast.purchase_order_date,ast.purchase_delivery_date ,asymmetric_keys_encryption_enabled,cryptographic_key_encryption_enabled, symmetric_keys_encryption_enabled FROM asset ast INNER JOIN organization o ON o.organization_id=ast.organization_id INNER JOIN asset_status sta ON sta.asset_status_id=ast.asset_status_id INNER JOIN asset_type aty ON aty.asset_type_id=ast.asset_type_id where sta.value = 'In Use'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS vifraud_assessment; CREATE VIEW vifraud_assessment AS SELECT v.short_name , ar.impact, sia.risk_level_id, sia.impact_level_id, sia.existing_controls, sia.priority_id, sia.reported_date, p.person_first_name || ' ' ||p.person_last_name as Reported_Person, p1.person_first_name || ' ' ||p1.person_last_name as Responsible_Person , sia.created_at, ior.impact FROM security_impact_analysis sia inner join impact_of_risk ior on (sia.security_impact_analysis_id = ior.security_impact_analysis_id) join person p on p.person_id = sia.reported_by_id join person p1 on p1.person_id=sia.responsible_by_id join vulnerability v on v.vulnerability_id = sia.vulnerability_id join asset_risk ar on ar.asset_risk_id = sia.asset_risk_id; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS vigitlab_terminated_employee; CREATE VIEW vigitlab_terminated_employee AS SELECT i.issue_id AS Issue, i.title, i.url, i.body AS Description, i.state, i.created_at, i.updated_at, u.login AS assigned_to FROM ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue AS i LEFT JOIN ur_ingest_session_plm_user AS u ON i.assigned_to = u.ur_ingest_session_plm_user_id JOIN ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project AS p ON p.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id = i.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id WHERE i.url LIKE '%issues/838%'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS vigitlab_sample_ticket; CREATE VIEW vigitlab_sample_ticket AS SELECT json_extract(ur.content, '$.iid') AS Issues, i.title, i.url, i.body AS Description, i.state, i.created_at, i.updated_at, u.login AS assigned_to FROM ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue AS i LEFT JOIN uniform_resource AS ur ON i.uniform_resource_id = ur.uniform_resource_id LEFT JOIN ur_ingest_session_plm_user AS u ON i.assigned_to = u.ur_ingest_session_plm_user_id JOIN ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project AS p ON p.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id = i.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id WHERE p.name="www.medigy.com" AND Issues=838; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS visample_access_provisioning_ticket; CREATE VIEW visample_access_provisioning_ticket AS SELECT i.issue_id AS Issue, i.title, i.url, i.body AS Description, i.state, i.created_at, i.updated_at, u.login AS assigned_to FROM ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue AS i LEFT JOIN ur_ingest_session_plm_user AS u ON i.assigned_to = u.ur_ingest_session_plm_user_id JOIN ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project AS p ON p.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id = i.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id WHERE i.url LIKE '%issues/509%'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS vidisaster_recovery_reports; CREATE VIEW vidisaster_recovery_reports AS SELECT i.issue_id AS Issue, i.title, i.url, i.body AS Description, i.state, i.created_at, i.updated_at, u.login AS assigned_to FROM ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue AS i LEFT JOIN ur_ingest_session_plm_user AS u ON i.assigned_to = u.ur_ingest_session_plm_user_id JOIN ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project AS p ON p.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id = i.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id WHERE i.url LIKE '%issues/667%'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS visample_change_management_ticket; CREATE VIEW visample_change_management_ticket AS SELECT i.issue_id AS Issue, i.title, i.url, i.body AS Description, i.state, i.created_at, i.updated_at, u.login AS assigned_to FROM ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue AS i LEFT JOIN ur_ingest_session_plm_user AS u ON i.assigned_to = u.ur_ingest_session_plm_user_id JOIN ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project AS p ON p.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id = i.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id WHERE i.url LIKE '%issues/671%'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS vimedigy_closed_gitlab_tickets; CREATE VIEW vimedigy_closed_gitlab_tickets AS SELECT json_extract(ur.content, '$.iid') AS Issues, i.title, i.url, i.body AS Description, i.state, i.created_at, i.updated_at, u.login AS assigned_to FROM ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue AS i LEFT JOIN uniform_resource AS ur ON i.uniform_resource_id = ur.uniform_resource_id LEFT JOIN ur_ingest_session_plm_user AS u ON i.assigned_to = u.ur_ingest_session_plm_user_id JOIN ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project AS p ON p.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id = i.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id WHERE p.name="www.medigy.com" AND i.state="closed"; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS vimedigy_open_gitlab_tickets; CREATE VIEW vimedigy_open_gitlab_tickets AS SELECT json_extract(ur.content, '$.iid') AS Issues, i.title, i.url, i.body AS Description, i.state, i.created_at, i.updated_at, u.login AS assigned_to FROM ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue AS i LEFT JOIN uniform_resource AS ur ON i.uniform_resource_id = ur.uniform_resource_id LEFT JOIN ur_ingest_session_plm_user AS u ON i.assigned_to = u.ur_ingest_session_plm_user_id JOIN ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project AS p ON p.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id = i.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id WHERE p.name="www.medigy.com" AND i.state="opened"; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS vipenetration_test_report; CREATE VIEW vipenetration_test_report AS SELECT i.issue_id AS Issue, i.title, i.url, i.body AS Description, i.state, i.created_at, i.updated_at, u.login AS assigned_to FROM ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue AS i LEFT JOIN ur_ingest_session_plm_user AS u ON i.assigned_to = u.ur_ingest_session_plm_user_id JOIN ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project AS p ON p.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id = i.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id WHERE i.url LIKE '%issues/662%'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS vifirewall_inbound_rules; CREATE VIEW vifirewall_inbound_rules AS SELECT json_extract(value, '$.id') AS id, json_extract(value, '$.title') AS title, json_extract(value, '$.category') AS category, json_extract(value, '$.from_id') AS from_id, json_extract(value, '$.to_id') AS to_id FROM uniform_resource, json_each(content) WHERE uri = 'steampipeListDoFirewallInboundRules'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS vifirewall_outbound_rules; CREATE VIEW vifirewall_outbound_rules AS SELECT json_extract(value, '$.id') AS id, json_extract(value, '$.title') AS title, json_extract(value, '$.category') AS category, json_extract(value, '$.from_id') AS from_id, json_extract(value, '$.to_id') AS to_id FROM uniform_resource, json_each(content) WHERE uri = 'steampipeListDoFirewallOutboundRules'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS vifirewall; CREATE VIEW vifirewall AS SELECT json_extract(value, '$.firewalls') AS firewalls, json_extract(value, '$.status') AS status FROM uniform_resource, json_each(content) WHERE uri = 'steampipeListDoFirewalls'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS viopen_github_tickets; CREATE VIEW viopen_github_tickets AS SELECT i.issue_number AS Issues, i.title, i.url, i.body AS Description, i.state, i.created_at, i.updated_at, u.login AS assigned_to FROM ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue AS i LEFT JOIN ur_ingest_session_plm_user AS u ON i.assigned_to = u.ur_ingest_session_plm_user_id JOIN ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project AS p ON p.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id = i.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id WHERE p.name="suite.opsfolio.com" AND i.state="OPEN"; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS viclosed_github_tickets; CREATE VIEW viclosed_github_tickets AS SELECT i.issue_number AS Issues, i.title, i.url, i.body AS Description, i.state, i.created_at, i.updated_at, u.login AS assigned_to FROM ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue AS i LEFT JOIN ur_ingest_session_plm_user AS u ON i.assigned_to = u.ur_ingest_session_plm_user_id JOIN ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project AS p ON p.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id = i.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id WHERE p.name="suite.opsfolio.com" AND i.state="CLOSED"; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS viopen_github_tickets_polyglot; CREATE VIEW viopen_github_tickets_polyglot AS SELECT i.issue_number AS Issues, i.title, i.url, i.body AS Description, i.state, i.created_at, i.updated_at, u.login AS assigned_to FROM ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue AS i LEFT JOIN ur_ingest_session_plm_user AS u ON i.assigned_to = u.ur_ingest_session_plm_user_id JOIN ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project AS p ON p.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id = i.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id WHERE p.name="polyglot-prime" AND i.state="OPEN"; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS viclosed_github_tickets_polyglot; CREATE VIEW viclosed_github_tickets_polyglot AS SELECT i.issue_number AS Issues, i.title, i.url, i.body AS Description, i.state, i.created_at, i.updated_at, u.login AS assigned_to FROM ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue AS i LEFT JOIN ur_ingest_session_plm_user AS u ON i.assigned_to = u.ur_ingest_session_plm_user_id JOIN ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project AS p ON p.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id = i.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id WHERE p.name="polyglot-prime" AND i.state="CLOSED"; /* 'orchestrateStatefulPolicySQL' in '[object Object]' returned type undefined instead of string | string[] | SQLa.SqlTextSupplier */ -- code provenance: `ConsoleSqlPages.infoSchemaDDL` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/web-ui-content/console.ts) -- console_information_schema_* are convenience views -- to make it easier to work than pragma_table_info. DROP VIEW IF EXISTS console_information_schema_table; CREATE VIEW console_information_schema_table AS SELECT tbl.name AS table_name, col.name AS column_name, col.type AS data_type, CASE WHEN col.pk = 1 THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END AS is_primary_key, CASE WHEN col."notnull" = 1 THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END AS is_not_null, col.dflt_value AS default_value, '/console/info-schema/table.sql?name=' || tbl.name || '&stats=yes' as info_schema_web_ui_path, '[Content](/console/info-schema/table.sql?name=' || tbl.name || '&stats=yes)' as info_schema_link_abbrev_md, '[' || tbl.name || ' (table) Schema](/console/info-schema/table.sql?name=' || tbl.name || '&stats=yes)' as info_schema_link_full_md, '/console/content/table/' || tbl.name || '.sql?stats=yes' as content_web_ui_path, '[Content](/console/content/table/' || tbl.name || '.sql?stats=yes)' as content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md, '[' || tbl.name || ' (table) Content](/console/content/table/' || tbl.name || '.sql?stats=yes)' as content_web_ui_link_full_md, tbl.sql as sql_ddl FROM sqlite_master tbl JOIN pragma_table_info(tbl.name) col WHERE tbl.type = 'table' AND tbl.name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%'; -- Populate the table with view-specific information DROP VIEW IF EXISTS console_information_schema_view; CREATE VIEW console_information_schema_view AS SELECT vw.name AS view_name, col.name AS column_name, col.type AS data_type, '/console/info-schema/view.sql?name=' || vw.name || '&stats=yes' as info_schema_web_ui_path, '[Content](/console/info-schema/view.sql?name=' || vw.name || '&stats=yes)' as info_schema_link_abbrev_md, '[' || vw.name || ' (view) Schema](/console/info-schema/view.sql?name=' || vw.name || '&stats=yes)' as info_schema_link_full_md, '/console/content/view/' || vw.name || '.sql?stats=yes' as content_web_ui_path, '[Content](/console/content/view/' || vw.name || '.sql?stats=yes)' as content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md, '[' || vw.name || ' (view) Content](/console/content/view/' || vw.name || '.sql?stats=yes)' as content_web_ui_link_full_md, vw.sql as sql_ddl FROM sqlite_master vw JOIN pragma_table_info(vw.name) col WHERE vw.type = 'view' AND vw.name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS console_content_tabular; CREATE VIEW console_content_tabular AS SELECT 'table' as tabular_nature, table_name as tabular_name, info_schema_web_ui_path, info_schema_link_abbrev_md, info_schema_link_full_md, content_web_ui_path, content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md, content_web_ui_link_full_md FROM console_information_schema_table UNION ALL SELECT 'view' as tabular_nature, view_name as tabular_name, info_schema_web_ui_path, info_schema_link_abbrev_md, info_schema_link_full_md, content_web_ui_path, content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md, content_web_ui_link_full_md FROM console_information_schema_view; -- Populate the table with table column foreign keys DROP VIEW IF EXISTS console_information_schema_table_col_fkey; CREATE VIEW console_information_schema_table_col_fkey AS SELECT tbl.name AS table_name, f."from" AS column_name, f."from" || ' references ' || f."table" || '.' || f."to" AS foreign_key FROM sqlite_master tbl JOIN pragma_foreign_key_list(tbl.name) f WHERE tbl.type = 'table' AND tbl.name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%'; -- Populate the table with table column indexes DROP VIEW IF EXISTS console_information_schema_table_col_index; CREATE VIEW console_information_schema_table_col_index AS SELECT tbl.name AS table_name, pi.name AS column_name, idx.name AS index_name FROM sqlite_master tbl JOIN pragma_index_list(tbl.name) idx JOIN pragma_index_info(idx.name) pi WHERE tbl.type = 'table' AND tbl.name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%'; -- Drop and create the table for storing navigation entries -- for testing only: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sqlpage_aide_navigation; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sqlpage_aide_navigation ( path TEXT NOT NULL, -- the "primary key" within namespace caption TEXT NOT NULL, -- for human-friendly general-purpose name namespace TEXT NOT NULL, -- if more than one navigation tree is required parent_path TEXT, -- for defining hierarchy sibling_order INTEGER, -- orders children within their parent(s) url TEXT, -- for supplying links, if different from path title TEXT, -- for full titles when elaboration is required, default to caption if NULL abbreviated_caption TEXT, -- for breadcrumbs and other "short" form, default to caption if NULL description TEXT, -- for elaboration or explanation elaboration TEXT, -- optional attributes for e.g. { "target": "__blank" } -- TODO: figure out why Rusqlite does not allow this but sqlite3 does -- CONSTRAINT fk_parent_path FOREIGN KEY (namespace, parent_path) REFERENCES sqlpage_aide_navigation(namespace, path), CONSTRAINT unq_ns_path UNIQUE (namespace, parent_path, path) ); DELETE FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE path LIKE '/console/%'; DELETE FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE path LIKE '/'; -- all @navigation decorated entries are automatically added to this.navigation INSERT INTO sqlpage_aide_navigation (namespace, parent_path, sibling_order, path, url, caption, abbreviated_caption, title, description,elaboration) VALUES ('prime', NULL, 1, '/', '/', 'Home', NULL, 'Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD)', 'Welcome to Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD)', NULL), ('prime', '/', 999, '/console', '/console/', 'RSSD Console', 'Console', 'Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD) Console', 'Explore RSSD information schema, code notebooks, and SQLPage files', NULL), ('prime', '/console', 1, '/console/info-schema', '/console/info-schema/', 'RSSD Information Schema', 'Info Schema', NULL, 'Explore RSSD tables, columns, views, and other information schema documentation', NULL), ('prime', '/console', 3, '/console/sqlpage-files', '/console/sqlpage-files/', 'RSSD SQLPage Files', 'SQLPage Files', NULL, 'Explore RSSD SQLPage Files which govern the content of the web-UI', NULL), ('prime', '/console', 3, '/console/sqlpage-files/content.sql', '/console/sqlpage-files/content.sql', 'RSSD Data Tables Content SQLPage Files', 'Content SQLPage Files', NULL, 'Explore auto-generated RSSD SQLPage Files which display content within tables', NULL), ('prime', '/console', 3, '/console/sqlpage-nav', '/console/sqlpage-nav/', 'RSSD SQLPage Navigation', 'SQLPage Navigation', NULL, 'See all the navigation entries for the web-UI; TODO: need to improve this to be able to get details for each navigation entry as a table', NULL), ('prime', '/console', 2, '/console/notebooks', '/console/notebooks/', 'RSSD Code Notebooks', 'Code Notebooks', NULL, 'Explore RSSD Code Notebooks which contain reusable SQL and other code blocks', NULL) ON CONFLICT (namespace, parent_path, path) DO UPDATE SET title = EXCLUDED.title, abbreviated_caption = EXCLUDED.abbreviated_caption, description = EXCLUDED.description, url = EXCLUDED.url, sibling_order = EXCLUDED.sibling_order; INSERT OR REPLACE INTO code_notebook_cell (notebook_kernel_id, code_notebook_cell_id, notebook_name, cell_name, interpretable_code, interpretable_code_hash, description) VALUES ( 'SQL', 'web-ui.auto_generate_console_content_tabular_sqlpage_files', 'Web UI', 'auto_generate_console_content_tabular_sqlpage_files', ' -- code provenance: `ConsoleSqlPages.infoSchemaContentDML` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/web-ui-content/console.ts) -- the "auto-generated" tables will be in ''*.auto.sql'' with redirects DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/table/%.auto.sql''; DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/view/%.auto.sql''; INSERT OR REPLACE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT ''console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql'', ''SELECT ''''dynamic'''' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''''shell/shell.sql'''') AS properties; SELECT ''''breadcrumb'''' AS component; SELECT ''''Home'''' as title, ''''/'''' AS link; SELECT ''''Console'''' as title, ''''/console'''' AS link; SELECT ''''Content'''' as title, ''''/console/content'''' AS link; SELECT '''''' || tabular_name || '' '' || tabular_nature || '''''' as title, ''''#'''' AS link; SELECT ''''title'''' AS component, '''''' || tabular_name || '' ('' || tabular_nature || '') Content'''' as contents; SET total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '' || tabular_name || ''); SET limit = COALESCE($limit, 50); SET offset = COALESCE($offset, 0); SET total_pages = ($total_rows + $limit - 1) / $limit; SET current_page = ($offset / $limit) + 1; SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, '''''' || info_schema_link_full_md || '''''' AS contents_md SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, ''''- Start Row: '''' || $offset || '''' '''' || ''''- Rows per Page: '''' || $limit || '''' '''' || ''''- Total Rows: '''' || $total_rows || '''' '''' || ''''- Current Page: '''' || $current_page || '''' '''' || ''''- Total Pages: '''' || $total_pages as contents_md WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL; -- Display uniform_resource table with pagination SELECT ''''table'''' AS component, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search, TRUE AS hover, TRUE AS striped_rows, TRUE AS small; SELECT * FROM '' || tabular_name || '' LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset; SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page > 1 THEN ''''[Previous](?limit='''' || $limit || ''''&offset='''' || ($offset - $limit) || '''')'''' ELSE '''''''' END) || '''' '''' || ''''(Page '''' || $current_page || '''' of '''' || $total_pages || '''') '''' || (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page < $total_pages THEN ''''[Next](?limit='''' || $limit || ''''&offset='''' || ($offset + $limit) || '''')'''' ELSE '''''''' END) AS contents_md;'' FROM console_content_tabular; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT ''console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.sql'', ''SELECT ''''redirect'''' AS component, ''''/console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql'''' AS link WHERE $stats IS NULL; '' || ''SELECT ''''redirect'''' AS component, ''''/console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql?stats='''' || $stats AS link WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL;'' FROM console_content_tabular; -- TODO: add ${this.upsertNavSQL(...)} if we want each of the above to be navigable through DB rows', 'TODO', 'A series of idempotent INSERT statements which will auto-generate "default" content for all tables and views' ); -- code provenance: `ConsoleSqlPages.infoSchemaContentDML` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/web-ui-content/console.ts) -- the "auto-generated" tables will be in '*.auto.sql' with redirects DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like 'console/content/table/%.auto.sql'; DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like 'console/content/view/%.auto.sql'; INSERT OR REPLACE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT 'console/content/' || tabular_nature || '/' || tabular_name || '.auto.sql', 'SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' AS component; SELECT ''Home'' as title, ''/'' AS link; SELECT ''Console'' as title, ''/console'' AS link; SELECT ''Content'' as title, ''/console/content'' AS link; SELECT ''' || tabular_name || ' ' || tabular_nature || ''' as title, ''#'' AS link; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''' || tabular_name || ' (' || tabular_nature || ') Content'' as contents; SET total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' || tabular_name || '); SET limit = COALESCE($limit, 50); SET offset = COALESCE($offset, 0); SET total_pages = ($total_rows + $limit - 1) / $limit; SET current_page = ($offset / $limit) + 1; SELECT ''text'' AS component, ''' || info_schema_link_full_md || ''' AS contents_md SELECT ''text'' AS component, ''- Start Row: '' || $offset || '' '' || ''- Rows per Page: '' || $limit || '' '' || ''- Total Rows: '' || $total_rows || '' '' || ''- Current Page: '' || $current_page || '' '' || ''- Total Pages: '' || $total_pages as contents_md WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL; -- Display uniform_resource table with pagination SELECT ''table'' AS component, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search, TRUE AS hover, TRUE AS striped_rows, TRUE AS small; SELECT * FROM ' || tabular_name || ' LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset; SELECT ''text'' AS component, (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page > 1 THEN ''[Previous](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset - $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) || '' '' || ''(Page '' || $current_page || '' of '' || $total_pages || '') '' || (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page < $total_pages THEN ''[Next](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset + $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) AS contents_md;' FROM console_content_tabular; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT 'console/content/' || tabular_nature || '/' || tabular_name || '.sql', 'SELECT ''redirect'' AS component, ''/console/content/' || tabular_nature || '/' || tabular_name || '.auto.sql'' AS link WHERE $stats IS NULL; ' || 'SELECT ''redirect'' AS component, ''/console/content/' || tabular_nature || '/' || tabular_name || '.auto.sql?stats='' || $stats AS link WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL;' FROM console_content_tabular; -- TODO: add ${this.upsertNavSQL(...)} if we want each of the above to be navigable through DB rows -- delete all /fhir-related entries and recreate them in case routes are changed DELETE FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE path like '/fhir%'; INSERT INTO sqlpage_aide_navigation (namespace, parent_path, sibling_order, path, url, caption, abbreviated_caption, title, description,elaboration) VALUES ('prime', '/', 1, '/ur', '/ur/', 'Uniform Resource', NULL, NULL, 'Explore ingested resources', NULL), ('prime', '/ur', 99, '/ur/info-schema.sql', '/ur/info-schema.sql', 'Uniform Resource Tables and Views', NULL, NULL, 'Information Schema documentation for ingested Uniform Resource database objects', NULL), ('prime', '/ur', 1, '/ur/uniform-resource-files.sql', '/ur/uniform-resource-files.sql', 'Uniform Resources (Files)', NULL, NULL, 'Files ingested into the `uniform_resource` table', NULL) ON CONFLICT (namespace, parent_path, path) DO UPDATE SET title = EXCLUDED.title, abbreviated_caption = EXCLUDED.abbreviated_caption, description = EXCLUDED.description, url = EXCLUDED.url, sibling_order = EXCLUDED.sibling_order; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS uniform_resource_file; CREATE VIEW uniform_resource_file AS SELECT ur.uniform_resource_id, ur.nature, p.root_path AS source_path, pe.file_path_rel, ur.size_bytes FROM uniform_resource ur LEFT JOIN ur_ingest_session_fs_path p ON ur.ingest_fs_path_id = p.ur_ingest_session_fs_path_id LEFT JOIN ur_ingest_session_fs_path_entry pe ON ur.uniform_resource_id = pe.uniform_resource_id WHERE ur.ingest_fs_path_id IS NOT NULL; INSERT INTO sqlpage_aide_navigation (namespace, parent_path, sibling_order, path, url, caption, abbreviated_caption, title, description,elaboration) VALUES ('prime', '/', 1, '/orchestration', '/orchestration/', 'Orchestration', NULL, NULL, 'Explore details about all orchestration', NULL), ('prime', '/orchestration', 99, '/orchestration/info-schema.sql', '/orchestration/info-schema.sql', 'Orchestration Tables and Views', NULL, NULL, 'Information Schema documentation for orchestrated objects', NULL) ON CONFLICT (namespace, parent_path, path) DO UPDATE SET title = EXCLUDED.title, abbreviated_caption = EXCLUDED.abbreviated_caption, description = EXCLUDED.description, url = EXCLUDED.url, sibling_order = EXCLUDED.sibling_order; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_session_by_device; CREATE VIEW orchestration_session_by_device AS SELECT d.device_id, d.name AS device_name, COUNT(*) AS session_count FROM orchestration_session os JOIN device d ON os.device_id = d.device_id GROUP BY d.device_id, d.name; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_session_duration; CREATE VIEW orchestration_session_duration AS SELECT os.orchestration_session_id, onature.nature AS orchestration_nature, os.orch_started_at, os.orch_finished_at, (JULIANDAY(os.orch_finished_at) - JULIANDAY(os.orch_started_at)) * 24 * 60 * 60 AS duration_seconds FROM orchestration_session os JOIN orchestration_nature onature ON os.orchestration_nature_id = onature.orchestration_nature_id WHERE os.orch_finished_at IS NOT NULL; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_success_rate; CREATE VIEW orchestration_success_rate AS SELECT onature.nature AS orchestration_nature, COUNT(*) AS total_sessions, SUM(CASE WHEN oss.to_state = 'surveilr_orch_completed' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS successful_sessions, (CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN oss.to_state = 'surveilr_orch_completed' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS FLOAT) / COUNT(*)) * 100 AS success_rate FROM orchestration_session os JOIN orchestration_nature onature ON os.orchestration_nature_id = onature.orchestration_nature_id JOIN orchestration_session_state oss ON os.orchestration_session_id = oss.session_id WHERE oss.to_state IN ('surveilr_orch_completed', 'surveilr_orch_failed') -- Consider other terminal states if applicable GROUP BY onature.nature; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_session_script; CREATE VIEW orchestration_session_script AS SELECT os.orchestration_session_id, onature.nature AS orchestration_nature, COUNT(*) AS script_count FROM orchestration_session os JOIN orchestration_nature onature ON os.orchestration_nature_id = onature.orchestration_nature_id JOIN orchestration_session_entry ose ON os.orchestration_session_id = ose.session_id GROUP BY os.orchestration_session_id, onature.nature; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_executions_by_type; CREATE VIEW orchestration_executions_by_type AS SELECT exec_nature, COUNT(*) AS execution_count FROM orchestration_session_exec GROUP BY exec_nature; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_execution_success_rate_by_type; CREATE VIEW orchestration_execution_success_rate_by_type AS SELECT exec_nature, COUNT(*) AS total_executions, SUM(CASE WHEN exec_status = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS successful_executions, (CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN exec_status = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS FLOAT) / COUNT(*)) * 100 AS success_rate FROM orchestration_session_exec GROUP BY exec_nature; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_session_summary; CREATE VIEW orchestration_session_summary AS SELECT issue_type, COUNT(*) AS issue_count FROM orchestration_session_issue GROUP BY issue_type; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_issue_remediation; CREATE VIEW orchestration_issue_remediation AS SELECT orchestration_session_issue_id, issue_type, issue_message, remediation FROM orchestration_session_issue WHERE remediation IS NOT NULL; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_logs_by_session; CREATE VIEW orchestration_logs_by_session AS SELECT os.orchestration_session_id, onature.nature AS orchestration_nature, osl.category, COUNT(*) AS log_count FROM orchestration_session os JOIN orchestration_nature onature ON os.orchestration_nature_id = onature.orchestration_nature_id JOIN orchestration_session_exec ose ON os.orchestration_session_id = ose.session_id JOIN orchestration_session_log osl ON ose.orchestration_session_exec_id = osl.parent_exec_id GROUP BY os.orchestration_session_id, onature.nature, osl.category; -- delete all /ip-related entries and recreate them in case routes are changed DELETE FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE path like '/opsfolio/info/policy%'; INSERT INTO sqlpage_aide_navigation (namespace, parent_path, sibling_order, path, url, caption, abbreviated_caption, title, description,elaboration) VALUES ('prime', '/', 1, '/opsfolio', '/opsfolio/', 'Opsfolio', NULL, NULL, 'Opsfolio', NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 2, '/opsfolio/info/policy/policy_dashboard.sql', '/opsfolio/info/policy/policy_dashboard.sql', 'Information Assurance Policies', NULL, NULL, 'The Information Assurance Policies is designed to display and create views for policies specific to tenants within the Opsfolio platform. These policies are ingested from Markdown (.md) or Markdown with JSX (.mdx) files, originating from Opsfolio, and are stored in the uniform_resource table.', NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 3, '/opsfolio/info/policy/policy.sql', '/opsfolio/info/policy/policy.sql', 'Policies', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 3, '/opsfolio/info/policy/evidence.sql', '/opsfolio/info/policy/evidence.sql', 'Evidences', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 4, '/opsfolio/info/policy/policy_list.sql', '/opsfolio/info/policy/policy_list.sql', 'Policy List', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 5, '/opsfolio/info/policy/policy_inner_list.sql', '/opsfolio/info/policy/policy_inner_list.sql', 'Policy Inner List', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 6, '/opsfolio/info/policy/policy_detail.sql', '/opsfolio/info/policy/policy_detail.sql', 'Policy Detail', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) ON CONFLICT (namespace, parent_path, path) DO UPDATE SET title = EXCLUDED.title, abbreviated_caption = EXCLUDED.abbreviated_caption, description = EXCLUDED.description, url = EXCLUDED.url, sibling_order = EXCLUDED.sibling_order; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'shell/shell.json', '{ "component": "shell", "title": "Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD)", "icon": "database", "layout": "fluid", "fixed_top_menu": true, "link": "/", "menu_item": [ { "link": "/", "title": "Home" } ], "javascript": [ "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/highlight.min.js", "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/sql.min.js", "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/handlebars.min.js", "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/json.min.js" ], "footer": "Resource Surveillance Web UI" };', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'shell/shell.sql', 'SELECT ''shell'' AS component, ''Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD)'' AS title, ''database'' AS icon, ''fluid'' AS layout, true AS fixed_top_menu, ''/'' AS link, ''{"link":"/","title":"Home"}'' AS menu_item, ''https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/highlight.min.js'' AS javascript, ''https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/sql.min.js'' AS javascript, ''https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/handlebars.min.js'' AS javascript, ''https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/json.min.js'' AS javascript, json_object( ''link'', ''/ur'', ''title'', ''Uniform Resource'', ''submenu'', ( SELECT json_group_array( json_object( ''title'', title, ''link'', link, ''description'', description ) ) FROM ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/ur'' ORDER BY sibling_order ) ) ) as menu_item, json_object( ''link'', ''/console'', ''title'', ''Console'', ''submenu'', ( SELECT json_group_array( json_object( ''title'', title, ''link'', link, ''description'', description ) ) FROM ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/console'' ORDER BY sibling_order ) ) ) as menu_item, json_object( ''link'', ''/orchestration'', ''title'', ''Orchestration'', ''submenu'', ( SELECT json_group_array( json_object( ''title'', title, ''link'', link, ''description'', description ) ) FROM ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/orchestration'' ORDER BY sibling_order ) ) ) as menu_item, ''Resource Surveillance Web UI (v'' || sqlpage.version() || '') '' || ''📄 ['' || substr(sqlpage.path(), 2) || ''](/console/sqlpage-files/sqlpage-file.sql?path='' || substr(sqlpage.path(), 2) || '')'' as footer;', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''list'' AS component; SELECT caption as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/'' ORDER BY sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation WITH console_navigation_cte AS ( SELECT title, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console'' ) SELECT ''list'' AS component, title, description FROM console_navigation_cte; SELECT caption as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/console'' ORDER BY sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/info-schema/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/info-schema'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Tables'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Table'' AS markdown, ''Column Count'' as align_right, ''Content'' as markdown, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''['' || table_name || ''](table.sql?name='' || table_name || '')'' AS "Table", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count", content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md as "Content" FROM console_information_schema_table GROUP BY table_name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Views'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''View'' AS markdown, ''Column Count'' as align_right, ''Content'' as markdown, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''['' || view_name || ''](view.sql?name='' || view_name || '')'' AS "View", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count", content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md as "Content" FROM console_information_schema_view GROUP BY view_name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Migrations'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Table'' AS markdown, ''Column Count'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT from_state, to_state, transition_reason, transitioned_at FROM code_notebook_state ORDER BY transitioned_at; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/info-schema/table.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/info-schema'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; SELECT $name || '' Table'' AS title, ''#'' AS link; SELECT ''title'' AS component, $name AS contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component; SELECT column_name AS "Column", data_type AS "Type", is_primary_key AS "PK", is_not_null AS "Required", default_value AS "Default" FROM console_information_schema_table WHERE table_name = $name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Foreign Keys'' as contents, 2 as level; SELECT ''table'' AS component; SELECT column_name AS "Column Name", foreign_key AS "Foreign Key" FROM console_information_schema_table_col_fkey WHERE table_name = $name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Indexes'' as contents, 2 as level; SELECT ''table'' AS component; SELECT column_name AS "Column Name", index_name AS "Index Name" FROM console_information_schema_table_col_index WHERE table_name = $name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''SQL DDL'' as contents, 2 as level; SELECT ''code'' AS component; SELECT ''sql'' as language, (SELECT sql_ddl FROM console_information_schema_table WHERE table_name = $name) as contents; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/info-schema/view.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/info-schema'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; SELECT $name || '' View'' AS title, ''#'' AS link; SELECT ''title'' AS component, $name AS contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component; SELECT column_name AS "Column", data_type AS "Type" FROM console_information_schema_view WHERE view_name = $name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''SQL DDL'' as contents, 2 as level; SELECT ''code'' AS component; SELECT ''sql'' as language, (SELECT sql_ddl FROM console_information_schema_view WHERE view_name = $name) as contents; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/sqlpage-files/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/sqlpage-files'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''SQLPage pages in sqlpage_files table'' AS contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Path'' as markdown, ''Size'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''[🚀](/'' || path || '') [📄 '' || path || ''](sqlpage-file.sql?path='' || path || '')'' AS "Path", LENGTH(contents) as "Size", last_modified FROM sqlpage_files ORDER BY path; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/sqlpage-files/sqlpage-file.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/sqlpage-files'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; SELECT $path || '' Path'' AS title, ''#'' AS link; SELECT ''title'' AS component, $path AS contents; SELECT ''text'' AS component, ''```sql '' || (select contents FROM sqlpage_files where path = $path) || '' ```'' as contents_md; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/sqlpage-files/content.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/sqlpage-files/content.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''SQLPage pages generated from tables and views'' AS contents; SELECT ''text'' AS component, '' - `*.auto.sql` pages are auto-generated "default" content pages for each table and view defined in the database. - The `*.sql` companions may be auto-generated redirects to their `*.auto.sql` pair or an app/service might override the `*.sql` to not redirect and supply custom content for any table or view. - [View regenerate-auto.sql](/console/sqlpage-files/sqlpage-file.sql?path=console/content/action/regenerate-auto.sql) '' AS contents_md; SELECT ''button'' AS component, ''center'' AS justify; SELECT ''/console/content/action/regenerate-auto.sql'' AS link, ''info'' AS color, ''Regenerate all "default" table/view content pages'' AS title; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Redirected or overriden content pages'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Path'' as markdown, ''Size'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''[🚀](/'' || path || '') [📄 '' || path || ''](sqlpage-file.sql?path='' || path || '')'' AS "Path", LENGTH(contents) as "Size", last_modified FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/%'' AND NOT(path like ''console/content/%.auto.sql'') AND NOT(path like ''console/content/action%'') ORDER BY path; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Auto-generated "default" content pages'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Path'' as markdown, ''Size'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''[🚀](/'' || path || '') [📄 '' || path || ''](sqlpage-file.sql?path='' || path || '')'' AS "Path", LENGTH(contents) as "Size", last_modified FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/%.auto.sql'' ORDER BY path; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/content/action/regenerate-auto.sql', ' -- code provenance: `ConsoleSqlPages.infoSchemaContentDML` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/web-ui-content/console.ts) -- the "auto-generated" tables will be in ''*.auto.sql'' with redirects DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/table/%.auto.sql''; DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/view/%.auto.sql''; INSERT OR REPLACE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT ''console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql'', ''SELECT ''''dynamic'''' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''''shell/shell.sql'''') AS properties; SELECT ''''breadcrumb'''' AS component; SELECT ''''Home'''' as title, ''''/'''' AS link; SELECT ''''Console'''' as title, ''''/console'''' AS link; SELECT ''''Content'''' as title, ''''/console/content'''' AS link; SELECT '''''' || tabular_name || '' '' || tabular_nature || '''''' as title, ''''#'''' AS link; SELECT ''''title'''' AS component, '''''' || tabular_name || '' ('' || tabular_nature || '') Content'''' as contents; SET total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '' || tabular_name || ''); SET limit = COALESCE($limit, 50); SET offset = COALESCE($offset, 0); SET total_pages = ($total_rows + $limit - 1) / $limit; SET current_page = ($offset / $limit) + 1; SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, '''''' || info_schema_link_full_md || '''''' AS contents_md SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, ''''- Start Row: '''' || $offset || '''' '''' || ''''- Rows per Page: '''' || $limit || '''' '''' || ''''- Total Rows: '''' || $total_rows || '''' '''' || ''''- Current Page: '''' || $current_page || '''' '''' || ''''- Total Pages: '''' || $total_pages as contents_md WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL; -- Display uniform_resource table with pagination SELECT ''''table'''' AS component, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search, TRUE AS hover, TRUE AS striped_rows, TRUE AS small; SELECT * FROM '' || tabular_name || '' LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset; SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page > 1 THEN ''''[Previous](?limit='''' || $limit || ''''&offset='''' || ($offset - $limit) || '''')'''' ELSE '''''''' END) || '''' '''' || ''''(Page '''' || $current_page || '''' of '''' || $total_pages || '''') '''' || (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page < $total_pages THEN ''''[Next](?limit='''' || $limit || ''''&offset='''' || ($offset + $limit) || '''')'''' ELSE '''''''' END) AS contents_md;'' FROM console_content_tabular; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT ''console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.sql'', ''SELECT ''''redirect'''' AS component, ''''/console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql'''' AS link WHERE $stats IS NULL; '' || ''SELECT ''''redirect'''' AS component, ''''/console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql?stats='''' || $stats AS link WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL;'' FROM console_content_tabular; -- TODO: add ${this.upsertNavSQL(...)} if we want each of the above to be navigable through DB rows -- code provenance: `ConsoleSqlPages.console/content/action/regenerate-auto.sql` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/web-ui-content/console.ts) SELECT ''redirect'' AS component, ''/console/sqlpage-files/content.sql'' as link WHERE $redirect is NULL; SELECT ''redirect'' AS component, $redirect as link WHERE $redirect is NOT NULL;', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/sqlpage-nav/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/sqlpage-nav'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''SQLPage navigation in sqlpage_aide_navigation table'' AS contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT path, caption, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation ORDER BY namespace, parent_path, path, sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/notebooks/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/notebooks'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Code Notebooks'' AS contents; SELECT ''table'' as component, ''Cell'' as markdown, 1 as search, 1 as sort; SELECT c.notebook_name, ''['' || c.cell_name || ''](notebook-cell.sql?notebook='' || replace(c.notebook_name, '' '', ''%20'') || ''&cell='' || replace(c.cell_name, '' '', ''%20'') || '')'' as Cell, c.description, k.kernel_name as kernel FROM code_notebook_kernel k, code_notebook_cell c WHERE k.code_notebook_kernel_id = c.notebook_kernel_id; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/notebooks/notebook-cell.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/notebooks'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; SELECT ''Notebook '' || $notebook || '' Cell'' || $cell AS title, ''#'' AS link; SELECT ''code'' as component; SELECT $notebook || ''.'' || $cell || '' ('' || k.kernel_name ||'')'' as title, COALESCE(c.cell_governance -> ''$.language'', ''sql'') as language, c.interpretable_code as contents FROM code_notebook_kernel k, code_notebook_cell c WHERE c.notebook_name = $notebook AND c.cell_name = $cell AND k.code_notebook_kernel_id = c.notebook_kernel_id; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'ur/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/ur'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation WITH navigation_cte AS ( SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) as title, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/ur'' ) SELECT ''list'' AS component, title, description FROM navigation_cte; SELECT caption as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/ur'' ORDER BY sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'ur/info-schema.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/ur/info-schema.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Uniform Resource Tables and Views'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Name'' AS markdown, ''Column Count'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''Table'' as "Type", ''['' || table_name || ''](/console/info-schema/table.sql?name='' || table_name || '')'' AS "Name", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count" FROM console_information_schema_table WHERE table_name = ''uniform_resource'' OR table_name like ''ur_%'' GROUP BY table_name UNION ALL SELECT ''View'' as "Type", ''['' || view_name || ''](/console/info-schema/view.sql?name='' || view_name || '')'' AS "Name", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count" FROM console_information_schema_view WHERE view_name like ''ur_%'' GROUP BY view_name; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'ur/uniform-resource-files.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, (SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/ur/uniform-resource-files.sql'') as contents; ; -- sets up $limit, $offset, and other variables (use pagination.debugVars() to see values in web-ui) SET total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM uniform_resource_file); SET limit = COALESCE($limit, 50); SET offset = COALESCE($offset, 0); SET total_pages = ($total_rows + $limit - 1) / $limit; SET current_page = ($offset / $limit) + 1; -- Display uniform_resource table with pagination SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Uniform Resources'' AS title, "Size (bytes)" as align_right, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search, TRUE AS hover, TRUE AS striped_rows, TRUE AS small; SELECT * FROM uniform_resource_file ORDER BY uniform_resource_id LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset; SELECT ''text'' AS component, (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page > 1 THEN ''[Previous](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset - $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) || '' '' || ''(Page '' || $current_page || '' of '' || $total_pages || ") " || (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page < $total_pages THEN ''[Next](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset + $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) AS contents_md; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'orchestration/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/orchestration'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation WITH navigation_cte AS ( SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) as title, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/orchestration'' ) SELECT ''list'' AS component, title, description FROM navigation_cte; SELECT caption as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/orchestration'' ORDER BY sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'orchestration/info-schema.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/orchestration/info-schema.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Orchestration Tables and Views'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Name'' AS markdown, ''Column Count'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''Table'' as "Type", ''['' || table_name || ''](/console/info-schema/table.sql?name='' || table_name || '')'' AS "Name", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count" FROM console_information_schema_table WHERE table_name = ''orchestration_session'' OR table_name like ''orchestration_%'' GROUP BY table_name UNION ALL SELECT ''View'' as "Type", ''['' || view_name || ''](/console/info-schema/view.sql?name='' || view_name || '')'' AS "Name", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count" FROM console_information_schema_view WHERE view_name like ''orchestration_%'' GROUP BY view_name; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation select ''card'' as component, 3 as columns; SELECT caption as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/opsfolio'' AND sibling_order = 2 ORDER BY sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/info/policy/policy_dashboard.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/policy/policy_dashboard.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation select ''card'' as component, 2 as columns; select "Policies" as title, ''arrow-big-right'' as icon, ''/opsfolio/info/policy/policy.sql'' as link; select "Evidences" as title, ''arrow-big-right'' as icon, ''/opsfolio/info/policy/evidence.sql'' as link; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/info/policy/policy.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/policy/policy.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation select ''card'' as component, 3 as columns; select UPPER(SUBSTR(title, 1, 1)) || LOWER(SUBSTR(title, 2)) as title, ''arrow-big-right'' as icon, ''/opsfolio/info/policy/policy_list.sql?segment='' || segment || '''' as link FROM policy_dashboard; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/info/policy/evidence.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/policy/evidence.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation select ''card'' as component, 3 as columns; select ''card'' as component, 3 as columns; SELECT A.title as title, ''arrow-big-right'' as icon, replace(b.path, ''opsfolio/info/policy/'', '''')as link FROM vigetallviews A inner join sqlpage_files b on A.path=b.path where a.used_path=0; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/info/policy/policy_list.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/policy/policy_list.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, (SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/policy/policy_list.sql'') as contents; ; select ''card'' as component, 1 as columns; select title, ''arrow-big-right'' as icon, ''/opsfolio/info/policy/policy_detail.sql?id='' || uniform_resource_id || '''' as link FROM policy_list WHERE parentfolder = $segment::TEXT AND segment1="" UNION ALL SELECT REPLACE(segment1, ''-'', '' '') as title, ''chevrons-down'' as icon, ''/opsfolio/info/policy/policy_inner_list.sql?parentfolder='' || parentfolder || ''&segment='' || segment1 as link FROM policy_list WHERE parentfolder = $segment::TEXT AND segment1 != '''' GROUP BY segment1 ; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/info/policy/policy_inner_list.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/policy/policy_inner_list.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, (SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/policy/policy_inner_list.sql'') as contents; ; select ''card'' as component, 1 as columns; select title, ''arrow-big-right'' as icon, ''/opsfolio/info/policy/policy_detail.sql?id='' || uniform_resource_id || '''' as link FROM policy_list WHERE parentfolder = $parentfolder::TEXT AND segment1= $segment::TEXT; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/info/policy/policy_detail.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/policy/policy_detail.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation select ''card'' as component, 1 as columns; SELECT json_extract(content_fm_body_attrs, ''$.attrs.title'') AS title, json_extract(content_fm_body_attrs, ''$.body'') AS description_md FROM policy_detail WHERE uniform_resource_id = $id::TEXT; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; -- code provenance: `TypicalSqlPageNotebook.commonDDL` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/notebook/sqlpage.ts) -- idempotently create location where SQLPage looks for its content CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "sqlpage_files" ( "path" VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "contents" TEXT NOT NULL, "last_modified" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ); -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Script to prepare convenience views to access uniform_resource.content column -- as CCDA content, ensuring only valid JSON is processed. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TODO: will this help performance? -- CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_resource_type ON uniform_resource ((content ->> '$.resourceType')); -- CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_bundle_entry ON uniform_resource ((json_type(content -> '$.entry'))); -- CCDA Discovery and Enumeration Views -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Summary of the uniform_resource table -- Provides a count of total rows, valid JSON rows, invalid JSON rows, -- and potential CCDA v4 candidates and bundles based on JSON structure. DROP VIEW IF EXISTS uniform_resource_summary; CREATE VIEW uniform_resource_summary AS SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_rows, SUM(CASE WHEN json_valid(content) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS valid_json_rows, SUM(CASE WHEN json_valid(content) THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) AS invalid_json_rows, SUM(CASE WHEN json_valid(content) AND content ->> '$.resourceType' IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS ccda_v4_candidates, SUM(CASE WHEN json_valid(content) AND json_type(content -> '$.entry') = 'array' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS ccda_v4_bundle_candidates FROM uniform_resource; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS border_boundary; CREATE VIEW border_boundary AS SELECT json_extract(outer.value, '$.a:Value.Properties.a:anyType[0].b:DisplayName') AS displayName, json_extract(inner.value, '$.b:Value.#text') AS name, json_extract(outer.value, '$.a:Value.@i:type') as type FROM uniform_resource_transform, json_each(json_extract(content, '$.ThreatModel.DrawingSurfaceList.DrawingSurfaceModel.Borders.a:KeyValueOfguidanyType')) AS outer, json_each(json_extract(outer.value, '$.a:Value.Properties.a:anyType')) AS inner WHERE json_array_length(json_extract(outer.value, '$.a:Value.Properties.a:anyType')) >= 2 AND json_extract(inner.value, '$.b:Value.#text') IS NOT NULL AND json_extract(outer.value, '$.a:Value.@i:type') = 'BorderBoundary' AND json_extract(inner.value, '$.b:Value.#text') LIKE '%Boundary'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS asset_service_view; CREATE VIEW asset_service_view AS SELECT asser.name,ast.name as server,ast.organization_id,astyp.value as asset_type,astyp.asset_service_type_id,bnt.name as boundary,asser.description,asser.port,asser.experimental_version,asser.production_version,asser.latest_vendor_version,asser.resource_utilization,asser.log_file,asser.url, asser.vendor_link,asser.installation_date,asser.criticality,o.name AS owner,sta.value as tag, ast.criticality as asset_criticality,ast.asymmetric_keys_encryption_enabled as asymmetric_keys, ast.cryptographic_key_encryption_enabled as cryptographic_key,ast.symmetric_keys_encryption_enabled as symmetric_keys FROM asset_service asser INNER JOIN asset_service_type astyp ON astyp.asset_service_type_id = asser.asset_service_type_id INNER JOIN asset ast ON ast.asset_id = asser.asset_id INNER JOIN organization o ON o.organization_id=ast.organization_id INNER JOIN asset_status sta ON sta.asset_status_id=ast.asset_status_id INNER JOIN boundary bnt ON bnt.boundary_id=ast.boundary_id; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS server_data; CREATE VIEW server_data AS WITH base_query AS ( SELECT ur.device_id, d.name AS device_name, CASE WHEN json_extract(outer.value, '$.name') LIKE '/%' THEN substr(json_extract(outer.value, '$.name'), 2) ELSE json_extract(outer.value, '$.name') END AS displayName, json_extract(outer.value, '$.status') as status FROM uniform_resource AS ur JOIN device AS d ON ur.device_id = d.device_id, json_each(ur.content) AS outer WHERE ur.nature = 'json' AND ur.uri = 'listContainers' ) SELECT av.*,bq.status FROM base_query bq JOIN asset_service_view av ON av.name = bq.displayName AND av.server LIKE '%' || bq.device_name || '%'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS security_incident_response_view; CREATE VIEW security_incident_response_view AS SELECT i.title AS incident,i.incident_date,ast.name as asset_name,ic.value AS category,s.value AS severity, p.value AS priority,it.value AS internal_or_external,i.location,i.it_service_impacted, i.impacted_modules,i.impacted_dept,p1.person_first_name || ' ' || p1.person_last_name AS reported_by, p2.person_first_name || ' ' || p2.person_last_name AS reported_to,i.brief_description, i.detailed_description,p3.person_first_name || ' ' || p3.person_last_name AS assigned_to, i.assigned_date,i.investigation_details,i.containment_details,i.eradication_details,i.business_impact, i.lessons_learned,ist.value AS status,i.closed_date,i.feedback_from_business,i.reported_to_regulatory,i.report_date,i.report_time, irc.description AS root_cause_of_the_issue,p4.value AS probability_of_issue,irc.testing_analysis AS testing_for_possible_root_cause_analysis, irc.solution,p5.value AS likelihood_of_risk,irc.modification_of_the_reported_issue,irc.testing_for_modified_issue,irc.test_results FROM incident i INNER JOIN asset ast ON ast.asset_id = i.asset_id INNER JOIN incident_category ic ON ic.incident_category_id = i.category_id INNER JOIN severity s ON s.code = i.severity_id INNER JOIN priority p ON p.code = i.priority_id INNER JOIN incident_type it ON it.incident_type_id = i.internal_or_external_id INNER JOIN person p1 ON p1.person_id = i.reported_by_id INNER JOIN person p2 ON p2.person_id = i.reported_to_id INNER JOIN person p3 ON p3.person_id = i.assigned_to_id INNER JOIN incident_status ist ON ist.incident_status_id = i.status_id LEFT JOIN incident_root_cause irc ON irc.incident_id = i.incident_id LEFT JOIN priority p4 ON p4.code = irc.probability_id LEFT JOIN priority p5 ON p5.code = irc.likelihood_of_risk_id; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS security_impact_analysis_view; CREATE VIEW security_impact_analysis_view AS SELECT v.short_name as vulnerability, ast.name as security_risk,te.title as security_threat, ir.impact as impact_of_risk,pc.controls as proposed_controls,p1.value as impact_level, p2.value as risk_level,sia.existing_controls,pr.value as priority,sia.reported_date, pn1.person_first_name || ' ' || pn1.person_last_name AS reported_by, pn2.person_first_name || ' ' || pn2.person_last_name AS responsible_by FROM security_impact_analysis sia INNER JOIN vulnerability v ON v.vulnerability_id = sia.vulnerability_id INNER JOIN asset_risk ar ON ar.asset_risk_id = sia.asset_risk_id INNER JOIN asset ast ON ast.asset_id = ar.asset_id INNER JOIN threat_event te ON te.threat_event_id = ar.threat_event_id INNER JOIN impact_of_risk ir ON ir.security_impact_analysis_id = sia.security_impact_analysis_id INNER JOIN proposed_controls pc ON pc.security_impact_analysis_id = sia.security_impact_analysis_id INNER JOIN probability p1 ON p1.code = sia.impact_level_id INNER JOIN probability p2 ON p2.code = sia.risk_level_id INNER JOIN priority pr ON pr.code = sia.priority_id INNER JOIN person pn1 ON pn1.person_id = sia.reported_by_id INNER JOIN person pn2 ON pn2.person_id = sia.responsible_by_id; /* 'orchestrateStatefulIaSQL' in '[object Object]' returned type undefined instead of string | string[] | SQLa.SqlTextSupplier */ -- code provenance: `ConsoleSqlPages.infoSchemaDDL` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/web-ui-content/console.ts) -- console_information_schema_* are convenience views -- to make it easier to work than pragma_table_info. DROP VIEW IF EXISTS console_information_schema_table; CREATE VIEW console_information_schema_table AS SELECT tbl.name AS table_name, col.name AS column_name, col.type AS data_type, CASE WHEN col.pk = 1 THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END AS is_primary_key, CASE WHEN col."notnull" = 1 THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END AS is_not_null, col.dflt_value AS default_value, '/console/info-schema/table.sql?name=' || tbl.name || '&stats=yes' as info_schema_web_ui_path, '[Content](/console/info-schema/table.sql?name=' || tbl.name || '&stats=yes)' as info_schema_link_abbrev_md, '[' || tbl.name || ' (table) Schema](/console/info-schema/table.sql?name=' || tbl.name || '&stats=yes)' as info_schema_link_full_md, '/console/content/table/' || tbl.name || '.sql?stats=yes' as content_web_ui_path, '[Content](/console/content/table/' || tbl.name || '.sql?stats=yes)' as content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md, '[' || tbl.name || ' (table) Content](/console/content/table/' || tbl.name || '.sql?stats=yes)' as content_web_ui_link_full_md, tbl.sql as sql_ddl FROM sqlite_master tbl JOIN pragma_table_info(tbl.name) col WHERE tbl.type = 'table' AND tbl.name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%'; -- Populate the table with view-specific information DROP VIEW IF EXISTS console_information_schema_view; CREATE VIEW console_information_schema_view AS SELECT vw.name AS view_name, col.name AS column_name, col.type AS data_type, '/console/info-schema/view.sql?name=' || vw.name || '&stats=yes' as info_schema_web_ui_path, '[Content](/console/info-schema/view.sql?name=' || vw.name || '&stats=yes)' as info_schema_link_abbrev_md, '[' || vw.name || ' (view) Schema](/console/info-schema/view.sql?name=' || vw.name || '&stats=yes)' as info_schema_link_full_md, '/console/content/view/' || vw.name || '.sql?stats=yes' as content_web_ui_path, '[Content](/console/content/view/' || vw.name || '.sql?stats=yes)' as content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md, '[' || vw.name || ' (view) Content](/console/content/view/' || vw.name || '.sql?stats=yes)' as content_web_ui_link_full_md, vw.sql as sql_ddl FROM sqlite_master vw JOIN pragma_table_info(vw.name) col WHERE vw.type = 'view' AND vw.name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS console_content_tabular; CREATE VIEW console_content_tabular AS SELECT 'table' as tabular_nature, table_name as tabular_name, info_schema_web_ui_path, info_schema_link_abbrev_md, info_schema_link_full_md, content_web_ui_path, content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md, content_web_ui_link_full_md FROM console_information_schema_table UNION ALL SELECT 'view' as tabular_nature, view_name as tabular_name, info_schema_web_ui_path, info_schema_link_abbrev_md, info_schema_link_full_md, content_web_ui_path, content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md, content_web_ui_link_full_md FROM console_information_schema_view; -- Populate the table with table column foreign keys DROP VIEW IF EXISTS console_information_schema_table_col_fkey; CREATE VIEW console_information_schema_table_col_fkey AS SELECT tbl.name AS table_name, f."from" AS column_name, f."from" || ' references ' || f."table" || '.' || f."to" AS foreign_key FROM sqlite_master tbl JOIN pragma_foreign_key_list(tbl.name) f WHERE tbl.type = 'table' AND tbl.name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%'; -- Populate the table with table column indexes DROP VIEW IF EXISTS console_information_schema_table_col_index; CREATE VIEW console_information_schema_table_col_index AS SELECT tbl.name AS table_name, pi.name AS column_name, idx.name AS index_name FROM sqlite_master tbl JOIN pragma_index_list(tbl.name) idx JOIN pragma_index_info(idx.name) pi WHERE tbl.type = 'table' AND tbl.name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%'; -- Drop and create the table for storing navigation entries -- for testing only: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sqlpage_aide_navigation; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sqlpage_aide_navigation ( path TEXT NOT NULL, -- the "primary key" within namespace caption TEXT NOT NULL, -- for human-friendly general-purpose name namespace TEXT NOT NULL, -- if more than one navigation tree is required parent_path TEXT, -- for defining hierarchy sibling_order INTEGER, -- orders children within their parent(s) url TEXT, -- for supplying links, if different from path title TEXT, -- for full titles when elaboration is required, default to caption if NULL abbreviated_caption TEXT, -- for breadcrumbs and other "short" form, default to caption if NULL description TEXT, -- for elaboration or explanation elaboration TEXT, -- optional attributes for e.g. { "target": "__blank" } -- TODO: figure out why Rusqlite does not allow this but sqlite3 does -- CONSTRAINT fk_parent_path FOREIGN KEY (namespace, parent_path) REFERENCES sqlpage_aide_navigation(namespace, path), CONSTRAINT unq_ns_path UNIQUE (namespace, parent_path, path) ); DELETE FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE path LIKE '/console/%'; DELETE FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE path LIKE '/'; -- all @navigation decorated entries are automatically added to this.navigation INSERT INTO sqlpage_aide_navigation (namespace, parent_path, sibling_order, path, url, caption, abbreviated_caption, title, description,elaboration) VALUES ('prime', NULL, 1, '/', '/', 'Home', NULL, 'Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD)', 'Welcome to Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD)', NULL), ('prime', '/', 999, '/console', '/console/', 'RSSD Console', 'Console', 'Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD) Console', 'Explore RSSD information schema, code notebooks, and SQLPage files', NULL), ('prime', '/console', 1, '/console/info-schema', '/console/info-schema/', 'RSSD Information Schema', 'Info Schema', NULL, 'Explore RSSD tables, columns, views, and other information schema documentation', NULL), ('prime', '/console', 3, '/console/sqlpage-files', '/console/sqlpage-files/', 'RSSD SQLPage Files', 'SQLPage Files', NULL, 'Explore RSSD SQLPage Files which govern the content of the web-UI', NULL), ('prime', '/console', 3, '/console/sqlpage-files/content.sql', '/console/sqlpage-files/content.sql', 'RSSD Data Tables Content SQLPage Files', 'Content SQLPage Files', NULL, 'Explore auto-generated RSSD SQLPage Files which display content within tables', NULL), ('prime', '/console', 3, '/console/sqlpage-nav', '/console/sqlpage-nav/', 'RSSD SQLPage Navigation', 'SQLPage Navigation', NULL, 'See all the navigation entries for the web-UI; TODO: need to improve this to be able to get details for each navigation entry as a table', NULL), ('prime', '/console', 2, '/console/notebooks', '/console/notebooks/', 'RSSD Code Notebooks', 'Code Notebooks', NULL, 'Explore RSSD Code Notebooks which contain reusable SQL and other code blocks', NULL) ON CONFLICT (namespace, parent_path, path) DO UPDATE SET title = EXCLUDED.title, abbreviated_caption = EXCLUDED.abbreviated_caption, description = EXCLUDED.description, url = EXCLUDED.url, sibling_order = EXCLUDED.sibling_order; INSERT OR REPLACE INTO code_notebook_cell (notebook_kernel_id, code_notebook_cell_id, notebook_name, cell_name, interpretable_code, interpretable_code_hash, description) VALUES ( 'SQL', 'web-ui.auto_generate_console_content_tabular_sqlpage_files', 'Web UI', 'auto_generate_console_content_tabular_sqlpage_files', ' -- code provenance: `ConsoleSqlPages.infoSchemaContentDML` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/web-ui-content/console.ts) -- the "auto-generated" tables will be in ''*.auto.sql'' with redirects DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/table/%.auto.sql''; DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/view/%.auto.sql''; INSERT OR REPLACE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT ''console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql'', ''SELECT ''''dynamic'''' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''''shell/shell.sql'''') AS properties; SELECT ''''breadcrumb'''' AS component; SELECT ''''Home'''' as title, ''''/'''' AS link; SELECT ''''Console'''' as title, ''''/console'''' AS link; SELECT ''''Content'''' as title, ''''/console/content'''' AS link; SELECT '''''' || tabular_name || '' '' || tabular_nature || '''''' as title, ''''#'''' AS link; SELECT ''''title'''' AS component, '''''' || tabular_name || '' ('' || tabular_nature || '') Content'''' as contents; SET total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '' || tabular_name || ''); SET limit = COALESCE($limit, 50); SET offset = COALESCE($offset, 0); SET total_pages = ($total_rows + $limit - 1) / $limit; SET current_page = ($offset / $limit) + 1; SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, '''''' || info_schema_link_full_md || '''''' AS contents_md SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, ''''- Start Row: '''' || $offset || '''' '''' || ''''- Rows per Page: '''' || $limit || '''' '''' || ''''- Total Rows: '''' || $total_rows || '''' '''' || ''''- Current Page: '''' || $current_page || '''' '''' || ''''- Total Pages: '''' || $total_pages as contents_md WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL; -- Display uniform_resource table with pagination SELECT ''''table'''' AS component, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search, TRUE AS hover, TRUE AS striped_rows, TRUE AS small; SELECT * FROM '' || tabular_name || '' LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset; SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page > 1 THEN ''''[Previous](?limit='''' || $limit || ''''&offset='''' || ($offset - $limit) || '''')'''' ELSE '''''''' END) || '''' '''' || ''''(Page '''' || $current_page || '''' of '''' || $total_pages || '''') '''' || (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page < $total_pages THEN ''''[Next](?limit='''' || $limit || ''''&offset='''' || ($offset + $limit) || '''')'''' ELSE '''''''' END) AS contents_md;'' FROM console_content_tabular; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT ''console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.sql'', ''SELECT ''''redirect'''' AS component, ''''/console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql'''' AS link WHERE $stats IS NULL; '' || ''SELECT ''''redirect'''' AS component, ''''/console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql?stats='''' || $stats AS link WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL;'' FROM console_content_tabular; -- TODO: add ${this.upsertNavSQL(...)} if we want each of the above to be navigable through DB rows', 'TODO', 'A series of idempotent INSERT statements which will auto-generate "default" content for all tables and views' ); -- code provenance: `ConsoleSqlPages.infoSchemaContentDML` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/web-ui-content/console.ts) -- the "auto-generated" tables will be in '*.auto.sql' with redirects DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like 'console/content/table/%.auto.sql'; DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like 'console/content/view/%.auto.sql'; INSERT OR REPLACE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT 'console/content/' || tabular_nature || '/' || tabular_name || '.auto.sql', 'SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' AS component; SELECT ''Home'' as title, ''/'' AS link; SELECT ''Console'' as title, ''/console'' AS link; SELECT ''Content'' as title, ''/console/content'' AS link; SELECT ''' || tabular_name || ' ' || tabular_nature || ''' as title, ''#'' AS link; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''' || tabular_name || ' (' || tabular_nature || ') Content'' as contents; SET total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' || tabular_name || '); SET limit = COALESCE($limit, 50); SET offset = COALESCE($offset, 0); SET total_pages = ($total_rows + $limit - 1) / $limit; SET current_page = ($offset / $limit) + 1; SELECT ''text'' AS component, ''' || info_schema_link_full_md || ''' AS contents_md SELECT ''text'' AS component, ''- Start Row: '' || $offset || '' '' || ''- Rows per Page: '' || $limit || '' '' || ''- Total Rows: '' || $total_rows || '' '' || ''- Current Page: '' || $current_page || '' '' || ''- Total Pages: '' || $total_pages as contents_md WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL; -- Display uniform_resource table with pagination SELECT ''table'' AS component, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search, TRUE AS hover, TRUE AS striped_rows, TRUE AS small; SELECT * FROM ' || tabular_name || ' LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset; SELECT ''text'' AS component, (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page > 1 THEN ''[Previous](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset - $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) || '' '' || ''(Page '' || $current_page || '' of '' || $total_pages || '') '' || (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page < $total_pages THEN ''[Next](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset + $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) AS contents_md;' FROM console_content_tabular; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT 'console/content/' || tabular_nature || '/' || tabular_name || '.sql', 'SELECT ''redirect'' AS component, ''/console/content/' || tabular_nature || '/' || tabular_name || '.auto.sql'' AS link WHERE $stats IS NULL; ' || 'SELECT ''redirect'' AS component, ''/console/content/' || tabular_nature || '/' || tabular_name || '.auto.sql?stats='' || $stats AS link WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL;' FROM console_content_tabular; -- TODO: add ${this.upsertNavSQL(...)} if we want each of the above to be navigable through DB rows -- delete all /fhir-related entries and recreate them in case routes are changed DELETE FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE path like '/fhir%'; INSERT INTO sqlpage_aide_navigation (namespace, parent_path, sibling_order, path, url, caption, abbreviated_caption, title, description,elaboration) VALUES ('prime', '/', 1, '/ur', '/ur/', 'Uniform Resource', NULL, NULL, 'Explore ingested resources', NULL), ('prime', '/ur', 99, '/ur/info-schema.sql', '/ur/info-schema.sql', 'Uniform Resource Tables and Views', NULL, NULL, 'Information Schema documentation for ingested Uniform Resource database objects', NULL), ('prime', '/ur', 1, '/ur/uniform-resource-files.sql', '/ur/uniform-resource-files.sql', 'Uniform Resources (Files)', NULL, NULL, 'Files ingested into the `uniform_resource` table', NULL) ON CONFLICT (namespace, parent_path, path) DO UPDATE SET title = EXCLUDED.title, abbreviated_caption = EXCLUDED.abbreviated_caption, description = EXCLUDED.description, url = EXCLUDED.url, sibling_order = EXCLUDED.sibling_order; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS uniform_resource_file; CREATE VIEW uniform_resource_file AS SELECT ur.uniform_resource_id, ur.nature, p.root_path AS source_path, pe.file_path_rel, ur.size_bytes FROM uniform_resource ur LEFT JOIN ur_ingest_session_fs_path p ON ur.ingest_fs_path_id = p.ur_ingest_session_fs_path_id LEFT JOIN ur_ingest_session_fs_path_entry pe ON ur.uniform_resource_id = pe.uniform_resource_id WHERE ur.ingest_fs_path_id IS NOT NULL; INSERT INTO sqlpage_aide_navigation (namespace, parent_path, sibling_order, path, url, caption, abbreviated_caption, title, description,elaboration) VALUES ('prime', '/', 1, '/orchestration', '/orchestration/', 'Orchestration', NULL, NULL, 'Explore details about all orchestration', NULL), ('prime', '/orchestration', 99, '/orchestration/info-schema.sql', '/orchestration/info-schema.sql', 'Orchestration Tables and Views', NULL, NULL, 'Information Schema documentation for orchestrated objects', NULL) ON CONFLICT (namespace, parent_path, path) DO UPDATE SET title = EXCLUDED.title, abbreviated_caption = EXCLUDED.abbreviated_caption, description = EXCLUDED.description, url = EXCLUDED.url, sibling_order = EXCLUDED.sibling_order; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_session_by_device; CREATE VIEW orchestration_session_by_device AS SELECT d.device_id, d.name AS device_name, COUNT(*) AS session_count FROM orchestration_session os JOIN device d ON os.device_id = d.device_id GROUP BY d.device_id, d.name; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_session_duration; CREATE VIEW orchestration_session_duration AS SELECT os.orchestration_session_id, onature.nature AS orchestration_nature, os.orch_started_at, os.orch_finished_at, (JULIANDAY(os.orch_finished_at) - JULIANDAY(os.orch_started_at)) * 24 * 60 * 60 AS duration_seconds FROM orchestration_session os JOIN orchestration_nature onature ON os.orchestration_nature_id = onature.orchestration_nature_id WHERE os.orch_finished_at IS NOT NULL; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_success_rate; CREATE VIEW orchestration_success_rate AS SELECT onature.nature AS orchestration_nature, COUNT(*) AS total_sessions, SUM(CASE WHEN oss.to_state = 'surveilr_orch_completed' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS successful_sessions, (CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN oss.to_state = 'surveilr_orch_completed' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS FLOAT) / COUNT(*)) * 100 AS success_rate FROM orchestration_session os JOIN orchestration_nature onature ON os.orchestration_nature_id = onature.orchestration_nature_id JOIN orchestration_session_state oss ON os.orchestration_session_id = oss.session_id WHERE oss.to_state IN ('surveilr_orch_completed', 'surveilr_orch_failed') -- Consider other terminal states if applicable GROUP BY onature.nature; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_session_script; CREATE VIEW orchestration_session_script AS SELECT os.orchestration_session_id, onature.nature AS orchestration_nature, COUNT(*) AS script_count FROM orchestration_session os JOIN orchestration_nature onature ON os.orchestration_nature_id = onature.orchestration_nature_id JOIN orchestration_session_entry ose ON os.orchestration_session_id = ose.session_id GROUP BY os.orchestration_session_id, onature.nature; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_executions_by_type; CREATE VIEW orchestration_executions_by_type AS SELECT exec_nature, COUNT(*) AS execution_count FROM orchestration_session_exec GROUP BY exec_nature; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_execution_success_rate_by_type; CREATE VIEW orchestration_execution_success_rate_by_type AS SELECT exec_nature, COUNT(*) AS total_executions, SUM(CASE WHEN exec_status = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS successful_executions, (CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN exec_status = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS FLOAT) / COUNT(*)) * 100 AS success_rate FROM orchestration_session_exec GROUP BY exec_nature; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_session_summary; CREATE VIEW orchestration_session_summary AS SELECT issue_type, COUNT(*) AS issue_count FROM orchestration_session_issue GROUP BY issue_type; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_issue_remediation; CREATE VIEW orchestration_issue_remediation AS SELECT orchestration_session_issue_id, issue_type, issue_message, remediation FROM orchestration_session_issue WHERE remediation IS NOT NULL; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_logs_by_session; CREATE VIEW orchestration_logs_by_session AS SELECT os.orchestration_session_id, onature.nature AS orchestration_nature, osl.category, COUNT(*) AS log_count FROM orchestration_session os JOIN orchestration_nature onature ON os.orchestration_nature_id = onature.orchestration_nature_id JOIN orchestration_session_exec ose ON os.orchestration_session_id = ose.session_id JOIN orchestration_session_log osl ON ose.orchestration_session_exec_id = osl.parent_exec_id GROUP BY os.orchestration_session_id, onature.nature, osl.category; -- delete all /ip-related entries and recreate them in case routes are changed DELETE FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE path like '/opsfolio/infra/assurance%'; INSERT INTO sqlpage_aide_navigation (namespace, parent_path, sibling_order, path, url, caption, abbreviated_caption, title, description,elaboration) VALUES ('prime', '/', 1, '/opsfolio', '/opsfolio/', 'Opsfolio', NULL, NULL, 'Opsfolio', NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 2, '/opsfolio/infra/assurance', '/opsfolio/infra/assurance/', 'Infrastructure Assurance', NULL, NULL, 'The Infra Assurance focuses on managing and overseeing assets and portfolios within an organization. This project provides tools and processes to ensure the integrity, availability, and effectiveness of assets and portfolios, supporting comprehensive assurance and compliance efforts.', NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 3, '/opsfolio/infra/assurance/boundary_list.sql', '/opsfolio/infra/assurance/boundary_list.sql', 'Boundary List', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 4, '/opsfolio/infra/assurance/assurance_detail.sql', '/opsfolio/infra/assurance/assurance_detail.sql', 'Infra Assurance Detail', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 4, '/opsfolio/infra/assurance/security_incidents.sql', '/opsfolio/infra/assurance/security_incidents.sql', 'Security Incidents', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 4, '/opsfolio/infra/assurance/security_impact_analysis.sql', '/opsfolio/infra/assurance/security_impact_analysis.sql', 'Security Impact Analysis', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) ON CONFLICT (namespace, parent_path, path) DO UPDATE SET title = EXCLUDED.title, abbreviated_caption = EXCLUDED.abbreviated_caption, description = EXCLUDED.description, url = EXCLUDED.url, sibling_order = EXCLUDED.sibling_order; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'shell/shell.json', '{ "component": "shell", "title": "Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD)", "icon": "database", "layout": "fluid", "fixed_top_menu": true, "link": "/", "menu_item": [ { "link": "/", "title": "Home" } ], "javascript": [ "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/highlight.min.js", "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/sql.min.js", "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/handlebars.min.js", "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/json.min.js" ], "footer": "Resource Surveillance Web UI" };', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'shell/shell.sql', 'SELECT ''shell'' AS component, ''Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD)'' AS title, ''database'' AS icon, ''fluid'' AS layout, true AS fixed_top_menu, ''/'' AS link, ''{"link":"/","title":"Home"}'' AS menu_item, ''https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/highlight.min.js'' AS javascript, ''https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/sql.min.js'' AS javascript, ''https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/handlebars.min.js'' AS javascript, ''https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/json.min.js'' AS javascript, json_object( ''link'', ''/ur'', ''title'', ''Uniform Resource'', ''submenu'', ( SELECT json_group_array( json_object( ''title'', title, ''link'', link, ''description'', description ) ) FROM ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/ur'' ORDER BY sibling_order ) ) ) as menu_item, json_object( ''link'', ''/console'', ''title'', ''Console'', ''submenu'', ( SELECT json_group_array( json_object( ''title'', title, ''link'', link, ''description'', description ) ) FROM ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/console'' ORDER BY sibling_order ) ) ) as menu_item, json_object( ''link'', ''/orchestration'', ''title'', ''Orchestration'', ''submenu'', ( SELECT json_group_array( json_object( ''title'', title, ''link'', link, ''description'', description ) ) FROM ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/orchestration'' ORDER BY sibling_order ) ) ) as menu_item, ''Resource Surveillance Web UI (v'' || sqlpage.version() || '') '' || ''📄 ['' || substr(sqlpage.path(), 2) || ''](/console/sqlpage-files/sqlpage-file.sql?path='' || substr(sqlpage.path(), 2) || '')'' as footer;', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''list'' AS component; SELECT caption as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/'' ORDER BY sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation WITH console_navigation_cte AS ( SELECT title, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console'' ) SELECT ''list'' AS component, title, description FROM console_navigation_cte; SELECT caption as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/console'' ORDER BY sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/info-schema/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/info-schema'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Tables'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Table'' AS markdown, ''Column Count'' as align_right, ''Content'' as markdown, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''['' || table_name || ''](table.sql?name='' || table_name || '')'' AS "Table", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count", content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md as "Content" FROM console_information_schema_table GROUP BY table_name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Views'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''View'' AS markdown, ''Column Count'' as align_right, ''Content'' as markdown, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''['' || view_name || ''](view.sql?name='' || view_name || '')'' AS "View", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count", content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md as "Content" FROM console_information_schema_view GROUP BY view_name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Migrations'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Table'' AS markdown, ''Column Count'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT from_state, to_state, transition_reason, transitioned_at FROM code_notebook_state ORDER BY transitioned_at; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/info-schema/table.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/info-schema'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; SELECT $name || '' Table'' AS title, ''#'' AS link; SELECT ''title'' AS component, $name AS contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component; SELECT column_name AS "Column", data_type AS "Type", is_primary_key AS "PK", is_not_null AS "Required", default_value AS "Default" FROM console_information_schema_table WHERE table_name = $name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Foreign Keys'' as contents, 2 as level; SELECT ''table'' AS component; SELECT column_name AS "Column Name", foreign_key AS "Foreign Key" FROM console_information_schema_table_col_fkey WHERE table_name = $name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Indexes'' as contents, 2 as level; SELECT ''table'' AS component; SELECT column_name AS "Column Name", index_name AS "Index Name" FROM console_information_schema_table_col_index WHERE table_name = $name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''SQL DDL'' as contents, 2 as level; SELECT ''code'' AS component; SELECT ''sql'' as language, (SELECT sql_ddl FROM console_information_schema_table WHERE table_name = $name) as contents; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/info-schema/view.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/info-schema'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; SELECT $name || '' View'' AS title, ''#'' AS link; SELECT ''title'' AS component, $name AS contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component; SELECT column_name AS "Column", data_type AS "Type" FROM console_information_schema_view WHERE view_name = $name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''SQL DDL'' as contents, 2 as level; SELECT ''code'' AS component; SELECT ''sql'' as language, (SELECT sql_ddl FROM console_information_schema_view WHERE view_name = $name) as contents; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/sqlpage-files/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/sqlpage-files'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''SQLPage pages in sqlpage_files table'' AS contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Path'' as markdown, ''Size'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''[🚀](/'' || path || '') [📄 '' || path || ''](sqlpage-file.sql?path='' || path || '')'' AS "Path", LENGTH(contents) as "Size", last_modified FROM sqlpage_files ORDER BY path; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/sqlpage-files/sqlpage-file.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/sqlpage-files'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; SELECT $path || '' Path'' AS title, ''#'' AS link; SELECT ''title'' AS component, $path AS contents; SELECT ''text'' AS component, ''```sql '' || (select contents FROM sqlpage_files where path = $path) || '' ```'' as contents_md; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/sqlpage-files/content.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/sqlpage-files/content.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''SQLPage pages generated from tables and views'' AS contents; SELECT ''text'' AS component, '' - `*.auto.sql` pages are auto-generated "default" content pages for each table and view defined in the database. - The `*.sql` companions may be auto-generated redirects to their `*.auto.sql` pair or an app/service might override the `*.sql` to not redirect and supply custom content for any table or view. - [View regenerate-auto.sql](/console/sqlpage-files/sqlpage-file.sql?path=console/content/action/regenerate-auto.sql) '' AS contents_md; SELECT ''button'' AS component, ''center'' AS justify; SELECT ''/console/content/action/regenerate-auto.sql'' AS link, ''info'' AS color, ''Regenerate all "default" table/view content pages'' AS title; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Redirected or overriden content pages'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Path'' as markdown, ''Size'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''[🚀](/'' || path || '') [📄 '' || path || ''](sqlpage-file.sql?path='' || path || '')'' AS "Path", LENGTH(contents) as "Size", last_modified FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/%'' AND NOT(path like ''console/content/%.auto.sql'') AND NOT(path like ''console/content/action%'') ORDER BY path; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Auto-generated "default" content pages'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Path'' as markdown, ''Size'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''[🚀](/'' || path || '') [📄 '' || path || ''](sqlpage-file.sql?path='' || path || '')'' AS "Path", LENGTH(contents) as "Size", last_modified FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/%.auto.sql'' ORDER BY path; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/content/action/regenerate-auto.sql', ' -- code provenance: `ConsoleSqlPages.infoSchemaContentDML` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/web-ui-content/console.ts) -- the "auto-generated" tables will be in ''*.auto.sql'' with redirects DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/table/%.auto.sql''; DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/view/%.auto.sql''; INSERT OR REPLACE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT ''console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql'', ''SELECT ''''dynamic'''' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''''shell/shell.sql'''') AS properties; SELECT ''''breadcrumb'''' AS component; SELECT ''''Home'''' as title, ''''/'''' AS link; SELECT ''''Console'''' as title, ''''/console'''' AS link; SELECT ''''Content'''' as title, ''''/console/content'''' AS link; SELECT '''''' || tabular_name || '' '' || tabular_nature || '''''' as title, ''''#'''' AS link; SELECT ''''title'''' AS component, '''''' || tabular_name || '' ('' || tabular_nature || '') Content'''' as contents; SET total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '' || tabular_name || ''); SET limit = COALESCE($limit, 50); SET offset = COALESCE($offset, 0); SET total_pages = ($total_rows + $limit - 1) / $limit; SET current_page = ($offset / $limit) + 1; SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, '''''' || info_schema_link_full_md || '''''' AS contents_md SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, ''''- Start Row: '''' || $offset || '''' '''' || ''''- Rows per Page: '''' || $limit || '''' '''' || ''''- Total Rows: '''' || $total_rows || '''' '''' || ''''- Current Page: '''' || $current_page || '''' '''' || ''''- Total Pages: '''' || $total_pages as contents_md WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL; -- Display uniform_resource table with pagination SELECT ''''table'''' AS component, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search, TRUE AS hover, TRUE AS striped_rows, TRUE AS small; SELECT * FROM '' || tabular_name || '' LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset; SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page > 1 THEN ''''[Previous](?limit='''' || $limit || ''''&offset='''' || ($offset - $limit) || '''')'''' ELSE '''''''' END) || '''' '''' || ''''(Page '''' || $current_page || '''' of '''' || $total_pages || '''') '''' || (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page < $total_pages THEN ''''[Next](?limit='''' || $limit || ''''&offset='''' || ($offset + $limit) || '''')'''' ELSE '''''''' END) AS contents_md;'' FROM console_content_tabular; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT ''console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.sql'', ''SELECT ''''redirect'''' AS component, ''''/console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql'''' AS link WHERE $stats IS NULL; '' || ''SELECT ''''redirect'''' AS component, ''''/console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql?stats='''' || $stats AS link WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL;'' FROM console_content_tabular; -- TODO: add ${this.upsertNavSQL(...)} if we want each of the above to be navigable through DB rows -- code provenance: `ConsoleSqlPages.console/content/action/regenerate-auto.sql` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/web-ui-content/console.ts) SELECT ''redirect'' AS component, ''/console/sqlpage-files/content.sql'' as link WHERE $redirect is NULL; SELECT ''redirect'' AS component, $redirect as link WHERE $redirect is NOT NULL;', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/sqlpage-nav/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/sqlpage-nav'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''SQLPage navigation in sqlpage_aide_navigation table'' AS contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT path, caption, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation ORDER BY namespace, parent_path, path, sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/notebooks/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/notebooks'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Code Notebooks'' AS contents; SELECT ''table'' as component, ''Cell'' as markdown, 1 as search, 1 as sort; SELECT c.notebook_name, ''['' || c.cell_name || ''](notebook-cell.sql?notebook='' || replace(c.notebook_name, '' '', ''%20'') || ''&cell='' || replace(c.cell_name, '' '', ''%20'') || '')'' as Cell, c.description, k.kernel_name as kernel FROM code_notebook_kernel k, code_notebook_cell c WHERE k.code_notebook_kernel_id = c.notebook_kernel_id; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/notebooks/notebook-cell.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/notebooks'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; SELECT ''Notebook '' || $notebook || '' Cell'' || $cell AS title, ''#'' AS link; SELECT ''code'' as component; SELECT $notebook || ''.'' || $cell || '' ('' || k.kernel_name ||'')'' as title, COALESCE(c.cell_governance -> ''$.language'', ''sql'') as language, c.interpretable_code as contents FROM code_notebook_kernel k, code_notebook_cell c WHERE c.notebook_name = $notebook AND c.cell_name = $cell AND k.code_notebook_kernel_id = c.notebook_kernel_id; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'ur/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/ur'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation WITH navigation_cte AS ( SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) as title, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/ur'' ) SELECT ''list'' AS component, title, description FROM navigation_cte; SELECT caption as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/ur'' ORDER BY sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'ur/info-schema.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/ur/info-schema.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Uniform Resource Tables and Views'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Name'' AS markdown, ''Column Count'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''Table'' as "Type", ''['' || table_name || ''](/console/info-schema/table.sql?name='' || table_name || '')'' AS "Name", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count" FROM console_information_schema_table WHERE table_name = ''uniform_resource'' OR table_name like ''ur_%'' GROUP BY table_name UNION ALL SELECT ''View'' as "Type", ''['' || view_name || ''](/console/info-schema/view.sql?name='' || view_name || '')'' AS "Name", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count" FROM console_information_schema_view WHERE view_name like ''ur_%'' GROUP BY view_name; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'ur/uniform-resource-files.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, (SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/ur/uniform-resource-files.sql'') as contents; ; -- sets up $limit, $offset, and other variables (use pagination.debugVars() to see values in web-ui) SET total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM uniform_resource_file); SET limit = COALESCE($limit, 50); SET offset = COALESCE($offset, 0); SET total_pages = ($total_rows + $limit - 1) / $limit; SET current_page = ($offset / $limit) + 1; -- Display uniform_resource table with pagination SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Uniform Resources'' AS title, "Size (bytes)" as align_right, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search, TRUE AS hover, TRUE AS striped_rows, TRUE AS small; SELECT * FROM uniform_resource_file ORDER BY uniform_resource_id LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset; SELECT ''text'' AS component, (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page > 1 THEN ''[Previous](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset - $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) || '' '' || ''(Page '' || $current_page || '' of '' || $total_pages || ") " || (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page < $total_pages THEN ''[Next](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset + $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) AS contents_md; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'orchestration/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/orchestration'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation WITH navigation_cte AS ( SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) as title, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/orchestration'' ) SELECT ''list'' AS component, title, description FROM navigation_cte; SELECT caption as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/orchestration'' ORDER BY sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'orchestration/info-schema.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/orchestration/info-schema.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Orchestration Tables and Views'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Name'' AS markdown, ''Column Count'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''Table'' as "Type", ''['' || table_name || ''](/console/info-schema/table.sql?name='' || table_name || '')'' AS "Name", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count" FROM console_information_schema_table WHERE table_name = ''orchestration_session'' OR table_name like ''orchestration_%'' GROUP BY table_name UNION ALL SELECT ''View'' as "Type", ''['' || view_name || ''](/console/info-schema/view.sql?name='' || view_name || '')'' AS "Name", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count" FROM console_information_schema_view WHERE view_name like ''orchestration_%'' GROUP BY view_name; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation select ''card'' as component, 3 as columns; SELECT caption as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/opsfolio'' AND sibling_order = 2 ORDER BY sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/infra/assurance/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/infra/assurance'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''card'' as component, 3 as columns; SELECT name AS title, ''/opsfolio/infra/assurance/boundary_list.sql?boundary='' || name || '''' as link, ''Assets '' || (SELECT count(boundary) FROM server_data WHERE boundary = border_boundary.name) AS footer_md FROM border_boundary; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/infra/assurance/boundary_list.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/infra/assurance/boundary_list.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation select ''title'' as component, $boundary as contents; select ''card'' as component, 3 as columns; select server as title, ''Assets '' || count(server) AS footer_md FROM asset_service_view WHERE boundary = $boundary::TEXT GROUP BY server; SELECT ''table'' AS component, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search, TRUE as hover, TRUE as striped_rows, ''Name'' as markdown; SELECT ''['' || name || ''](/opsfolio/infra/assurance/assurance_detail.sql?name='' || name || '')'' AS "Name", server as Server, asset_type as "Asset Type", boundary as Boundary, description as Description, port as Port, experimental_version as "Experimental Version", production_version as "Production Version", latest_vendor_version as "Latest Vendor Version", resource_utilization as "Resource Utilization", log_file as "Log File", vendor_link as "Vendor Link", installation_date as "Installation Date", criticality as Criticality, owner as Owner, asset_criticality as "Asset Criticality", asymmetric_keys as "Asymmetric Keys", cryptographic_key as "Cryptographic Key", symmetric_keys as "Symmetric Keys", status as Status FROM server_data WHERE boundary=$boundary::TEXT; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/infra/assurance/assurance_detail.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/infra/assurance/assurance_detail.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' as component, $name as contents; SELECT ''tab'' as component, TRUE as center; select ''tab'' as component; select $name as title, ''?name='' || $name as link, TRUE as active; select ''Security Incidents'' as title, ''security_incidents.sql?server='' || (SELECT server FROM server_data WHERE name=$name::TEXT) || ''&name='' || $name as link; select ''Security Impact Analysis'' as title, ''security_impact_analysis.sql?server='' || $server as link; select ''html'' as component; select ''

'' as html FROM server_data WHERE name=$name::TEXT; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/infra/assurance/security_incidents.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/infra/assurance/security_incidents.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' as component, $name as contents; select ''tab'' as component; select $name as title, ''assurance_detail.sql?name='' || $name as link; select ''Security Incidents'' as title, ''security_incidents.sql?name='' || $name || ''&'' || ''server='' || $server as link, TRUE as active; select ''Security Impact Analysis'' as title, ''security_impact_analysis.sql?name='' || $name || ''&'' || ''server='' || $server as link; SELECT ''table'' AS component; SELECT incident, incident_date as "Incident Date", asset_name as "Asset Name", category,severity,priority,internal_or_external as "internal or external",location,it_service_impacted as "it service impacted", impacted_modules as "impacted modules", impacted_dept as "impacted dept", reported_by as "reported by", reported_to as "reported to", brief_description as "brief description",detailed_description as "detailed description", assigned_to as "assigned to", assigned_to as "assigned to", assigned_date as "assigned date", investigation_details as "investigation details",containment_details as "containment details", eradication_details as "eradication details", business_impact as "business impact", lessons_learned as "lessons learned",Status, closed_date as "closed date", feedback_from_business as "feedback from business", reported_to_regulatory as "reported to regulatory",report_date as "report date", report_time as "report time", root_cause_of_the_issue as "root cause of the issue", probability_of_issue as "probability of issue", testing_for_possible_root_cause_analysis as "testing for possible root cause analysis",solution, likelihood_of_risk as "likelihood of risk",modification_of_the_reported_issue as "modification of the reported issue",testing_for_modified_issue as "testing for modified issue", test_results as "test results" FROM security_incident_response_view AS s JOIN asset_service_view AS a ON s.asset_name = a.server WHERE s.asset_name = $server::TEXT; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/infra/assurance/security_impact_analysis.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/infra/assurance/security_impact_analysis.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' as component, $name as contents; select ''tab'' as component; select $name as title, ''assurance_detail.sql?name='' || $name as link; select ''Security Incidents'' as title, ''security_incidents.sql?name='' || $name || ''&'' || ''server='' || $server as link; select ''Security Impact Analysis'' as title, ''security_impact_analysis.sql?name='' || $name || ''&'' || ''server='' || $server as link, TRUE as active; SELECT ''table'' AS component; SELECT vulnerability, security_risk as "security risk", security_threat as "security threat",impact_of_risk as "impact of risk", proposed_controls as "proposed controls", impact_level as "impact level", risk_level as "risk level", existing_controls as "existing controls", reported_date as "reported date", reported_by as "reported by", responsible_by as "responsible by" FROM security_impact_analysis_view AS s JOIN asset_service_view AS a ON s.security_risk = a.server WHERE s.security_risk = $server::TEXT; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; -- code provenance: `TypicalSqlPageNotebook.commonDDL` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/notebook/sqlpage.ts) -- idempotently create location where SQLPage looks for its content CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "sqlpage_files" ( "path" VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "contents" TEXT NOT NULL, "last_modified" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ); -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Script to prepare convenience views to access uniform_resource.content column -- as CCDA content, ensuring only valid JSON is processed. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TODO: will this help performance? -- CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_resource_type ON uniform_resource ((content ->> '$.resourceType')); -- CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_bundle_entry ON uniform_resource ((json_type(content -> '$.entry'))); -- CCDA Discovery and Enumeration Views -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Summary of the uniform_resource table -- Provides a count of total rows, valid JSON rows, invalid JSON rows, -- and potential CCDA v4 candidates and bundles based on JSON structure. DROP VIEW IF EXISTS uniform_resource_summary; CREATE VIEW uniform_resource_summary AS SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_rows, SUM(CASE WHEN json_valid(content) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS valid_json_rows, SUM(CASE WHEN json_valid(content) THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) AS invalid_json_rows, SUM(CASE WHEN json_valid(content) AND content ->> '$.resourceType' IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS ccda_v4_candidates, SUM(CASE WHEN json_valid(content) AND json_type(content -> '$.entry') = 'array' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS ccda_v4_bundle_candidates FROM uniform_resource; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS tenant_based_control_regime; CREATE VIEW tenant_based_control_regime AS SELECT tcr.control_regime_id, tcr.tenant_id, cr.name, cr.parent_id, cr.description, cr.logo_url, cr.status, cr.created_at, cr.updated_at FROM tenant_control_regime tcr JOIN control_regime cr on cr.control_regime_id = tcr.control_regime_id; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS audit_session_control; CREATE VIEW audit_session_control AS SELECT c.control_group_id, c.control_id, c.question, c.display_order, c.control_code, ac.audit_control_id, ac.control_audit_status AS status, ac.audit_session_id FROM audit_control ac JOIN control c ON c.control_id = ac.control_id; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS audit_session_list; CREATE VIEW audit_session_list AS SELECT a.audit_session_id, a.control_regime_id as audit_type_id, a.title, a.due_date, a.tenant_id, a.created_at, a.updated_at, a.contact_person as contact_person_id, a.status, a.deleted_at, a.deleted_by, cr.logo_url, cr.name as audit_type, cr.parent_id as control_regime_id, cr2.name as control_regime_name, p.party_name AS tenant_name, p2.party_name AS contact_person, (CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN ac.control_audit_status = 'Accepted by External Auditor' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS FLOAT) / COUNT(ac.audit_control_id)) * 100 AS percentage_of_completion FROM audit_session a JOIN control_regime cr ON cr.control_regime_id = a.control_regime_id JOIN control_regime cr2 on cr2.control_regime_id = cr.parent_id JOIN party p ON p.party_id = a.tenant_id JOIN party p2 ON p2.party_id = a.contact_person JOIN audit_control ac ON ac.audit_session_id = a.audit_session_id GROUP BY a.audit_session_id, a.control_regime_id, a.title, a.due_date, a.tenant_id, a.created_at, a.updated_at, a.deleted_at, a.deleted_by, cr.logo_url, cr.parent_id, cr2.name, cr.name, p.party_name; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS query_result; CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS query_result AS WITH RECURSIVE extract_blocks AS ( SELECT uniform_resource_id, uri, device_id, content_digest, nature, size_bytes, last_modified_at, created_at, updated_at, substr(content, instr(content, '', '') - instr(content, '')) AS query_content, substr(content, instr(content, '') + length('')) AS remaining_content FROM uniform_resource WHERE content LIKE '%', '') - instr(remaining_content, '')) AS query_content, substr(remaining_content, instr(remaining_content, '') + length('')) AS remaining_content FROM extract_blocks WHERE remaining_content LIKE '% 0 THEN SUBSTR(query_content, INSTR(query_content, '{\`') + LENGTH('{\`'), INSTR(SUBSTR(query_content, INSTR(query_content, '{\`') + LENGTH('{\`')), '\`}') - LENGTH('\`') - 1 ) ELSE NULL END AS query_content, CASE WHEN INSTR(query_content, 'satisfies="') > 0 THEN SUBSTR(query_content, INSTR(query_content, 'satisfies="') + LENGTH('satisfies="'), INSTR(SUBSTR(query_content, INSTR(query_content, 'satisfies="') + LENGTH('satisfies="')), '"') - 1 ) ELSE NULL END AS satisfies FROM query_result ), split_satisfies AS ( SELECT uniform_resource_id, uri, device_id, content_digest, nature, size_bytes, last_modified_at, created_at, updated_at, title, grid_style, connection, language, query_content, TRIM(json_each.value) AS fii, hex(substr(title, 1, 50)) AS short_title_hex, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY uniform_resource_id, title ORDER BY uniform_resource_id, title) AS row_num FROM extracted_data, json_each('["' || REPLACE(satisfies, ', ', '","') || '"]') ) SELECT uniform_resource_id, uri, device_id, content_digest, nature, size_bytes, last_modified_at, created_at, updated_at, title, grid_style, connection, language, query_content, fii, uniform_resource_id || '-' || short_title_hex || '-0001-' || printf('%04d', row_num) AS evidence_id FROM split_satisfies; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS audit_session_control_group; CREATE VIEW audit_session_control_group AS SELECT cg.control_group_id, cg.title AS control_group_name, cg.display_order, a.audit_session_id FROM control_group cg JOIN control c ON c.control_group_id = cg.control_group_id JOIN audit_control ac ON ac.control_id = c.control_id JOIN audit_session a ON a.audit_session_id = ac.audit_session_id GROUP BY cg.control_group_id, cg.title, a.audit_session_id; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS audit_control_evidence; CREATE VIEW audit_control_evidence AS SELECT acpe.audit_control_id, acpe.status AS evidence_status, p.policy_id, p.uri, p.title, p.description, p.fii, e.evidence_id, e.evidence, e.title AS evidence_title, e.type AS evidence_type FROM audit_control_policy_evidence acpe JOIN audit_control ac ON ac.audit_control_id = acpe.audit_control_id JOIN control c ON c.control_id = ac.control_id JOIN policy p ON p.policy_id = acpe.policy_id AND ( REPLACE(c.fii, ' ', '') = p.fii OR ',' || REPLACE(c.fii, ' ', '') || ',' LIKE '%,' || p.fii || ',%' ) LEFT JOIN evidence e ON e.evidence_id = acpe.evidence_id; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS policy; CREATE VIEW policy AS WITH rankedpolicies AS (SELECT u.uniform_resource_id || '-' || u.device_id AS policy_id, u.uniform_resource_id, u.device_id, u.uri, u.content_digest, u.nature, u.size_bytes, u.last_modified_at, Json_extract(u.frontmatter, '$.title') AS title, Json_extract(u.frontmatter, '$.description') AS description, Json_extract(u.frontmatter, '$.publishDate') AS publishDate, Json_extract(u.frontmatter, '$.publishBy') AS publishBy, Json_extract(u.frontmatter, '$.classification') AS classification, Json_extract(u.frontmatter, '$.documentVersion') AS documentVersion, Json_extract(u.frontmatter, '$.documentType') AS documentType, Json_extract(u.frontmatter, '$.approvedBy') AS approvedBy, json_each.value AS fii, u.created_at, u.updated_at, Row_number() OVER (partition BY u.uri, json_each.value ORDER BY u.last_modified_at DESC) AS rn FROM uniform_resource u, Json_each(Json_extract(u.frontmatter, '$.satisfies')) WHERE u.nature = 'md' OR u.nature = 'mdx') SELECT policy_id,uniform_resource_id, device_id, uri, content_digest, nature, size_bytes, last_modified_at, title, description, publishdate, publishby, classification, documentversion, documenttype, approvedby, fii, created_at, updated_at FROM rankedpolicies WHERE rn = 1; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS evidence; CREATE VIEW evidence AS SELECT eqr.evidence_id, eqr.uniform_resource_id, eqr.uri, eqr.title, eqr.query_content AS evidence, eqr.fii, 'Query Result' AS type FROM evidence_query_result eqr UNION ALL SELECT ea.evidence_id, ea.uniform_resource_id, ea.uri, ea.title, ea.extracted AS evidence, ea.fii, 'Anchor Tag' AS type FROM evidence_anchortag ea UNION ALL SELECT ei.evidence_id, ei.uniform_resource_id, ei.uri, ei.title, ei.extracted AS evidence, ei.fii, 'Image Tag' AS type FROM evidence_imagetag ei UNION ALL SELECT ec.evidence_id, ec.uniform_resource_id, ec.uri, ec.title, ec.extracted AS evidence, ec.fii, 'Evidence Tag' AS type FROM evidence_customtag ec UNION ALL SELECT eer.evidence_id, eer.uniform_resource_id, eer.uri, eer.title, eer.extracted AS evidence, eer.fii, 'EvidenceResult' AS type FROM evidence_evidenceresult eer; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS evidence_evidenceresult; CREATE VIEW evidence_evidenceresult AS WITH RECURSIVE CTE AS ( SELECT frontmatter->>'title' AS title, uri, nature, device_id, content_digest, content, INSTR(content, '') AS evidence_result_end, SUBSTR(content, INSTR(content, '') - INSTR(content, '')) AS extracted, SUBSTR(content, INSTR(content, '') + LENGTH('')) AS remaining_content, last_modified_at, created_at, uniform_resource_id FROM uniform_resource WHERE INSTR(content, ' 0 AND (nature='mdx' OR nature='md') UNION ALL SELECT title, uri, nature, device_id, content_digest, content, INSTR(remaining_content, '') AS evidence_result_end, SUBSTR(remaining_content, INSTR(remaining_content, '') - INSTR(remaining_content, '')) AS extracted, SUBSTR(remaining_content, INSTR(remaining_content, '') + LENGTH('')) AS remaining_content, last_modified_at, created_at, uniform_resource_id FROM CTE WHERE INSTR(remaining_content, ' 0 AND INSTR(remaining_content, '') > INSTR(remaining_content, ' 0 THEN INSTR(SUBSTR(extracted, INSTR(extracted, 'satisfies="') + LENGTH('satisfies="')), ',') - 1 ELSE INSTR(SUBSTR(extracted, INSTR(extracted, 'satisfies="') + LENGTH('satisfies="')), '"') - 1 END ) AS satisfies, SUBSTR( extracted, INSTR(extracted, 'satisfies="') + LENGTH('satisfies="') + CASE WHEN INSTR(SUBSTR(extracted, INSTR(extracted, 'satisfies="') + LENGTH('satisfies="')), ',') > 0 THEN INSTR(SUBSTR(extracted, INSTR(extracted, 'satisfies="') + LENGTH('satisfies="')), ',') ELSE INSTR(SUBSTR(extracted, INSTR(extracted, 'satisfies="') + LENGTH('satisfies="')), '"') END + 1 ) AS rest_satisfies FROM CTE WHERE INSTR(extracted, 'satisfies="') > 0 UNION ALL SELECT title, uri, nature, device_id, content_digest, content, extracted, last_modified_at, created_at, uniform_resource_id, TRIM(SUBSTR(rest_satisfies, 1, INSTR(rest_satisfies, ',') - 1)) AS satisfies, SUBSTR(rest_satisfies, INSTR(rest_satisfies, ',') + 1) AS rest_satisfies FROM satisfies_split WHERE INSTR(rest_satisfies, ',') > 0 UNION ALL SELECT title, uri, nature, device_id, content_digest, content, extracted, last_modified_at, created_at, uniform_resource_id, TRIM(rest_satisfies) AS satisfies, NULL AS rest_satisfies FROM satisfies_split WHERE INSTR(rest_satisfies, ',') = 0 AND LENGTH(TRIM(rest_satisfies)) > 0 ), latest_entries AS ( SELECT uri, MAX(last_modified_at) AS latest_last_modified_at FROM uniform_resource GROUP BY uri ) SELECT ss.uniform_resource_id, ss.uri, ss.nature, ss.device_id, ss.content_digest, ss.title, ss.content, ss.extracted, CASE WHEN INSTR(satisfies, '"') > 0 THEN SUBSTR(satisfies, 1, INSTR(satisfies, '"') - 1) ELSE satisfies END AS fii, ss.last_modified_at, ss.created_at, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY uniform_resource_id, title ORDER BY uniform_resource_id, title) AS row_num, uniform_resource_id || '-' || hex(substr(title, 1, 50))|| '-0005-' || printf('%04d', ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY uniform_resource_id, title ORDER BY uniform_resource_id, title)) AS evidence_id FROM satisfies_split ss JOIN latest_entries le ON ss.uri = le.uri AND ss.last_modified_at = le.latest_last_modified_at WHERE satisfies IS NOT NULL AND satisfies != '' AND fii LIKE '%FII%' group by fii ORDER BY ss.title, fii; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS evidence_customtag; CREATE VIEW evidence_customtag AS WITH RECURSIVE CTE AS ( -- Base case: Initial extraction SELECT uniform_resource_id, uri, nature, device_id, content_digest, frontmatter->>'title' AS title, content, INSTR(content, '') AS evidence_end, SUBSTR(content, INSTR(content, '') + 1) AS extracted, SUBSTR(content, INSTR(content, '') + 1) AS remaining_content , last_modified_at, created_at FROM uniform_resource WHERE INSTR(content, ' 0 UNION ALL SELECT uniform_resource_id, uri, nature, device_id, content_digest, title, content, INSTR(remaining_content, '') AS evidence_end, SUBSTR(remaining_content, INSTR(remaining_content, '') + 1) AS extracted, SUBSTR(remaining_content, INSTR(remaining_content, '') + 1) AS remaining_content, last_modified_at, created_at FROM CTE WHERE INSTR(remaining_content, ' 0 ), ExtractSatisfies AS ( SELECT uniform_resource_id, uri, nature, device_id, content_digest, title, content, extracted, -- Extract the value of the satisfies attribute TRIM(SUBSTR(extracted, INSTR(extracted, 'satisfies="') + LENGTH('satisfies="'), INSTR(SUBSTR(extracted, INSTR(extracted, 'satisfies="') + LENGTH('satisfies="')), '"') - 1 ) ) AS satisfies_value, last_modified_at, created_at FROM CTE WHERE extracted IS NOT NULL AND INSTR(LOWER(extracted), 'satisfies="') > 0 ), SplitSatisfies AS ( SELECT uniform_resource_id, uri, nature, device_id, content_digest, title, content, extracted, TRIM(SUBSTR(satisfies_value, 1, INSTR(satisfies_value || ',', ',') - 1)) AS satisfy, CASE WHEN INSTR(satisfies_value, ',') > 0 THEN TRIM(SUBSTR(satisfies_value, INSTR(satisfies_value, ',') + 1)) ELSE NULL END AS remaining_satisfies, last_modified_at, created_at FROM ExtractSatisfies WHERE satisfies_value IS NOT NULL AND satisfies_value != '' UNION ALL SELECT uniform_resource_id, uri, nature, device_id, content_digest, title, content, extracted, TRIM(SUBSTR(remaining_satisfies, 1, INSTR(remaining_satisfies || ',', ',') - 1)) AS satisfy, CASE WHEN INSTR(remaining_satisfies, ',') > 0 THEN TRIM(SUBSTR(remaining_satisfies, INSTR(remaining_satisfies, ',') + 1)) ELSE NULL END AS remaining_satisfies, last_modified_at, created_at FROM SplitSatisfies WHERE remaining_satisfies IS NOT NULL AND remaining_satisfies != '' ), latest_entries AS ( SELECT uri, MAX(last_modified_at) AS latest_last_modified_at FROM uniform_resource GROUP BY uri ) SELECT ss.uniform_resource_id, ss.uri, ss.nature, ss.device_id, ss.content_digest, ss.title, ss.content, ss.extracted, satisfy AS fii, ss.last_modified_at, ss.created_at, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY uniform_resource_id, title ORDER BY uniform_resource_id, title) AS row_num, uniform_resource_id || '-' || hex(substr(title, 1, 50))|| '-0004-' || printf('%04d', ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY uniform_resource_id, title ORDER BY uniform_resource_id, title)) AS evidence_id FROM SplitSatisfies ss JOIN latest_entries le ON ss.uri = le.uri AND ss.last_modified_at = le.latest_last_modified_at WHERE satisfy IS NOT NULL AND satisfy != '' group BY fii,ss.title order by ss.title; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS evidence_anchortag; CREATE VIEW evidence_anchortag AS WITH RECURSIVE CTE AS ( SELECT frontmatter->>'title' AS title, uri, nature, device_id, content_digest, content, INSTR(content, '') AS href_end, SUBSTR(content, INSTR(content, '') - INSTR(content, '')) AS extracted, SUBSTR(content, INSTR(content, '') + LENGTH('')) AS remaining_content, last_modified_at, created_at, uniform_resource_id FROM uniform_resource WHERE INSTR(content, ' 0 AND (nature='mdx' OR nature='md') UNION ALL SELECT title, uri, nature, device_id, content_digest, content, INSTR(remaining_content, '') AS href_end, SUBSTR(remaining_content, INSTR(remaining_content, '') - INSTR(remaining_content, '')) AS extracted, SUBSTR(remaining_content, INSTR(remaining_content, '') + LENGTH('')) AS remaining_content, last_modified_at, created_at, uniform_resource_id FROM CTE WHERE INSTR(remaining_content, ' 0 AND INSTR(remaining_content, '') > INSTR(remaining_content, ' 0 THEN INSTR(SUBSTR(extracted, INSTR(extracted, 'satisfies="') + LENGTH('satisfies="')), ',') - 1 ELSE INSTR(SUBSTR(extracted, INSTR(extracted, 'satisfies="') + LENGTH('satisfies="')), '"') - 1 END ) AS satisfies, SUBSTR( extracted, INSTR(extracted, 'satisfies="') + LENGTH('satisfies="') + CASE WHEN INSTR(SUBSTR(extracted, INSTR(extracted, 'satisfies="') + LENGTH('satisfies="')), ',') > 0 THEN INSTR(SUBSTR(extracted, INSTR(extracted, 'satisfies="') + LENGTH('satisfies="')), ',') ELSE INSTR(SUBSTR(extracted, INSTR(extracted, 'satisfies="') + LENGTH('satisfies="')), '"') END + 1 ) AS rest_satisfies FROM CTE WHERE INSTR(extracted, 'satisfies="') > 0 UNION ALL SELECT title, uri, nature, device_id, content_digest, content, extracted, last_modified_at, created_at, uniform_resource_id, TRIM(SUBSTR(rest_satisfies, 1, INSTR(rest_satisfies, ',') - 1)) AS satisfies, SUBSTR(rest_satisfies, INSTR(rest_satisfies, ',') + 1) AS rest_satisfies FROM satisfies_split WHERE INSTR(rest_satisfies, ',') > 0 UNION ALL SELECT title, uri, nature, device_id, content_digest, content, extracted, last_modified_at, created_at, uniform_resource_id, TRIM(rest_satisfies) AS satisfies, NULL AS rest_satisfies FROM satisfies_split WHERE INSTR(rest_satisfies, ',') = 0 AND LENGTH(TRIM(rest_satisfies)) > 0 ), latest_entries AS ( SELECT uri, MAX(last_modified_at) AS latest_last_modified_at FROM uniform_resource GROUP BY uri ) SELECT ss.uniform_resource_id, ss.uri, ss.nature, ss.device_id, ss.content_digest, ss.title, ss.content, ss.extracted, CASE WHEN INSTR(satisfies, '"') > 0 THEN SUBSTR(satisfies, 1, INSTR(satisfies, '"') - 1) ELSE satisfies END AS fii, ss.last_modified_at, ss.created_at, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY uniform_resource_id, title ORDER BY uniform_resource_id, title) AS row_num, uniform_resource_id || '-' || hex(substr(title, 1, 50))|| '-0002-' || printf('%04d', ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY uniform_resource_id, title ORDER BY uniform_resource_id, title)) AS evidence_id FROM satisfies_split ss JOIN latest_entries le ON ss.uri = le.uri AND ss.last_modified_at = le.latest_last_modified_at WHERE satisfies IS NOT NULL AND satisfies != '' AND fii LIKE '%FII%' group by ss.title,fii ORDER BY ss.title, fii; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS evidence_imagetag; CREATE VIEW evidence_imagetag AS WITH RECURSIVE CTE AS ( -- Base case: Initial extraction SELECT uniform_resource_id, uri, nature, device_id, content_digest, frontmatter->>'title' AS title, content, INSTR(content, '') AS imgtag_end, SUBSTR(content, INSTR(content, '') + 1) AS extracted, SUBSTR(content, INSTR(content, '') + 1) AS remaining_content , last_modified_at, created_at FROM uniform_resource WHERE INSTR(content, ' 0 UNION ALL SELECT uniform_resource_id, uri, nature, device_id, content_digest, title, content, INSTR(remaining_content, '') AS imgtag_end, SUBSTR(remaining_content, INSTR(remaining_content, '') + 1) AS extracted, SUBSTR(remaining_content, INSTR(remaining_content, '') + 1) AS remaining_content, last_modified_at, created_at FROM CTE WHERE INSTR(remaining_content, ' 0 ), ExtractSatisfies AS ( SELECT uniform_resource_id, uri, nature, device_id, content_digest, title, content, extracted, -- Extract the value of the satisfies attribute TRIM(SUBSTR(extracted, INSTR(extracted, 'satisfies="') + LENGTH('satisfies="'), INSTR(SUBSTR(extracted, INSTR(extracted, 'satisfies="') + LENGTH('satisfies="')), '"') - 1 ) ) AS satisfies_value, last_modified_at, created_at FROM CTE WHERE extracted IS NOT NULL AND INSTR(LOWER(extracted), 'satisfies="') > 0 ), SplitSatisfies AS ( SELECT uniform_resource_id, uri, nature, device_id, content_digest, title, content, extracted, TRIM(SUBSTR(satisfies_value, 1, INSTR(satisfies_value || ',', ',') - 1)) AS satisfy, CASE WHEN INSTR(satisfies_value, ',') > 0 THEN TRIM(SUBSTR(satisfies_value, INSTR(satisfies_value, ',') + 1)) ELSE NULL END AS remaining_satisfies, last_modified_at, created_at FROM ExtractSatisfies WHERE satisfies_value IS NOT NULL AND satisfies_value != '' UNION ALL SELECT uniform_resource_id, uri, nature, device_id, content_digest, title, content, extracted, TRIM(SUBSTR(remaining_satisfies, 1, INSTR(remaining_satisfies || ',', ',') - 1)) AS satisfy, CASE WHEN INSTR(remaining_satisfies, ',') > 0 THEN TRIM(SUBSTR(remaining_satisfies, INSTR(remaining_satisfies, ',') + 1)) ELSE NULL END AS remaining_satisfies, last_modified_at, created_at FROM SplitSatisfies WHERE remaining_satisfies IS NOT NULL AND remaining_satisfies != '' ), latest_entries AS ( SELECT uri, MAX(last_modified_at) AS latest_last_modified_at FROM uniform_resource GROUP BY uri ) SELECT ss.uniform_resource_id, ss.uri, ss.nature, ss.device_id, ss.content_digest, ss.title, ss.content, ss.extracted, ss.satisfy AS fii, ss.last_modified_at, ss.created_at, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY uniform_resource_id, title ORDER BY uniform_resource_id, title) AS row_num, uniform_resource_id || '-' || hex(substr(title, 1, 50))|| '-0003-' || printf('%04d', ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY uniform_resource_id, title ORDER BY uniform_resource_id, title)) AS evidence_id FROM SplitSatisfies ss JOIN latest_entries le ON ss.uri = le.uri AND ss.last_modified_at = le.latest_last_modified_at WHERE ss.satisfy IS NOT NULL AND ss.satisfy != '' group by fii,ss.title order by ss.title; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS audit_session_control_status; CREATE VIEW audit_session_control_status AS SELECT a.audit_session_id, a.title, a.contact_person, a.audit_type, a.due_date, a.created_at, a.updated_at, a.tenant_id, a.tenant_name, a.control_regime_id, a.control_regime_name, Json_group_array( Json_object( 'control_group_id', cg.control_group_id, 'control_group_name', cg.control_group_name, 'display_order', cg.display_order, 'controls', ( SELECT Json_group_array( Json_object( 'id', c.audit_control_id, 'control_id', c.control_id, 'order', c.display_order, 'question', c.question, 'status', c.status, 'control_code',ct.control_code, 'fii', ct.fii, 'policy', ( WITH EvidenceGrouped AS ( SELECT policy_id, uri, title, description, fii, json_group_array( json_object( 'evidenceId', evidence_id, 'evidence', evidence, 'title', evidence_title, 'type', evidence_type, 'status', evidence_status ) ) FILTER (WHERE evidence_id IS NOT NULL) AS evidence FROM audit_control_evidence WHERE audit_control_id = c.audit_control_id GROUP BY policy_id, uri, title, description, fii ) SELECT json_group_array( json_object( 'policyId', policy_id, 'uri', uri, 'title', title, 'description', description, 'fii', fii, 'evidence', COALESCE(json(evidence), json('[]')) ) ) AS policy_json FROM EvidenceGrouped ) ) ) FROM audit_session_control c JOIN control ct ON ct.control_id = c.control_id WHERE c.control_group_id = cg.control_group_id AND c.audit_session_id = a.audit_session_id ) ) ) AS audit_control FROM audit_session_info a JOIN audit_session_control_group cg ON cg.audit_session_id = a.audit_session_id GROUP BY a.audit_session_id ORDER BY cg.display_order ASC; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS control_group; CREATE VIEW control_group AS SELECT cast("#" as int) as display_order, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY "Common Criteria") || '-' || (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='SOC2 Type I' AND parent_id!="") AS control_group_id, "Common Criteria" AS title, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='SOC2 Type I' AND parent_id!="") AS audit_type_id, NULL AS parent_id FROM uniform_resource_aicpa_soc2_controls GROUP BY "Common Criteria" UNION ALL SELECT cast("#" as int) as display_order, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY "Common Criteria") || '-' || (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='SOC2 Type II' AND parent_id!="") AS control_group_id, "Common Criteria" AS title, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='SOC2 Type II' AND parent_id!="") AS audit_type_id, NULL AS parent_id FROM uniform_resource_aicpa_soc2_type2_controls GROUP BY "Common Criteria" UNION ALL SELECT cast("#" as int) as display_order, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY "Common Criteria") || '-' || (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='HIPAA' AND parent_id!="") AS control_group_id, "Common Criteria" AS title, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='HIPAA' AND parent_id!="") AS audit_type_id, NULL AS parent_id FROM uniform_resource_hipaa_security_rule_safeguards GROUP BY "Common Criteria" UNION ALL SELECT cast("#" as int) as display_order, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY "Common Criteria") || '-' || (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='HiTRUST e1 Assessment' AND parent_id!="") AS control_group_id, "Common Criteria" AS title, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='HiTRUST e1 Assessment' AND parent_id!="") AS audit_type_id, NULL AS parent_id FROM uniform_resource_hitrust_e1_assessment GROUP BY "Common Criteria" UNION ALL SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM uniform_resource_scf_2024_2 AS sub WHERE sub.ROWID <= cntl.ROWID AND sub."US CMMC 2.0 Level 1" != "") AS display_order, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY cntl."SCF Domain") || '-' || (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 1' AND parent_id!="") AS control_group_id, cntl."SCF Domain" AS title, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 1' AND parent_id!="") AS audit_type_id, NULL AS parent_id FROM uniform_resource_scf_2024_2 cntl WHERE cntl."US CMMC 2.0 Level 1" != "" GROUP BY cntl."SCF Domain" UNION ALL SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM uniform_resource_scf_2024_2 AS sub WHERE sub.ROWID <= cntl.ROWID AND sub."US CMMC 2.0 Level 2" != "") AS display_order, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY cntl."SCF Domain") || '-' || (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 2' AND parent_id!="") AS control_group_id, cntl."SCF Domain" AS title, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 2' AND parent_id!="") AS audit_type_id, NULL AS parent_id FROM uniform_resource_scf_2024_2 cntl WHERE cntl."US CMMC 2.0 Level 2" != "" GROUP BY cntl."SCF Domain" UNION ALL SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM uniform_resource_scf_2024_2 AS sub WHERE sub.ROWID <= cntl.ROWID AND sub."US CMMC 2.0 Level 3" != "") AS display_order, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY "SCF Domain") || '-' || (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 3' AND parent_id!="") AS control_group_id, cntl."SCF Domain" AS title, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 3' AND parent_id!="") AS audit_type_id, NULL AS parent_id FROM uniform_resource_scf_2024_2 cntl WHERE cntl."US CMMC 2.0 Level 3" != "" GROUP BY cntl."SCF Domain" UNION ALL SELECT cast("#" as int) as display_order, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY "SCF Domain") || '-' || (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='Together.Health Security Assessment (THSA)' AND parent_id!="") AS control_group_id, "SCF Domain" AS title, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='Together.Health Security Assessment (THSA)' AND parent_id!="") AS audit_type_id, NULL AS parent_id FROM uniform_resource_thsa GROUP BY "SCF Domain" UNION ALL SELECT cast("#" as int) as display_order, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY "Common Criteria") || '-' || (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='Code Quality Infrastructure' AND parent_id!="") AS control_group_id, "Common Criteria" AS title, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='Code Quality Infrastructure' AND parent_id!="") AS audit_type_id, NULL AS parent_id FROM uniform_resource_code_quality_infrastructure GROUP BY "Common Criteria" UNION ALL SELECT cast("#" as int) as display_order, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY "Common Criteria") || '-' || (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='Database Quality Infrastructure' AND parent_id!="") AS control_group_id, "Common Criteria" AS title, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='Database Quality Infrastructure' AND parent_id!="") AS audit_type_id, NULL AS parent_id FROM uniform_resource_database_quality_infrastructure GROUP BY "Common Criteria" UNION ALL SELECT cast("#" as int) as display_order, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY "Common Criteria") || '-' || (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='Scheduled Audit' AND parent_id!="") AS control_group_id, "Common Criteria" AS title, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='Scheduled Audit' AND parent_id!="") AS audit_type_id, NULL AS parent_id FROM uniform_resource_scheduled_audit GROUP BY "Common Criteria"; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS control; CREATE VIEW control AS WITH control_regime_cte AS ( SELECT reg.name as control_regime, reg.control_regime_id as control_regime_id, audit.name as audit_type_name, audit.control_regime_id as audit_type_id FROM control_regime as audit INNER JOIN control_regime as reg ON audit.parent_id = reg.control_regime_id ) SELECT CAST(cntl."#" AS INTEGER) AS display_order, cg.control_group_id, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."Control Identifier", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', '-'), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."FII Id", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', ''), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='SOC2 Type I') AS control_id, cntl."Control Identifier" AS control_identifier, cntl."Control Identifier" AS control_code, cntl."Fii ID" AS fii, cntl."Common Criteria" AS common_criteria, cntl."Name" AS expected_evidence, cntl."Questions Descriptions" AS question, (SELECT control_regime FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='SOC2 Type I') AS control_regime, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='SOC2 Type I') AS control_regime_id, (SELECT audit_type_name FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='SOC2 Type I') AS audit_type, (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='SOC2 Type I') AS audit_type_id FROM uniform_resource_aicpa_soc2_controls cntl INNER JOIN control_group cg ON cg.title=cntl."Common Criteria" WHERE cg.audit_type_id=(SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='SOC2 Type I') UNION ALL SELECT CAST(cntl."#" AS INTEGER) AS display_order, cg.control_group_id, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."Control Identifier", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', '-'), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."FII Id", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', ''), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='SOC2 Type II') as control_id, cntl."Control Identifier" AS control_identifier,"Control Identifier" AS control_code, "Fii ID" AS fii, cntl."Common Criteria" AS common_criteria, cntl."Name" AS expected_evidence, cntl."Questions Descriptions" AS question, (SELECT control_regime FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='SOC2 Type II') AS control_regime, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='SOC2 Type II') AS control_regime_id, (SELECT audit_type_name FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='SOC2 Type II') AS audit_type, (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='SOC2 Type II') AS audit_type_id FROM uniform_resource_aicpa_soc2_type2_controls cntl INNER JOIN control_group cg ON cg.title=cntl."Common Criteria" WHERE cg.audit_type_id=(SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='SOC2 Type II') UNION ALL SELECT CAST(cntl."#" AS INTEGER) AS display_order, cg.control_group_id, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."HIPAA Security Rule Reference", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', '-'), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."FII Id", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', ''), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='HIPAA') as control_id, cntl."HIPAA Security Rule Reference" AS control_identifier, cntl."HIPAA Security Rule Reference" AS control_code, cntl."FII Id" AS fii, cntl."Common Criteria" AS common_criteria, "" AS expected_evidence, cntl.Safeguard AS question, (SELECT control_regime FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='HIPAA') AS control_regime, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='HIPAA') AS control_regime_id, (SELECT audit_type_name FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='HIPAA') AS audit_type, (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='HIPAA') AS audit_type_id FROM uniform_resource_hipaa_security_rule_safeguards cntl INNER JOIN control_group cg ON cg.title=cntl."Common Criteria" WHERE cg.audit_type_id=(SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='HIPAA') UNION ALL SELECT CAST(cntl."#" AS INTEGER) AS display_order, cg.control_group_id, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."Control Identifier", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', '-'), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."Fii ID", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', ''), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='HiTRUST e1 Assessment') as control_id, cntl."Control Identifier" AS control_identifier,"Control Identifier" AS control_code, "Fii ID" AS fii, cntl."Common Criteria" AS common_criteria, cntl."Name" AS expected_evidence, cntl.Description AS question, (SELECT control_regime FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='HiTRUST e1 Assessment') AS control_regime, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='HiTRUST e1 Assessment') AS control_regime_id, (SELECT audit_type_name FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='HiTRUST e1 Assessment') AS audit_type, (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='HiTRUST e1 Assessment') AS audit_type_id FROM uniform_resource_hitrust_e1_assessment cntl INNER JOIN control_group cg ON cg.title=cntl."Common Criteria" WHERE cg.audit_type_id=(SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='HiTRUST e1 Assessment') UNION ALL SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM uniform_resource_scf_2024_2 AS sub WHERE sub.ROWID <= cntl.ROWID AND "US CMMC 2.0 Level 1" != "") AS display_order, cg.control_group_id, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."US CMMC 2.0 Level 1", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', '-'), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."SCF #", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', ''), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 1') as control_id, 'CMMCLEVEL-' || (ROWID) as control_identifier, cntl."US CMMC 2.0 Level 1" AS control_code, cntl."SCF #" AS fii, cntl."SCF Domain" AS common_criteria, "" AS expected_evidence, cntl."SCF Control Question" AS question, (SELECT control_regime FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 1') AS control_regime, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 1') AS control_regime_id, (SELECT audit_type_name FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 1') AS audit_type, (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 1') AS audit_type_id FROM uniform_resource_scf_2024_2 AS cntl INNER JOIN control_group cg ON cg.title=cntl."SCF Domain" WHERE cntl."US CMMC 2.0 Level 1" != "" AND cg.audit_type_id=(SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 1') UNION ALL SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM uniform_resource_scf_2024_2 AS sub WHERE sub.ROWID <= cntl.ROWID AND "US CMMC 2.0 Level 2" != "") AS display_order, cg.control_group_id, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."US CMMC 2.0 Level 2", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', '-'), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."SCF #", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', ''), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 2') as control_id, 'CMMCLEVEL-' || (ROWID) AS control_identifier, cntl."US CMMC 2.0 Level 2" AS control_code, cntl."SCF #" AS fii, cntl."SCF Domain" AS common_criteria, "" AS expected_evidence, cntl."SCF Control Question" AS question, (SELECT control_regime FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 2') AS control_regime, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 2') AS control_regime_id, (SELECT audit_type_name FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 2') AS audit_type, (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 2') AS audit_type_id FROM uniform_resource_scf_2024_2 cntl INNER JOIN control_group cg ON cg.title=cntl."SCF Domain" WHERE "US CMMC 2.0 Level 2" != "" AND cg.audit_type_id=(SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 2') UNION ALL SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM uniform_resource_scf_2024_2 AS sub WHERE sub.ROWID <= cntl.ROWID AND "US CMMC 2.0 Level 3" != "") AS display_order, cg.control_group_id, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."US CMMC 2.0 Level 3", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', '-'), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."SCF #", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', ''), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 3') as control_id, 'CMMCLEVEL-' || (ROWID) AS control_identifier, cntl."US CMMC 2.0 Level 3" AS control_code, cntl."SCF #" AS fii, cntl."SCF Domain" AS common_criteria, "" AS expected_evidence, cntl."SCF Control Question" AS question, (SELECT control_regime FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 3') AS control_regime, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 3') AS control_regime_id, (SELECT audit_type_name FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 3') AS audit_type, (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 3') AS audit_type_id FROM uniform_resource_scf_2024_2 cntl INNER JOIN control_group cg ON cg.title=cntl."SCF Domain" WHERE "US CMMC 2.0 Level 3" != "" AND cg.audit_type_id=(SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 3') UNION ALL SELECT CAST(cntl."#" AS INTEGER) AS display_order, cg.control_group_id, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."SCF #", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', '-'), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."SCF #", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', ''), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Together.Health Security Assessment (THSA)') as control_id, cntl."SCF #" AS control_identifier, cntl."SCF #" AS control_code, cntl."SCF #" AS fii, cntl."SCF Domain" AS common_criteria, "" AS expected_evidence, cntl."SCF Control Question" AS question, (SELECT control_regime FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Together.Health Security Assessment (THSA)') AS control_regime, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Together.Health Security Assessment (THSA)') AS control_regime_id, (SELECT audit_type_name FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Together.Health Security Assessment (THSA)') AS audit_type, (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Together.Health Security Assessment (THSA)') AS audit_type_id FROM uniform_resource_thsa cntl INNER JOIN control_group cg ON cg.title=cntl."SCF Domain" WHERE cg.audit_type_id=(SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Together.Health Security Assessment (THSA)') UNION ALL SELECT CAST(cntl."#" AS INTEGER) AS display_order, cg.control_group_id, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."Control Identifier", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', '-'), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."Control Identifier", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', ''), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Code Quality Infrastructure') as control_id, cntl."Control Identifier" AS control_identifier, cntl."Control Identifier" AS control_code, cntl."Control Identifier" AS fii, cntl."Common Criteria" AS common_criteria, cntl."Name" AS expected_evidence, cntl."Questions Descriptions" AS question, (SELECT control_regime FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Code Quality Infrastructure') AS control_regime, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Code Quality Infrastructure') AS control_regime_id, (SELECT audit_type_name FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Code Quality Infrastructure') AS audit_type, (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Code Quality Infrastructure') AS audit_type_id FROM uniform_resource_code_quality_infrastructure cntl INNER JOIN control_group cg ON cg.title=cntl."Common Criteria" WHERE cg.audit_type_id=(SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Code Quality Infrastructure') UNION ALL SELECT CAST(cntl."#" AS INTEGER) AS display_order, cg.control_group_id, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."Control Identifier", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', '-'), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."Control Identifier", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', ''), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Database Quality Infrastructure') as control_id, cntl."Control Identifier" AS control_identifier, cntl."Control Identifier" AS control_code, cntl."Control Identifier" AS fii, cntl."Common Criteria" AS common_criteria, cntl."Name" AS expected_evidence, cntl."Questions Descriptions" AS question, (SELECT control_regime FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Database Quality Infrastructure') AS control_regime, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Database Quality Infrastructure') AS control_regime_id, (SELECT audit_type_name FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Database Quality Infrastructure') AS audit_type, (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Database Quality Infrastructure') AS audit_type_id FROM uniform_resource_database_quality_infrastructure cntl INNER JOIN control_group cg ON cg.title=cntl."Common Criteria" WHERE cg.audit_type_id=(SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Database Quality Infrastructure') UNION ALL SELECT CAST(cntl."#" AS INTEGER) AS display_order, cg.control_group_id, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."Control Identifier", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', '-'), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."Fii ID", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', ''), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Scheduled Audit') as control_id, cntl."Control Identifier" AS control_identifier, cntl."Control Identifier" AS control_code, cntl."Fii ID" AS fii, cntl."Common Criteria" AS common_criteria, cntl."Name" AS expected_evidence, cntl."Questions Descriptions" AS question, (SELECT control_regime FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Scheduled Audit') AS control_regime, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Scheduled Audit') AS control_regime_id, (SELECT audit_type_name FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Scheduled Audit') AS audit_type, (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Scheduled Audit') AS audit_type_id FROM uniform_resource_scheduled_audit cntl INNER JOIN control_group cg ON cg.title=cntl."Common Criteria" WHERE cg.audit_type_id=(SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Scheduled Audit'); /* 'orchestrateStatefulIaSQL' in '[object Object]' returned type undefined instead of string | string[] | SQLa.SqlTextSupplier */ -- code provenance: `ConsoleSqlPages.infoSchemaDDL` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/web-ui-content/console.ts) -- console_information_schema_* are convenience views -- to make it easier to work than pragma_table_info. DROP VIEW IF EXISTS console_information_schema_table; CREATE VIEW console_information_schema_table AS SELECT tbl.name AS table_name, col.name AS column_name, col.type AS data_type, CASE WHEN col.pk = 1 THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END AS is_primary_key, CASE WHEN col."notnull" = 1 THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END AS is_not_null, col.dflt_value AS default_value, '/console/info-schema/table.sql?name=' || tbl.name || '&stats=yes' as info_schema_web_ui_path, '[Content](/console/info-schema/table.sql?name=' || tbl.name || '&stats=yes)' as info_schema_link_abbrev_md, '[' || tbl.name || ' (table) Schema](/console/info-schema/table.sql?name=' || tbl.name || '&stats=yes)' as info_schema_link_full_md, '/console/content/table/' || tbl.name || '.sql?stats=yes' as content_web_ui_path, '[Content](/console/content/table/' || tbl.name || '.sql?stats=yes)' as content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md, '[' || tbl.name || ' (table) Content](/console/content/table/' || tbl.name || '.sql?stats=yes)' as content_web_ui_link_full_md, tbl.sql as sql_ddl FROM sqlite_master tbl JOIN pragma_table_info(tbl.name) col WHERE tbl.type = 'table' AND tbl.name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%'; -- Populate the table with view-specific information DROP VIEW IF EXISTS console_information_schema_view; CREATE VIEW console_information_schema_view AS SELECT vw.name AS view_name, col.name AS column_name, col.type AS data_type, '/console/info-schema/view.sql?name=' || vw.name || '&stats=yes' as info_schema_web_ui_path, '[Content](/console/info-schema/view.sql?name=' || vw.name || '&stats=yes)' as info_schema_link_abbrev_md, '[' || vw.name || ' (view) Schema](/console/info-schema/view.sql?name=' || vw.name || '&stats=yes)' as info_schema_link_full_md, '/console/content/view/' || vw.name || '.sql?stats=yes' as content_web_ui_path, '[Content](/console/content/view/' || vw.name || '.sql?stats=yes)' as content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md, '[' || vw.name || ' (view) Content](/console/content/view/' || vw.name || '.sql?stats=yes)' as content_web_ui_link_full_md, vw.sql as sql_ddl FROM sqlite_master vw JOIN pragma_table_info(vw.name) col WHERE vw.type = 'view' AND vw.name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS console_content_tabular; CREATE VIEW console_content_tabular AS SELECT 'table' as tabular_nature, table_name as tabular_name, info_schema_web_ui_path, info_schema_link_abbrev_md, info_schema_link_full_md, content_web_ui_path, content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md, content_web_ui_link_full_md FROM console_information_schema_table UNION ALL SELECT 'view' as tabular_nature, view_name as tabular_name, info_schema_web_ui_path, info_schema_link_abbrev_md, info_schema_link_full_md, content_web_ui_path, content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md, content_web_ui_link_full_md FROM console_information_schema_view; -- Populate the table with table column foreign keys DROP VIEW IF EXISTS console_information_schema_table_col_fkey; CREATE VIEW console_information_schema_table_col_fkey AS SELECT tbl.name AS table_name, f."from" AS column_name, f."from" || ' references ' || f."table" || '.' || f."to" AS foreign_key FROM sqlite_master tbl JOIN pragma_foreign_key_list(tbl.name) f WHERE tbl.type = 'table' AND tbl.name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%'; -- Populate the table with table column indexes DROP VIEW IF EXISTS console_information_schema_table_col_index; CREATE VIEW console_information_schema_table_col_index AS SELECT tbl.name AS table_name, pi.name AS column_name, idx.name AS index_name FROM sqlite_master tbl JOIN pragma_index_list(tbl.name) idx JOIN pragma_index_info(idx.name) pi WHERE tbl.type = 'table' AND tbl.name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%'; -- Drop and create the table for storing navigation entries -- for testing only: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sqlpage_aide_navigation; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sqlpage_aide_navigation ( path TEXT NOT NULL, -- the "primary key" within namespace caption TEXT NOT NULL, -- for human-friendly general-purpose name namespace TEXT NOT NULL, -- if more than one navigation tree is required parent_path TEXT, -- for defining hierarchy sibling_order INTEGER, -- orders children within their parent(s) url TEXT, -- for supplying links, if different from path title TEXT, -- for full titles when elaboration is required, default to caption if NULL abbreviated_caption TEXT, -- for breadcrumbs and other "short" form, default to caption if NULL description TEXT, -- for elaboration or explanation elaboration TEXT, -- optional attributes for e.g. { "target": "__blank" } -- TODO: figure out why Rusqlite does not allow this but sqlite3 does -- CONSTRAINT fk_parent_path FOREIGN KEY (namespace, parent_path) REFERENCES sqlpage_aide_navigation(namespace, path), CONSTRAINT unq_ns_path UNIQUE (namespace, parent_path, path) ); DELETE FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE path LIKE '/console/%'; DELETE FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE path LIKE '/'; -- all @navigation decorated entries are automatically added to this.navigation INSERT INTO sqlpage_aide_navigation (namespace, parent_path, sibling_order, path, url, caption, abbreviated_caption, title, description,elaboration) VALUES ('prime', NULL, 1, '/', '/', 'Home', NULL, 'Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD)', 'Welcome to Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD)', NULL), ('prime', '/', 999, '/console', '/console/', 'RSSD Console', 'Console', 'Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD) Console', 'Explore RSSD information schema, code notebooks, and SQLPage files', NULL), ('prime', '/console', 1, '/console/info-schema', '/console/info-schema/', 'RSSD Information Schema', 'Info Schema', NULL, 'Explore RSSD tables, columns, views, and other information schema documentation', NULL), ('prime', '/console', 3, '/console/sqlpage-files', '/console/sqlpage-files/', 'RSSD SQLPage Files', 'SQLPage Files', NULL, 'Explore RSSD SQLPage Files which govern the content of the web-UI', NULL), ('prime', '/console', 3, '/console/sqlpage-files/content.sql', '/console/sqlpage-files/content.sql', 'RSSD Data Tables Content SQLPage Files', 'Content SQLPage Files', NULL, 'Explore auto-generated RSSD SQLPage Files which display content within tables', NULL), ('prime', '/console', 3, '/console/sqlpage-nav', '/console/sqlpage-nav/', 'RSSD SQLPage Navigation', 'SQLPage Navigation', NULL, 'See all the navigation entries for the web-UI; TODO: need to improve this to be able to get details for each navigation entry as a table', NULL), ('prime', '/console', 2, '/console/notebooks', '/console/notebooks/', 'RSSD Code Notebooks', 'Code Notebooks', NULL, 'Explore RSSD Code Notebooks which contain reusable SQL and other code blocks', NULL) ON CONFLICT (namespace, parent_path, path) DO UPDATE SET title = EXCLUDED.title, abbreviated_caption = EXCLUDED.abbreviated_caption, description = EXCLUDED.description, url = EXCLUDED.url, sibling_order = EXCLUDED.sibling_order; INSERT OR REPLACE INTO code_notebook_cell (notebook_kernel_id, code_notebook_cell_id, notebook_name, cell_name, interpretable_code, interpretable_code_hash, description) VALUES ( 'SQL', 'web-ui.auto_generate_console_content_tabular_sqlpage_files', 'Web UI', 'auto_generate_console_content_tabular_sqlpage_files', ' -- code provenance: `ConsoleSqlPages.infoSchemaContentDML` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/web-ui-content/console.ts) -- the "auto-generated" tables will be in ''*.auto.sql'' with redirects DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/table/%.auto.sql''; DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/view/%.auto.sql''; INSERT OR REPLACE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT ''console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql'', ''SELECT ''''dynamic'''' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''''shell/shell.sql'''') AS properties; SELECT ''''breadcrumb'''' AS component; SELECT ''''Home'''' as title, ''''/'''' AS link; SELECT ''''Console'''' as title, ''''/console'''' AS link; SELECT ''''Content'''' as title, ''''/console/content'''' AS link; SELECT '''''' || tabular_name || '' '' || tabular_nature || '''''' as title, ''''#'''' AS link; SELECT ''''title'''' AS component, '''''' || tabular_name || '' ('' || tabular_nature || '') Content'''' as contents; SET total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '' || tabular_name || ''); SET limit = COALESCE($limit, 50); SET offset = COALESCE($offset, 0); SET total_pages = ($total_rows + $limit - 1) / $limit; SET current_page = ($offset / $limit) + 1; SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, '''''' || info_schema_link_full_md || '''''' AS contents_md SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, ''''- Start Row: '''' || $offset || '''' '''' || ''''- Rows per Page: '''' || $limit || '''' '''' || ''''- Total Rows: '''' || $total_rows || '''' '''' || ''''- Current Page: '''' || $current_page || '''' '''' || ''''- Total Pages: '''' || $total_pages as contents_md WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL; -- Display uniform_resource table with pagination SELECT ''''table'''' AS component, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search, TRUE AS hover, TRUE AS striped_rows, TRUE AS small; SELECT * FROM '' || tabular_name || '' LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset; SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page > 1 THEN ''''[Previous](?limit='''' || $limit || ''''&offset='''' || ($offset - $limit) || '''')'''' ELSE '''''''' END) || '''' '''' || ''''(Page '''' || $current_page || '''' of '''' || $total_pages || '''') '''' || (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page < $total_pages THEN ''''[Next](?limit='''' || $limit || ''''&offset='''' || ($offset + $limit) || '''')'''' ELSE '''''''' END) AS contents_md;'' FROM console_content_tabular; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT ''console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.sql'', ''SELECT ''''redirect'''' AS component, ''''/console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql'''' AS link WHERE $stats IS NULL; '' || ''SELECT ''''redirect'''' AS component, ''''/console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql?stats='''' || $stats AS link WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL;'' FROM console_content_tabular; -- TODO: add ${this.upsertNavSQL(...)} if we want each of the above to be navigable through DB rows', 'TODO', 'A series of idempotent INSERT statements which will auto-generate "default" content for all tables and views' ); -- code provenance: `ConsoleSqlPages.infoSchemaContentDML` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/web-ui-content/console.ts) -- the "auto-generated" tables will be in '*.auto.sql' with redirects DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like 'console/content/table/%.auto.sql'; DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like 'console/content/view/%.auto.sql'; INSERT OR REPLACE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT 'console/content/' || tabular_nature || '/' || tabular_name || '.auto.sql', 'SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' AS component; SELECT ''Home'' as title, ''/'' AS link; SELECT ''Console'' as title, ''/console'' AS link; SELECT ''Content'' as title, ''/console/content'' AS link; SELECT ''' || tabular_name || ' ' || tabular_nature || ''' as title, ''#'' AS link; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''' || tabular_name || ' (' || tabular_nature || ') Content'' as contents; SET total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' || tabular_name || '); SET limit = COALESCE($limit, 50); SET offset = COALESCE($offset, 0); SET total_pages = ($total_rows + $limit - 1) / $limit; SET current_page = ($offset / $limit) + 1; SELECT ''text'' AS component, ''' || info_schema_link_full_md || ''' AS contents_md SELECT ''text'' AS component, ''- Start Row: '' || $offset || '' '' || ''- Rows per Page: '' || $limit || '' '' || ''- Total Rows: '' || $total_rows || '' '' || ''- Current Page: '' || $current_page || '' '' || ''- Total Pages: '' || $total_pages as contents_md WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL; -- Display uniform_resource table with pagination SELECT ''table'' AS component, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search, TRUE AS hover, TRUE AS striped_rows, TRUE AS small; SELECT * FROM ' || tabular_name || ' LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset; SELECT ''text'' AS component, (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page > 1 THEN ''[Previous](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset - $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) || '' '' || ''(Page '' || $current_page || '' of '' || $total_pages || '') '' || (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page < $total_pages THEN ''[Next](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset + $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) AS contents_md;' FROM console_content_tabular; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT 'console/content/' || tabular_nature || '/' || tabular_name || '.sql', 'SELECT ''redirect'' AS component, ''/console/content/' || tabular_nature || '/' || tabular_name || '.auto.sql'' AS link WHERE $stats IS NULL; ' || 'SELECT ''redirect'' AS component, ''/console/content/' || tabular_nature || '/' || tabular_name || '.auto.sql?stats='' || $stats AS link WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL;' FROM console_content_tabular; -- TODO: add ${this.upsertNavSQL(...)} if we want each of the above to be navigable through DB rows -- delete all /fhir-related entries and recreate them in case routes are changed DELETE FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE path like '/fhir%'; INSERT INTO sqlpage_aide_navigation (namespace, parent_path, sibling_order, path, url, caption, abbreviated_caption, title, description,elaboration) VALUES ('prime', '/', 1, '/ur', '/ur/', 'Uniform Resource', NULL, NULL, 'Explore ingested resources', NULL), ('prime', '/ur', 99, '/ur/info-schema.sql', '/ur/info-schema.sql', 'Uniform Resource Tables and Views', NULL, NULL, 'Information Schema documentation for ingested Uniform Resource database objects', NULL), ('prime', '/ur', 1, '/ur/uniform-resource-files.sql', '/ur/uniform-resource-files.sql', 'Uniform Resources (Files)', NULL, NULL, 'Files ingested into the `uniform_resource` table', NULL) ON CONFLICT (namespace, parent_path, path) DO UPDATE SET title = EXCLUDED.title, abbreviated_caption = EXCLUDED.abbreviated_caption, description = EXCLUDED.description, url = EXCLUDED.url, sibling_order = EXCLUDED.sibling_order; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS uniform_resource_file; CREATE VIEW uniform_resource_file AS SELECT ur.uniform_resource_id, ur.nature, p.root_path AS source_path, pe.file_path_rel, ur.size_bytes FROM uniform_resource ur LEFT JOIN ur_ingest_session_fs_path p ON ur.ingest_fs_path_id = p.ur_ingest_session_fs_path_id LEFT JOIN ur_ingest_session_fs_path_entry pe ON ur.uniform_resource_id = pe.uniform_resource_id WHERE ur.ingest_fs_path_id IS NOT NULL; INSERT INTO sqlpage_aide_navigation (namespace, parent_path, sibling_order, path, url, caption, abbreviated_caption, title, description,elaboration) VALUES ('prime', '/', 1, '/orchestration', '/orchestration/', 'Orchestration', NULL, NULL, 'Explore details about all orchestration', NULL), ('prime', '/orchestration', 99, '/orchestration/info-schema.sql', '/orchestration/info-schema.sql', 'Orchestration Tables and Views', NULL, NULL, 'Information Schema documentation for orchestrated objects', NULL) ON CONFLICT (namespace, parent_path, path) DO UPDATE SET title = EXCLUDED.title, abbreviated_caption = EXCLUDED.abbreviated_caption, description = EXCLUDED.description, url = EXCLUDED.url, sibling_order = EXCLUDED.sibling_order; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_session_by_device; CREATE VIEW orchestration_session_by_device AS SELECT d.device_id, d.name AS device_name, COUNT(*) AS session_count FROM orchestration_session os JOIN device d ON os.device_id = d.device_id GROUP BY d.device_id, d.name; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_session_duration; CREATE VIEW orchestration_session_duration AS SELECT os.orchestration_session_id, onature.nature AS orchestration_nature, os.orch_started_at, os.orch_finished_at, (JULIANDAY(os.orch_finished_at) - JULIANDAY(os.orch_started_at)) * 24 * 60 * 60 AS duration_seconds FROM orchestration_session os JOIN orchestration_nature onature ON os.orchestration_nature_id = onature.orchestration_nature_id WHERE os.orch_finished_at IS NOT NULL; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_success_rate; CREATE VIEW orchestration_success_rate AS SELECT onature.nature AS orchestration_nature, COUNT(*) AS total_sessions, SUM(CASE WHEN oss.to_state = 'surveilr_orch_completed' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS successful_sessions, (CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN oss.to_state = 'surveilr_orch_completed' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS FLOAT) / COUNT(*)) * 100 AS success_rate FROM orchestration_session os JOIN orchestration_nature onature ON os.orchestration_nature_id = onature.orchestration_nature_id JOIN orchestration_session_state oss ON os.orchestration_session_id = oss.session_id WHERE oss.to_state IN ('surveilr_orch_completed', 'surveilr_orch_failed') -- Consider other terminal states if applicable GROUP BY onature.nature; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_session_script; CREATE VIEW orchestration_session_script AS SELECT os.orchestration_session_id, onature.nature AS orchestration_nature, COUNT(*) AS script_count FROM orchestration_session os JOIN orchestration_nature onature ON os.orchestration_nature_id = onature.orchestration_nature_id JOIN orchestration_session_entry ose ON os.orchestration_session_id = ose.session_id GROUP BY os.orchestration_session_id, onature.nature; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_executions_by_type; CREATE VIEW orchestration_executions_by_type AS SELECT exec_nature, COUNT(*) AS execution_count FROM orchestration_session_exec GROUP BY exec_nature; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_execution_success_rate_by_type; CREATE VIEW orchestration_execution_success_rate_by_type AS SELECT exec_nature, COUNT(*) AS total_executions, SUM(CASE WHEN exec_status = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS successful_executions, (CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN exec_status = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS FLOAT) / COUNT(*)) * 100 AS success_rate FROM orchestration_session_exec GROUP BY exec_nature; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_session_summary; CREATE VIEW orchestration_session_summary AS SELECT issue_type, COUNT(*) AS issue_count FROM orchestration_session_issue GROUP BY issue_type; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_issue_remediation; CREATE VIEW orchestration_issue_remediation AS SELECT orchestration_session_issue_id, issue_type, issue_message, remediation FROM orchestration_session_issue WHERE remediation IS NOT NULL; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_logs_by_session; CREATE VIEW orchestration_logs_by_session AS SELECT os.orchestration_session_id, onature.nature AS orchestration_nature, osl.category, COUNT(*) AS log_count FROM orchestration_session os JOIN orchestration_nature onature ON os.orchestration_nature_id = onature.orchestration_nature_id JOIN orchestration_session_exec ose ON os.orchestration_session_id = ose.session_id JOIN orchestration_session_log osl ON ose.orchestration_session_exec_id = osl.parent_exec_id GROUP BY os.orchestration_session_id, onature.nature, osl.category; -- delete all /ip-related entries and recreate them in case routes are changed DELETE FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE path like '/opsfolio/infra/audit%'; INSERT INTO sqlpage_aide_navigation (namespace, parent_path, sibling_order, path, url, caption, abbreviated_caption, title, description,elaboration) VALUES ('prime', '/', 1, '/opsfolio', '/opsfolio/', 'Opsfolio', NULL, NULL, 'Opsfolio', NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 2, '/opsfolio/infra/audit', '/opsfolio/infra/audit/', 'Infrastructure Audits', NULL, NULL, 'The Infra Audit is designed to manage and streamline audits across various frameworks, including HIPAA, HITRUST, AICPA, and others. This project provides a comprehensive platform for conducting, tracking, and reporting on compliance audits, ensuring that your organization meets the necessary regulatory requirements.', NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 3, '/opsfolio/infra/audit/control_regime.sql', '/opsfolio/infra/audit/control_regime.sql', 'Control Regimes', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 1, '/opsfolio/infra/audit/session_list.sql', '/opsfolio/infra/audit/session_list.sql', 'Audit Sessions', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 1, '/opsfolio/infra/audit/session_detail.sql', '/opsfolio/infra/audit/session_detail.sql', 'Audit Sessions', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 1, '/opsfolio/infra/audit/control_detail.sql', '/opsfolio/infra/audit/control_detail.sql', 'Controls Detail', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) ON CONFLICT (namespace, parent_path, path) DO UPDATE SET title = EXCLUDED.title, abbreviated_caption = EXCLUDED.abbreviated_caption, description = EXCLUDED.description, url = EXCLUDED.url, sibling_order = EXCLUDED.sibling_order; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'shell/shell.json', '{ "component": "shell", "title": "Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD)", "icon": "database", "layout": "fluid", "fixed_top_menu": true, "link": "/", "menu_item": [ { "link": "/", "title": "Home" } ], "javascript": [ "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/highlight.min.js", "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/sql.min.js", "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/handlebars.min.js", "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/json.min.js" ], "footer": "Resource Surveillance Web UI" };', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'shell/shell.sql', 'SELECT ''shell'' AS component, ''Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD)'' AS title, ''database'' AS icon, ''fluid'' AS layout, true AS fixed_top_menu, ''/'' AS link, ''{"link":"/","title":"Home"}'' AS menu_item, ''https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/highlight.min.js'' AS javascript, ''https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/sql.min.js'' AS javascript, ''https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/handlebars.min.js'' AS javascript, ''https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/json.min.js'' AS javascript, json_object( ''link'', ''/ur'', ''title'', ''Uniform Resource'', ''submenu'', ( SELECT json_group_array( json_object( ''title'', title, ''link'', link, ''description'', description ) ) FROM ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/ur'' ORDER BY sibling_order ) ) ) as menu_item, json_object( ''link'', ''/console'', ''title'', ''Console'', ''submenu'', ( SELECT json_group_array( json_object( ''title'', title, ''link'', link, ''description'', description ) ) FROM ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/console'' ORDER BY sibling_order ) ) ) as menu_item, json_object( ''link'', ''/orchestration'', ''title'', ''Orchestration'', ''submenu'', ( SELECT json_group_array( json_object( ''title'', title, ''link'', link, ''description'', description ) ) FROM ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/orchestration'' ORDER BY sibling_order ) ) ) as menu_item, ''Resource Surveillance Web UI (v'' || sqlpage.version() || '') '' || ''📄 ['' || substr(sqlpage.path(), 2) || ''](/console/sqlpage-files/sqlpage-file.sql?path='' || substr(sqlpage.path(), 2) || '')'' as footer;', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''list'' AS component; SELECT caption as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/'' ORDER BY sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation WITH console_navigation_cte AS ( SELECT title, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console'' ) SELECT ''list'' AS component, title, description FROM console_navigation_cte; SELECT caption as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/console'' ORDER BY sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/info-schema/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/info-schema'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Tables'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Table'' AS markdown, ''Column Count'' as align_right, ''Content'' as markdown, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''['' || table_name || ''](table.sql?name='' || table_name || '')'' AS "Table", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count", content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md as "Content" FROM console_information_schema_table GROUP BY table_name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Views'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''View'' AS markdown, ''Column Count'' as align_right, ''Content'' as markdown, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''['' || view_name || ''](view.sql?name='' || view_name || '')'' AS "View", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count", content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md as "Content" FROM console_information_schema_view GROUP BY view_name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Migrations'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Table'' AS markdown, ''Column Count'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT from_state, to_state, transition_reason, transitioned_at FROM code_notebook_state ORDER BY transitioned_at; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/info-schema/table.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/info-schema'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; SELECT $name || '' Table'' AS title, ''#'' AS link; SELECT ''title'' AS component, $name AS contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component; SELECT column_name AS "Column", data_type AS "Type", is_primary_key AS "PK", is_not_null AS "Required", default_value AS "Default" FROM console_information_schema_table WHERE table_name = $name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Foreign Keys'' as contents, 2 as level; SELECT ''table'' AS component; SELECT column_name AS "Column Name", foreign_key AS "Foreign Key" FROM console_information_schema_table_col_fkey WHERE table_name = $name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Indexes'' as contents, 2 as level; SELECT ''table'' AS component; SELECT column_name AS "Column Name", index_name AS "Index Name" FROM console_information_schema_table_col_index WHERE table_name = $name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''SQL DDL'' as contents, 2 as level; SELECT ''code'' AS component; SELECT ''sql'' as language, (SELECT sql_ddl FROM console_information_schema_table WHERE table_name = $name) as contents; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/info-schema/view.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/info-schema'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; SELECT $name || '' View'' AS title, ''#'' AS link; SELECT ''title'' AS component, $name AS contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component; SELECT column_name AS "Column", data_type AS "Type" FROM console_information_schema_view WHERE view_name = $name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''SQL DDL'' as contents, 2 as level; SELECT ''code'' AS component; SELECT ''sql'' as language, (SELECT sql_ddl FROM console_information_schema_view WHERE view_name = $name) as contents; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/sqlpage-files/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/sqlpage-files'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''SQLPage pages in sqlpage_files table'' AS contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Path'' as markdown, ''Size'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''[🚀](/'' || path || '') [📄 '' || path || ''](sqlpage-file.sql?path='' || path || '')'' AS "Path", LENGTH(contents) as "Size", last_modified FROM sqlpage_files ORDER BY path; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/sqlpage-files/sqlpage-file.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/sqlpage-files'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; SELECT $path || '' Path'' AS title, ''#'' AS link; SELECT ''title'' AS component, $path AS contents; SELECT ''text'' AS component, ''```sql '' || (select contents FROM sqlpage_files where path = $path) || '' ```'' as contents_md; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/sqlpage-files/content.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/sqlpage-files/content.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''SQLPage pages generated from tables and views'' AS contents; SELECT ''text'' AS component, '' - `*.auto.sql` pages are auto-generated "default" content pages for each table and view defined in the database. - The `*.sql` companions may be auto-generated redirects to their `*.auto.sql` pair or an app/service might override the `*.sql` to not redirect and supply custom content for any table or view. - [View regenerate-auto.sql](/console/sqlpage-files/sqlpage-file.sql?path=console/content/action/regenerate-auto.sql) '' AS contents_md; SELECT ''button'' AS component, ''center'' AS justify; SELECT ''/console/content/action/regenerate-auto.sql'' AS link, ''info'' AS color, ''Regenerate all "default" table/view content pages'' AS title; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Redirected or overriden content pages'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Path'' as markdown, ''Size'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''[🚀](/'' || path || '') [📄 '' || path || ''](sqlpage-file.sql?path='' || path || '')'' AS "Path", LENGTH(contents) as "Size", last_modified FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/%'' AND NOT(path like ''console/content/%.auto.sql'') AND NOT(path like ''console/content/action%'') ORDER BY path; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Auto-generated "default" content pages'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Path'' as markdown, ''Size'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''[🚀](/'' || path || '') [📄 '' || path || ''](sqlpage-file.sql?path='' || path || '')'' AS "Path", LENGTH(contents) as "Size", last_modified FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/%.auto.sql'' ORDER BY path; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/content/action/regenerate-auto.sql', ' -- code provenance: `ConsoleSqlPages.infoSchemaContentDML` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/web-ui-content/console.ts) -- the "auto-generated" tables will be in ''*.auto.sql'' with redirects DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/table/%.auto.sql''; DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/view/%.auto.sql''; INSERT OR REPLACE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT ''console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql'', ''SELECT ''''dynamic'''' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''''shell/shell.sql'''') AS properties; SELECT ''''breadcrumb'''' AS component; SELECT ''''Home'''' as title, ''''/'''' AS link; SELECT ''''Console'''' as title, ''''/console'''' AS link; SELECT ''''Content'''' as title, ''''/console/content'''' AS link; SELECT '''''' || tabular_name || '' '' || tabular_nature || '''''' as title, ''''#'''' AS link; SELECT ''''title'''' AS component, '''''' || tabular_name || '' ('' || tabular_nature || '') Content'''' as contents; SET total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '' || tabular_name || ''); SET limit = COALESCE($limit, 50); SET offset = COALESCE($offset, 0); SET total_pages = ($total_rows + $limit - 1) / $limit; SET current_page = ($offset / $limit) + 1; SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, '''''' || info_schema_link_full_md || '''''' AS contents_md SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, ''''- Start Row: '''' || $offset || '''' '''' || ''''- Rows per Page: '''' || $limit || '''' '''' || ''''- Total Rows: '''' || $total_rows || '''' '''' || ''''- Current Page: '''' || $current_page || '''' '''' || ''''- Total Pages: '''' || $total_pages as contents_md WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL; -- Display uniform_resource table with pagination SELECT ''''table'''' AS component, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search, TRUE AS hover, TRUE AS striped_rows, TRUE AS small; SELECT * FROM '' || tabular_name || '' LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset; SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page > 1 THEN ''''[Previous](?limit='''' || $limit || ''''&offset='''' || ($offset - $limit) || '''')'''' ELSE '''''''' END) || '''' '''' || ''''(Page '''' || $current_page || '''' of '''' || $total_pages || '''') '''' || (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page < $total_pages THEN ''''[Next](?limit='''' || $limit || ''''&offset='''' || ($offset + $limit) || '''')'''' ELSE '''''''' END) AS contents_md;'' FROM console_content_tabular; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT ''console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.sql'', ''SELECT ''''redirect'''' AS component, ''''/console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql'''' AS link WHERE $stats IS NULL; '' || ''SELECT ''''redirect'''' AS component, ''''/console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql?stats='''' || $stats AS link WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL;'' FROM console_content_tabular; -- TODO: add ${this.upsertNavSQL(...)} if we want each of the above to be navigable through DB rows -- code provenance: `ConsoleSqlPages.console/content/action/regenerate-auto.sql` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/web-ui-content/console.ts) SELECT ''redirect'' AS component, ''/console/sqlpage-files/content.sql'' as link WHERE $redirect is NULL; SELECT ''redirect'' AS component, $redirect as link WHERE $redirect is NOT NULL;', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/sqlpage-nav/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/sqlpage-nav'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''SQLPage navigation in sqlpage_aide_navigation table'' AS contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT path, caption, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation ORDER BY namespace, parent_path, path, sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/notebooks/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/notebooks'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Code Notebooks'' AS contents; SELECT ''table'' as component, ''Cell'' as markdown, 1 as search, 1 as sort; SELECT c.notebook_name, ''['' || c.cell_name || ''](notebook-cell.sql?notebook='' || replace(c.notebook_name, '' '', ''%20'') || ''&cell='' || replace(c.cell_name, '' '', ''%20'') || '')'' as Cell, c.description, k.kernel_name as kernel FROM code_notebook_kernel k, code_notebook_cell c WHERE k.code_notebook_kernel_id = c.notebook_kernel_id; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/notebooks/notebook-cell.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/notebooks'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; SELECT ''Notebook '' || $notebook || '' Cell'' || $cell AS title, ''#'' AS link; SELECT ''code'' as component; SELECT $notebook || ''.'' || $cell || '' ('' || k.kernel_name ||'')'' as title, COALESCE(c.cell_governance -> ''$.language'', ''sql'') as language, c.interpretable_code as contents FROM code_notebook_kernel k, code_notebook_cell c WHERE c.notebook_name = $notebook AND c.cell_name = $cell AND k.code_notebook_kernel_id = c.notebook_kernel_id; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'ur/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/ur'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation WITH navigation_cte AS ( SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) as title, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/ur'' ) SELECT ''list'' AS component, title, description FROM navigation_cte; SELECT caption as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/ur'' ORDER BY sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'ur/info-schema.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/ur/info-schema.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Uniform Resource Tables and Views'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Name'' AS markdown, ''Column Count'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''Table'' as "Type", ''['' || table_name || ''](/console/info-schema/table.sql?name='' || table_name || '')'' AS "Name", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count" FROM console_information_schema_table WHERE table_name = ''uniform_resource'' OR table_name like ''ur_%'' GROUP BY table_name UNION ALL SELECT ''View'' as "Type", ''['' || view_name || ''](/console/info-schema/view.sql?name='' || view_name || '')'' AS "Name", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count" FROM console_information_schema_view WHERE view_name like ''ur_%'' GROUP BY view_name; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'ur/uniform-resource-files.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, (SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/ur/uniform-resource-files.sql'') as contents; ; -- sets up $limit, $offset, and other variables (use pagination.debugVars() to see values in web-ui) SET total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM uniform_resource_file); SET limit = COALESCE($limit, 50); SET offset = COALESCE($offset, 0); SET total_pages = ($total_rows + $limit - 1) / $limit; SET current_page = ($offset / $limit) + 1; -- Display uniform_resource table with pagination SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Uniform Resources'' AS title, "Size (bytes)" as align_right, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search, TRUE AS hover, TRUE AS striped_rows, TRUE AS small; SELECT * FROM uniform_resource_file ORDER BY uniform_resource_id LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset; SELECT ''text'' AS component, (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page > 1 THEN ''[Previous](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset - $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) || '' '' || ''(Page '' || $current_page || '' of '' || $total_pages || ") " || (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page < $total_pages THEN ''[Next](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset + $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) AS contents_md; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'orchestration/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/orchestration'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation WITH navigation_cte AS ( SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) as title, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/orchestration'' ) SELECT ''list'' AS component, title, description FROM navigation_cte; SELECT caption as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/orchestration'' ORDER BY sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'orchestration/info-schema.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/orchestration/info-schema.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Orchestration Tables and Views'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Name'' AS markdown, ''Column Count'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''Table'' as "Type", ''['' || table_name || ''](/console/info-schema/table.sql?name='' || table_name || '')'' AS "Name", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count" FROM console_information_schema_table WHERE table_name = ''orchestration_session'' OR table_name like ''orchestration_%'' GROUP BY table_name UNION ALL SELECT ''View'' as "Type", ''['' || view_name || ''](/console/info-schema/view.sql?name='' || view_name || '')'' AS "Name", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count" FROM console_information_schema_view WHERE view_name like ''orchestration_%'' GROUP BY view_name; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation select ''card'' as component, 3 as columns; SELECT caption as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/opsfolio'' AND sibling_order = 2 ORDER BY sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/infra/audit/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/infra/audit'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''card'' as component SELECT name as title, ''arrow-big-right'' as icon, ''/opsfolio/infra/audit/control_regime.sql?id='' ||control_regime_id || '''' as link FROM tenant_based_control_regime WHERE tenant_id = ''239518031485599747'' AND parent_id == ''''; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/infra/audit/control_regime.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/infra/audit/control_regime.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, (SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/infra/audit/control_regime.sql'') as contents; ; SELECT ''card'' as component SELECT name as title, ''arrow-big-right'' as icon, ''/opsfolio/infra/audit/session_list.sql?id='' ||control_regime_id || '''' as link FROM tenant_based_control_regime WHERE tenant_id = ''239518031485599747'' AND parent_id = $id:: Text; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/infra/audit/session_list.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/infra/audit/session_list.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, (SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/infra/audit/session_list.sql'') as contents; ; SELECT ''table'' AS component, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search, ''Session'' AS markdown; SELECT ''['' || title || ''](/opsfolio/infra/audit/session_detail.sql?id='' || audit_type_id || ''&sessionid='' || audit_session_id || '')'' AS "Session", audit_type AS "Audit Type", due_date AS "Due Date", tenant_name AS "Tenant" FROM audit_session_list WHERE tenant_id = ''239518031485599747'' AND audit_type_id = $id::TEXT; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/infra/audit/session_detail.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/infra/audit/session_detail.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Control List'' AS contents select ''table'' as component, ''Control code'' AS markdown; SELECT ''['' || control_code || ''](/opsfolio/infra/audit/control_detail.sql?id='' || control_id || '')'' AS "Control code", common_criteria as "Common criteria", question as "Question" FROM control WHERE CAST(audit_type_id AS TEXT)=CAST($id AS TEXT); ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/infra/audit/control_detail.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/infra/audit/control_detail.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component select ''table'' as component SELECT fii AS "FII", question AS "Question", common_criteria as "Common criteria", expected_evidence as "Evidence", control_regime as "Control Regime" FROM control WHERE CAST(control_id AS TEXT)=CAST($id AS TEXT); ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; -- code provenance: `TypicalSqlPageNotebook.commonDDL` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/notebook/sqlpage.ts) -- idempotently create location where SQLPage looks for its content CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "sqlpage_files" ( "path" VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "contents" TEXT NOT NULL, "last_modified" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ); DROP VIEW IF EXISTS threat_model; CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS threat_model AS WITH json_data AS ( SELECT json_extract(threats.value, '$."a:Value"."b:Id"') AS "id", json_extract(threats.value, '$."a:Value"."b:ChangedBy"') AS "changed_by", json_extract(threats.value, '$."a:Value"."b:ModifiedAt"') AS "last_modified", json_extract(threats.value, '$."a:Value"."b:State"') AS "state", json_each.value AS kv_value FROM uniform_resource_transform, json_each(json_extract(content, '$.ThreatModel.ThreatInstances."a:KeyValueOfstringThreatpc_P0_PhOB"')) AS threats, json_each(json_extract(threats.value, '$."a:Value"."b:Properties"."a:KeyValueOfstringstring"')) ) SELECT id, MAX(CASE WHEN json_extract(kv_value, '$."a:Key"') = 'Title' THEN json_extract(kv_value, '$."a:Value"') END) AS "title", MAX(CASE WHEN json_extract(kv_value, '$."a:Key"') = 'UserThreatCategory' THEN json_extract(kv_value, '$."a:Value"') END) AS "category", MAX(CASE WHEN json_extract(kv_value, '$."a:Key"') = 'UserThreatShortDescription' THEN json_extract(kv_value, '$."a:Value"') END) AS "short_description", MAX(CASE WHEN json_extract(kv_value, '$."a:Key"') = 'UserThreatDescription' THEN json_extract(kv_value, '$."a:Value"') END) AS "description", MAX(CASE WHEN json_extract(kv_value, '$."a:Key"') = 'InteractionString' THEN json_extract(kv_value, '$."a:Value"') END) AS "interaction", MAX(CASE WHEN json_extract(kv_value, '$."a:Key"') = 'Priority' THEN json_extract(kv_value, '$."a:Value"') END) AS "priority", state, MAX(CASE WHEN json_extract(kv_value, '$."a:Key"') = 'StateInformation' THEN json_extract(kv_value, '$."a:Value"') END) AS "justification", "changed_by", "last_modified" FROM json_data GROUP BY id, "changed_by", "last_modified", state; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS web_application; CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS web_application AS SELECT DISTINCT json_extract(border.value, '$."a:Value".Properties."a:anyType"[1]."b:Value"."#text"') AS Title FROM uniform_resource_transform, json_each( CASE WHEN json_type(json_extract(content, '$.ThreatModel.DrawingSurfaceList.DrawingSurfaceModel')) = 'array' THEN json_extract(content, '$.ThreatModel.DrawingSurfaceList.DrawingSurfaceModel') ELSE json_array(json_extract(content, '$.ThreatModel.DrawingSurfaceList.DrawingSurfaceModel')) END ) AS drawing_surface, json_each( json_extract(drawing_surface.value, '$.Borders."a:KeyValueOfguidanyType"') ) AS border WHERE json_extract(border.value, '$."a:Value"."@i:type"') = 'StencilEllipse' AND json_extract(border.value, '$."a:Value".Properties."a:anyType"[0]."b:DisplayName"') = 'Web Application'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS managed_application; CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS managed_application AS SELECT DISTINCT json_extract(border.value, '$."a:Value".Properties."a:anyType"[1]."b:Value"."#text"') AS Title FROM uniform_resource_transform, json_each( CASE WHEN json_type(json_extract(content, '$.ThreatModel.DrawingSurfaceList.DrawingSurfaceModel')) = 'array' THEN json_extract(content, '$.ThreatModel.DrawingSurfaceList.DrawingSurfaceModel') ELSE json_array(json_extract(content, '$.ThreatModel.DrawingSurfaceList.DrawingSurfaceModel')) END ) AS drawing_surface, json_each( json_extract(drawing_surface.value, '$.Borders."a:KeyValueOfguidanyType"') ) AS border WHERE json_extract(border.value, '$."a:Value"."@i:type"') = 'StencilEllipse' AND json_extract(border.value, '$."a:Value".Properties."a:anyType"[0]."b:DisplayName"') = 'Managed Application'; CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS sql_database AS SELECT DISTINCT json_extract(border.value, '$."a:Value".Properties."a:anyType"[1]."b:Value"."#text"') AS Title FROM uniform_resource_transform, json_each( CASE WHEN json_type(json_extract(content, '$.ThreatModel.DrawingSurfaceList.DrawingSurfaceModel')) = 'array' THEN json_extract(content, '$.ThreatModel.DrawingSurfaceList.DrawingSurfaceModel') ELSE json_array(json_extract(content, '$.ThreatModel.DrawingSurfaceList.DrawingSurfaceModel')) END ) AS drawing_surface, json_each( json_extract(drawing_surface.value, '$.Borders."a:KeyValueOfguidanyType"') ) AS border WHERE json_extract(border.value, '$."a:Value"."@i:type"') = 'StencilParallelLines' AND json_extract(border.value, '$."a:Value".Properties."a:anyType"[0]."b:DisplayName"') = 'SQL Database'; CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS boundaries AS SELECT DISTINCT json_extract(border.value, '$."a:Value".Properties."a:anyType"[1]."b:Value"."#text"') AS boundary FROM uniform_resource_transform, json_each( CASE WHEN json_type(json_extract(content, '$.ThreatModel.DrawingSurfaceList.DrawingSurfaceModel')) = 'array' THEN json_extract(content, '$.ThreatModel.DrawingSurfaceList.DrawingSurfaceModel') ELSE json_array(json_extract(content, '$.ThreatModel.DrawingSurfaceList.DrawingSurfaceModel')) END ) AS drawing_surface, json_each( json_extract(drawing_surface.value, '$.Borders."a:KeyValueOfguidanyType"') ) AS border WHERE json_extract(border.value, '$."a:Value"."@i:type"') = 'BorderBoundary' AND ( json_extract(border.value, '$."a:Value".Properties."a:anyType"[0]."b:DisplayName"') IN ( 'Other Browsers Boundaries', 'CorpNet Trust Boundary', 'Generic Trust Border Boundary' ) ) AND json_extract(border.value, '$."a:Value".Properties."a:anyType"[1]."b:Value"."#text"') NOT LIKE '%.%.%.%' AND json_extract(border.value, '$."a:Value".Properties."a:anyType"[1]."b:Value"."#text"') LIKE '%Boundar%'; -- code provenance: `ConsoleSqlPages.infoSchemaDDL` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/web-ui-content/console.ts) -- console_information_schema_* are convenience views -- to make it easier to work than pragma_table_info. DROP VIEW IF EXISTS console_information_schema_table; CREATE VIEW console_information_schema_table AS SELECT tbl.name AS table_name, col.name AS column_name, col.type AS data_type, CASE WHEN col.pk = 1 THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END AS is_primary_key, CASE WHEN col."notnull" = 1 THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END AS is_not_null, col.dflt_value AS default_value, '/console/info-schema/table.sql?name=' || tbl.name || '&stats=yes' as info_schema_web_ui_path, '[Content](/console/info-schema/table.sql?name=' || tbl.name || '&stats=yes)' as info_schema_link_abbrev_md, '[' || tbl.name || ' (table) Schema](/console/info-schema/table.sql?name=' || tbl.name || '&stats=yes)' as info_schema_link_full_md, '/console/content/table/' || tbl.name || '.sql?stats=yes' as content_web_ui_path, '[Content](/console/content/table/' || tbl.name || '.sql?stats=yes)' as content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md, '[' || tbl.name || ' (table) Content](/console/content/table/' || tbl.name || '.sql?stats=yes)' as content_web_ui_link_full_md, tbl.sql as sql_ddl FROM sqlite_master tbl JOIN pragma_table_info(tbl.name) col WHERE tbl.type = 'table' AND tbl.name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%'; -- Populate the table with view-specific information DROP VIEW IF EXISTS console_information_schema_view; CREATE VIEW console_information_schema_view AS SELECT vw.name AS view_name, col.name AS column_name, col.type AS data_type, '/console/info-schema/view.sql?name=' || vw.name || '&stats=yes' as info_schema_web_ui_path, '[Content](/console/info-schema/view.sql?name=' || vw.name || '&stats=yes)' as info_schema_link_abbrev_md, '[' || vw.name || ' (view) Schema](/console/info-schema/view.sql?name=' || vw.name || '&stats=yes)' as info_schema_link_full_md, '/console/content/view/' || vw.name || '.sql?stats=yes' as content_web_ui_path, '[Content](/console/content/view/' || vw.name || '.sql?stats=yes)' as content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md, '[' || vw.name || ' (view) Content](/console/content/view/' || vw.name || '.sql?stats=yes)' as content_web_ui_link_full_md, vw.sql as sql_ddl FROM sqlite_master vw JOIN pragma_table_info(vw.name) col WHERE vw.type = 'view' AND vw.name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS console_content_tabular; CREATE VIEW console_content_tabular AS SELECT 'table' as tabular_nature, table_name as tabular_name, info_schema_web_ui_path, info_schema_link_abbrev_md, info_schema_link_full_md, content_web_ui_path, content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md, content_web_ui_link_full_md FROM console_information_schema_table UNION ALL SELECT 'view' as tabular_nature, view_name as tabular_name, info_schema_web_ui_path, info_schema_link_abbrev_md, info_schema_link_full_md, content_web_ui_path, content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md, content_web_ui_link_full_md FROM console_information_schema_view; -- Populate the table with table column foreign keys DROP VIEW IF EXISTS console_information_schema_table_col_fkey; CREATE VIEW console_information_schema_table_col_fkey AS SELECT tbl.name AS table_name, f."from" AS column_name, f."from" || ' references ' || f."table" || '.' || f."to" AS foreign_key FROM sqlite_master tbl JOIN pragma_foreign_key_list(tbl.name) f WHERE tbl.type = 'table' AND tbl.name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%'; -- Populate the table with table column indexes DROP VIEW IF EXISTS console_information_schema_table_col_index; CREATE VIEW console_information_schema_table_col_index AS SELECT tbl.name AS table_name, pi.name AS column_name, idx.name AS index_name FROM sqlite_master tbl JOIN pragma_index_list(tbl.name) idx JOIN pragma_index_info(idx.name) pi WHERE tbl.type = 'table' AND tbl.name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%'; -- Drop and create the table for storing navigation entries -- for testing only: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sqlpage_aide_navigation; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sqlpage_aide_navigation ( path TEXT NOT NULL, -- the "primary key" within namespace caption TEXT NOT NULL, -- for human-friendly general-purpose name namespace TEXT NOT NULL, -- if more than one navigation tree is required parent_path TEXT, -- for defining hierarchy sibling_order INTEGER, -- orders children within their parent(s) url TEXT, -- for supplying links, if different from path title TEXT, -- for full titles when elaboration is required, default to caption if NULL abbreviated_caption TEXT, -- for breadcrumbs and other "short" form, default to caption if NULL description TEXT, -- for elaboration or explanation elaboration TEXT, -- optional attributes for e.g. { "target": "__blank" } -- TODO: figure out why Rusqlite does not allow this but sqlite3 does -- CONSTRAINT fk_parent_path FOREIGN KEY (namespace, parent_path) REFERENCES sqlpage_aide_navigation(namespace, path), CONSTRAINT unq_ns_path UNIQUE (namespace, parent_path, path) ); DELETE FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE path LIKE '/console/%'; DELETE FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE path LIKE '/'; -- all @navigation decorated entries are automatically added to this.navigation INSERT INTO sqlpage_aide_navigation (namespace, parent_path, sibling_order, path, url, caption, abbreviated_caption, title, description,elaboration) VALUES ('prime', NULL, 1, '/', '/', 'Home', NULL, 'Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD)', 'Welcome to Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD)', NULL), ('prime', '/', 999, '/console', '/console/', 'RSSD Console', 'Console', 'Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD) Console', 'Explore RSSD information schema, code notebooks, and SQLPage files', NULL), ('prime', '/console', 1, '/console/info-schema', '/console/info-schema/', 'RSSD Information Schema', 'Info Schema', NULL, 'Explore RSSD tables, columns, views, and other information schema documentation', NULL), ('prime', '/console', 3, '/console/sqlpage-files', '/console/sqlpage-files/', 'RSSD SQLPage Files', 'SQLPage Files', NULL, 'Explore RSSD SQLPage Files which govern the content of the web-UI', NULL), ('prime', '/console', 3, '/console/sqlpage-files/content.sql', '/console/sqlpage-files/content.sql', 'RSSD Data Tables Content SQLPage Files', 'Content SQLPage Files', NULL, 'Explore auto-generated RSSD SQLPage Files which display content within tables', NULL), ('prime', '/console', 3, '/console/sqlpage-nav', '/console/sqlpage-nav/', 'RSSD SQLPage Navigation', 'SQLPage Navigation', NULL, 'See all the navigation entries for the web-UI; TODO: need to improve this to be able to get details for each navigation entry as a table', NULL), ('prime', '/console', 2, '/console/notebooks', '/console/notebooks/', 'RSSD Code Notebooks', 'Code Notebooks', NULL, 'Explore RSSD Code Notebooks which contain reusable SQL and other code blocks', NULL) ON CONFLICT (namespace, parent_path, path) DO UPDATE SET title = EXCLUDED.title, abbreviated_caption = EXCLUDED.abbreviated_caption, description = EXCLUDED.description, url = EXCLUDED.url, sibling_order = EXCLUDED.sibling_order; INSERT OR REPLACE INTO code_notebook_cell (notebook_kernel_id, code_notebook_cell_id, notebook_name, cell_name, interpretable_code, interpretable_code_hash, description) VALUES ( 'SQL', 'web-ui.auto_generate_console_content_tabular_sqlpage_files', 'Web UI', 'auto_generate_console_content_tabular_sqlpage_files', ' -- code provenance: `ConsoleSqlPages.infoSchemaContentDML` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/web-ui-content/console.ts) -- the "auto-generated" tables will be in ''*.auto.sql'' with redirects DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/table/%.auto.sql''; DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/view/%.auto.sql''; INSERT OR REPLACE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT ''console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql'', ''SELECT ''''dynamic'''' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''''shell/shell.sql'''') AS properties; SELECT ''''breadcrumb'''' AS component; SELECT ''''Home'''' as title, ''''/'''' AS link; SELECT ''''Console'''' as title, ''''/console'''' AS link; SELECT ''''Content'''' as title, ''''/console/content'''' AS link; SELECT '''''' || tabular_name || '' '' || tabular_nature || '''''' as title, ''''#'''' AS link; SELECT ''''title'''' AS component, '''''' || tabular_name || '' ('' || tabular_nature || '') Content'''' as contents; SET total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '' || tabular_name || ''); SET limit = COALESCE($limit, 50); SET offset = COALESCE($offset, 0); SET total_pages = ($total_rows + $limit - 1) / $limit; SET current_page = ($offset / $limit) + 1; SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, '''''' || info_schema_link_full_md || '''''' AS contents_md SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, ''''- Start Row: '''' || $offset || '''' '''' || ''''- Rows per Page: '''' || $limit || '''' '''' || ''''- Total Rows: '''' || $total_rows || '''' '''' || ''''- Current Page: '''' || $current_page || '''' '''' || ''''- Total Pages: '''' || $total_pages as contents_md WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL; -- Display uniform_resource table with pagination SELECT ''''table'''' AS component, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search, TRUE AS hover, TRUE AS striped_rows, TRUE AS small; SELECT * FROM '' || tabular_name || '' LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset; SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page > 1 THEN ''''[Previous](?limit='''' || $limit || ''''&offset='''' || ($offset - $limit) || '''')'''' ELSE '''''''' END) || '''' '''' || ''''(Page '''' || $current_page || '''' of '''' || $total_pages || '''') '''' || (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page < $total_pages THEN ''''[Next](?limit='''' || $limit || ''''&offset='''' || ($offset + $limit) || '''')'''' ELSE '''''''' END) AS contents_md;'' FROM console_content_tabular; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT ''console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.sql'', ''SELECT ''''redirect'''' AS component, ''''/console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql'''' AS link WHERE $stats IS NULL; '' || ''SELECT ''''redirect'''' AS component, ''''/console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql?stats='''' || $stats AS link WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL;'' FROM console_content_tabular; -- TODO: add ${this.upsertNavSQL(...)} if we want each of the above to be navigable through DB rows', 'TODO', 'A series of idempotent INSERT statements which will auto-generate "default" content for all tables and views' ); -- code provenance: `ConsoleSqlPages.infoSchemaContentDML` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/web-ui-content/console.ts) -- the "auto-generated" tables will be in '*.auto.sql' with redirects DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like 'console/content/table/%.auto.sql'; DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like 'console/content/view/%.auto.sql'; INSERT OR REPLACE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT 'console/content/' || tabular_nature || '/' || tabular_name || '.auto.sql', 'SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' AS component; SELECT ''Home'' as title, ''/'' AS link; SELECT ''Console'' as title, ''/console'' AS link; SELECT ''Content'' as title, ''/console/content'' AS link; SELECT ''' || tabular_name || ' ' || tabular_nature || ''' as title, ''#'' AS link; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''' || tabular_name || ' (' || tabular_nature || ') Content'' as contents; SET total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' || tabular_name || '); SET limit = COALESCE($limit, 50); SET offset = COALESCE($offset, 0); SET total_pages = ($total_rows + $limit - 1) / $limit; SET current_page = ($offset / $limit) + 1; SELECT ''text'' AS component, ''' || info_schema_link_full_md || ''' AS contents_md SELECT ''text'' AS component, ''- Start Row: '' || $offset || '' '' || ''- Rows per Page: '' || $limit || '' '' || ''- Total Rows: '' || $total_rows || '' '' || ''- Current Page: '' || $current_page || '' '' || ''- Total Pages: '' || $total_pages as contents_md WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL; -- Display uniform_resource table with pagination SELECT ''table'' AS component, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search, TRUE AS hover, TRUE AS striped_rows, TRUE AS small; SELECT * FROM ' || tabular_name || ' LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset; SELECT ''text'' AS component, (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page > 1 THEN ''[Previous](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset - $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) || '' '' || ''(Page '' || $current_page || '' of '' || $total_pages || '') '' || (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page < $total_pages THEN ''[Next](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset + $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) AS contents_md;' FROM console_content_tabular; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT 'console/content/' || tabular_nature || '/' || tabular_name || '.sql', 'SELECT ''redirect'' AS component, ''/console/content/' || tabular_nature || '/' || tabular_name || '.auto.sql'' AS link WHERE $stats IS NULL; ' || 'SELECT ''redirect'' AS component, ''/console/content/' || tabular_nature || '/' || tabular_name || '.auto.sql?stats='' || $stats AS link WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL;' FROM console_content_tabular; -- TODO: add ${this.upsertNavSQL(...)} if we want each of the above to be navigable through DB rows -- delete all /fhir-related entries and recreate them in case routes are changed DELETE FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE path like '/fhir%'; INSERT INTO sqlpage_aide_navigation (namespace, parent_path, sibling_order, path, url, caption, abbreviated_caption, title, description,elaboration) VALUES ('prime', '/', 1, '/ur', '/ur/', 'Uniform Resource', NULL, NULL, 'Explore ingested resources', NULL), ('prime', '/ur', 99, '/ur/info-schema.sql', '/ur/info-schema.sql', 'Uniform Resource Tables and Views', NULL, NULL, 'Information Schema documentation for ingested Uniform Resource database objects', NULL), ('prime', '/ur', 1, '/ur/uniform-resource-files.sql', '/ur/uniform-resource-files.sql', 'Uniform Resources (Files)', NULL, NULL, 'Files ingested into the `uniform_resource` table', NULL) ON CONFLICT (namespace, parent_path, path) DO UPDATE SET title = EXCLUDED.title, abbreviated_caption = EXCLUDED.abbreviated_caption, description = EXCLUDED.description, url = EXCLUDED.url, sibling_order = EXCLUDED.sibling_order; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS uniform_resource_file; CREATE VIEW uniform_resource_file AS SELECT ur.uniform_resource_id, ur.nature, p.root_path AS source_path, pe.file_path_rel, ur.size_bytes FROM uniform_resource ur LEFT JOIN ur_ingest_session_fs_path p ON ur.ingest_fs_path_id = p.ur_ingest_session_fs_path_id LEFT JOIN ur_ingest_session_fs_path_entry pe ON ur.uniform_resource_id = pe.uniform_resource_id WHERE ur.ingest_fs_path_id IS NOT NULL; INSERT INTO sqlpage_aide_navigation (namespace, parent_path, sibling_order, path, url, caption, abbreviated_caption, title, description,elaboration) VALUES ('prime', '/', 1, '/orchestration', '/orchestration/', 'Orchestration', NULL, NULL, 'Explore details about all orchestration', NULL), ('prime', '/orchestration', 99, '/orchestration/info-schema.sql', '/orchestration/info-schema.sql', 'Orchestration Tables and Views', NULL, NULL, 'Information Schema documentation for orchestrated objects', NULL) ON CONFLICT (namespace, parent_path, path) DO UPDATE SET title = EXCLUDED.title, abbreviated_caption = EXCLUDED.abbreviated_caption, description = EXCLUDED.description, url = EXCLUDED.url, sibling_order = EXCLUDED.sibling_order; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_session_by_device; CREATE VIEW orchestration_session_by_device AS SELECT d.device_id, d.name AS device_name, COUNT(*) AS session_count FROM orchestration_session os JOIN device d ON os.device_id = d.device_id GROUP BY d.device_id, d.name; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_session_duration; CREATE VIEW orchestration_session_duration AS SELECT os.orchestration_session_id, onature.nature AS orchestration_nature, os.orch_started_at, os.orch_finished_at, (JULIANDAY(os.orch_finished_at) - JULIANDAY(os.orch_started_at)) * 24 * 60 * 60 AS duration_seconds FROM orchestration_session os JOIN orchestration_nature onature ON os.orchestration_nature_id = onature.orchestration_nature_id WHERE os.orch_finished_at IS NOT NULL; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_success_rate; CREATE VIEW orchestration_success_rate AS SELECT onature.nature AS orchestration_nature, COUNT(*) AS total_sessions, SUM(CASE WHEN oss.to_state = 'surveilr_orch_completed' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS successful_sessions, (CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN oss.to_state = 'surveilr_orch_completed' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS FLOAT) / COUNT(*)) * 100 AS success_rate FROM orchestration_session os JOIN orchestration_nature onature ON os.orchestration_nature_id = onature.orchestration_nature_id JOIN orchestration_session_state oss ON os.orchestration_session_id = oss.session_id WHERE oss.to_state IN ('surveilr_orch_completed', 'surveilr_orch_failed') -- Consider other terminal states if applicable GROUP BY onature.nature; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_session_script; CREATE VIEW orchestration_session_script AS SELECT os.orchestration_session_id, onature.nature AS orchestration_nature, COUNT(*) AS script_count FROM orchestration_session os JOIN orchestration_nature onature ON os.orchestration_nature_id = onature.orchestration_nature_id JOIN orchestration_session_entry ose ON os.orchestration_session_id = ose.session_id GROUP BY os.orchestration_session_id, onature.nature; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_executions_by_type; CREATE VIEW orchestration_executions_by_type AS SELECT exec_nature, COUNT(*) AS execution_count FROM orchestration_session_exec GROUP BY exec_nature; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_execution_success_rate_by_type; CREATE VIEW orchestration_execution_success_rate_by_type AS SELECT exec_nature, COUNT(*) AS total_executions, SUM(CASE WHEN exec_status = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS successful_executions, (CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN exec_status = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS FLOAT) / COUNT(*)) * 100 AS success_rate FROM orchestration_session_exec GROUP BY exec_nature; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_session_summary; CREATE VIEW orchestration_session_summary AS SELECT issue_type, COUNT(*) AS issue_count FROM orchestration_session_issue GROUP BY issue_type; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_issue_remediation; CREATE VIEW orchestration_issue_remediation AS SELECT orchestration_session_issue_id, issue_type, issue_message, remediation FROM orchestration_session_issue WHERE remediation IS NOT NULL; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_logs_by_session; CREATE VIEW orchestration_logs_by_session AS SELECT os.orchestration_session_id, onature.nature AS orchestration_nature, osl.category, COUNT(*) AS log_count FROM orchestration_session os JOIN orchestration_nature onature ON os.orchestration_nature_id = onature.orchestration_nature_id JOIN orchestration_session_exec ose ON os.orchestration_session_id = ose.session_id JOIN orchestration_session_log osl ON ose.orchestration_session_exec_id = osl.parent_exec_id GROUP BY os.orchestration_session_id, onature.nature, osl.category; -- delete all /ip-related entries and recreate them in case routes are changed DELETE FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE path like '/opsfolio/info/assurance%'; INSERT INTO sqlpage_aide_navigation (namespace, parent_path, sibling_order, path, url, caption, abbreviated_caption, title, description,elaboration) VALUES ('prime', '/', 1, '/opsfolio', '/opsfolio/', 'Opsfolio', NULL, NULL, 'Opsfolio', NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 2, '/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model.sql', '/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model.sql', 'Information Assurance', NULL, NULL, 'A threat model is a structured framework used to identify, assess, and prioritize potential security threats to a system, application, or network to mitigate risks effectively.', NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 3, '/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/threat_model_analysis_report.sql', '/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/threat_model_analysis_report.sql', 'Threat Model Analysis Report', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 3, '/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/web_application.sql', '/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/web_application.sql', 'Web Application', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 3, '/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/managed_application.sql', '/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/managed_application.sql', 'Managed Application', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 3, '/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/sql_database.sql', '/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/sql_database.sql', 'SQL Database', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 3, '/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/boundaries.sql', '/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/boundaries.sql', 'Boundaries', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 4, '/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/threat_model_analysis_report/detail.sql', '/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/threat_model_analysis_report/detail.sql', 'Threat Model Report Analysis', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) ON CONFLICT (namespace, parent_path, path) DO UPDATE SET title = EXCLUDED.title, abbreviated_caption = EXCLUDED.abbreviated_caption, description = EXCLUDED.description, url = EXCLUDED.url, sibling_order = EXCLUDED.sibling_order; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'shell/shell.json', '{ "component": "shell", "title": "Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD)", "icon": "database", "layout": "fluid", "fixed_top_menu": true, "link": "/", "menu_item": [ { "link": "/", "title": "Home" } ], "javascript": [ "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/highlight.min.js", "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/sql.min.js", "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/handlebars.min.js", "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/json.min.js" ], "footer": "Resource Surveillance Web UI" };', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'shell/shell.sql', 'SELECT ''shell'' AS component, ''Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD)'' AS title, ''database'' AS icon, ''fluid'' AS layout, true AS fixed_top_menu, ''/'' AS link, ''{"link":"/","title":"Home"}'' AS menu_item, ''https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/highlight.min.js'' AS javascript, ''https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/sql.min.js'' AS javascript, ''https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/handlebars.min.js'' AS javascript, ''https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/json.min.js'' AS javascript, json_object( ''link'', ''/ur'', ''title'', ''Uniform Resource'', ''submenu'', ( SELECT json_group_array( json_object( ''title'', title, ''link'', link, ''description'', description ) ) FROM ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/ur'' ORDER BY sibling_order ) ) ) as menu_item, json_object( ''link'', ''/console'', ''title'', ''Console'', ''submenu'', ( SELECT json_group_array( json_object( ''title'', title, ''link'', link, ''description'', description ) ) FROM ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/console'' ORDER BY sibling_order ) ) ) as menu_item, json_object( ''link'', ''/orchestration'', ''title'', ''Orchestration'', ''submenu'', ( SELECT json_group_array( json_object( ''title'', title, ''link'', link, ''description'', description ) ) FROM ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/orchestration'' ORDER BY sibling_order ) ) ) as menu_item, ''Resource Surveillance Web UI (v'' || sqlpage.version() || '') '' || ''📄 ['' || substr(sqlpage.path(), 2) || ''](/console/sqlpage-files/sqlpage-file.sql?path='' || substr(sqlpage.path(), 2) || '')'' as footer;', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''list'' AS component; SELECT caption as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/'' ORDER BY sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation WITH console_navigation_cte AS ( SELECT title, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console'' ) SELECT ''list'' AS component, title, description FROM console_navigation_cte; SELECT caption as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/console'' ORDER BY sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/info-schema/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/info-schema'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Tables'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Table'' AS markdown, ''Column Count'' as align_right, ''Content'' as markdown, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''['' || table_name || ''](table.sql?name='' || table_name || '')'' AS "Table", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count", content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md as "Content" FROM console_information_schema_table GROUP BY table_name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Views'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''View'' AS markdown, ''Column Count'' as align_right, ''Content'' as markdown, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''['' || view_name || ''](view.sql?name='' || view_name || '')'' AS "View", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count", content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md as "Content" FROM console_information_schema_view GROUP BY view_name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Migrations'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Table'' AS markdown, ''Column Count'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT from_state, to_state, transition_reason, transitioned_at FROM code_notebook_state ORDER BY transitioned_at; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/info-schema/table.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/info-schema'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; SELECT $name || '' Table'' AS title, ''#'' AS link; SELECT ''title'' AS component, $name AS contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component; SELECT column_name AS "Column", data_type AS "Type", is_primary_key AS "PK", is_not_null AS "Required", default_value AS "Default" FROM console_information_schema_table WHERE table_name = $name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Foreign Keys'' as contents, 2 as level; SELECT ''table'' AS component; SELECT column_name AS "Column Name", foreign_key AS "Foreign Key" FROM console_information_schema_table_col_fkey WHERE table_name = $name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Indexes'' as contents, 2 as level; SELECT ''table'' AS component; SELECT column_name AS "Column Name", index_name AS "Index Name" FROM console_information_schema_table_col_index WHERE table_name = $name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''SQL DDL'' as contents, 2 as level; SELECT ''code'' AS component; SELECT ''sql'' as language, (SELECT sql_ddl FROM console_information_schema_table WHERE table_name = $name) as contents; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/info-schema/view.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/info-schema'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; SELECT $name || '' View'' AS title, ''#'' AS link; SELECT ''title'' AS component, $name AS contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component; SELECT column_name AS "Column", data_type AS "Type" FROM console_information_schema_view WHERE view_name = $name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''SQL DDL'' as contents, 2 as level; SELECT ''code'' AS component; SELECT ''sql'' as language, (SELECT sql_ddl FROM console_information_schema_view WHERE view_name = $name) as contents; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/sqlpage-files/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/sqlpage-files'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''SQLPage pages in sqlpage_files table'' AS contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Path'' as markdown, ''Size'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''[🚀](/'' || path || '') [📄 '' || path || ''](sqlpage-file.sql?path='' || path || '')'' AS "Path", LENGTH(contents) as "Size", last_modified FROM sqlpage_files ORDER BY path; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/sqlpage-files/sqlpage-file.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/sqlpage-files'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; SELECT $path || '' Path'' AS title, ''#'' AS link; SELECT ''title'' AS component, $path AS contents; SELECT ''text'' AS component, ''```sql '' || (select contents FROM sqlpage_files where path = $path) || '' ```'' as contents_md; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/sqlpage-files/content.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/sqlpage-files/content.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''SQLPage pages generated from tables and views'' AS contents; SELECT ''text'' AS component, '' - `*.auto.sql` pages are auto-generated "default" content pages for each table and view defined in the database. - The `*.sql` companions may be auto-generated redirects to their `*.auto.sql` pair or an app/service might override the `*.sql` to not redirect and supply custom content for any table or view. - [View regenerate-auto.sql](/console/sqlpage-files/sqlpage-file.sql?path=console/content/action/regenerate-auto.sql) '' AS contents_md; SELECT ''button'' AS component, ''center'' AS justify; SELECT ''/console/content/action/regenerate-auto.sql'' AS link, ''info'' AS color, ''Regenerate all "default" table/view content pages'' AS title; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Redirected or overriden content pages'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Path'' as markdown, ''Size'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''[🚀](/'' || path || '') [📄 '' || path || ''](sqlpage-file.sql?path='' || path || '')'' AS "Path", LENGTH(contents) as "Size", last_modified FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/%'' AND NOT(path like ''console/content/%.auto.sql'') AND NOT(path like ''console/content/action%'') ORDER BY path; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Auto-generated "default" content pages'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Path'' as markdown, ''Size'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''[🚀](/'' || path || '') [📄 '' || path || ''](sqlpage-file.sql?path='' || path || '')'' AS "Path", LENGTH(contents) as "Size", last_modified FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/%.auto.sql'' ORDER BY path; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/content/action/regenerate-auto.sql', ' -- code provenance: `ConsoleSqlPages.infoSchemaContentDML` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/web-ui-content/console.ts) -- the "auto-generated" tables will be in ''*.auto.sql'' with redirects DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/table/%.auto.sql''; DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/view/%.auto.sql''; INSERT OR REPLACE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT ''console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql'', ''SELECT ''''dynamic'''' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''''shell/shell.sql'''') AS properties; SELECT ''''breadcrumb'''' AS component; SELECT ''''Home'''' as title, ''''/'''' AS link; SELECT ''''Console'''' as title, ''''/console'''' AS link; SELECT ''''Content'''' as title, ''''/console/content'''' AS link; SELECT '''''' || tabular_name || '' '' || tabular_nature || '''''' as title, ''''#'''' AS link; SELECT ''''title'''' AS component, '''''' || tabular_name || '' ('' || tabular_nature || '') Content'''' as contents; SET total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '' || tabular_name || ''); SET limit = COALESCE($limit, 50); SET offset = COALESCE($offset, 0); SET total_pages = ($total_rows + $limit - 1) / $limit; SET current_page = ($offset / $limit) + 1; SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, '''''' || info_schema_link_full_md || '''''' AS contents_md SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, ''''- Start Row: '''' || $offset || '''' '''' || ''''- Rows per Page: '''' || $limit || '''' '''' || ''''- Total Rows: '''' || $total_rows || '''' '''' || ''''- Current Page: '''' || $current_page || '''' '''' || ''''- Total Pages: '''' || $total_pages as contents_md WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL; -- Display uniform_resource table with pagination SELECT ''''table'''' AS component, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search, TRUE AS hover, TRUE AS striped_rows, TRUE AS small; SELECT * FROM '' || tabular_name || '' LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset; SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page > 1 THEN ''''[Previous](?limit='''' || $limit || ''''&offset='''' || ($offset - $limit) || '''')'''' ELSE '''''''' END) || '''' '''' || ''''(Page '''' || $current_page || '''' of '''' || $total_pages || '''') '''' || (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page < $total_pages THEN ''''[Next](?limit='''' || $limit || ''''&offset='''' || ($offset + $limit) || '''')'''' ELSE '''''''' END) AS contents_md;'' FROM console_content_tabular; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT ''console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.sql'', ''SELECT ''''redirect'''' AS component, ''''/console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql'''' AS link WHERE $stats IS NULL; '' || ''SELECT ''''redirect'''' AS component, ''''/console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql?stats='''' || $stats AS link WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL;'' FROM console_content_tabular; -- TODO: add ${this.upsertNavSQL(...)} if we want each of the above to be navigable through DB rows -- code provenance: `ConsoleSqlPages.console/content/action/regenerate-auto.sql` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/web-ui-content/console.ts) SELECT ''redirect'' AS component, ''/console/sqlpage-files/content.sql'' as link WHERE $redirect is NULL; SELECT ''redirect'' AS component, $redirect as link WHERE $redirect is NOT NULL;', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/sqlpage-nav/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/sqlpage-nav'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''SQLPage navigation in sqlpage_aide_navigation table'' AS contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT path, caption, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation ORDER BY namespace, parent_path, path, sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/notebooks/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/notebooks'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Code Notebooks'' AS contents; SELECT ''table'' as component, ''Cell'' as markdown, 1 as search, 1 as sort; SELECT c.notebook_name, ''['' || c.cell_name || ''](notebook-cell.sql?notebook='' || replace(c.notebook_name, '' '', ''%20'') || ''&cell='' || replace(c.cell_name, '' '', ''%20'') || '')'' as Cell, c.description, k.kernel_name as kernel FROM code_notebook_kernel k, code_notebook_cell c WHERE k.code_notebook_kernel_id = c.notebook_kernel_id; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/notebooks/notebook-cell.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/notebooks'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; SELECT ''Notebook '' || $notebook || '' Cell'' || $cell AS title, ''#'' AS link; SELECT ''code'' as component; SELECT $notebook || ''.'' || $cell || '' ('' || k.kernel_name ||'')'' as title, COALESCE(c.cell_governance -> ''$.language'', ''sql'') as language, c.interpretable_code as contents FROM code_notebook_kernel k, code_notebook_cell c WHERE c.notebook_name = $notebook AND c.cell_name = $cell AND k.code_notebook_kernel_id = c.notebook_kernel_id; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'ur/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/ur'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation WITH navigation_cte AS ( SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) as title, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/ur'' ) SELECT ''list'' AS component, title, description FROM navigation_cte; SELECT caption as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/ur'' ORDER BY sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'ur/info-schema.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/ur/info-schema.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Uniform Resource Tables and Views'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Name'' AS markdown, ''Column Count'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''Table'' as "Type", ''['' || table_name || ''](/console/info-schema/table.sql?name='' || table_name || '')'' AS "Name", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count" FROM console_information_schema_table WHERE table_name = ''uniform_resource'' OR table_name like ''ur_%'' GROUP BY table_name UNION ALL SELECT ''View'' as "Type", ''['' || view_name || ''](/console/info-schema/view.sql?name='' || view_name || '')'' AS "Name", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count" FROM console_information_schema_view WHERE view_name like ''ur_%'' GROUP BY view_name; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'ur/uniform-resource-files.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, (SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/ur/uniform-resource-files.sql'') as contents; ; -- sets up $limit, $offset, and other variables (use pagination.debugVars() to see values in web-ui) SET total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM uniform_resource_file); SET limit = COALESCE($limit, 50); SET offset = COALESCE($offset, 0); SET total_pages = ($total_rows + $limit - 1) / $limit; SET current_page = ($offset / $limit) + 1; -- Display uniform_resource table with pagination SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Uniform Resources'' AS title, "Size (bytes)" as align_right, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search, TRUE AS hover, TRUE AS striped_rows, TRUE AS small; SELECT * FROM uniform_resource_file ORDER BY uniform_resource_id LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset; SELECT ''text'' AS component, (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page > 1 THEN ''[Previous](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset - $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) || '' '' || ''(Page '' || $current_page || '' of '' || $total_pages || ") " || (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page < $total_pages THEN ''[Next](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset + $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) AS contents_md; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'orchestration/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/orchestration'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation WITH navigation_cte AS ( SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) as title, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/orchestration'' ) SELECT ''list'' AS component, title, description FROM navigation_cte; SELECT caption as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/orchestration'' ORDER BY sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'orchestration/info-schema.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/orchestration/info-schema.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Orchestration Tables and Views'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Name'' AS markdown, ''Column Count'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''Table'' as "Type", ''['' || table_name || ''](/console/info-schema/table.sql?name='' || table_name || '')'' AS "Name", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count" FROM console_information_schema_table WHERE table_name = ''orchestration_session'' OR table_name like ''orchestration_%'' GROUP BY table_name UNION ALL SELECT ''View'' as "Type", ''['' || view_name || ''](/console/info-schema/view.sql?name='' || view_name || '')'' AS "Name", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count" FROM console_information_schema_view WHERE view_name like ''orchestration_%'' GROUP BY view_name; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation select ''card'' as component, 3 as columns; SELECT caption as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/opsfolio'' AND sibling_order = 2 ORDER BY sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''card'' AS component, 4 AS columns SELECT ''Threat Model Analysis Report'' AS title, ''arrow-big-right'' AS icon, ''/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/threat_model_analysis_report.sql'' AS link SELECT ''Web Application'' AS title, ''arrow-big-right'' AS icon, ''/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/web_application.sql'' AS link SELECT ''Managed Application'' AS title, ''arrow-big-right'' AS icon, ''/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/managed_application.sql'' AS link SELECT ''SQL Database'' AS title, ''arrow-big-right'' AS icon, ''/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/sql_database.sql'' AS link SELECT ''Boundaries'' AS title, ''arrow-big-right'' AS icon, ''/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/boundaries.sql'' AS link; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/threat_model_analysis_report.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/threat_model_analysis_report.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, (SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/threat_model_analysis_report.sql'') as contents; ; SET total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM threat_model); SET limit = COALESCE($limit, 50); SET offset = COALESCE($offset, 0); SET total_pages = ($total_rows + $limit - 1) / $limit; SET current_page = ($offset / $limit) + 1; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Title'' as markdown SELECT ''['' || title || ''](/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/threat_model_analysis_report/detail.sql?id='' || id || '')'' AS "Title", category, interaction, priority, "state" FROM threat_model LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset; SELECT ''text'' AS component, (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page > 1 THEN ''[Previous](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset - $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) || '' '' || ''(Page '' || $current_page || '' of '' || $total_pages || ") " || (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page < $total_pages THEN ''[Next](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset + $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) AS contents_md; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/web_application.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/web_application.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SET total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM web_application); SET limit = COALESCE($limit, 50); SET offset = COALESCE($offset, 0); SET total_pages = ($total_rows + $limit - 1) / $limit; SET current_page = ($offset / $limit) + 1; SELECT ''title'' AS component, (SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/web_application.sql'') as contents; ; SELECT ''list'' as component SELECT Title as title FROM web_application LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset; SELECT ''text'' AS component, (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page > 1 THEN ''[Previous](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset - $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) || '' '' || ''(Page '' || $current_page || '' of '' || $total_pages || ") " || (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page < $total_pages THEN ''[Next](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset + $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) AS contents_md; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/managed_application.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/managed_application.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, (SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/managed_application.sql'') as contents; ; SET total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM managed_application); SET limit = COALESCE($limit, 50); SET offset = COALESCE($offset, 0); SET total_pages = ($total_rows + $limit - 1) / $limit; SET current_page = ($offset / $limit) + 1; SELECT ''list'' as component SELECT Title as title FROM managed_application LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset; SELECT ''text'' AS component, (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page > 1 THEN ''[Previous](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset - $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) || '' '' || ''(Page '' || $current_page || '' of '' || $total_pages || ") " || (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page < $total_pages THEN ''[Next](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset + $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) AS contents_md; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/sql_database.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/sql_database.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SET total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sql_database); SET limit = COALESCE($limit, 50); SET offset = COALESCE($offset, 0); SET total_pages = ($total_rows + $limit - 1) / $limit; SET current_page = ($offset / $limit) + 1; SELECT ''title'' AS component, (SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/sql_database.sql'') as contents; ; SELECT ''list'' AS component SELECT Title as title FROM sql_database LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset; SELECT ''text'' AS component, (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page > 1 THEN ''[Previous](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset - $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) || '' '' || ''(Page '' || $current_page || '' of '' || $total_pages || ") " || (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page < $total_pages THEN ''[Next](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset + $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) AS contents_md; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/boundaries.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/boundaries.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SET total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM boundaries); SET limit = COALESCE($limit, 50); SET offset = COALESCE($offset, 0); SET total_pages = ($total_rows + $limit - 1) / $limit; SET current_page = ($offset / $limit) + 1; SELECT ''title'' AS component, (SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/boundaries.sql'') as contents; ; SELECT ''list'' AS component SELECT boundary as title FROM boundaries LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset; SELECT ''text'' AS component, (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page > 1 THEN ''[Previous](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset - $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) || '' '' || ''(Page '' || $current_page || '' of '' || $total_pages || ") " || (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page < $total_pages THEN ''[Next](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset + $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) AS contents_md; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/threat_model_analysis_report/detail.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/threat_model_analysis_report/detail.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, (SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/threat_model_analysis_report/detail.sql'') as contents; ; -- Component definition SELECT ''card'' AS component, 2 AS columns; -- Title section SELECT ''Title'' AS title, title AS description FROM threat_model WHERE id = $id::TEXT; -- Category section SELECT ''Category'' AS title, title AS description FROM threat_model WHERE id = $id::TEXT; -- Short description section SELECT ''card'' AS component, 1 AS columns; SELECT ''Short Description'' AS title, short_description AS description FROM threat_model WHERE id = $id::TEXT; -- Full description section SELECT ''Description'' AS title, description AS description FROM threat_model WHERE id = $id::TEXT; -- Priority and State sections SELECT ''card'' AS component, 2 AS columns; SELECT ''Priority'' AS title, priority AS description FROM threat_model WHERE id = $id::TEXT; SELECT ''State'' AS title, state AS description FROM threat_model WHERE id = $id::TEXT; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; -- code provenance: `TypicalSqlPageNotebook.commonDDL` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/notebook/sqlpage.ts) -- idempotently create location where SQLPage looks for its content CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "sqlpage_files" ( "path" VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "contents" TEXT NOT NULL, "last_modified" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ); -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Script to prepare convenience views to access uniform_resource.content column -- as CCDA content, ensuring only valid JSON is processed. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TODO: will this help performance? -- CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_resource_type ON uniform_resource ((content ->> '$.resourceType')); -- CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_bundle_entry ON uniform_resource ((json_type(content -> '$.entry'))); -- CCDA Discovery and Enumeration Views -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Summary of the uniform_resource table -- Provides a count of total rows, valid JSON rows, invalid JSON rows, -- and potential CCDA v4 candidates and bundles based on JSON structure. DROP VIEW IF EXISTS uniform_resource_summary; CREATE VIEW uniform_resource_summary AS SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_rows, SUM(CASE WHEN json_valid(content) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS valid_json_rows, SUM(CASE WHEN json_valid(content) THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) AS invalid_json_rows, SUM(CASE WHEN json_valid(content) AND content ->> '$.resourceType' IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS ccda_v4_candidates, SUM(CASE WHEN json_valid(content) AND json_type(content -> '$.entry') = 'array' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS ccda_v4_bundle_candidates FROM uniform_resource; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS control_regimes; CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS control_regimes AS SELECT reg.name as control_regime, reg.control_regime_id as control_regime_id, audit.name as audit_type_name, audit.control_regime_id as audit_type_id FROM control_regime as audit INNER JOIN control_regime as reg ON audit.parent_id = reg.control_regime_id; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS control_group; CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS control_group AS SELECT cast("#" as int) as display_order, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY "Common Criteria") || '-' || (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='SOC2 Type I' AND parent_id!="") AS control_group_id, "Common Criteria" AS title, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='SOC2 Type I' AND parent_id!="") AS audit_type_id, NULL AS parent_id FROM uniform_resource_aicpa_soc2_controls GROUP BY "Common Criteria" UNION ALL SELECT cast("#" as int) as display_order, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY "Common Criteria") || '-' || (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='SOC2 Type II' AND parent_id!="") AS control_group_id, "Common Criteria" AS title, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='SOC2 Type II' AND parent_id!="") AS audit_type_id, NULL AS parent_id FROM uniform_resource_aicpa_soc2_type2_controls GROUP BY "Common Criteria" UNION ALL SELECT cast("#" as int) as display_order, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY "Common Criteria") || '-' || (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='HIPAA' AND parent_id!="") AS control_group_id, "Common Criteria" AS title, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='HIPAA' AND parent_id!="") AS audit_type_id, NULL AS parent_id FROM uniform_resource_hipaa_security_rule_safeguards GROUP BY "Common Criteria" UNION ALL SELECT cast("#" as int) as display_order, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY "Common Criteria") || '-' || (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='HiTRUST e1 Assessment' AND parent_id!="") AS control_group_id, "Common Criteria" AS title, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='HiTRUST e1 Assessment' AND parent_id!="") AS audit_type_id, NULL AS parent_id FROM uniform_resource_hitrust_e1_assessment GROUP BY "Common Criteria" UNION ALL SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM uniform_resource_scf_2024_2 AS sub WHERE sub.ROWID <= cntl.ROWID AND sub."US CMMC 2.0 Level 1" != "") AS display_order, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY cntl."SCF Domain") || '-' || (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 1' AND parent_id!="") AS control_group_id, cntl."SCF Domain" AS title, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 1' AND parent_id!="") AS audit_type_id, NULL AS parent_id FROM uniform_resource_scf_2024_2 cntl WHERE cntl."US CMMC 2.0 Level 1" != "" GROUP BY cntl."SCF Domain" UNION ALL SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM uniform_resource_scf_2024_2 AS sub WHERE sub.ROWID <= cntl.ROWID AND sub."US CMMC 2.0 Level 2" != "") AS display_order, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY cntl."SCF Domain") || '-' || (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 2' AND parent_id!="") AS control_group_id, cntl."SCF Domain" AS title, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 2' AND parent_id!="") AS audit_type_id, NULL AS parent_id FROM uniform_resource_scf_2024_2 cntl WHERE cntl."US CMMC 2.0 Level 2" != "" GROUP BY cntl."SCF Domain" UNION ALL SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM uniform_resource_scf_2024_2 AS sub WHERE sub.ROWID <= cntl.ROWID AND sub."US CMMC 2.0 Level 3" != "") AS display_order, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY "SCF Domain") || '-' || (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 3' AND parent_id!="") AS control_group_id, cntl."SCF Domain" AS title, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 3' AND parent_id!="") AS audit_type_id, NULL AS parent_id FROM uniform_resource_scf_2024_2 cntl WHERE cntl."US CMMC 2.0 Level 3" != "" GROUP BY cntl."SCF Domain" UNION ALL SELECT cast("#" as int) as display_order, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY "SCF Domain") || '-' || (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='Together.Health Security Assessment (THSA)' AND parent_id!="") AS control_group_id, "SCF Domain" AS title, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='Together.Health Security Assessment (THSA)' AND parent_id!="") AS audit_type_id, NULL AS parent_id FROM uniform_resource_thsa GROUP BY "SCF Domain" UNION ALL SELECT cast("#" as int) as display_order, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY "Common Criteria") || '-' || (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='Code Quality Infrastructure' AND parent_id!="") AS control_group_id, "Common Criteria" AS title, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='Code Quality Infrastructure' AND parent_id!="") AS audit_type_id, NULL AS parent_id FROM uniform_resource_code_quality_infrastructure GROUP BY "Common Criteria" UNION ALL SELECT cast("#" as int) as display_order, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY "Common Criteria") || '-' || (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='Database Quality Infrastructure' AND parent_id!="") AS control_group_id, "Common Criteria" AS title, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='Database Quality Infrastructure' AND parent_id!="") AS audit_type_id, NULL AS parent_id FROM uniform_resource_database_quality_infrastructure GROUP BY "Common Criteria" UNION ALL SELECT cast("#" as int) as display_order, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY "Common Criteria") || '-' || (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='Scheduled Audit' AND parent_id!="") AS control_group_id, "Common Criteria" AS title, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='Scheduled Audit' AND parent_id!="") AS audit_type_id, NULL AS parent_id FROM uniform_resource_scheduled_audit GROUP BY "Common Criteria"; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS control; CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS control AS WITH control_regime_cte AS ( SELECT reg.name as control_regime, reg.control_regime_id as control_regime_id, audit.name as audit_type_name, audit.control_regime_id as audit_type_id FROM control_regime as audit INNER JOIN control_regime as reg ON audit.parent_id = reg.control_regime_id ) SELECT CAST(cntl."#" AS INTEGER) AS display_order, cg.control_group_id, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."Control Identifier", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', '-'), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."FII Id", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', ''), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='SOC2 Type I') AS control_id, cntl."Control Identifier" AS control_identifier, cntl."Control Identifier" AS control_code, cntl."Fii ID" AS fii, cntl."Common Criteria" AS common_criteria, cntl."Name" AS expected_evidence, cntl."Questions Descriptions" AS question, (SELECT control_regime FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='SOC2 Type I') AS control_regime, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='SOC2 Type I') AS control_regime_id, (SELECT audit_type_name FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='SOC2 Type I') AS audit_type, (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='SOC2 Type I') AS audit_type_id FROM uniform_resource_aicpa_soc2_controls cntl INNER JOIN control_group cg ON cg.title=cntl."Common Criteria" WHERE cg.audit_type_id=(SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='SOC2 Type I') UNION ALL SELECT CAST(cntl."#" AS INTEGER) AS display_order, cg.control_group_id, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."Control Identifier", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', '-'), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."FII Id", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', ''), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='SOC2 Type II') as control_id, cntl."Control Identifier" AS control_identifier,"Control Identifier" AS control_code, "Fii ID" AS fii, cntl."Common Criteria" AS common_criteria, cntl."Name" AS expected_evidence, cntl."Questions Descriptions" AS question, (SELECT control_regime FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='SOC2 Type II') AS control_regime, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='SOC2 Type II') AS control_regime_id, (SELECT audit_type_name FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='SOC2 Type II') AS audit_type, (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='SOC2 Type II') AS audit_type_id FROM uniform_resource_aicpa_soc2_type2_controls cntl INNER JOIN control_group cg ON cg.title=cntl."Common Criteria" WHERE cg.audit_type_id=(SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='SOC2 Type II') UNION ALL SELECT CAST(cntl."#" AS INTEGER) AS display_order, cg.control_group_id, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."HIPAA Security Rule Reference", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', '-'), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."FII Id", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', ''), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='HIPAA') as control_id, cntl."HIPAA Security Rule Reference" AS control_identifier, cntl."HIPAA Security Rule Reference" AS control_code, cntl."FII Id" AS fii, cntl."Common Criteria" AS common_criteria, "" AS expected_evidence, cntl.Safeguard AS question, (SELECT control_regime FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='HIPAA') AS control_regime, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='HIPAA') AS control_regime_id, (SELECT audit_type_name FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='HIPAA') AS audit_type, (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='HIPAA') AS audit_type_id FROM uniform_resource_hipaa_security_rule_safeguards cntl INNER JOIN control_group cg ON cg.title=cntl."Common Criteria" WHERE cg.audit_type_id=(SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='HIPAA') UNION ALL SELECT CAST(cntl."#" AS INTEGER) AS display_order, cg.control_group_id, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."Control Identifier", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', '-'), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."Fii ID", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', ''), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='HiTRUST e1 Assessment') as control_id, cntl."Control Identifier" AS control_identifier,"Control Identifier" AS control_code, "Fii ID" AS fii, cntl."Common Criteria" AS common_criteria, cntl."Name" AS expected_evidence, cntl.Description AS question, (SELECT control_regime FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='HiTRUST e1 Assessment') AS control_regime, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='HiTRUST e1 Assessment') AS control_regime_id, (SELECT audit_type_name FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='HiTRUST e1 Assessment') AS audit_type, (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='HiTRUST e1 Assessment') AS audit_type_id FROM uniform_resource_hitrust_e1_assessment cntl INNER JOIN control_group cg ON cg.title=cntl."Common Criteria" WHERE cg.audit_type_id=(SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='HiTRUST e1 Assessment') UNION ALL SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM uniform_resource_scf_2024_2 AS sub WHERE sub.ROWID <= cntl.ROWID AND "US CMMC 2.0 Level 1" != "") AS display_order, cg.control_group_id, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."US CMMC 2.0 Level 1", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', '-'), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."SCF #", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', ''), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 1') as control_id, 'CMMCLEVEL-' || (ROWID) as control_identifier, cntl."US CMMC 2.0 Level 1" AS control_code, cntl."SCF #" AS fii, cntl."SCF Domain" AS common_criteria, "" AS expected_evidence, cntl."SCF Control Question" AS question, (SELECT control_regime FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 1') AS control_regime, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 1') AS control_regime_id, (SELECT audit_type_name FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 1') AS audit_type, (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 1') AS audit_type_id FROM uniform_resource_scf_2024_2 AS cntl INNER JOIN control_group cg ON cg.title=cntl."SCF Domain" WHERE cntl."US CMMC 2.0 Level 1" != "" AND cg.audit_type_id=(SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 1') UNION ALL SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM uniform_resource_scf_2024_2 AS sub WHERE sub.ROWID <= cntl.ROWID AND "US CMMC 2.0 Level 2" != "") AS display_order, cg.control_group_id, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."US CMMC 2.0 Level 2", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', '-'), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."SCF #", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', ''), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 2') as control_id, 'CMMCLEVEL-' || (ROWID) AS control_identifier, cntl."US CMMC 2.0 Level 2" AS control_code, cntl."SCF #" AS fii, cntl."SCF Domain" AS common_criteria, "" AS expected_evidence, cntl."SCF Control Question" AS question, (SELECT control_regime FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 2') AS control_regime, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 2') AS control_regime_id, (SELECT audit_type_name FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 2') AS audit_type, (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 2') AS audit_type_id FROM uniform_resource_scf_2024_2 cntl INNER JOIN control_group cg ON cg.title=cntl."SCF Domain" WHERE "US CMMC 2.0 Level 2" != "" AND cg.audit_type_id=(SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 2') UNION ALL SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM uniform_resource_scf_2024_2 AS sub WHERE sub.ROWID <= cntl.ROWID AND "US CMMC 2.0 Level 3" != "") AS display_order, cg.control_group_id, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."US CMMC 2.0 Level 3", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', '-'), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."SCF #", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', ''), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 3') as control_id, 'CMMCLEVEL-' || (ROWID) AS control_identifier, cntl."US CMMC 2.0 Level 3" AS control_code, cntl."SCF #" AS fii, cntl."SCF Domain" AS common_criteria, "" AS expected_evidence, cntl."SCF Control Question" AS question, (SELECT control_regime FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 3') AS control_regime, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 3') AS control_regime_id, (SELECT audit_type_name FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 3') AS audit_type, (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 3') AS audit_type_id FROM uniform_resource_scf_2024_2 cntl INNER JOIN control_group cg ON cg.title=cntl."SCF Domain" WHERE "US CMMC 2.0 Level 3" != "" AND cg.audit_type_id=(SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 3') UNION ALL SELECT CAST(cntl."#" AS INTEGER) AS display_order, cg.control_group_id, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."SCF #", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', '-'), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."SCF #", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', ''), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Together.Health Security Assessment (THSA)') as control_id, cntl."SCF #" AS control_identifier, cntl."SCF #" AS control_code, cntl."SCF #" AS fii, cntl."SCF Domain" AS common_criteria, "" AS expected_evidence, cntl."SCF Control Question" AS question, (SELECT control_regime FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Together.Health Security Assessment (THSA)') AS control_regime, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Together.Health Security Assessment (THSA)') AS control_regime_id, (SELECT audit_type_name FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Together.Health Security Assessment (THSA)') AS audit_type, (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Together.Health Security Assessment (THSA)') AS audit_type_id FROM uniform_resource_thsa cntl INNER JOIN control_group cg ON cg.title=cntl."SCF Domain" WHERE cg.audit_type_id=(SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Together.Health Security Assessment (THSA)') UNION ALL SELECT CAST(cntl."#" AS INTEGER) AS display_order, cg.control_group_id, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."Control Identifier", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', '-'), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."Control Identifier", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', ''), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Code Quality Infrastructure') as control_id, cntl."Control Identifier" AS control_identifier, cntl."Control Identifier" AS control_code, cntl."Control Identifier" AS fii, cntl."Common Criteria" AS common_criteria, cntl."Name" AS expected_evidence, cntl."Questions Descriptions" AS question, (SELECT control_regime FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Code Quality Infrastructure') AS control_regime, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Code Quality Infrastructure') AS control_regime_id, (SELECT audit_type_name FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Code Quality Infrastructure') AS audit_type, (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Code Quality Infrastructure') AS audit_type_id FROM uniform_resource_code_quality_infrastructure cntl INNER JOIN control_group cg ON cg.title=cntl."Common Criteria" WHERE cg.audit_type_id=(SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Code Quality Infrastructure') UNION ALL SELECT CAST(cntl."#" AS INTEGER) AS display_order, cg.control_group_id, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."Control Identifier", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', '-'), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."Control Identifier", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', ''), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Database Quality Infrastructure') as control_id, cntl."Control Identifier" AS control_identifier, cntl."Control Identifier" AS control_code, cntl."Control Identifier" AS fii, cntl."Common Criteria" AS common_criteria, cntl."Name" AS expected_evidence, cntl."Questions Descriptions" AS question, (SELECT control_regime FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Database Quality Infrastructure') AS control_regime, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Database Quality Infrastructure') AS control_regime_id, (SELECT audit_type_name FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Database Quality Infrastructure') AS audit_type, (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Database Quality Infrastructure') AS audit_type_id FROM uniform_resource_database_quality_infrastructure cntl INNER JOIN control_group cg ON cg.title=cntl."Common Criteria" WHERE cg.audit_type_id=(SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Database Quality Infrastructure') UNION ALL SELECT CAST(cntl."#" AS INTEGER) AS display_order, cg.control_group_id, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."Control Identifier", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', '-'), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."Fii ID", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', ''), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Scheduled Audit') as control_id, cntl."Control Identifier" AS control_identifier, cntl."Control Identifier" AS control_code, cntl."Fii ID" AS fii, cntl."Common Criteria" AS common_criteria, cntl."Name" AS expected_evidence, cntl."Questions Descriptions" AS question, (SELECT control_regime FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Scheduled Audit') AS control_regime, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Scheduled Audit') AS control_regime_id, (SELECT audit_type_name FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Scheduled Audit') AS audit_type, (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Scheduled Audit') AS audit_type_id FROM uniform_resource_scheduled_audit cntl INNER JOIN control_group cg ON cg.title=cntl."Common Criteria" WHERE cg.audit_type_id=(SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Scheduled Audit'); /* 'orchestrateStatefulControlSQL' in '[object Object]' returned type undefined instead of string | string[] | SQLa.SqlTextSupplier */ -- code provenance: `ConsoleSqlPages.infoSchemaDDL` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/web-ui-content/console.ts) -- console_information_schema_* are convenience views -- to make it easier to work than pragma_table_info. DROP VIEW IF EXISTS console_information_schema_table; CREATE VIEW console_information_schema_table AS SELECT tbl.name AS table_name, col.name AS column_name, col.type AS data_type, CASE WHEN col.pk = 1 THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END AS is_primary_key, CASE WHEN col."notnull" = 1 THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END AS is_not_null, col.dflt_value AS default_value, '/console/info-schema/table.sql?name=' || tbl.name || '&stats=yes' as info_schema_web_ui_path, '[Content](/console/info-schema/table.sql?name=' || tbl.name || '&stats=yes)' as info_schema_link_abbrev_md, '[' || tbl.name || ' (table) Schema](/console/info-schema/table.sql?name=' || tbl.name || '&stats=yes)' as info_schema_link_full_md, '/console/content/table/' || tbl.name || '.sql?stats=yes' as content_web_ui_path, '[Content](/console/content/table/' || tbl.name || '.sql?stats=yes)' as content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md, '[' || tbl.name || ' (table) Content](/console/content/table/' || tbl.name || '.sql?stats=yes)' as content_web_ui_link_full_md, tbl.sql as sql_ddl FROM sqlite_master tbl JOIN pragma_table_info(tbl.name) col WHERE tbl.type = 'table' AND tbl.name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%'; -- Populate the table with view-specific information DROP VIEW IF EXISTS console_information_schema_view; CREATE VIEW console_information_schema_view AS SELECT vw.name AS view_name, col.name AS column_name, col.type AS data_type, '/console/info-schema/view.sql?name=' || vw.name || '&stats=yes' as info_schema_web_ui_path, '[Content](/console/info-schema/view.sql?name=' || vw.name || '&stats=yes)' as info_schema_link_abbrev_md, '[' || vw.name || ' (view) Schema](/console/info-schema/view.sql?name=' || vw.name || '&stats=yes)' as info_schema_link_full_md, '/console/content/view/' || vw.name || '.sql?stats=yes' as content_web_ui_path, '[Content](/console/content/view/' || vw.name || '.sql?stats=yes)' as content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md, '[' || vw.name || ' (view) Content](/console/content/view/' || vw.name || '.sql?stats=yes)' as content_web_ui_link_full_md, vw.sql as sql_ddl FROM sqlite_master vw JOIN pragma_table_info(vw.name) col WHERE vw.type = 'view' AND vw.name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS console_content_tabular; CREATE VIEW console_content_tabular AS SELECT 'table' as tabular_nature, table_name as tabular_name, info_schema_web_ui_path, info_schema_link_abbrev_md, info_schema_link_full_md, content_web_ui_path, content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md, content_web_ui_link_full_md FROM console_information_schema_table UNION ALL SELECT 'view' as tabular_nature, view_name as tabular_name, info_schema_web_ui_path, info_schema_link_abbrev_md, info_schema_link_full_md, content_web_ui_path, content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md, content_web_ui_link_full_md FROM console_information_schema_view; -- Populate the table with table column foreign keys DROP VIEW IF EXISTS console_information_schema_table_col_fkey; CREATE VIEW console_information_schema_table_col_fkey AS SELECT tbl.name AS table_name, f."from" AS column_name, f."from" || ' references ' || f."table" || '.' || f."to" AS foreign_key FROM sqlite_master tbl JOIN pragma_foreign_key_list(tbl.name) f WHERE tbl.type = 'table' AND tbl.name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%'; -- Populate the table with table column indexes DROP VIEW IF EXISTS console_information_schema_table_col_index; CREATE VIEW console_information_schema_table_col_index AS SELECT tbl.name AS table_name, pi.name AS column_name, idx.name AS index_name FROM sqlite_master tbl JOIN pragma_index_list(tbl.name) idx JOIN pragma_index_info(idx.name) pi WHERE tbl.type = 'table' AND tbl.name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%'; -- Drop and create the table for storing navigation entries -- for testing only: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sqlpage_aide_navigation; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sqlpage_aide_navigation ( path TEXT NOT NULL, -- the "primary key" within namespace caption TEXT NOT NULL, -- for human-friendly general-purpose name namespace TEXT NOT NULL, -- if more than one navigation tree is required parent_path TEXT, -- for defining hierarchy sibling_order INTEGER, -- orders children within their parent(s) url TEXT, -- for supplying links, if different from path title TEXT, -- for full titles when elaboration is required, default to caption if NULL abbreviated_caption TEXT, -- for breadcrumbs and other "short" form, default to caption if NULL description TEXT, -- for elaboration or explanation elaboration TEXT, -- optional attributes for e.g. { "target": "__blank" } -- TODO: figure out why Rusqlite does not allow this but sqlite3 does -- CONSTRAINT fk_parent_path FOREIGN KEY (namespace, parent_path) REFERENCES sqlpage_aide_navigation(namespace, path), CONSTRAINT unq_ns_path UNIQUE (namespace, parent_path, path) ); DELETE FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE path LIKE '/console/%'; DELETE FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE path LIKE '/'; -- all @navigation decorated entries are automatically added to this.navigation INSERT INTO sqlpage_aide_navigation (namespace, parent_path, sibling_order, path, url, caption, abbreviated_caption, title, description,elaboration) VALUES ('prime', NULL, 1, '/', '/', 'Home', NULL, 'Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD)', 'Welcome to Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD)', NULL), ('prime', '/', 999, '/console', '/console/', 'RSSD Console', 'Console', 'Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD) Console', 'Explore RSSD information schema, code notebooks, and SQLPage files', NULL), ('prime', '/console', 1, '/console/info-schema', '/console/info-schema/', 'RSSD Information Schema', 'Info Schema', NULL, 'Explore RSSD tables, columns, views, and other information schema documentation', NULL), ('prime', '/console', 3, '/console/sqlpage-files', '/console/sqlpage-files/', 'RSSD SQLPage Files', 'SQLPage Files', NULL, 'Explore RSSD SQLPage Files which govern the content of the web-UI', NULL), ('prime', '/console', 3, '/console/sqlpage-files/content.sql', '/console/sqlpage-files/content.sql', 'RSSD Data Tables Content SQLPage Files', 'Content SQLPage Files', NULL, 'Explore auto-generated RSSD SQLPage Files which display content within tables', NULL), ('prime', '/console', 3, '/console/sqlpage-nav', '/console/sqlpage-nav/', 'RSSD SQLPage Navigation', 'SQLPage Navigation', NULL, 'See all the navigation entries for the web-UI; TODO: need to improve this to be able to get details for each navigation entry as a table', NULL), ('prime', '/console', 2, '/console/notebooks', '/console/notebooks/', 'RSSD Code Notebooks', 'Code Notebooks', NULL, 'Explore RSSD Code Notebooks which contain reusable SQL and other code blocks', NULL) ON CONFLICT (namespace, parent_path, path) DO UPDATE SET title = EXCLUDED.title, abbreviated_caption = EXCLUDED.abbreviated_caption, description = EXCLUDED.description, url = EXCLUDED.url, sibling_order = EXCLUDED.sibling_order; INSERT OR REPLACE INTO code_notebook_cell (notebook_kernel_id, code_notebook_cell_id, notebook_name, cell_name, interpretable_code, interpretable_code_hash, description) VALUES ( 'SQL', 'web-ui.auto_generate_console_content_tabular_sqlpage_files', 'Web UI', 'auto_generate_console_content_tabular_sqlpage_files', ' -- code provenance: `ConsoleSqlPages.infoSchemaContentDML` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/web-ui-content/console.ts) -- the "auto-generated" tables will be in ''*.auto.sql'' with redirects DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/table/%.auto.sql''; DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/view/%.auto.sql''; INSERT OR REPLACE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT ''console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql'', ''SELECT ''''dynamic'''' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''''shell/shell.sql'''') AS properties; SELECT ''''breadcrumb'''' AS component; SELECT ''''Home'''' as title, ''''/'''' AS link; SELECT ''''Console'''' as title, ''''/console'''' AS link; SELECT ''''Content'''' as title, ''''/console/content'''' AS link; SELECT '''''' || tabular_name || '' '' || tabular_nature || '''''' as title, ''''#'''' AS link; SELECT ''''title'''' AS component, '''''' || tabular_name || '' ('' || tabular_nature || '') Content'''' as contents; SET total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '' || tabular_name || ''); SET limit = COALESCE($limit, 50); SET offset = COALESCE($offset, 0); SET total_pages = ($total_rows + $limit - 1) / $limit; SET current_page = ($offset / $limit) + 1; SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, '''''' || info_schema_link_full_md || '''''' AS contents_md SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, ''''- Start Row: '''' || $offset || '''' '''' || ''''- Rows per Page: '''' || $limit || '''' '''' || ''''- Total Rows: '''' || $total_rows || '''' '''' || ''''- Current Page: '''' || $current_page || '''' '''' || ''''- Total Pages: '''' || $total_pages as contents_md WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL; -- Display uniform_resource table with pagination SELECT ''''table'''' AS component, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search, TRUE AS hover, TRUE AS striped_rows, TRUE AS small; SELECT * FROM '' || tabular_name || '' LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset; SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page > 1 THEN ''''[Previous](?limit='''' || $limit || ''''&offset='''' || ($offset - $limit) || '''')'''' ELSE '''''''' END) || '''' '''' || ''''(Page '''' || $current_page || '''' of '''' || $total_pages || '''') '''' || (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page < $total_pages THEN ''''[Next](?limit='''' || $limit || ''''&offset='''' || ($offset + $limit) || '''')'''' ELSE '''''''' END) AS contents_md;'' FROM console_content_tabular; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT ''console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.sql'', ''SELECT ''''redirect'''' AS component, ''''/console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql'''' AS link WHERE $stats IS NULL; '' || ''SELECT ''''redirect'''' AS component, ''''/console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql?stats='''' || $stats AS link WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL;'' FROM console_content_tabular; -- TODO: add ${this.upsertNavSQL(...)} if we want each of the above to be navigable through DB rows', 'TODO', 'A series of idempotent INSERT statements which will auto-generate "default" content for all tables and views' ); -- code provenance: `ConsoleSqlPages.infoSchemaContentDML` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/web-ui-content/console.ts) -- the "auto-generated" tables will be in '*.auto.sql' with redirects DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like 'console/content/table/%.auto.sql'; DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like 'console/content/view/%.auto.sql'; INSERT OR REPLACE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT 'console/content/' || tabular_nature || '/' || tabular_name || '.auto.sql', 'SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' AS component; SELECT ''Home'' as title, ''/'' AS link; SELECT ''Console'' as title, ''/console'' AS link; SELECT ''Content'' as title, ''/console/content'' AS link; SELECT ''' || tabular_name || ' ' || tabular_nature || ''' as title, ''#'' AS link; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''' || tabular_name || ' (' || tabular_nature || ') Content'' as contents; SET total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' || tabular_name || '); SET limit = COALESCE($limit, 50); SET offset = COALESCE($offset, 0); SET total_pages = ($total_rows + $limit - 1) / $limit; SET current_page = ($offset / $limit) + 1; SELECT ''text'' AS component, ''' || info_schema_link_full_md || ''' AS contents_md SELECT ''text'' AS component, ''- Start Row: '' || $offset || '' '' || ''- Rows per Page: '' || $limit || '' '' || ''- Total Rows: '' || $total_rows || '' '' || ''- Current Page: '' || $current_page || '' '' || ''- Total Pages: '' || $total_pages as contents_md WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL; -- Display uniform_resource table with pagination SELECT ''table'' AS component, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search, TRUE AS hover, TRUE AS striped_rows, TRUE AS small; SELECT * FROM ' || tabular_name || ' LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset; SELECT ''text'' AS component, (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page > 1 THEN ''[Previous](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset - $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) || '' '' || ''(Page '' || $current_page || '' of '' || $total_pages || '') '' || (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page < $total_pages THEN ''[Next](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset + $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) AS contents_md;' FROM console_content_tabular; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT 'console/content/' || tabular_nature || '/' || tabular_name || '.sql', 'SELECT ''redirect'' AS component, ''/console/content/' || tabular_nature || '/' || tabular_name || '.auto.sql'' AS link WHERE $stats IS NULL; ' || 'SELECT ''redirect'' AS component, ''/console/content/' || tabular_nature || '/' || tabular_name || '.auto.sql?stats='' || $stats AS link WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL;' FROM console_content_tabular; -- TODO: add ${this.upsertNavSQL(...)} if we want each of the above to be navigable through DB rows -- delete all /fhir-related entries and recreate them in case routes are changed DELETE FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE path like '/fhir%'; INSERT INTO sqlpage_aide_navigation (namespace, parent_path, sibling_order, path, url, caption, abbreviated_caption, title, description,elaboration) VALUES ('prime', '/', 1, '/ur', '/ur/', 'Uniform Resource', NULL, NULL, 'Explore ingested resources', NULL), ('prime', '/ur', 99, '/ur/info-schema.sql', '/ur/info-schema.sql', 'Uniform Resource Tables and Views', NULL, NULL, 'Information Schema documentation for ingested Uniform Resource database objects', NULL), ('prime', '/ur', 1, '/ur/uniform-resource-files.sql', '/ur/uniform-resource-files.sql', 'Uniform Resources (Files)', NULL, NULL, 'Files ingested into the `uniform_resource` table', NULL) ON CONFLICT (namespace, parent_path, path) DO UPDATE SET title = EXCLUDED.title, abbreviated_caption = EXCLUDED.abbreviated_caption, description = EXCLUDED.description, url = EXCLUDED.url, sibling_order = EXCLUDED.sibling_order; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS uniform_resource_file; CREATE VIEW uniform_resource_file AS SELECT ur.uniform_resource_id, ur.nature, p.root_path AS source_path, pe.file_path_rel, ur.size_bytes FROM uniform_resource ur LEFT JOIN ur_ingest_session_fs_path p ON ur.ingest_fs_path_id = p.ur_ingest_session_fs_path_id LEFT JOIN ur_ingest_session_fs_path_entry pe ON ur.uniform_resource_id = pe.uniform_resource_id WHERE ur.ingest_fs_path_id IS NOT NULL; INSERT INTO sqlpage_aide_navigation (namespace, parent_path, sibling_order, path, url, caption, abbreviated_caption, title, description,elaboration) VALUES ('prime', '/', 1, '/orchestration', '/orchestration/', 'Orchestration', NULL, NULL, 'Explore details about all orchestration', NULL), ('prime', '/orchestration', 99, '/orchestration/info-schema.sql', '/orchestration/info-schema.sql', 'Orchestration Tables and Views', NULL, NULL, 'Information Schema documentation for orchestrated objects', NULL) ON CONFLICT (namespace, parent_path, path) DO UPDATE SET title = EXCLUDED.title, abbreviated_caption = EXCLUDED.abbreviated_caption, description = EXCLUDED.description, url = EXCLUDED.url, sibling_order = EXCLUDED.sibling_order; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_session_by_device; CREATE VIEW orchestration_session_by_device AS SELECT d.device_id, d.name AS device_name, COUNT(*) AS session_count FROM orchestration_session os JOIN device d ON os.device_id = d.device_id GROUP BY d.device_id, d.name; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_session_duration; CREATE VIEW orchestration_session_duration AS SELECT os.orchestration_session_id, onature.nature AS orchestration_nature, os.orch_started_at, os.orch_finished_at, (JULIANDAY(os.orch_finished_at) - JULIANDAY(os.orch_started_at)) * 24 * 60 * 60 AS duration_seconds FROM orchestration_session os JOIN orchestration_nature onature ON os.orchestration_nature_id = onature.orchestration_nature_id WHERE os.orch_finished_at IS NOT NULL; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_success_rate; CREATE VIEW orchestration_success_rate AS SELECT onature.nature AS orchestration_nature, COUNT(*) AS total_sessions, SUM(CASE WHEN oss.to_state = 'surveilr_orch_completed' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS successful_sessions, (CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN oss.to_state = 'surveilr_orch_completed' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS FLOAT) / COUNT(*)) * 100 AS success_rate FROM orchestration_session os JOIN orchestration_nature onature ON os.orchestration_nature_id = onature.orchestration_nature_id JOIN orchestration_session_state oss ON os.orchestration_session_id = oss.session_id WHERE oss.to_state IN ('surveilr_orch_completed', 'surveilr_orch_failed') -- Consider other terminal states if applicable GROUP BY onature.nature; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_session_script; CREATE VIEW orchestration_session_script AS SELECT os.orchestration_session_id, onature.nature AS orchestration_nature, COUNT(*) AS script_count FROM orchestration_session os JOIN orchestration_nature onature ON os.orchestration_nature_id = onature.orchestration_nature_id JOIN orchestration_session_entry ose ON os.orchestration_session_id = ose.session_id GROUP BY os.orchestration_session_id, onature.nature; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_executions_by_type; CREATE VIEW orchestration_executions_by_type AS SELECT exec_nature, COUNT(*) AS execution_count FROM orchestration_session_exec GROUP BY exec_nature; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_execution_success_rate_by_type; CREATE VIEW orchestration_execution_success_rate_by_type AS SELECT exec_nature, COUNT(*) AS total_executions, SUM(CASE WHEN exec_status = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS successful_executions, (CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN exec_status = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS FLOAT) / COUNT(*)) * 100 AS success_rate FROM orchestration_session_exec GROUP BY exec_nature; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_session_summary; CREATE VIEW orchestration_session_summary AS SELECT issue_type, COUNT(*) AS issue_count FROM orchestration_session_issue GROUP BY issue_type; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_issue_remediation; CREATE VIEW orchestration_issue_remediation AS SELECT orchestration_session_issue_id, issue_type, issue_message, remediation FROM orchestration_session_issue WHERE remediation IS NOT NULL; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_logs_by_session; CREATE VIEW orchestration_logs_by_session AS SELECT os.orchestration_session_id, onature.nature AS orchestration_nature, osl.category, COUNT(*) AS log_count FROM orchestration_session os JOIN orchestration_nature onature ON os.orchestration_nature_id = onature.orchestration_nature_id JOIN orchestration_session_exec ose ON os.orchestration_session_id = ose.session_id JOIN orchestration_session_log osl ON ose.orchestration_session_exec_id = osl.parent_exec_id GROUP BY os.orchestration_session_id, onature.nature, osl.category; -- delete all /ip-related entries and recreate them in case routes are changed DELETE FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE path like '/opsfolio/info/control%'; INSERT INTO sqlpage_aide_navigation (namespace, parent_path, sibling_order, path, url, caption, abbreviated_caption, title, description,elaboration) VALUES ('prime', '/', 1, '/opsfolio', '/opsfolio/', 'Opsfolio', NULL, NULL, 'Opsfolio', NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 2, '/opsfolio/info/control/control_dashboard.sql', '/opsfolio/info/control/control_dashboard.sql', 'Information Assurance Controls', NULL, NULL, 'The Infra Controls is designed to manage and implement controls specific to various audit requirements, such as CC1001, CC1002, and others. This project provides a platform for defining, applying, and tracking the effectiveness of these controls, ensuring that your organization meets the necessary standards for audit compliance.', NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 3, '/opsfolio/info/control/control.sql', '/opsfolio/info/control/control.sql', 'Control Regimes', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 4, '/opsfolio/info/control/control_regime.sql', '/opsfolio/info/control/control_regime.sql', 'Audit Types', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 5, '/opsfolio/info/control/controls.sql', '/opsfolio/info/control/controls.sql', 'Control List', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 6, '/opsfolio/info/control/control_detail.sql', '/opsfolio/info/control/control_detail.sql', 'Control Details', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) ON CONFLICT (namespace, parent_path, path) DO UPDATE SET title = EXCLUDED.title, abbreviated_caption = EXCLUDED.abbreviated_caption, description = EXCLUDED.description, url = EXCLUDED.url, sibling_order = EXCLUDED.sibling_order; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'shell/shell.json', '{ "component": "shell", "title": "Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD)", "icon": "database", "layout": "fluid", "fixed_top_menu": true, "link": "/", "menu_item": [ { "link": "/", "title": "Home" } ], "javascript": [ "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/highlight.min.js", "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/sql.min.js", "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/handlebars.min.js", "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/json.min.js" ], "footer": "Resource Surveillance Web UI" };', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'shell/shell.sql', 'SELECT ''shell'' AS component, ''Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD)'' AS title, ''database'' AS icon, ''fluid'' AS layout, true AS fixed_top_menu, ''/'' AS link, ''{"link":"/","title":"Home"}'' AS menu_item, ''https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/highlight.min.js'' AS javascript, ''https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/sql.min.js'' AS javascript, ''https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/handlebars.min.js'' AS javascript, ''https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/json.min.js'' AS javascript, json_object( ''link'', ''/ur'', ''title'', ''Uniform Resource'', ''submenu'', ( SELECT json_group_array( json_object( ''title'', title, ''link'', link, ''description'', description ) ) FROM ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/ur'' ORDER BY sibling_order ) ) ) as menu_item, json_object( ''link'', ''/console'', ''title'', ''Console'', ''submenu'', ( SELECT json_group_array( json_object( ''title'', title, ''link'', link, ''description'', description ) ) FROM ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/console'' ORDER BY sibling_order ) ) ) as menu_item, json_object( ''link'', ''/orchestration'', ''title'', ''Orchestration'', ''submenu'', ( SELECT json_group_array( json_object( ''title'', title, ''link'', link, ''description'', description ) ) FROM ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/orchestration'' ORDER BY sibling_order ) ) ) as menu_item, ''Resource Surveillance Web UI (v'' || sqlpage.version() || '') '' || ''📄 ['' || substr(sqlpage.path(), 2) || ''](/console/sqlpage-files/sqlpage-file.sql?path='' || substr(sqlpage.path(), 2) || '')'' as footer;', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''list'' AS component; SELECT caption as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/'' ORDER BY sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation WITH console_navigation_cte AS ( SELECT title, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console'' ) SELECT ''list'' AS component, title, description FROM console_navigation_cte; SELECT caption as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/console'' ORDER BY sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/info-schema/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/info-schema'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Tables'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Table'' AS markdown, ''Column Count'' as align_right, ''Content'' as markdown, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''['' || table_name || ''](table.sql?name='' || table_name || '')'' AS "Table", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count", content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md as "Content" FROM console_information_schema_table GROUP BY table_name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Views'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''View'' AS markdown, ''Column Count'' as align_right, ''Content'' as markdown, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''['' || view_name || ''](view.sql?name='' || view_name || '')'' AS "View", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count", content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md as "Content" FROM console_information_schema_view GROUP BY view_name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Migrations'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Table'' AS markdown, ''Column Count'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT from_state, to_state, transition_reason, transitioned_at FROM code_notebook_state ORDER BY transitioned_at; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/info-schema/table.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/info-schema'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; SELECT $name || '' Table'' AS title, ''#'' AS link; SELECT ''title'' AS component, $name AS contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component; SELECT column_name AS "Column", data_type AS "Type", is_primary_key AS "PK", is_not_null AS "Required", default_value AS "Default" FROM console_information_schema_table WHERE table_name = $name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Foreign Keys'' as contents, 2 as level; SELECT ''table'' AS component; SELECT column_name AS "Column Name", foreign_key AS "Foreign Key" FROM console_information_schema_table_col_fkey WHERE table_name = $name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Indexes'' as contents, 2 as level; SELECT ''table'' AS component; SELECT column_name AS "Column Name", index_name AS "Index Name" FROM console_information_schema_table_col_index WHERE table_name = $name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''SQL DDL'' as contents, 2 as level; SELECT ''code'' AS component; SELECT ''sql'' as language, (SELECT sql_ddl FROM console_information_schema_table WHERE table_name = $name) as contents; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/info-schema/view.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/info-schema'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; SELECT $name || '' View'' AS title, ''#'' AS link; SELECT ''title'' AS component, $name AS contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component; SELECT column_name AS "Column", data_type AS "Type" FROM console_information_schema_view WHERE view_name = $name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''SQL DDL'' as contents, 2 as level; SELECT ''code'' AS component; SELECT ''sql'' as language, (SELECT sql_ddl FROM console_information_schema_view WHERE view_name = $name) as contents; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/sqlpage-files/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/sqlpage-files'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''SQLPage pages in sqlpage_files table'' AS contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Path'' as markdown, ''Size'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''[🚀](/'' || path || '') [📄 '' || path || ''](sqlpage-file.sql?path='' || path || '')'' AS "Path", LENGTH(contents) as "Size", last_modified FROM sqlpage_files ORDER BY path; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/sqlpage-files/sqlpage-file.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/sqlpage-files'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; SELECT $path || '' Path'' AS title, ''#'' AS link; SELECT ''title'' AS component, $path AS contents; SELECT ''text'' AS component, ''```sql '' || (select contents FROM sqlpage_files where path = $path) || '' ```'' as contents_md; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/sqlpage-files/content.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/sqlpage-files/content.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''SQLPage pages generated from tables and views'' AS contents; SELECT ''text'' AS component, '' - `*.auto.sql` pages are auto-generated "default" content pages for each table and view defined in the database. - The `*.sql` companions may be auto-generated redirects to their `*.auto.sql` pair or an app/service might override the `*.sql` to not redirect and supply custom content for any table or view. - [View regenerate-auto.sql](/console/sqlpage-files/sqlpage-file.sql?path=console/content/action/regenerate-auto.sql) '' AS contents_md; SELECT ''button'' AS component, ''center'' AS justify; SELECT ''/console/content/action/regenerate-auto.sql'' AS link, ''info'' AS color, ''Regenerate all "default" table/view content pages'' AS title; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Redirected or overriden content pages'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Path'' as markdown, ''Size'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''[🚀](/'' || path || '') [📄 '' || path || ''](sqlpage-file.sql?path='' || path || '')'' AS "Path", LENGTH(contents) as "Size", last_modified FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/%'' AND NOT(path like ''console/content/%.auto.sql'') AND NOT(path like ''console/content/action%'') ORDER BY path; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Auto-generated "default" content pages'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Path'' as markdown, ''Size'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''[🚀](/'' || path || '') [📄 '' || path || ''](sqlpage-file.sql?path='' || path || '')'' AS "Path", LENGTH(contents) as "Size", last_modified FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/%.auto.sql'' ORDER BY path; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/content/action/regenerate-auto.sql', ' -- code provenance: `ConsoleSqlPages.infoSchemaContentDML` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/web-ui-content/console.ts) -- the "auto-generated" tables will be in ''*.auto.sql'' with redirects DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/table/%.auto.sql''; DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/view/%.auto.sql''; INSERT OR REPLACE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT ''console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql'', ''SELECT ''''dynamic'''' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''''shell/shell.sql'''') AS properties; SELECT ''''breadcrumb'''' AS component; SELECT ''''Home'''' as title, ''''/'''' AS link; SELECT ''''Console'''' as title, ''''/console'''' AS link; SELECT ''''Content'''' as title, ''''/console/content'''' AS link; SELECT '''''' || tabular_name || '' '' || tabular_nature || '''''' as title, ''''#'''' AS link; SELECT ''''title'''' AS component, '''''' || tabular_name || '' ('' || tabular_nature || '') Content'''' as contents; SET total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '' || tabular_name || ''); SET limit = COALESCE($limit, 50); SET offset = COALESCE($offset, 0); SET total_pages = ($total_rows + $limit - 1) / $limit; SET current_page = ($offset / $limit) + 1; SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, '''''' || info_schema_link_full_md || '''''' AS contents_md SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, ''''- Start Row: '''' || $offset || '''' '''' || ''''- Rows per Page: '''' || $limit || '''' '''' || ''''- Total Rows: '''' || $total_rows || '''' '''' || ''''- Current Page: '''' || $current_page || '''' '''' || ''''- Total Pages: '''' || $total_pages as contents_md WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL; -- Display uniform_resource table with pagination SELECT ''''table'''' AS component, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search, TRUE AS hover, TRUE AS striped_rows, TRUE AS small; SELECT * FROM '' || tabular_name || '' LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset; SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page > 1 THEN ''''[Previous](?limit='''' || $limit || ''''&offset='''' || ($offset - $limit) || '''')'''' ELSE '''''''' END) || '''' '''' || ''''(Page '''' || $current_page || '''' of '''' || $total_pages || '''') '''' || (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page < $total_pages THEN ''''[Next](?limit='''' || $limit || ''''&offset='''' || ($offset + $limit) || '''')'''' ELSE '''''''' END) AS contents_md;'' FROM console_content_tabular; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT ''console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.sql'', ''SELECT ''''redirect'''' AS component, ''''/console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql'''' AS link WHERE $stats IS NULL; '' || ''SELECT ''''redirect'''' AS component, ''''/console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql?stats='''' || $stats AS link WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL;'' FROM console_content_tabular; -- TODO: add ${this.upsertNavSQL(...)} if we want each of the above to be navigable through DB rows -- code provenance: `ConsoleSqlPages.console/content/action/regenerate-auto.sql` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/web-ui-content/console.ts) SELECT ''redirect'' AS component, ''/console/sqlpage-files/content.sql'' as link WHERE $redirect is NULL; SELECT ''redirect'' AS component, $redirect as link WHERE $redirect is NOT NULL;', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/sqlpage-nav/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/sqlpage-nav'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''SQLPage navigation in sqlpage_aide_navigation table'' AS contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT path, caption, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation ORDER BY namespace, parent_path, path, sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/notebooks/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/notebooks'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Code Notebooks'' AS contents; SELECT ''table'' as component, ''Cell'' as markdown, 1 as search, 1 as sort; SELECT c.notebook_name, ''['' || c.cell_name || ''](notebook-cell.sql?notebook='' || replace(c.notebook_name, '' '', ''%20'') || ''&cell='' || replace(c.cell_name, '' '', ''%20'') || '')'' as Cell, c.description, k.kernel_name as kernel FROM code_notebook_kernel k, code_notebook_cell c WHERE k.code_notebook_kernel_id = c.notebook_kernel_id; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/notebooks/notebook-cell.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/notebooks'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; SELECT ''Notebook '' || $notebook || '' Cell'' || $cell AS title, ''#'' AS link; SELECT ''code'' as component; SELECT $notebook || ''.'' || $cell || '' ('' || k.kernel_name ||'')'' as title, COALESCE(c.cell_governance -> ''$.language'', ''sql'') as language, c.interpretable_code as contents FROM code_notebook_kernel k, code_notebook_cell c WHERE c.notebook_name = $notebook AND c.cell_name = $cell AND k.code_notebook_kernel_id = c.notebook_kernel_id; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'ur/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/ur'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation WITH navigation_cte AS ( SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) as title, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/ur'' ) SELECT ''list'' AS component, title, description FROM navigation_cte; SELECT caption as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/ur'' ORDER BY sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'ur/info-schema.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/ur/info-schema.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Uniform Resource Tables and Views'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Name'' AS markdown, ''Column Count'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''Table'' as "Type", ''['' || table_name || ''](/console/info-schema/table.sql?name='' || table_name || '')'' AS "Name", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count" FROM console_information_schema_table WHERE table_name = ''uniform_resource'' OR table_name like ''ur_%'' GROUP BY table_name UNION ALL SELECT ''View'' as "Type", ''['' || view_name || ''](/console/info-schema/view.sql?name='' || view_name || '')'' AS "Name", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count" FROM console_information_schema_view WHERE view_name like ''ur_%'' GROUP BY view_name; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'ur/uniform-resource-files.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, (SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/ur/uniform-resource-files.sql'') as contents; ; -- sets up $limit, $offset, and other variables (use pagination.debugVars() to see values in web-ui) SET total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM uniform_resource_file); SET limit = COALESCE($limit, 50); SET offset = COALESCE($offset, 0); SET total_pages = ($total_rows + $limit - 1) / $limit; SET current_page = ($offset / $limit) + 1; -- Display uniform_resource table with pagination SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Uniform Resources'' AS title, "Size (bytes)" as align_right, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search, TRUE AS hover, TRUE AS striped_rows, TRUE AS small; SELECT * FROM uniform_resource_file ORDER BY uniform_resource_id LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset; SELECT ''text'' AS component, (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page > 1 THEN ''[Previous](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset - $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) || '' '' || ''(Page '' || $current_page || '' of '' || $total_pages || ") " || (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page < $total_pages THEN ''[Next](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset + $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) AS contents_md; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'orchestration/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/orchestration'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation WITH navigation_cte AS ( SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) as title, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/orchestration'' ) SELECT ''list'' AS component, title, description FROM navigation_cte; SELECT caption as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/orchestration'' ORDER BY sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'orchestration/info-schema.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/orchestration/info-schema.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Orchestration Tables and Views'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Name'' AS markdown, ''Column Count'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''Table'' as "Type", ''['' || table_name || ''](/console/info-schema/table.sql?name='' || table_name || '')'' AS "Name", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count" FROM console_information_schema_table WHERE table_name = ''orchestration_session'' OR table_name like ''orchestration_%'' GROUP BY table_name UNION ALL SELECT ''View'' as "Type", ''['' || view_name || ''](/console/info-schema/view.sql?name='' || view_name || '')'' AS "Name", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count" FROM console_information_schema_view WHERE view_name like ''orchestration_%'' GROUP BY view_name; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation select ''card'' as component, 3 as columns; SELECT caption as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/opsfolio'' AND sibling_order = 2 ORDER BY sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/info/control/control_dashboard.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/control/control_dashboard.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, (SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/control/control_dashboard.sql'') as contents; ; SELECT ''card'' as component SELECT DISTINCT control_regime as title, ''arrow-big-right'' as icon, ''/opsfolio/info/control/control_regime.sql?id='' ||control_regime_id || '''' as link FROM control_regimes; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/info/control/control.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/control/control.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, (SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/control/control.sql'') as contents; ; SELECT ''card'' as component SELECT DISTINCT control_regime as title, ''arrow-big-right'' as icon, ''/opsfolio/info/control/control_regime.sql?id='' ||control_regime_id || '''' as link FROM control_regimes; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/info/control/control_regime.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/control/control_regime.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Audit Types'' AS contents select ''card'' as component SELECT audit_type_name as title, ''arrow-big-right'' as icon, ''/opsfolio/info/control/controls.sql?id='' ||audit_type_id || '''' as link FROM control_regimes WHERE control_regime_id = $id::TEXT; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/info/control/controls.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/control/controls.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Control List'' AS contents select ''table'' as component, ''Control code'' AS markdown; SELECT ''['' || control_code || ''](/opsfolio/info/control/control_detail.sql?id='' || control_id || '')'' AS "Control code", common_criteria as "Common criteria", fii as "Fii Id", question as "Question" FROM control WHERE audit_type_id = $id::TEXT; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/info/control/control_detail.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/control/control_detail.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation select ''card'' as component, 1 as columns; SELECT ''title'' AS component, common_criteria AS contents FROM control WHERE control_id = $id::TEXT SELECT ''title'' AS component, "Control Code" AS contents, 3 as level; SELECT ''text'' AS component, control_code AS contents FROM control WHERE control_id = $id::TEXT SELECT ''title'' AS component, "Control Question" AS contents, 3 as level; select ''card'' as component, 1 as columns; select question as title FROM control WHERE control_id = $id::TEXT SELECT ''title'' AS component, "Expected Evidence" AS contents, 3 as level; select ''card'' as component, 1 as columns; select expected_evidence as title FROM control WHERE control_id = $id::TEXT SELECT ''title'' AS component, "Mapped Requirements" AS contents, 3 as level; SELECT ''card'' as component, 1 as columns select fii as title FROM control WHERE control_id = $id::TEXT; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; -- code provenance: `TypicalSqlPageNotebook.commonDDL` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/notebook/sqlpage.ts) -- idempotently create location where SQLPage looks for its content CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "sqlpage_files" ( "path" VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "contents" TEXT NOT NULL, "last_modified" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ); -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Script to prepare convenience views to access uniform_resource.content column -- as CCDA content, ensuring only valid JSON is processed. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TODO: will this help performance? -- CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_resource_type ON uniform_resource ((content ->> '$.resourceType')); -- CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_bundle_entry ON uniform_resource ((json_type(content -> '$.entry'))); -- CCDA Discovery and Enumeration Views -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Summary of the uniform_resource table -- Provides a count of total rows, valid JSON rows, invalid JSON rows, -- and potential CCDA v4 candidates and bundles based on JSON structure. DROP VIEW IF EXISTS uniform_resource_summary; CREATE VIEW uniform_resource_summary AS SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_rows, SUM(CASE WHEN json_valid(content) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS valid_json_rows, SUM(CASE WHEN json_valid(content) THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) AS invalid_json_rows, SUM(CASE WHEN json_valid(content) AND content ->> '$.resourceType' IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS ccda_v4_candidates, SUM(CASE WHEN json_valid(content) AND json_type(content -> '$.entry') = 'array' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS ccda_v4_bundle_candidates FROM uniform_resource; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS policy_dashboard; CREATE VIEW policy_dashboard AS WITH RECURSIVE split_uri AS ( SELECT uniform_resource_id, uri, substr(uri, instr(uri, 'src/') + 4, instr(substr(uri, instr(uri, 'src/') + 4), '/') - 1) AS segment, substr(substr(uri, instr(uri, 'src/') + 4), instr(substr(uri, instr(uri, 'src/') + 4), '/') + 1) AS rest, 1 AS level FROM uniform_resource WHERE instr(uri, 'src/') > 0 AND instr(substring(uri,instr(uri, 'src/')),'_')=0 UNION ALL SELECT uniform_resource_id, uri, substr(rest, 1, instr(rest, '/') - 1) AS segment, substr(rest, instr(rest, '/') + 1) AS rest, level + 1 FROM split_uri WHERE instr(rest, '/') > 0 AND instr(substring(uri,instr(uri, 'src/')),'_')=0 ), final_segment AS ( SELECT DISTINCT uniform_resource_id, segment, substr(uri, instr(uri, 'src/')) AS url, CASE WHEN instr(rest, '/') = 0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS is_folder FROM split_uri WHERE level = 4 AND instr(rest, '/') = 0 ) SELECT uniform_resource_id, COALESCE(REPLACE(segment, '-', ' '), '') AS title, segment, url FROM final_segment WHERE url LIKE '%.md' OR url LIKE '%.mdx' GROUP BY segment ORDER BY is_folder ASC, segment ASC; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS policy_detail; CREATE VIEW policy_detail AS SELECT uniform_resource_id,uri,content_fm_body_attrs, content, nature FROM uniform_resource; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS policy_list; CREATE VIEW policy_list AS WITH RECURSIVE split_uri AS ( -- Initial split to get the first segment after 'src/' SELECT uniform_resource_id, frontmatter->>'title' AS title, uri, last_modified_at, null as parentfolder, substr(uri, instr(uri, 'src/') + 4, instr(substr(uri, instr(uri, 'src/') + 4), '/') - 1) AS segment1, substr(substr(uri, instr(uri, 'src/') + 4), instr(substr(uri, instr(uri, 'src/') + 4), '/') + 1) AS rest, 1 AS level FROM uniform_resource WHERE instr(uri, 'src/') > 0 AND instr(substr(uri, instr(uri, 'src/')), '_') = 0 and content not LIKE '%Draft: true%' UNION ALL SELECT uniform_resource_id, title, uri, last_modified_at, CASE WHEN level = 4 THEN segment1 WHEN level = 5 THEN segment1 WHEN level = 6 THEN segment1 WHEN level = 7 THEN segment1 END AS parentfolder, CASE WHEN level = 1 THEN substr(rest, 1, instr(rest, '/') - 1) WHEN level = 2 THEN substr(rest, 1, instr(rest, '/') - 1) WHEN level = 3 THEN substr(rest, 1, instr(rest, '/') - 1) WHEN level = 4 THEN substr(rest, 1, instr(rest, '/') - 1) WHEN level = 5 THEN substr(rest, 1, instr(rest, '/') - 1) WHEN level = 6 THEN substr(rest, 1, instr(rest, '/') - 1) WHEN level = 7 THEN substr(rest, 1, instr(rest, '/') - 1) WHEN level = 8 THEN substr(rest, 1, instr(rest, '/') - 1) ELSE segment1 END AS segment1, CASE WHEN instr(rest, '/') > 0 THEN substr(rest, instr(rest, '/') + 1) ELSE '' END AS rest, level + 1 FROM split_uri WHERE rest != '' AND instr(substr(uri, instr(uri, 'src/')), '_') = 0 ), latest_entries AS ( SELECT uri, MAX(last_modified_at) AS latest_last_modified_at FROM uniform_resource GROUP BY uri ) Select distinct substr(ss.uri, instr(ss.uri, 'src/')) AS url,ss.title,ss.parentfolder,ss.segment1,ss.rest,ss.last_modified_at,ss.uniform_resource_id from split_uri ss JOIN latest_entries le ON ss.uri = le.uri AND last_modified_at = le.latest_last_modified_at where level >4 and level <6 and instr(rest,'/')=0 order by ss.parentfolder,ss.segment1,url; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS vigetallviews ; CREATE VIEW vigetallviews as Select 'Up time' title,'viup_time' as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/viup_time.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Log' title,'viLog'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/viLog.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Encrypted passwords' title,'viencrypted_passwords'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/viencrypted_passwords.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Network Log' title,'vinetwork_log'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/vinetwork_log.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'SSL Certificate' title,'vissl_certificate'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/vissl_certificate.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Available Storage' title,'vistorage_available'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/vistorage_available.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Ram Utilization' title,'viram_utilization'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/viram_utilization.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Cpu Information' title,'vicpu_infomation'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/vicpu_infomation.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Removed Accounts' title,'viaccounts_removed'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/viaccounts_removed.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'SSH Settings' title,'vissh_settings'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/vissh_settings.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Unsuccessful Attempts' title,'viunsuccessful_attempts_log'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/viunsuccessful_attempts_log.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Authentication' title,'viauthentication'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/viauthentication.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Awareness training' title,'viawareness_training'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/viawareness_training.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Server details' title,'viserver_details'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/viserver_details.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Asset details' title,'viasset_details'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/viasset_details.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Identify Critical Assets' title,'viidentify_critical_assets'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/viidentify_critical_assets.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Risk Register' title,'virisk_register'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/virisk_register.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Security Incident' title,'visecurity_incident'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/visecurity_incident.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Security Incident Response Team' title,'visecurity_incident_team'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/visecurity_incident_team.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Security Impact Analysis' title,'visecurity_impact_analysis'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/visecurity_impact_analysis.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Confidential Asset Register' title,'viconfidential_asset_register'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/viconfidential_asset_register.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Disable USB device' title,'vidisable_usb_device'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/vidisable_usb_device.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Fraud assessment' title,'vifraud_assessment'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/vifraud_assessment.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Sample Tickets For Terminated Employees Have Been Revoked.(Gitlab)' title,'vigitlab_terminated_employee'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/vigitlab_terminated_employee.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Gitlab Tickets' title,'vigitlab_sample_ticket'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/vigitlab_sample_ticket.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Sample User Access Provisioning Ticket' title,'visample_access_provisioning_ticket'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/visample_access_provisioning_ticket.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Disaster Recovery Test Reports' title,'vidisaster_recovery_reports'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/vidisaster_recovery_reports.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Disaster Recovery Test Result' title,'vidisaster_recovery_reports'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/vidisaster_recovery_reports.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Sample Change Management Git Ticket' title,'visample_change_management_ticket'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/visample_change_management_ticket.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Medigy-Closed Gitlab Tickets' title,'vimedigy_closed_gitlab_tickets'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/vimedigy_closed_gitlab_tickets.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Medigy-Open Gitlab Tickets' title,'vimedigy_open_gitlab_tickets'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/vimedigy_open_gitlab_tickets.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Penetration Test Report' title,'vipenetration_test_report'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/vipenetration_test_report.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Firewall Inbound Rules' title,'vifirewall_inbound_rules'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/vifirewall_inbound_rules.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Firewall Outbound Rules' title,'vifirewall_outbound_rules'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/vifirewall_outbound_rules.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Firewall' title,'vifirewall'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/vifirewall.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Open Github Tickets' title,'viopen_github_tickets'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/viopen_github_tickets.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Closed Github Tickets' title,'viclosed_github_tickets'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/viclosed_github_tickets.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Open Github Tickets-Polyglot' title,'viopen_github_tickets_polyglot'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/viopen_github_tickets_polyglot.sql' as path,0 as used_path UNION ALL Select 'Closed Github Tickets-Polyglot' title,'viclosed_github_tickets_polyglot'as viewname,'opsfolio/info/policy/viclosed_github_tickets_polyglot.sql' as path,0 as used_path; DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path IN ( SELECT a.path FROM sqlpage_files a INNER JOIN vigetallviews b ON a.path = b.path ); WITH get_allviewname AS ( -- Select all table names SELECT viewname,title FROM vigetallviews ) INSERT OR IGNORE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT 'opsfolio/info/policy/' || viewname||'.sql' AS path, ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/drh/cgm-data'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; SELECT ''' || title || ''' || '' Table'' AS title, ''#'' AS link; select ''title'' as component,'''||title||''' as contents ; SELECT ''table'' AS component ; SELECT * from ''' || viewname || '''' FROM get_allviewname; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS viup_time; CREATE VIEW viup_time as SELECT json_extract(value, '$.days') AS Days, json_extract(value, '$.hours') AS Hours, json_extract(value, '$.minutes') AS Minutes, json_extract(value, '$.seconds') AS Seconds FROM uniform_resource, json_each(content) WHERE uri ="osqueryUpTime"; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS viLog; CREATE VIEW viLog as SELECT json_extract(value, '$.date') AS date, json_extract(value, '$.message') AS message FROM uniform_resource, json_each(content) WHERE content like '%session%' and uri='authLogInfo' order by created_at desc limit 100; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS viencrypted_passwords; CREATE VIEW viencrypted_passwords AS SELECT json_extract(value, '$.md5') AS md5, json_extract(value, '$.sha1') AS sha1, json_extract(value, '$.sha256') AS sha256 FROM uniform_resource, json_each(content) where uri ='osqueryEncryptedPasswords'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS vinetwork_log; CREATE VIEW vinetwork_log AS select json_extract(json(IIF(datas <> '', datas, NULL)),'$.atime') AS atime, json_extract(json(IIF(datas <> '', datas, NULL)),'$.category') AS category, json_extract(json(IIF(datas <> '', datas, NULL)),'$.ctime') AS ctime, json_extract(json(IIF(datas <> '', datas, NULL)),'$.gid') AS gid, json_extract(json(IIF(datas <> '', datas, NULL)),'$.hashed') AS hashed, json_extract(json(IIF(datas <> '', datas, NULL)),'$.inode') AS inode, json_extract(json(IIF(datas <> '', datas, NULL)),'$.md5') AS md5, json_extract(json(IIF(datas <> '', datas, NULL)),'$.mode') AS mode, json_extract(json(IIF(datas <> '', datas, NULL)),'$.mtime') AS mtime, json_extract(json(IIF(datas <> '', datas, NULL)),'$.sha1') AS sha1, json_extract(json(IIF(datas <> '', datas, NULL)),'$.sha256') AS sha256, json_extract(json(IIF(datas <> '', datas, NULL)),'$.size') AS size, json_extract(json(IIF(datas <> '', datas, NULL)),'$.target_path') AS target_path, json_extract(json(IIF(datas <> '', datas, NULL)),'$.time') AS time, json_extract(json(IIF(datas <> '', datas, NULL)),'$.transaction_id') AS transaction_id, json_extract(json(IIF(datas <> '', datas, NULL)),'$.uid') AS uid from (SELECT json_extract(value,'$.columns') AS datas FROM (select content from uniform_resource ur where uri ='osquerydFileEvents' and json_valid(content) limit 1 ) , json_each(content) limit 100), json_each(datas) where json_valid(datas)=1 limit 100 ; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS vissl_certificate; CREATE VIEW vissl_certificate AS SELECT distinct json_extract(value, '$.hostname') Hostname , json_extract(value, '$.valid_to') Valid_to FROM uniform_resource, json_each(content) where uri ='osqueryWebsiteSslCertificate'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS vistorage_available; CREATE VIEW vistorage_available AS SELECT json_extract(value, '$.%_available') AS available, json_extract(value, '$.%_used') AS used, json_extract(value, '$.space_left_gb') AS space_left_gb, json_extract(value, '$.total_space_gb') AS total_space_gb, json_extract(value, '$.used_space_gb') AS used_space_gb FROM uniform_resource, json_each(content) WHERE uri='osqueryDiskUtilization' order by last_modified_at desc limit 1; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS viram_utilization; CREATE VIEW viram_utilization AS SELECT json_extract(value, '$.memory_free_gb') AS memory_free_gb, json_extract(value, '$.memory_percentage_free') AS memory_percentage_free, json_extract(value, '$.memory_percentage_used') AS memory_percentage_used, json_extract(value, '$.memory_total_gb') AS memory_total_gb FROM uniform_resource, json_each(content) WHERE uri='osqueryMemoryUtilization' order by last_modified_at desc limit 1; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS vicpu_infomation; CREATE VIEW vicpu_infomation AS SELECT json_extract(value, '$.cpu_brand') AS cpu_brand, json_extract(value, '$.cpu_physical_cores') AS cpu_physical_cores, json_extract(value, '$.cpu_logical_cores') AS cpu_logical_cores, json_extract(value, '$.computer_name') AS computer_name, json_extract(value, '$.local_hostname') AS local_hostname from uniform_resource, json_each(content) where uri='osquerySystemInfo'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS viaccounts_removed; CREATE VIEW viaccounts_removed AS SELECT json_extract(value,'$.description') AS description, json_extract(value,'$.directory') AS directory, json_extract(value,'$.gid') AS gid, json_extract(value,'$.gid_signed') AS gid_signed, json_extract(value,'$.shell') AS shell, json_extract(value,'$.uid') AS uid, json_extract(value,'$.uid_signed') AS uid_signed, json_extract(value,'$.username') AS username, json_extract(value,'$.uuid') AS uuid FROM uniform_resource, json_each(content) where uri ='osqueryRemovedUserAccounts'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS vissh_settings; CREATE VIEW vissh_settings AS select json_extract(value, '$.name') AS Name , json_extract(value, '$.cmdline') AS cmdline, json_extract(value, '$.path') AS path from uniform_resource, json_each(content) where uri='osquerySshdProcess'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS viunsuccessful_attempts_log; CREATE VIEW viunsuccessful_attempts_log AS SELECT json_extract(value, '$.date') AS date, json_extract(value, '$.message') AS message FROM uniform_resource, json_each(content) WHERE uri='authLogInfo' order by created_at desc limit 100; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS viauthentication; CREATE VIEW viauthentication AS select json_extract(value, '$.node') AS node , json_extract(value, '$.value') AS value, json_extract(value, '$.label') AS label , json_extract(value, '$.path') AS path from uniform_resource, json_each(content) where uri='osqueryMfaEnabled'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS viram_utilization; CREATE VIEW viram_utilization AS SELECT json_extract(value, '$.memory_free_gb') AS memory_free_gb, json_extract(value, '$.memory_percentage_free') AS memory_percentage_free, json_extract(value, '$.memory_percentage_used') AS memory_percentage_used, json_extract(value, '$.memory_total_gb') AS memory_total_gb FROM uniform_resource, json_each(content) WHERE uri='osqueryMemoryUtilization' order by last_modified_at desc limit 1; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS vicpu_infomation; CREATE VIEW vicpu_infomation AS SELECT json_extract(value, '$.cpu_brand') AS cpu_brand, json_extract(value, '$.cpu_physical_cores') AS cpu_physical_cores, json_extract(value, '$.cpu_logical_cores') AS cpu_logical_cores, json_extract(value, '$.computer_name') AS computer_name, json_extract(value, '$.local_hostname') AS local_hostname from uniform_resource, json_each(content) where uri='osquerySystemInfo'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS viaccounts_removed; CREATE VIEW viaccounts_removed AS SELECT json_extract(value,'$.description') AS description, json_extract(value,'$.directory') AS directory, json_extract(value,'$.gid') AS gid, json_extract(value,'$.gid_signed') AS gid_signed, json_extract(value,'$.shell') AS shell, json_extract(value,'$.uid') AS uid, json_extract(value,'$.uid_signed') AS uid_signed, json_extract(value,'$.username') AS username, json_extract(value,'$.uuid') AS uuid FROM uniform_resource, json_each(content) where uri ='osqueryRemovedUserAccounts'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS vissh_settings; CREATE VIEW vissh_settings AS select json_extract(value, '$.name') AS Name , json_extract(value, '$.cmdline') AS cmdline, json_extract(value, '$.path') AS path from uniform_resource, json_each(content) where uri='osquerySshdProcess'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS viunsuccessful_attempts_log; CREATE VIEW viunsuccessful_attempts_log AS SELECT json_extract(value, '$.date') AS date, json_extract(value, '$.message') AS message FROM uniform_resource, json_each(content) WHERE uri='authLogInfo' order by created_at desc limit 100; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS viauthentication; CREATE VIEW viauthentication AS select json_extract(value, '$.node') AS node , json_extract(value, '$.value') AS value, json_extract(value, '$.label') AS label , json_extract(value, '$.path') AS path from uniform_resource, json_each(content) where uri='osqueryMfaEnabled'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS viawareness_training; CREATE VIEW viawareness_training AS SELECT DISTINCT p.person_first_name || ' ' || p.person_last_name AS person_name,ort.value AS person_role,sub.value AS trainigng_subject,sv."value" as training_status,at.attended_date FROM awareness_training at INNER JOIN person p ON p.person_id = at.person_id INNER JOIN organization_role orl ON orl.person_id = at.person_id AND orl.organization_id = at.organization_id INNER JOIN organization_role_type ort ON ort.organization_role_type_id = orl.organization_role_type_id INNER JOIN status_value sv ON sv.status_value_id = at.training_status_id INNER JOIN training_subject sub ON sub.training_subject_id = at.training_subject_id; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS viserver_details; CREATE VIEW viserver_details AS SELECT ast.name as server,o.name AS owner,sta.value as tag, ast.asset_retired_date, ast.asset_tag,ast.description,ast.criticality, aty.value as asset_type, ast.installed_date,ast.planned_retirement_date, ast.purchase_request_date,ast.purchase_order_date,ast.purchase_delivery_date, asymmetric_keys_encryption_enabled,cryptographic_key_encryption_enabled, symmetric_keys_encryption_enabled FROM asset ast INNER JOIN organization o ON o.organization_id=ast.organization_id INNER JOIN asset_status sta ON sta.asset_status_id=ast.asset_status_id INNER JOIN asset_type aty ON aty.asset_type_id=ast.asset_type_id; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS viidentify_critical_assets; CREATE VIEW viidentify_critical_assets AS SELECT ast.name as server,o.name AS owner,sta.value as tag, ast.asset_retired_date, ast.asset_tag,ast.description,ast.criticality, aty.value as asset_type, ast.installed_date,ast.planned_retirement_date, ast.purchase_request_date,ast.purchase_order_date,ast.purchase_delivery_date ,asymmetric_keys_encryption_enabled,cryptographic_key_encryption_enabled, symmetric_keys_encryption_enabled FROM asset ast INNER JOIN organization o ON o.organization_id=ast.organization_id INNER JOIN asset_status sta ON sta.asset_status_id=ast.asset_status_id INNER JOIN asset_type aty ON aty.asset_type_id=ast.asset_type_id where ast.criticality= 'Critical'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS virisk_register; CREATE VIEW virisk_register AS SELECT risk_register_id, risk_subject_id, risk_type_id, impact_to_the_organization, rating_likelihood_id, rating_impact_id,rating_overall_risk_id, mitigation_further_actions, control_monitor_mitigation_actions_tracking_strategy, control_monitor_action_due_date, control_monitor_risk_owner_id, created_at FROM risk_register; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS visecurity_incident; CREATE VIEW visecurity_incident AS SELECT i.title AS incident,i.incident_date,ast.name as asset_name,ic.value AS category,s.value AS severity, p.value AS priority,it.value AS internal_or_external,i.location,i.it_service_impacted, i.impacted_modules,i.impacted_dept,p1.person_first_name || ' ' || p1.person_last_name AS reported_by, p2.person_first_name || ' ' || p2.person_last_name AS reported_to,i.brief_description, i.detailed_description,p3.person_first_name || ' ' || p3.person_last_name AS assigned_to, i.assigned_date,i.investigation_details,i.containment_details,i.eradication_details,i.business_impact, i.lessons_learned,ist.value AS status,i.closed_date,i.feedback_from_business,i.reported_to_regulatory,i.report_date,i.report_time, irc.description AS root_cause_of_the_issue,p4.value AS probability_of_issue,irc.testing_analysis AS testing_for_possible_root_cause_analysis, irc.solution,p5.value AS likelihood_of_risk,irc.modification_of_the_reported_issue,irc.testing_for_modified_issue,irc.test_results FROM incident i INNER JOIN asset ast ON ast.asset_id = i.asset_id INNER JOIN incident_category ic ON ic.incident_category_id = i.category_id INNER JOIN severity s ON s.code = i.severity_id INNER JOIN priority p ON p.code = i.priority_id INNER JOIN incident_type it ON it.incident_type_id = i.internal_or_external_id INNER JOIN person p1 ON p1.person_id = i.reported_by_id INNER JOIN person p2 ON p2.person_id = i.reported_to_id INNER JOIN person p3 ON p3.person_id = i.assigned_to_id INNER JOIN incident_status ist ON ist.incident_status_id = i.status_id LEFT JOIN incident_root_cause irc ON irc.incident_id = i.incident_id LEFT JOIN priority p4 ON p4.code = irc.probability_id LEFT JOIN priority p5 ON p5.code = irc.likelihood_of_risk_id; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS visecurity_incident_team; CREATE VIEW visecurity_incident_team AS SELECT p.person_first_name || ' ' || p.person_last_name AS person_name, "Netspective Communications" AS organization_name, ort.value AS team_role,e.electronics_details AS email FROM security_incident_response_team sirt INNER JOIN person p ON p.person_id = sirt.person_id INNER JOIN organization o ON o.organization_id=sirt.organization_id INNER JOIN organization_role orl ON orl.person_id = sirt.person_id INNER JOIN organization_role_type ort ON ort.organization_role_type_id = orl.organization_role_type_id INNER JOIN party pr ON pr.party_id = p.party_id INNER JOIN contact_electronic e ON e.party_id=pr.party_id AND e.contact_type_id = (SELECT contact_type_id FROM contact_type WHERE code='OFFICIAL_EMAIL'); DROP VIEW IF EXISTS visecurity_impact_analysis; CREATE VIEW visecurity_impact_analysis AS SELECT sia.security_impact_analysis_id, sia.vulnerability_id, sia.asset_risk_id, sia.risk_level_id, sia.impact_level_id, sia.existing_controls, sia.priority_id, sia.reported_date, sia.reported_by_id, sia.responsible_by_id, sia.created_at, ior.impact FROM security_impact_analysis sia inner join impact_of_risk ior on (sia.security_impact_analysis_id = ior.security_impact_analysis_id); DROP VIEW IF EXISTS viconfidential_asset_register; CREATE VIEW viconfidential_asset_register AS SELECT ast.name as server,o.name AS owner,sta.value as tag, ast.asset_retired_date, ast.asset_tag,ast.description,ast.criticality, aty.value as asset_type, ast.installed_date,ast.planned_retirement_date, ast.purchase_request_date,ast.purchase_order_date,ast.purchase_delivery_date ,asymmetric_keys_encryption_enabled,cryptographic_key_encryption_enabled, symmetric_keys_encryption_enabled FROM asset ast INNER JOIN organization o ON o.organization_id=ast.organization_id INNER JOIN asset_status sta ON sta.asset_status_id=ast.asset_status_id INNER JOIN asset_type aty ON aty.asset_type_id=ast.asset_type_id; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS viasset_details; CREATE VIEW viasset_details AS SELECT asser.name,ast.name as server,ast.organization_id,astyp.value as asset_type,astyp.asset_service_type_id,bnt.name as boundary,asser.description,asser.port,asser.experimental_version,asser.production_version,asser.latest_vendor_version,asser.resource_utilization,asser.log_file,asser.url, asser.vendor_link,asser.installation_date,asser.criticality,o.name AS owner,sta.value as tag, ast.criticality as asset_criticality,ast.asymmetric_keys_encryption_enabled as asymmetric_keys, ast.cryptographic_key_encryption_enabled as cryptographic_key,ast.symmetric_keys_encryption_enabled as symmetric_keys FROM asset_service asser INNER JOIN asset_service_type astyp ON astyp.asset_service_type_id = asser.asset_service_type_id INNER JOIN asset ast ON ast.asset_id = asser.asset_id INNER JOIN organization o ON o.organization_id=ast.organization_id INNER JOIN asset_status sta ON sta.asset_status_id=ast.asset_status_id INNER JOIN boundary bnt ON bnt.boundary_id=ast.boundary_id; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS vidisable_usb_device; CREATE VIEW vidisable_usb_device AS SELECT ast.name as server,o.name AS owner,sta.value as tag, ast.asset_retired_date, ast.asset_tag,ast.description,ast.criticality, aty.value as asset_type, ast.installed_date,ast.planned_retirement_date, ast.purchase_request_date,ast.purchase_order_date,ast.purchase_delivery_date ,asymmetric_keys_encryption_enabled,cryptographic_key_encryption_enabled, symmetric_keys_encryption_enabled FROM asset ast INNER JOIN organization o ON o.organization_id=ast.organization_id INNER JOIN asset_status sta ON sta.asset_status_id=ast.asset_status_id INNER JOIN asset_type aty ON aty.asset_type_id=ast.asset_type_id where sta.value = 'In Use'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS vifraud_assessment; CREATE VIEW vifraud_assessment AS SELECT v.short_name , ar.impact, sia.risk_level_id, sia.impact_level_id, sia.existing_controls, sia.priority_id, sia.reported_date, p.person_first_name || ' ' ||p.person_last_name as Reported_Person, p1.person_first_name || ' ' ||p1.person_last_name as Responsible_Person , sia.created_at, ior.impact FROM security_impact_analysis sia inner join impact_of_risk ior on (sia.security_impact_analysis_id = ior.security_impact_analysis_id) join person p on p.person_id = sia.reported_by_id join person p1 on p1.person_id=sia.responsible_by_id join vulnerability v on v.vulnerability_id = sia.vulnerability_id join asset_risk ar on ar.asset_risk_id = sia.asset_risk_id; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS vigitlab_terminated_employee; CREATE VIEW vigitlab_terminated_employee AS SELECT i.issue_id AS Issue, i.title, i.url, i.body AS Description, i.state, i.created_at, i.updated_at, u.login AS assigned_to FROM ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue AS i LEFT JOIN ur_ingest_session_plm_user AS u ON i.assigned_to = u.ur_ingest_session_plm_user_id JOIN ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project AS p ON p.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id = i.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id WHERE i.url LIKE '%issues/838%'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS vigitlab_sample_ticket; CREATE VIEW vigitlab_sample_ticket AS SELECT json_extract(ur.content, '$.iid') AS Issues, i.title, i.url, i.body AS Description, i.state, i.created_at, i.updated_at, u.login AS assigned_to FROM ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue AS i LEFT JOIN uniform_resource AS ur ON i.uniform_resource_id = ur.uniform_resource_id LEFT JOIN ur_ingest_session_plm_user AS u ON i.assigned_to = u.ur_ingest_session_plm_user_id JOIN ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project AS p ON p.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id = i.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id WHERE p.name="www.medigy.com" AND Issues=838; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS visample_access_provisioning_ticket; CREATE VIEW visample_access_provisioning_ticket AS SELECT i.issue_id AS Issue, i.title, i.url, i.body AS Description, i.state, i.created_at, i.updated_at, u.login AS assigned_to FROM ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue AS i LEFT JOIN ur_ingest_session_plm_user AS u ON i.assigned_to = u.ur_ingest_session_plm_user_id JOIN ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project AS p ON p.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id = i.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id WHERE i.url LIKE '%issues/509%'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS vidisaster_recovery_reports; CREATE VIEW vidisaster_recovery_reports AS SELECT i.issue_id AS Issue, i.title, i.url, i.body AS Description, i.state, i.created_at, i.updated_at, u.login AS assigned_to FROM ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue AS i LEFT JOIN ur_ingest_session_plm_user AS u ON i.assigned_to = u.ur_ingest_session_plm_user_id JOIN ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project AS p ON p.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id = i.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id WHERE i.url LIKE '%issues/667%'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS visample_change_management_ticket; CREATE VIEW visample_change_management_ticket AS SELECT i.issue_id AS Issue, i.title, i.url, i.body AS Description, i.state, i.created_at, i.updated_at, u.login AS assigned_to FROM ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue AS i LEFT JOIN ur_ingest_session_plm_user AS u ON i.assigned_to = u.ur_ingest_session_plm_user_id JOIN ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project AS p ON p.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id = i.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id WHERE i.url LIKE '%issues/671%'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS vimedigy_closed_gitlab_tickets; CREATE VIEW vimedigy_closed_gitlab_tickets AS SELECT json_extract(ur.content, '$.iid') AS Issues, i.title, i.url, i.body AS Description, i.state, i.created_at, i.updated_at, u.login AS assigned_to FROM ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue AS i LEFT JOIN uniform_resource AS ur ON i.uniform_resource_id = ur.uniform_resource_id LEFT JOIN ur_ingest_session_plm_user AS u ON i.assigned_to = u.ur_ingest_session_plm_user_id JOIN ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project AS p ON p.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id = i.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id WHERE p.name="www.medigy.com" AND i.state="closed"; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS vimedigy_open_gitlab_tickets; CREATE VIEW vimedigy_open_gitlab_tickets AS SELECT json_extract(ur.content, '$.iid') AS Issues, i.title, i.url, i.body AS Description, i.state, i.created_at, i.updated_at, u.login AS assigned_to FROM ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue AS i LEFT JOIN uniform_resource AS ur ON i.uniform_resource_id = ur.uniform_resource_id LEFT JOIN ur_ingest_session_plm_user AS u ON i.assigned_to = u.ur_ingest_session_plm_user_id JOIN ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project AS p ON p.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id = i.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id WHERE p.name="www.medigy.com" AND i.state="opened"; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS vipenetration_test_report; CREATE VIEW vipenetration_test_report AS SELECT i.issue_id AS Issue, i.title, i.url, i.body AS Description, i.state, i.created_at, i.updated_at, u.login AS assigned_to FROM ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue AS i LEFT JOIN ur_ingest_session_plm_user AS u ON i.assigned_to = u.ur_ingest_session_plm_user_id JOIN ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project AS p ON p.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id = i.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id WHERE i.url LIKE '%issues/662%'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS vifirewall_inbound_rules; CREATE VIEW vifirewall_inbound_rules AS SELECT json_extract(value, '$.id') AS id, json_extract(value, '$.title') AS title, json_extract(value, '$.category') AS category, json_extract(value, '$.from_id') AS from_id, json_extract(value, '$.to_id') AS to_id FROM uniform_resource, json_each(content) WHERE uri = 'steampipeListDoFirewallInboundRules'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS vifirewall_outbound_rules; CREATE VIEW vifirewall_outbound_rules AS SELECT json_extract(value, '$.id') AS id, json_extract(value, '$.title') AS title, json_extract(value, '$.category') AS category, json_extract(value, '$.from_id') AS from_id, json_extract(value, '$.to_id') AS to_id FROM uniform_resource, json_each(content) WHERE uri = 'steampipeListDoFirewallOutboundRules'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS vifirewall; CREATE VIEW vifirewall AS SELECT json_extract(value, '$.firewalls') AS firewalls, json_extract(value, '$.status') AS status FROM uniform_resource, json_each(content) WHERE uri = 'steampipeListDoFirewalls'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS viopen_github_tickets; CREATE VIEW viopen_github_tickets AS SELECT i.issue_number AS Issues, i.title, i.url, i.body AS Description, i.state, i.created_at, i.updated_at, u.login AS assigned_to FROM ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue AS i LEFT JOIN ur_ingest_session_plm_user AS u ON i.assigned_to = u.ur_ingest_session_plm_user_id JOIN ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project AS p ON p.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id = i.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id WHERE p.name="suite.opsfolio.com" AND i.state="OPEN"; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS viclosed_github_tickets; CREATE VIEW viclosed_github_tickets AS SELECT i.issue_number AS Issues, i.title, i.url, i.body AS Description, i.state, i.created_at, i.updated_at, u.login AS assigned_to FROM ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue AS i LEFT JOIN ur_ingest_session_plm_user AS u ON i.assigned_to = u.ur_ingest_session_plm_user_id JOIN ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project AS p ON p.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id = i.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id WHERE p.name="suite.opsfolio.com" AND i.state="CLOSED"; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS viopen_github_tickets_polyglot; CREATE VIEW viopen_github_tickets_polyglot AS SELECT i.issue_number AS Issues, i.title, i.url, i.body AS Description, i.state, i.created_at, i.updated_at, u.login AS assigned_to FROM ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue AS i LEFT JOIN ur_ingest_session_plm_user AS u ON i.assigned_to = u.ur_ingest_session_plm_user_id JOIN ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project AS p ON p.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id = i.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id WHERE p.name="polyglot-prime" AND i.state="OPEN"; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS viclosed_github_tickets_polyglot; CREATE VIEW viclosed_github_tickets_polyglot AS SELECT i.issue_number AS Issues, i.title, i.url, i.body AS Description, i.state, i.created_at, i.updated_at, u.login AS assigned_to FROM ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_issue AS i LEFT JOIN ur_ingest_session_plm_user AS u ON i.assigned_to = u.ur_ingest_session_plm_user_id JOIN ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project AS p ON p.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id = i.ur_ingest_session_plm_acct_project_id WHERE p.name="polyglot-prime" AND i.state="CLOSED"; /* 'orchestrateStatefulPolicySQL' in '[object Object]' returned type undefined instead of string | string[] | SQLa.SqlTextSupplier */ -- code provenance: `ConsoleSqlPages.infoSchemaDDL` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/web-ui-content/console.ts) -- console_information_schema_* are convenience views -- to make it easier to work than pragma_table_info. DROP VIEW IF EXISTS console_information_schema_table; CREATE VIEW console_information_schema_table AS SELECT tbl.name AS table_name, col.name AS column_name, col.type AS data_type, CASE WHEN col.pk = 1 THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END AS is_primary_key, CASE WHEN col."notnull" = 1 THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END AS is_not_null, col.dflt_value AS default_value, '/console/info-schema/table.sql?name=' || tbl.name || '&stats=yes' as info_schema_web_ui_path, '[Content](/console/info-schema/table.sql?name=' || tbl.name || '&stats=yes)' as info_schema_link_abbrev_md, '[' || tbl.name || ' (table) Schema](/console/info-schema/table.sql?name=' || tbl.name || '&stats=yes)' as info_schema_link_full_md, '/console/content/table/' || tbl.name || '.sql?stats=yes' as content_web_ui_path, '[Content](/console/content/table/' || tbl.name || '.sql?stats=yes)' as content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md, '[' || tbl.name || ' (table) Content](/console/content/table/' || tbl.name || '.sql?stats=yes)' as content_web_ui_link_full_md, tbl.sql as sql_ddl FROM sqlite_master tbl JOIN pragma_table_info(tbl.name) col WHERE tbl.type = 'table' AND tbl.name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%'; -- Populate the table with view-specific information DROP VIEW IF EXISTS console_information_schema_view; CREATE VIEW console_information_schema_view AS SELECT vw.name AS view_name, col.name AS column_name, col.type AS data_type, '/console/info-schema/view.sql?name=' || vw.name || '&stats=yes' as info_schema_web_ui_path, '[Content](/console/info-schema/view.sql?name=' || vw.name || '&stats=yes)' as info_schema_link_abbrev_md, '[' || vw.name || ' (view) Schema](/console/info-schema/view.sql?name=' || vw.name || '&stats=yes)' as info_schema_link_full_md, '/console/content/view/' || vw.name || '.sql?stats=yes' as content_web_ui_path, '[Content](/console/content/view/' || vw.name || '.sql?stats=yes)' as content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md, '[' || vw.name || ' (view) Content](/console/content/view/' || vw.name || '.sql?stats=yes)' as content_web_ui_link_full_md, vw.sql as sql_ddl FROM sqlite_master vw JOIN pragma_table_info(vw.name) col WHERE vw.type = 'view' AND vw.name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS console_content_tabular; CREATE VIEW console_content_tabular AS SELECT 'table' as tabular_nature, table_name as tabular_name, info_schema_web_ui_path, info_schema_link_abbrev_md, info_schema_link_full_md, content_web_ui_path, content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md, content_web_ui_link_full_md FROM console_information_schema_table UNION ALL SELECT 'view' as tabular_nature, view_name as tabular_name, info_schema_web_ui_path, info_schema_link_abbrev_md, info_schema_link_full_md, content_web_ui_path, content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md, content_web_ui_link_full_md FROM console_information_schema_view; -- Populate the table with table column foreign keys DROP VIEW IF EXISTS console_information_schema_table_col_fkey; CREATE VIEW console_information_schema_table_col_fkey AS SELECT tbl.name AS table_name, f."from" AS column_name, f."from" || ' references ' || f."table" || '.' || f."to" AS foreign_key FROM sqlite_master tbl JOIN pragma_foreign_key_list(tbl.name) f WHERE tbl.type = 'table' AND tbl.name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%'; -- Populate the table with table column indexes DROP VIEW IF EXISTS console_information_schema_table_col_index; CREATE VIEW console_information_schema_table_col_index AS SELECT tbl.name AS table_name, pi.name AS column_name, idx.name AS index_name FROM sqlite_master tbl JOIN pragma_index_list(tbl.name) idx JOIN pragma_index_info(idx.name) pi WHERE tbl.type = 'table' AND tbl.name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%'; -- Drop and create the table for storing navigation entries -- for testing only: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sqlpage_aide_navigation; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sqlpage_aide_navigation ( path TEXT NOT NULL, -- the "primary key" within namespace caption TEXT NOT NULL, -- for human-friendly general-purpose name namespace TEXT NOT NULL, -- if more than one navigation tree is required parent_path TEXT, -- for defining hierarchy sibling_order INTEGER, -- orders children within their parent(s) url TEXT, -- for supplying links, if different from path title TEXT, -- for full titles when elaboration is required, default to caption if NULL abbreviated_caption TEXT, -- for breadcrumbs and other "short" form, default to caption if NULL description TEXT, -- for elaboration or explanation elaboration TEXT, -- optional attributes for e.g. { "target": "__blank" } -- TODO: figure out why Rusqlite does not allow this but sqlite3 does -- CONSTRAINT fk_parent_path FOREIGN KEY (namespace, parent_path) REFERENCES sqlpage_aide_navigation(namespace, path), CONSTRAINT unq_ns_path UNIQUE (namespace, parent_path, path) ); DELETE FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE path LIKE '/console/%'; DELETE FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE path LIKE '/'; -- all @navigation decorated entries are automatically added to this.navigation INSERT INTO sqlpage_aide_navigation (namespace, parent_path, sibling_order, path, url, caption, abbreviated_caption, title, description,elaboration) VALUES ('prime', NULL, 1, '/', '/', 'Home', NULL, 'Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD)', 'Welcome to Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD)', NULL), ('prime', '/', 999, '/console', '/console/', 'RSSD Console', 'Console', 'Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD) Console', 'Explore RSSD information schema, code notebooks, and SQLPage files', NULL), ('prime', '/console', 1, '/console/info-schema', '/console/info-schema/', 'RSSD Information Schema', 'Info Schema', NULL, 'Explore RSSD tables, columns, views, and other information schema documentation', NULL), ('prime', '/console', 3, '/console/sqlpage-files', '/console/sqlpage-files/', 'RSSD SQLPage Files', 'SQLPage Files', NULL, 'Explore RSSD SQLPage Files which govern the content of the web-UI', NULL), ('prime', '/console', 3, '/console/sqlpage-files/content.sql', '/console/sqlpage-files/content.sql', 'RSSD Data Tables Content SQLPage Files', 'Content SQLPage Files', NULL, 'Explore auto-generated RSSD SQLPage Files which display content within tables', NULL), ('prime', '/console', 3, '/console/sqlpage-nav', '/console/sqlpage-nav/', 'RSSD SQLPage Navigation', 'SQLPage Navigation', NULL, 'See all the navigation entries for the web-UI; TODO: need to improve this to be able to get details for each navigation entry as a table', NULL), ('prime', '/console', 2, '/console/notebooks', '/console/notebooks/', 'RSSD Code Notebooks', 'Code Notebooks', NULL, 'Explore RSSD Code Notebooks which contain reusable SQL and other code blocks', NULL) ON CONFLICT (namespace, parent_path, path) DO UPDATE SET title = EXCLUDED.title, abbreviated_caption = EXCLUDED.abbreviated_caption, description = EXCLUDED.description, url = EXCLUDED.url, sibling_order = EXCLUDED.sibling_order; INSERT OR REPLACE INTO code_notebook_cell (notebook_kernel_id, code_notebook_cell_id, notebook_name, cell_name, interpretable_code, interpretable_code_hash, description) VALUES ( 'SQL', 'web-ui.auto_generate_console_content_tabular_sqlpage_files', 'Web UI', 'auto_generate_console_content_tabular_sqlpage_files', ' -- code provenance: `ConsoleSqlPages.infoSchemaContentDML` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/web-ui-content/console.ts) -- the "auto-generated" tables will be in ''*.auto.sql'' with redirects DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/table/%.auto.sql''; DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/view/%.auto.sql''; INSERT OR REPLACE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT ''console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql'', ''SELECT ''''dynamic'''' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''''shell/shell.sql'''') AS properties; SELECT ''''breadcrumb'''' AS component; SELECT ''''Home'''' as title, ''''/'''' AS link; SELECT ''''Console'''' as title, ''''/console'''' AS link; SELECT ''''Content'''' as title, ''''/console/content'''' AS link; SELECT '''''' || tabular_name || '' '' || tabular_nature || '''''' as title, ''''#'''' AS link; SELECT ''''title'''' AS component, '''''' || tabular_name || '' ('' || tabular_nature || '') Content'''' as contents; SET total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '' || tabular_name || ''); SET limit = COALESCE($limit, 50); SET offset = COALESCE($offset, 0); SET total_pages = ($total_rows + $limit - 1) / $limit; SET current_page = ($offset / $limit) + 1; SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, '''''' || info_schema_link_full_md || '''''' AS contents_md SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, ''''- Start Row: '''' || $offset || '''' '''' || ''''- Rows per Page: '''' || $limit || '''' '''' || ''''- Total Rows: '''' || $total_rows || '''' '''' || ''''- Current Page: '''' || $current_page || '''' '''' || ''''- Total Pages: '''' || $total_pages as contents_md WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL; -- Display uniform_resource table with pagination SELECT ''''table'''' AS component, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search, TRUE AS hover, TRUE AS striped_rows, TRUE AS small; SELECT * FROM '' || tabular_name || '' LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset; SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page > 1 THEN ''''[Previous](?limit='''' || $limit || ''''&offset='''' || ($offset - $limit) || '''')'''' ELSE '''''''' END) || '''' '''' || ''''(Page '''' || $current_page || '''' of '''' || $total_pages || '''') '''' || (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page < $total_pages THEN ''''[Next](?limit='''' || $limit || ''''&offset='''' || ($offset + $limit) || '''')'''' ELSE '''''''' END) AS contents_md;'' FROM console_content_tabular; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT ''console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.sql'', ''SELECT ''''redirect'''' AS component, ''''/console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql'''' AS link WHERE $stats IS NULL; '' || ''SELECT ''''redirect'''' AS component, ''''/console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql?stats='''' || $stats AS link WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL;'' FROM console_content_tabular; -- TODO: add ${this.upsertNavSQL(...)} if we want each of the above to be navigable through DB rows', 'TODO', 'A series of idempotent INSERT statements which will auto-generate "default" content for all tables and views' ); -- code provenance: `ConsoleSqlPages.infoSchemaContentDML` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/web-ui-content/console.ts) -- the "auto-generated" tables will be in '*.auto.sql' with redirects DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like 'console/content/table/%.auto.sql'; DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like 'console/content/view/%.auto.sql'; INSERT OR REPLACE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT 'console/content/' || tabular_nature || '/' || tabular_name || '.auto.sql', 'SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' AS component; SELECT ''Home'' as title, ''/'' AS link; SELECT ''Console'' as title, ''/console'' AS link; SELECT ''Content'' as title, ''/console/content'' AS link; SELECT ''' || tabular_name || ' ' || tabular_nature || ''' as title, ''#'' AS link; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''' || tabular_name || ' (' || tabular_nature || ') Content'' as contents; SET total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' || tabular_name || '); SET limit = COALESCE($limit, 50); SET offset = COALESCE($offset, 0); SET total_pages = ($total_rows + $limit - 1) / $limit; SET current_page = ($offset / $limit) + 1; SELECT ''text'' AS component, ''' || info_schema_link_full_md || ''' AS contents_md SELECT ''text'' AS component, ''- Start Row: '' || $offset || '' '' || ''- Rows per Page: '' || $limit || '' '' || ''- Total Rows: '' || $total_rows || '' '' || ''- Current Page: '' || $current_page || '' '' || ''- Total Pages: '' || $total_pages as contents_md WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL; -- Display uniform_resource table with pagination SELECT ''table'' AS component, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search, TRUE AS hover, TRUE AS striped_rows, TRUE AS small; SELECT * FROM ' || tabular_name || ' LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset; SELECT ''text'' AS component, (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page > 1 THEN ''[Previous](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset - $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) || '' '' || ''(Page '' || $current_page || '' of '' || $total_pages || '') '' || (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page < $total_pages THEN ''[Next](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset + $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) AS contents_md;' FROM console_content_tabular; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT 'console/content/' || tabular_nature || '/' || tabular_name || '.sql', 'SELECT ''redirect'' AS component, ''/console/content/' || tabular_nature || '/' || tabular_name || '.auto.sql'' AS link WHERE $stats IS NULL; ' || 'SELECT ''redirect'' AS component, ''/console/content/' || tabular_nature || '/' || tabular_name || '.auto.sql?stats='' || $stats AS link WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL;' FROM console_content_tabular; -- TODO: add ${this.upsertNavSQL(...)} if we want each of the above to be navigable through DB rows -- delete all /fhir-related entries and recreate them in case routes are changed DELETE FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE path like '/fhir%'; INSERT INTO sqlpage_aide_navigation (namespace, parent_path, sibling_order, path, url, caption, abbreviated_caption, title, description,elaboration) VALUES ('prime', '/', 1, '/ur', '/ur/', 'Uniform Resource', NULL, NULL, 'Explore ingested resources', NULL), ('prime', '/ur', 99, '/ur/info-schema.sql', '/ur/info-schema.sql', 'Uniform Resource Tables and Views', NULL, NULL, 'Information Schema documentation for ingested Uniform Resource database objects', NULL), ('prime', '/ur', 1, '/ur/uniform-resource-files.sql', '/ur/uniform-resource-files.sql', 'Uniform Resources (Files)', NULL, NULL, 'Files ingested into the `uniform_resource` table', NULL) ON CONFLICT (namespace, parent_path, path) DO UPDATE SET title = EXCLUDED.title, abbreviated_caption = EXCLUDED.abbreviated_caption, description = EXCLUDED.description, url = EXCLUDED.url, sibling_order = EXCLUDED.sibling_order; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS uniform_resource_file; CREATE VIEW uniform_resource_file AS SELECT ur.uniform_resource_id, ur.nature, p.root_path AS source_path, pe.file_path_rel, ur.size_bytes FROM uniform_resource ur LEFT JOIN ur_ingest_session_fs_path p ON ur.ingest_fs_path_id = p.ur_ingest_session_fs_path_id LEFT JOIN ur_ingest_session_fs_path_entry pe ON ur.uniform_resource_id = pe.uniform_resource_id WHERE ur.ingest_fs_path_id IS NOT NULL; INSERT INTO sqlpage_aide_navigation (namespace, parent_path, sibling_order, path, url, caption, abbreviated_caption, title, description,elaboration) VALUES ('prime', '/', 1, '/orchestration', '/orchestration/', 'Orchestration', NULL, NULL, 'Explore details about all orchestration', NULL), ('prime', '/orchestration', 99, '/orchestration/info-schema.sql', '/orchestration/info-schema.sql', 'Orchestration Tables and Views', NULL, NULL, 'Information Schema documentation for orchestrated objects', NULL) ON CONFLICT (namespace, parent_path, path) DO UPDATE SET title = EXCLUDED.title, abbreviated_caption = EXCLUDED.abbreviated_caption, description = EXCLUDED.description, url = EXCLUDED.url, sibling_order = EXCLUDED.sibling_order; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_session_by_device; CREATE VIEW orchestration_session_by_device AS SELECT d.device_id, d.name AS device_name, COUNT(*) AS session_count FROM orchestration_session os JOIN device d ON os.device_id = d.device_id GROUP BY d.device_id, d.name; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_session_duration; CREATE VIEW orchestration_session_duration AS SELECT os.orchestration_session_id, onature.nature AS orchestration_nature, os.orch_started_at, os.orch_finished_at, (JULIANDAY(os.orch_finished_at) - JULIANDAY(os.orch_started_at)) * 24 * 60 * 60 AS duration_seconds FROM orchestration_session os JOIN orchestration_nature onature ON os.orchestration_nature_id = onature.orchestration_nature_id WHERE os.orch_finished_at IS NOT NULL; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_success_rate; CREATE VIEW orchestration_success_rate AS SELECT onature.nature AS orchestration_nature, COUNT(*) AS total_sessions, SUM(CASE WHEN oss.to_state = 'surveilr_orch_completed' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS successful_sessions, (CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN oss.to_state = 'surveilr_orch_completed' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS FLOAT) / COUNT(*)) * 100 AS success_rate FROM orchestration_session os JOIN orchestration_nature onature ON os.orchestration_nature_id = onature.orchestration_nature_id JOIN orchestration_session_state oss ON os.orchestration_session_id = oss.session_id WHERE oss.to_state IN ('surveilr_orch_completed', 'surveilr_orch_failed') -- Consider other terminal states if applicable GROUP BY onature.nature; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_session_script; CREATE VIEW orchestration_session_script AS SELECT os.orchestration_session_id, onature.nature AS orchestration_nature, COUNT(*) AS script_count FROM orchestration_session os JOIN orchestration_nature onature ON os.orchestration_nature_id = onature.orchestration_nature_id JOIN orchestration_session_entry ose ON os.orchestration_session_id = ose.session_id GROUP BY os.orchestration_session_id, onature.nature; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_executions_by_type; CREATE VIEW orchestration_executions_by_type AS SELECT exec_nature, COUNT(*) AS execution_count FROM orchestration_session_exec GROUP BY exec_nature; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_execution_success_rate_by_type; CREATE VIEW orchestration_execution_success_rate_by_type AS SELECT exec_nature, COUNT(*) AS total_executions, SUM(CASE WHEN exec_status = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS successful_executions, (CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN exec_status = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS FLOAT) / COUNT(*)) * 100 AS success_rate FROM orchestration_session_exec GROUP BY exec_nature; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_session_summary; CREATE VIEW orchestration_session_summary AS SELECT issue_type, COUNT(*) AS issue_count FROM orchestration_session_issue GROUP BY issue_type; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_issue_remediation; CREATE VIEW orchestration_issue_remediation AS SELECT orchestration_session_issue_id, issue_type, issue_message, remediation FROM orchestration_session_issue WHERE remediation IS NOT NULL; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_logs_by_session; CREATE VIEW orchestration_logs_by_session AS SELECT os.orchestration_session_id, onature.nature AS orchestration_nature, osl.category, COUNT(*) AS log_count FROM orchestration_session os JOIN orchestration_nature onature ON os.orchestration_nature_id = onature.orchestration_nature_id JOIN orchestration_session_exec ose ON os.orchestration_session_id = ose.session_id JOIN orchestration_session_log osl ON ose.orchestration_session_exec_id = osl.parent_exec_id GROUP BY os.orchestration_session_id, onature.nature, osl.category; -- delete all /ip-related entries and recreate them in case routes are changed DELETE FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE path like '/opsfolio/info/policy%'; INSERT INTO sqlpage_aide_navigation (namespace, parent_path, sibling_order, path, url, caption, abbreviated_caption, title, description,elaboration) VALUES ('prime', '/', 1, '/opsfolio', '/opsfolio/', 'Opsfolio', NULL, NULL, 'Opsfolio', NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 2, '/opsfolio/info/policy/policy_dashboard.sql', '/opsfolio/info/policy/policy_dashboard.sql', 'Information Assurance Policies', NULL, NULL, 'The Information Assurance Policies is designed to display and create views for policies specific to tenants within the Opsfolio platform. These policies are ingested from Markdown (.md) or Markdown with JSX (.mdx) files, originating from Opsfolio, and are stored in the uniform_resource table.', NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 3, '/opsfolio/info/policy/policy.sql', '/opsfolio/info/policy/policy.sql', 'Policies', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 3, '/opsfolio/info/policy/evidence.sql', '/opsfolio/info/policy/evidence.sql', 'Evidences', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 4, '/opsfolio/info/policy/policy_list.sql', '/opsfolio/info/policy/policy_list.sql', 'Policy List', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 5, '/opsfolio/info/policy/policy_inner_list.sql', '/opsfolio/info/policy/policy_inner_list.sql', 'Policy Inner List', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 6, '/opsfolio/info/policy/policy_detail.sql', '/opsfolio/info/policy/policy_detail.sql', 'Policy Detail', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) ON CONFLICT (namespace, parent_path, path) DO UPDATE SET title = EXCLUDED.title, abbreviated_caption = EXCLUDED.abbreviated_caption, description = EXCLUDED.description, url = EXCLUDED.url, sibling_order = EXCLUDED.sibling_order; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'shell/shell.json', '{ "component": "shell", "title": "Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD)", "icon": "database", "layout": "fluid", "fixed_top_menu": true, "link": "/", "menu_item": [ { "link": "/", "title": "Home" } ], "javascript": [ "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/highlight.min.js", "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/sql.min.js", "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/handlebars.min.js", "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/json.min.js" ], "footer": "Resource Surveillance Web UI" };', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'shell/shell.sql', 'SELECT ''shell'' AS component, ''Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD)'' AS title, ''database'' AS icon, ''fluid'' AS layout, true AS fixed_top_menu, ''/'' AS link, ''{"link":"/","title":"Home"}'' AS menu_item, ''https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/highlight.min.js'' AS javascript, ''https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/sql.min.js'' AS javascript, ''https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/handlebars.min.js'' AS javascript, ''https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/json.min.js'' AS javascript, json_object( ''link'', ''/ur'', ''title'', ''Uniform Resource'', ''submenu'', ( SELECT json_group_array( json_object( ''title'', title, ''link'', link, ''description'', description ) ) FROM ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/ur'' ORDER BY sibling_order ) ) ) as menu_item, json_object( ''link'', ''/console'', ''title'', ''Console'', ''submenu'', ( SELECT json_group_array( json_object( ''title'', title, ''link'', link, ''description'', description ) ) FROM ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/console'' ORDER BY sibling_order ) ) ) as menu_item, json_object( ''link'', ''/orchestration'', ''title'', ''Orchestration'', ''submenu'', ( SELECT json_group_array( json_object( ''title'', title, ''link'', link, ''description'', description ) ) FROM ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/orchestration'' ORDER BY sibling_order ) ) ) as menu_item, ''Resource Surveillance Web UI (v'' || sqlpage.version() || '') '' || ''📄 ['' || substr(sqlpage.path(), 2) || ''](/console/sqlpage-files/sqlpage-file.sql?path='' || substr(sqlpage.path(), 2) || '')'' as footer;', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''list'' AS component; SELECT caption as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/'' ORDER BY sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation WITH console_navigation_cte AS ( SELECT title, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console'' ) SELECT ''list'' AS component, title, description FROM console_navigation_cte; SELECT caption as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/console'' ORDER BY sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/info-schema/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/info-schema'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Tables'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Table'' AS markdown, ''Column Count'' as align_right, ''Content'' as markdown, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''['' || table_name || ''](table.sql?name='' || table_name || '')'' AS "Table", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count", content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md as "Content" FROM console_information_schema_table GROUP BY table_name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Views'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''View'' AS markdown, ''Column Count'' as align_right, ''Content'' as markdown, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''['' || view_name || ''](view.sql?name='' || view_name || '')'' AS "View", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count", content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md as "Content" FROM console_information_schema_view GROUP BY view_name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Migrations'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Table'' AS markdown, ''Column Count'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT from_state, to_state, transition_reason, transitioned_at FROM code_notebook_state ORDER BY transitioned_at; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/info-schema/table.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/info-schema'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; SELECT $name || '' Table'' AS title, ''#'' AS link; SELECT ''title'' AS component, $name AS contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component; SELECT column_name AS "Column", data_type AS "Type", is_primary_key AS "PK", is_not_null AS "Required", default_value AS "Default" FROM console_information_schema_table WHERE table_name = $name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Foreign Keys'' as contents, 2 as level; SELECT ''table'' AS component; SELECT column_name AS "Column Name", foreign_key AS "Foreign Key" FROM console_information_schema_table_col_fkey WHERE table_name = $name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Indexes'' as contents, 2 as level; SELECT ''table'' AS component; SELECT column_name AS "Column Name", index_name AS "Index Name" FROM console_information_schema_table_col_index WHERE table_name = $name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''SQL DDL'' as contents, 2 as level; SELECT ''code'' AS component; SELECT ''sql'' as language, (SELECT sql_ddl FROM console_information_schema_table WHERE table_name = $name) as contents; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/info-schema/view.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/info-schema'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; SELECT $name || '' View'' AS title, ''#'' AS link; SELECT ''title'' AS component, $name AS contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component; SELECT column_name AS "Column", data_type AS "Type" FROM console_information_schema_view WHERE view_name = $name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''SQL DDL'' as contents, 2 as level; SELECT ''code'' AS component; SELECT ''sql'' as language, (SELECT sql_ddl FROM console_information_schema_view WHERE view_name = $name) as contents; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/sqlpage-files/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/sqlpage-files'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''SQLPage pages in sqlpage_files table'' AS contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Path'' as markdown, ''Size'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''[🚀](/'' || path || '') [📄 '' || path || ''](sqlpage-file.sql?path='' || path || '')'' AS "Path", LENGTH(contents) as "Size", last_modified FROM sqlpage_files ORDER BY path; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/sqlpage-files/sqlpage-file.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/sqlpage-files'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; SELECT $path || '' Path'' AS title, ''#'' AS link; SELECT ''title'' AS component, $path AS contents; SELECT ''text'' AS component, ''```sql '' || (select contents FROM sqlpage_files where path = $path) || '' ```'' as contents_md; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/sqlpage-files/content.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/sqlpage-files/content.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''SQLPage pages generated from tables and views'' AS contents; SELECT ''text'' AS component, '' - `*.auto.sql` pages are auto-generated "default" content pages for each table and view defined in the database. - The `*.sql` companions may be auto-generated redirects to their `*.auto.sql` pair or an app/service might override the `*.sql` to not redirect and supply custom content for any table or view. - [View regenerate-auto.sql](/console/sqlpage-files/sqlpage-file.sql?path=console/content/action/regenerate-auto.sql) '' AS contents_md; SELECT ''button'' AS component, ''center'' AS justify; SELECT ''/console/content/action/regenerate-auto.sql'' AS link, ''info'' AS color, ''Regenerate all "default" table/view content pages'' AS title; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Redirected or overriden content pages'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Path'' as markdown, ''Size'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''[🚀](/'' || path || '') [📄 '' || path || ''](sqlpage-file.sql?path='' || path || '')'' AS "Path", LENGTH(contents) as "Size", last_modified FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/%'' AND NOT(path like ''console/content/%.auto.sql'') AND NOT(path like ''console/content/action%'') ORDER BY path; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Auto-generated "default" content pages'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Path'' as markdown, ''Size'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''[🚀](/'' || path || '') [📄 '' || path || ''](sqlpage-file.sql?path='' || path || '')'' AS "Path", LENGTH(contents) as "Size", last_modified FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/%.auto.sql'' ORDER BY path; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/content/action/regenerate-auto.sql', ' -- code provenance: `ConsoleSqlPages.infoSchemaContentDML` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/web-ui-content/console.ts) -- the "auto-generated" tables will be in ''*.auto.sql'' with redirects DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/table/%.auto.sql''; DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/view/%.auto.sql''; INSERT OR REPLACE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT ''console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql'', ''SELECT ''''dynamic'''' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''''shell/shell.sql'''') AS properties; SELECT ''''breadcrumb'''' AS component; SELECT ''''Home'''' as title, ''''/'''' AS link; SELECT ''''Console'''' as title, ''''/console'''' AS link; SELECT ''''Content'''' as title, ''''/console/content'''' AS link; SELECT '''''' || tabular_name || '' '' || tabular_nature || '''''' as title, ''''#'''' AS link; SELECT ''''title'''' AS component, '''''' || tabular_name || '' ('' || tabular_nature || '') Content'''' as contents; SET total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '' || tabular_name || ''); SET limit = COALESCE($limit, 50); SET offset = COALESCE($offset, 0); SET total_pages = ($total_rows + $limit - 1) / $limit; SET current_page = ($offset / $limit) + 1; SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, '''''' || info_schema_link_full_md || '''''' AS contents_md SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, ''''- Start Row: '''' || $offset || '''' '''' || ''''- Rows per Page: '''' || $limit || '''' '''' || ''''- Total Rows: '''' || $total_rows || '''' '''' || ''''- Current Page: '''' || $current_page || '''' '''' || ''''- Total Pages: '''' || $total_pages as contents_md WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL; -- Display uniform_resource table with pagination SELECT ''''table'''' AS component, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search, TRUE AS hover, TRUE AS striped_rows, TRUE AS small; SELECT * FROM '' || tabular_name || '' LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset; SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page > 1 THEN ''''[Previous](?limit='''' || $limit || ''''&offset='''' || ($offset - $limit) || '''')'''' ELSE '''''''' END) || '''' '''' || ''''(Page '''' || $current_page || '''' of '''' || $total_pages || '''') '''' || (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page < $total_pages THEN ''''[Next](?limit='''' || $limit || ''''&offset='''' || ($offset + $limit) || '''')'''' ELSE '''''''' END) AS contents_md;'' FROM console_content_tabular; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT ''console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.sql'', ''SELECT ''''redirect'''' AS component, ''''/console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql'''' AS link WHERE $stats IS NULL; '' || ''SELECT ''''redirect'''' AS component, ''''/console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql?stats='''' || $stats AS link WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL;'' FROM console_content_tabular; -- TODO: add ${this.upsertNavSQL(...)} if we want each of the above to be navigable through DB rows -- code provenance: `ConsoleSqlPages.console/content/action/regenerate-auto.sql` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/web-ui-content/console.ts) SELECT ''redirect'' AS component, ''/console/sqlpage-files/content.sql'' as link WHERE $redirect is NULL; SELECT ''redirect'' AS component, $redirect as link WHERE $redirect is NOT NULL;', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/sqlpage-nav/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/sqlpage-nav'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''SQLPage navigation in sqlpage_aide_navigation table'' AS contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT path, caption, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation ORDER BY namespace, parent_path, path, sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/notebooks/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/notebooks'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Code Notebooks'' AS contents; SELECT ''table'' as component, ''Cell'' as markdown, 1 as search, 1 as sort; SELECT c.notebook_name, ''['' || c.cell_name || ''](notebook-cell.sql?notebook='' || replace(c.notebook_name, '' '', ''%20'') || ''&cell='' || replace(c.cell_name, '' '', ''%20'') || '')'' as Cell, c.description, k.kernel_name as kernel FROM code_notebook_kernel k, code_notebook_cell c WHERE k.code_notebook_kernel_id = c.notebook_kernel_id; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/notebooks/notebook-cell.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/notebooks'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; SELECT ''Notebook '' || $notebook || '' Cell'' || $cell AS title, ''#'' AS link; SELECT ''code'' as component; SELECT $notebook || ''.'' || $cell || '' ('' || k.kernel_name ||'')'' as title, COALESCE(c.cell_governance -> ''$.language'', ''sql'') as language, c.interpretable_code as contents FROM code_notebook_kernel k, code_notebook_cell c WHERE c.notebook_name = $notebook AND c.cell_name = $cell AND k.code_notebook_kernel_id = c.notebook_kernel_id; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'ur/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/ur'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation WITH navigation_cte AS ( SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) as title, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/ur'' ) SELECT ''list'' AS component, title, description FROM navigation_cte; SELECT caption as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/ur'' ORDER BY sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'ur/info-schema.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/ur/info-schema.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Uniform Resource Tables and Views'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Name'' AS markdown, ''Column Count'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''Table'' as "Type", ''['' || table_name || ''](/console/info-schema/table.sql?name='' || table_name || '')'' AS "Name", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count" FROM console_information_schema_table WHERE table_name = ''uniform_resource'' OR table_name like ''ur_%'' GROUP BY table_name UNION ALL SELECT ''View'' as "Type", ''['' || view_name || ''](/console/info-schema/view.sql?name='' || view_name || '')'' AS "Name", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count" FROM console_information_schema_view WHERE view_name like ''ur_%'' GROUP BY view_name; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'ur/uniform-resource-files.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, (SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/ur/uniform-resource-files.sql'') as contents; ; -- sets up $limit, $offset, and other variables (use pagination.debugVars() to see values in web-ui) SET total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM uniform_resource_file); SET limit = COALESCE($limit, 50); SET offset = COALESCE($offset, 0); SET total_pages = ($total_rows + $limit - 1) / $limit; SET current_page = ($offset / $limit) + 1; -- Display uniform_resource table with pagination SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Uniform Resources'' AS title, "Size (bytes)" as align_right, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search, TRUE AS hover, TRUE AS striped_rows, TRUE AS small; SELECT * FROM uniform_resource_file ORDER BY uniform_resource_id LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset; SELECT ''text'' AS component, (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page > 1 THEN ''[Previous](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset - $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) || '' '' || ''(Page '' || $current_page || '' of '' || $total_pages || ") " || (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page < $total_pages THEN ''[Next](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset + $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) AS contents_md; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'orchestration/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/orchestration'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation WITH navigation_cte AS ( SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) as title, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/orchestration'' ) SELECT ''list'' AS component, title, description FROM navigation_cte; SELECT caption as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/orchestration'' ORDER BY sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'orchestration/info-schema.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/orchestration/info-schema.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Orchestration Tables and Views'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Name'' AS markdown, ''Column Count'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''Table'' as "Type", ''['' || table_name || ''](/console/info-schema/table.sql?name='' || table_name || '')'' AS "Name", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count" FROM console_information_schema_table WHERE table_name = ''orchestration_session'' OR table_name like ''orchestration_%'' GROUP BY table_name UNION ALL SELECT ''View'' as "Type", ''['' || view_name || ''](/console/info-schema/view.sql?name='' || view_name || '')'' AS "Name", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count" FROM console_information_schema_view WHERE view_name like ''orchestration_%'' GROUP BY view_name; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation select ''card'' as component, 3 as columns; SELECT caption as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/opsfolio'' AND sibling_order = 2 ORDER BY sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/info/policy/policy_dashboard.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/policy/policy_dashboard.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation select ''card'' as component, 2 as columns; select "Policies" as title, ''arrow-big-right'' as icon, ''/opsfolio/info/policy/policy.sql'' as link; select "Evidences" as title, ''arrow-big-right'' as icon, ''/opsfolio/info/policy/evidence.sql'' as link; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/info/policy/policy.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/policy/policy.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation select ''card'' as component, 3 as columns; select UPPER(SUBSTR(title, 1, 1)) || LOWER(SUBSTR(title, 2)) as title, ''arrow-big-right'' as icon, ''/opsfolio/info/policy/policy_list.sql?segment='' || segment || '''' as link FROM policy_dashboard; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/info/policy/evidence.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/policy/evidence.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation select ''card'' as component, 3 as columns; select ''card'' as component, 3 as columns; SELECT A.title as title, ''arrow-big-right'' as icon, replace(b.path, ''opsfolio/info/policy/'', '''')as link FROM vigetallviews A inner join sqlpage_files b on A.path=b.path where a.used_path=0; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/info/policy/policy_list.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/policy/policy_list.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, (SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/policy/policy_list.sql'') as contents; ; select ''card'' as component, 1 as columns; select title, ''arrow-big-right'' as icon, ''/opsfolio/info/policy/policy_detail.sql?id='' || uniform_resource_id || '''' as link FROM policy_list WHERE parentfolder = $segment::TEXT AND segment1="" UNION ALL SELECT REPLACE(segment1, ''-'', '' '') as title, ''chevrons-down'' as icon, ''/opsfolio/info/policy/policy_inner_list.sql?parentfolder='' || parentfolder || ''&segment='' || segment1 as link FROM policy_list WHERE parentfolder = $segment::TEXT AND segment1 != '''' GROUP BY segment1 ; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/info/policy/policy_inner_list.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/policy/policy_inner_list.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, (SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/policy/policy_inner_list.sql'') as contents; ; select ''card'' as component, 1 as columns; select title, ''arrow-big-right'' as icon, ''/opsfolio/info/policy/policy_detail.sql?id='' || uniform_resource_id || '''' as link FROM policy_list WHERE parentfolder = $parentfolder::TEXT AND segment1= $segment::TEXT; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/info/policy/policy_detail.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/policy/policy_detail.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation select ''card'' as component, 1 as columns; SELECT json_extract(content_fm_body_attrs, ''$.attrs.title'') AS title, json_extract(content_fm_body_attrs, ''$.body'') AS description_md FROM policy_detail WHERE uniform_resource_id = $id::TEXT; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; -- code provenance: `TypicalSqlPageNotebook.commonDDL` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/notebook/sqlpage.ts) -- idempotently create location where SQLPage looks for its content CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "sqlpage_files" ( "path" VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "contents" TEXT NOT NULL, "last_modified" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ); -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Script to prepare convenience views to access uniform_resource.content column -- as CCDA content, ensuring only valid JSON is processed. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TODO: will this help performance? -- CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_resource_type ON uniform_resource ((content ->> '$.resourceType')); -- CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_bundle_entry ON uniform_resource ((json_type(content -> '$.entry'))); -- CCDA Discovery and Enumeration Views -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Summary of the uniform_resource table -- Provides a count of total rows, valid JSON rows, invalid JSON rows, -- and potential CCDA v4 candidates and bundles based on JSON structure. DROP VIEW IF EXISTS uniform_resource_summary; CREATE VIEW uniform_resource_summary AS SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_rows, SUM(CASE WHEN json_valid(content) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS valid_json_rows, SUM(CASE WHEN json_valid(content) THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) AS invalid_json_rows, SUM(CASE WHEN json_valid(content) AND content ->> '$.resourceType' IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS ccda_v4_candidates, SUM(CASE WHEN json_valid(content) AND json_type(content -> '$.entry') = 'array' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS ccda_v4_bundle_candidates FROM uniform_resource; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS border_boundary; CREATE VIEW border_boundary AS SELECT json_extract(outer.value, '$.a:Value.Properties.a:anyType[0].b:DisplayName') AS displayName, json_extract(inner.value, '$.b:Value.#text') AS name, json_extract(outer.value, '$.a:Value.@i:type') as type FROM uniform_resource_transform, json_each(json_extract(content, '$.ThreatModel.DrawingSurfaceList.DrawingSurfaceModel.Borders.a:KeyValueOfguidanyType')) AS outer, json_each(json_extract(outer.value, '$.a:Value.Properties.a:anyType')) AS inner WHERE json_array_length(json_extract(outer.value, '$.a:Value.Properties.a:anyType')) >= 2 AND json_extract(inner.value, '$.b:Value.#text') IS NOT NULL AND json_extract(outer.value, '$.a:Value.@i:type') = 'BorderBoundary' AND json_extract(inner.value, '$.b:Value.#text') LIKE '%Boundary'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS asset_service_view; CREATE VIEW asset_service_view AS SELECT asser.name,ast.name as server,ast.organization_id,astyp.value as asset_type,astyp.asset_service_type_id,bnt.name as boundary,asser.description,asser.port,asser.experimental_version,asser.production_version,asser.latest_vendor_version,asser.resource_utilization,asser.log_file,asser.url, asser.vendor_link,asser.installation_date,asser.criticality,o.name AS owner,sta.value as tag, ast.criticality as asset_criticality,ast.asymmetric_keys_encryption_enabled as asymmetric_keys, ast.cryptographic_key_encryption_enabled as cryptographic_key,ast.symmetric_keys_encryption_enabled as symmetric_keys FROM asset_service asser INNER JOIN asset_service_type astyp ON astyp.asset_service_type_id = asser.asset_service_type_id INNER JOIN asset ast ON ast.asset_id = asser.asset_id INNER JOIN organization o ON o.organization_id=ast.organization_id INNER JOIN asset_status sta ON sta.asset_status_id=ast.asset_status_id INNER JOIN boundary bnt ON bnt.boundary_id=ast.boundary_id; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS server_data; CREATE VIEW server_data AS WITH base_query AS ( SELECT ur.device_id, d.name AS device_name, CASE WHEN json_extract(outer.value, '$.name') LIKE '/%' THEN substr(json_extract(outer.value, '$.name'), 2) ELSE json_extract(outer.value, '$.name') END AS displayName, json_extract(outer.value, '$.status') as status FROM uniform_resource AS ur JOIN device AS d ON ur.device_id = d.device_id, json_each(ur.content) AS outer WHERE ur.nature = 'json' AND ur.uri = 'listContainers' ) SELECT av.*,bq.status FROM base_query bq JOIN asset_service_view av ON av.name = bq.displayName AND av.server LIKE '%' || bq.device_name || '%'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS security_incident_response_view; CREATE VIEW security_incident_response_view AS SELECT i.title AS incident,i.incident_date,ast.name as asset_name,ic.value AS category,s.value AS severity, p.value AS priority,it.value AS internal_or_external,i.location,i.it_service_impacted, i.impacted_modules,i.impacted_dept,p1.person_first_name || ' ' || p1.person_last_name AS reported_by, p2.person_first_name || ' ' || p2.person_last_name AS reported_to,i.brief_description, i.detailed_description,p3.person_first_name || ' ' || p3.person_last_name AS assigned_to, i.assigned_date,i.investigation_details,i.containment_details,i.eradication_details,i.business_impact, i.lessons_learned,ist.value AS status,i.closed_date,i.feedback_from_business,i.reported_to_regulatory,i.report_date,i.report_time, irc.description AS root_cause_of_the_issue,p4.value AS probability_of_issue,irc.testing_analysis AS testing_for_possible_root_cause_analysis, irc.solution,p5.value AS likelihood_of_risk,irc.modification_of_the_reported_issue,irc.testing_for_modified_issue,irc.test_results FROM incident i INNER JOIN asset ast ON ast.asset_id = i.asset_id INNER JOIN incident_category ic ON ic.incident_category_id = i.category_id INNER JOIN severity s ON s.code = i.severity_id INNER JOIN priority p ON p.code = i.priority_id INNER JOIN incident_type it ON it.incident_type_id = i.internal_or_external_id INNER JOIN person p1 ON p1.person_id = i.reported_by_id INNER JOIN person p2 ON p2.person_id = i.reported_to_id INNER JOIN person p3 ON p3.person_id = i.assigned_to_id INNER JOIN incident_status ist ON ist.incident_status_id = i.status_id LEFT JOIN incident_root_cause irc ON irc.incident_id = i.incident_id LEFT JOIN priority p4 ON p4.code = irc.probability_id LEFT JOIN priority p5 ON p5.code = irc.likelihood_of_risk_id; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS security_impact_analysis_view; CREATE VIEW security_impact_analysis_view AS SELECT v.short_name as vulnerability, ast.name as security_risk,te.title as security_threat, ir.impact as impact_of_risk,pc.controls as proposed_controls,p1.value as impact_level, p2.value as risk_level,sia.existing_controls,pr.value as priority,sia.reported_date, pn1.person_first_name || ' ' || pn1.person_last_name AS reported_by, pn2.person_first_name || ' ' || pn2.person_last_name AS responsible_by FROM security_impact_analysis sia INNER JOIN vulnerability v ON v.vulnerability_id = sia.vulnerability_id INNER JOIN asset_risk ar ON ar.asset_risk_id = sia.asset_risk_id INNER JOIN asset ast ON ast.asset_id = ar.asset_id INNER JOIN threat_event te ON te.threat_event_id = ar.threat_event_id INNER JOIN impact_of_risk ir ON ir.security_impact_analysis_id = sia.security_impact_analysis_id INNER JOIN proposed_controls pc ON pc.security_impact_analysis_id = sia.security_impact_analysis_id INNER JOIN probability p1 ON p1.code = sia.impact_level_id INNER JOIN probability p2 ON p2.code = sia.risk_level_id INNER JOIN priority pr ON pr.code = sia.priority_id INNER JOIN person pn1 ON pn1.person_id = sia.reported_by_id INNER JOIN person pn2 ON pn2.person_id = sia.responsible_by_id; /* 'orchestrateStatefulIaSQL' in '[object Object]' returned type undefined instead of string | string[] | SQLa.SqlTextSupplier */ -- code provenance: `ConsoleSqlPages.infoSchemaDDL` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/web-ui-content/console.ts) -- console_information_schema_* are convenience views -- to make it easier to work than pragma_table_info. DROP VIEW IF EXISTS console_information_schema_table; CREATE VIEW console_information_schema_table AS SELECT tbl.name AS table_name, col.name AS column_name, col.type AS data_type, CASE WHEN col.pk = 1 THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END AS is_primary_key, CASE WHEN col."notnull" = 1 THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END AS is_not_null, col.dflt_value AS default_value, '/console/info-schema/table.sql?name=' || tbl.name || '&stats=yes' as info_schema_web_ui_path, '[Content](/console/info-schema/table.sql?name=' || tbl.name || '&stats=yes)' as info_schema_link_abbrev_md, '[' || tbl.name || ' (table) Schema](/console/info-schema/table.sql?name=' || tbl.name || '&stats=yes)' as info_schema_link_full_md, '/console/content/table/' || tbl.name || '.sql?stats=yes' as content_web_ui_path, '[Content](/console/content/table/' || tbl.name || '.sql?stats=yes)' as content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md, '[' || tbl.name || ' (table) Content](/console/content/table/' || tbl.name || '.sql?stats=yes)' as content_web_ui_link_full_md, tbl.sql as sql_ddl FROM sqlite_master tbl JOIN pragma_table_info(tbl.name) col WHERE tbl.type = 'table' AND tbl.name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%'; -- Populate the table with view-specific information DROP VIEW IF EXISTS console_information_schema_view; CREATE VIEW console_information_schema_view AS SELECT vw.name AS view_name, col.name AS column_name, col.type AS data_type, '/console/info-schema/view.sql?name=' || vw.name || '&stats=yes' as info_schema_web_ui_path, '[Content](/console/info-schema/view.sql?name=' || vw.name || '&stats=yes)' as info_schema_link_abbrev_md, '[' || vw.name || ' (view) Schema](/console/info-schema/view.sql?name=' || vw.name || '&stats=yes)' as info_schema_link_full_md, '/console/content/view/' || vw.name || '.sql?stats=yes' as content_web_ui_path, '[Content](/console/content/view/' || vw.name || '.sql?stats=yes)' as content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md, '[' || vw.name || ' (view) Content](/console/content/view/' || vw.name || '.sql?stats=yes)' as content_web_ui_link_full_md, vw.sql as sql_ddl FROM sqlite_master vw JOIN pragma_table_info(vw.name) col WHERE vw.type = 'view' AND vw.name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS console_content_tabular; CREATE VIEW console_content_tabular AS SELECT 'table' as tabular_nature, table_name as tabular_name, info_schema_web_ui_path, info_schema_link_abbrev_md, info_schema_link_full_md, content_web_ui_path, content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md, content_web_ui_link_full_md FROM console_information_schema_table UNION ALL SELECT 'view' as tabular_nature, view_name as tabular_name, info_schema_web_ui_path, info_schema_link_abbrev_md, info_schema_link_full_md, content_web_ui_path, content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md, content_web_ui_link_full_md FROM console_information_schema_view; -- Populate the table with table column foreign keys DROP VIEW IF EXISTS console_information_schema_table_col_fkey; CREATE VIEW console_information_schema_table_col_fkey AS SELECT tbl.name AS table_name, f."from" AS column_name, f."from" || ' references ' || f."table" || '.' || f."to" AS foreign_key FROM sqlite_master tbl JOIN pragma_foreign_key_list(tbl.name) f WHERE tbl.type = 'table' AND tbl.name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%'; -- Populate the table with table column indexes DROP VIEW IF EXISTS console_information_schema_table_col_index; CREATE VIEW console_information_schema_table_col_index AS SELECT tbl.name AS table_name, pi.name AS column_name, idx.name AS index_name FROM sqlite_master tbl JOIN pragma_index_list(tbl.name) idx JOIN pragma_index_info(idx.name) pi WHERE tbl.type = 'table' AND tbl.name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%'; -- Drop and create the table for storing navigation entries -- for testing only: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sqlpage_aide_navigation; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sqlpage_aide_navigation ( path TEXT NOT NULL, -- the "primary key" within namespace caption TEXT NOT NULL, -- for human-friendly general-purpose name namespace TEXT NOT NULL, -- if more than one navigation tree is required parent_path TEXT, -- for defining hierarchy sibling_order INTEGER, -- orders children within their parent(s) url TEXT, -- for supplying links, if different from path title TEXT, -- for full titles when elaboration is required, default to caption if NULL abbreviated_caption TEXT, -- for breadcrumbs and other "short" form, default to caption if NULL description TEXT, -- for elaboration or explanation elaboration TEXT, -- optional attributes for e.g. { "target": "__blank" } -- TODO: figure out why Rusqlite does not allow this but sqlite3 does -- CONSTRAINT fk_parent_path FOREIGN KEY (namespace, parent_path) REFERENCES sqlpage_aide_navigation(namespace, path), CONSTRAINT unq_ns_path UNIQUE (namespace, parent_path, path) ); DELETE FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE path LIKE '/console/%'; DELETE FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE path LIKE '/'; -- all @navigation decorated entries are automatically added to this.navigation INSERT INTO sqlpage_aide_navigation (namespace, parent_path, sibling_order, path, url, caption, abbreviated_caption, title, description,elaboration) VALUES ('prime', NULL, 1, '/', '/', 'Home', NULL, 'Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD)', 'Welcome to Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD)', NULL), ('prime', '/', 999, '/console', '/console/', 'RSSD Console', 'Console', 'Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD) Console', 'Explore RSSD information schema, code notebooks, and SQLPage files', NULL), ('prime', '/console', 1, '/console/info-schema', '/console/info-schema/', 'RSSD Information Schema', 'Info Schema', NULL, 'Explore RSSD tables, columns, views, and other information schema documentation', NULL), ('prime', '/console', 3, '/console/sqlpage-files', '/console/sqlpage-files/', 'RSSD SQLPage Files', 'SQLPage Files', NULL, 'Explore RSSD SQLPage Files which govern the content of the web-UI', NULL), ('prime', '/console', 3, '/console/sqlpage-files/content.sql', '/console/sqlpage-files/content.sql', 'RSSD Data Tables Content SQLPage Files', 'Content SQLPage Files', NULL, 'Explore auto-generated RSSD SQLPage Files which display content within tables', NULL), ('prime', '/console', 3, '/console/sqlpage-nav', '/console/sqlpage-nav/', 'RSSD SQLPage Navigation', 'SQLPage Navigation', NULL, 'See all the navigation entries for the web-UI; TODO: need to improve this to be able to get details for each navigation entry as a table', NULL), ('prime', '/console', 2, '/console/notebooks', '/console/notebooks/', 'RSSD Code Notebooks', 'Code Notebooks', NULL, 'Explore RSSD Code Notebooks which contain reusable SQL and other code blocks', NULL) ON CONFLICT (namespace, parent_path, path) DO UPDATE SET title = EXCLUDED.title, abbreviated_caption = EXCLUDED.abbreviated_caption, description = EXCLUDED.description, url = EXCLUDED.url, sibling_order = EXCLUDED.sibling_order; INSERT OR REPLACE INTO code_notebook_cell (notebook_kernel_id, code_notebook_cell_id, notebook_name, cell_name, interpretable_code, interpretable_code_hash, description) VALUES ( 'SQL', 'web-ui.auto_generate_console_content_tabular_sqlpage_files', 'Web UI', 'auto_generate_console_content_tabular_sqlpage_files', ' -- code provenance: `ConsoleSqlPages.infoSchemaContentDML` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/web-ui-content/console.ts) -- the "auto-generated" tables will be in ''*.auto.sql'' with redirects DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/table/%.auto.sql''; DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/view/%.auto.sql''; INSERT OR REPLACE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT ''console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql'', ''SELECT ''''dynamic'''' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''''shell/shell.sql'''') AS properties; SELECT ''''breadcrumb'''' AS component; SELECT ''''Home'''' as title, ''''/'''' AS link; SELECT ''''Console'''' as title, ''''/console'''' AS link; SELECT ''''Content'''' as title, ''''/console/content'''' AS link; SELECT '''''' || tabular_name || '' '' || tabular_nature || '''''' as title, ''''#'''' AS link; SELECT ''''title'''' AS component, '''''' || tabular_name || '' ('' || tabular_nature || '') Content'''' as contents; SET total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '' || tabular_name || ''); SET limit = COALESCE($limit, 50); SET offset = COALESCE($offset, 0); SET total_pages = ($total_rows + $limit - 1) / $limit; SET current_page = ($offset / $limit) + 1; SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, '''''' || info_schema_link_full_md || '''''' AS contents_md SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, ''''- Start Row: '''' || $offset || '''' '''' || ''''- Rows per Page: '''' || $limit || '''' '''' || ''''- Total Rows: '''' || $total_rows || '''' '''' || ''''- Current Page: '''' || $current_page || '''' '''' || ''''- Total Pages: '''' || $total_pages as contents_md WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL; -- Display uniform_resource table with pagination SELECT ''''table'''' AS component, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search, TRUE AS hover, TRUE AS striped_rows, TRUE AS small; SELECT * FROM '' || tabular_name || '' LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset; SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page > 1 THEN ''''[Previous](?limit='''' || $limit || ''''&offset='''' || ($offset - $limit) || '''')'''' ELSE '''''''' END) || '''' '''' || ''''(Page '''' || $current_page || '''' of '''' || $total_pages || '''') '''' || (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page < $total_pages THEN ''''[Next](?limit='''' || $limit || ''''&offset='''' || ($offset + $limit) || '''')'''' ELSE '''''''' END) AS contents_md;'' FROM console_content_tabular; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT ''console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.sql'', ''SELECT ''''redirect'''' AS component, ''''/console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql'''' AS link WHERE $stats IS NULL; '' || ''SELECT ''''redirect'''' AS component, ''''/console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql?stats='''' || $stats AS link WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL;'' FROM console_content_tabular; -- TODO: add ${this.upsertNavSQL(...)} if we want each of the above to be navigable through DB rows', 'TODO', 'A series of idempotent INSERT statements which will auto-generate "default" content for all tables and views' ); -- code provenance: `ConsoleSqlPages.infoSchemaContentDML` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/web-ui-content/console.ts) -- the "auto-generated" tables will be in '*.auto.sql' with redirects DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like 'console/content/table/%.auto.sql'; DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like 'console/content/view/%.auto.sql'; INSERT OR REPLACE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT 'console/content/' || tabular_nature || '/' || tabular_name || '.auto.sql', 'SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' AS component; SELECT ''Home'' as title, ''/'' AS link; SELECT ''Console'' as title, ''/console'' AS link; SELECT ''Content'' as title, ''/console/content'' AS link; SELECT ''' || tabular_name || ' ' || tabular_nature || ''' as title, ''#'' AS link; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''' || tabular_name || ' (' || tabular_nature || ') Content'' as contents; SET total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' || tabular_name || '); SET limit = COALESCE($limit, 50); SET offset = COALESCE($offset, 0); SET total_pages = ($total_rows + $limit - 1) / $limit; SET current_page = ($offset / $limit) + 1; SELECT ''text'' AS component, ''' || info_schema_link_full_md || ''' AS contents_md SELECT ''text'' AS component, ''- Start Row: '' || $offset || '' '' || ''- Rows per Page: '' || $limit || '' '' || ''- Total Rows: '' || $total_rows || '' '' || ''- Current Page: '' || $current_page || '' '' || ''- Total Pages: '' || $total_pages as contents_md WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL; -- Display uniform_resource table with pagination SELECT ''table'' AS component, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search, TRUE AS hover, TRUE AS striped_rows, TRUE AS small; SELECT * FROM ' || tabular_name || ' LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset; SELECT ''text'' AS component, (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page > 1 THEN ''[Previous](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset - $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) || '' '' || ''(Page '' || $current_page || '' of '' || $total_pages || '') '' || (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page < $total_pages THEN ''[Next](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset + $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) AS contents_md;' FROM console_content_tabular; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT 'console/content/' || tabular_nature || '/' || tabular_name || '.sql', 'SELECT ''redirect'' AS component, ''/console/content/' || tabular_nature || '/' || tabular_name || '.auto.sql'' AS link WHERE $stats IS NULL; ' || 'SELECT ''redirect'' AS component, ''/console/content/' || tabular_nature || '/' || tabular_name || '.auto.sql?stats='' || $stats AS link WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL;' FROM console_content_tabular; -- TODO: add ${this.upsertNavSQL(...)} if we want each of the above to be navigable through DB rows -- delete all /fhir-related entries and recreate them in case routes are changed DELETE FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE path like '/fhir%'; INSERT INTO sqlpage_aide_navigation (namespace, parent_path, sibling_order, path, url, caption, abbreviated_caption, title, description,elaboration) VALUES ('prime', '/', 1, '/ur', '/ur/', 'Uniform Resource', NULL, NULL, 'Explore ingested resources', NULL), ('prime', '/ur', 99, '/ur/info-schema.sql', '/ur/info-schema.sql', 'Uniform Resource Tables and Views', NULL, NULL, 'Information Schema documentation for ingested Uniform Resource database objects', NULL), ('prime', '/ur', 1, '/ur/uniform-resource-files.sql', '/ur/uniform-resource-files.sql', 'Uniform Resources (Files)', NULL, NULL, 'Files ingested into the `uniform_resource` table', NULL) ON CONFLICT (namespace, parent_path, path) DO UPDATE SET title = EXCLUDED.title, abbreviated_caption = EXCLUDED.abbreviated_caption, description = EXCLUDED.description, url = EXCLUDED.url, sibling_order = EXCLUDED.sibling_order; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS uniform_resource_file; CREATE VIEW uniform_resource_file AS SELECT ur.uniform_resource_id, ur.nature, p.root_path AS source_path, pe.file_path_rel, ur.size_bytes FROM uniform_resource ur LEFT JOIN ur_ingest_session_fs_path p ON ur.ingest_fs_path_id = p.ur_ingest_session_fs_path_id LEFT JOIN ur_ingest_session_fs_path_entry pe ON ur.uniform_resource_id = pe.uniform_resource_id WHERE ur.ingest_fs_path_id IS NOT NULL; INSERT INTO sqlpage_aide_navigation (namespace, parent_path, sibling_order, path, url, caption, abbreviated_caption, title, description,elaboration) VALUES ('prime', '/', 1, '/orchestration', '/orchestration/', 'Orchestration', NULL, NULL, 'Explore details about all orchestration', NULL), ('prime', '/orchestration', 99, '/orchestration/info-schema.sql', '/orchestration/info-schema.sql', 'Orchestration Tables and Views', NULL, NULL, 'Information Schema documentation for orchestrated objects', NULL) ON CONFLICT (namespace, parent_path, path) DO UPDATE SET title = EXCLUDED.title, abbreviated_caption = EXCLUDED.abbreviated_caption, description = EXCLUDED.description, url = EXCLUDED.url, sibling_order = EXCLUDED.sibling_order; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_session_by_device; CREATE VIEW orchestration_session_by_device AS SELECT d.device_id, d.name AS device_name, COUNT(*) AS session_count FROM orchestration_session os JOIN device d ON os.device_id = d.device_id GROUP BY d.device_id, d.name; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_session_duration; CREATE VIEW orchestration_session_duration AS SELECT os.orchestration_session_id, onature.nature AS orchestration_nature, os.orch_started_at, os.orch_finished_at, (JULIANDAY(os.orch_finished_at) - JULIANDAY(os.orch_started_at)) * 24 * 60 * 60 AS duration_seconds FROM orchestration_session os JOIN orchestration_nature onature ON os.orchestration_nature_id = onature.orchestration_nature_id WHERE os.orch_finished_at IS NOT NULL; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_success_rate; CREATE VIEW orchestration_success_rate AS SELECT onature.nature AS orchestration_nature, COUNT(*) AS total_sessions, SUM(CASE WHEN oss.to_state = 'surveilr_orch_completed' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS successful_sessions, (CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN oss.to_state = 'surveilr_orch_completed' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS FLOAT) / COUNT(*)) * 100 AS success_rate FROM orchestration_session os JOIN orchestration_nature onature ON os.orchestration_nature_id = onature.orchestration_nature_id JOIN orchestration_session_state oss ON os.orchestration_session_id = oss.session_id WHERE oss.to_state IN ('surveilr_orch_completed', 'surveilr_orch_failed') -- Consider other terminal states if applicable GROUP BY onature.nature; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_session_script; CREATE VIEW orchestration_session_script AS SELECT os.orchestration_session_id, onature.nature AS orchestration_nature, COUNT(*) AS script_count FROM orchestration_session os JOIN orchestration_nature onature ON os.orchestration_nature_id = onature.orchestration_nature_id JOIN orchestration_session_entry ose ON os.orchestration_session_id = ose.session_id GROUP BY os.orchestration_session_id, onature.nature; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_executions_by_type; CREATE VIEW orchestration_executions_by_type AS SELECT exec_nature, COUNT(*) AS execution_count FROM orchestration_session_exec GROUP BY exec_nature; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_execution_success_rate_by_type; CREATE VIEW orchestration_execution_success_rate_by_type AS SELECT exec_nature, COUNT(*) AS total_executions, SUM(CASE WHEN exec_status = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS successful_executions, (CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN exec_status = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS FLOAT) / COUNT(*)) * 100 AS success_rate FROM orchestration_session_exec GROUP BY exec_nature; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_session_summary; CREATE VIEW orchestration_session_summary AS SELECT issue_type, COUNT(*) AS issue_count FROM orchestration_session_issue GROUP BY issue_type; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_issue_remediation; CREATE VIEW orchestration_issue_remediation AS SELECT orchestration_session_issue_id, issue_type, issue_message, remediation FROM orchestration_session_issue WHERE remediation IS NOT NULL; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_logs_by_session; CREATE VIEW orchestration_logs_by_session AS SELECT os.orchestration_session_id, onature.nature AS orchestration_nature, osl.category, COUNT(*) AS log_count FROM orchestration_session os JOIN orchestration_nature onature ON os.orchestration_nature_id = onature.orchestration_nature_id JOIN orchestration_session_exec ose ON os.orchestration_session_id = ose.session_id JOIN orchestration_session_log osl ON ose.orchestration_session_exec_id = osl.parent_exec_id GROUP BY os.orchestration_session_id, onature.nature, osl.category; -- delete all /ip-related entries and recreate them in case routes are changed DELETE FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE path like '/opsfolio/infra/assurance%'; INSERT INTO sqlpage_aide_navigation (namespace, parent_path, sibling_order, path, url, caption, abbreviated_caption, title, description,elaboration) VALUES ('prime', '/', 1, '/opsfolio', '/opsfolio/', 'Opsfolio', NULL, NULL, 'Opsfolio', NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 2, '/opsfolio/infra/assurance', '/opsfolio/infra/assurance/', 'Infrastructure Assurance', NULL, NULL, 'The Infra Assurance focuses on managing and overseeing assets and portfolios within an organization. This project provides tools and processes to ensure the integrity, availability, and effectiveness of assets and portfolios, supporting comprehensive assurance and compliance efforts.', NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 3, '/opsfolio/infra/assurance/boundary_list.sql', '/opsfolio/infra/assurance/boundary_list.sql', 'Boundary List', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 4, '/opsfolio/infra/assurance/assurance_detail.sql', '/opsfolio/infra/assurance/assurance_detail.sql', 'Infra Assurance Detail', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 4, '/opsfolio/infra/assurance/security_incidents.sql', '/opsfolio/infra/assurance/security_incidents.sql', 'Security Incidents', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 4, '/opsfolio/infra/assurance/security_impact_analysis.sql', '/opsfolio/infra/assurance/security_impact_analysis.sql', 'Security Impact Analysis', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) ON CONFLICT (namespace, parent_path, path) DO UPDATE SET title = EXCLUDED.title, abbreviated_caption = EXCLUDED.abbreviated_caption, description = EXCLUDED.description, url = EXCLUDED.url, sibling_order = EXCLUDED.sibling_order; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'shell/shell.json', '{ "component": "shell", "title": "Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD)", "icon": "database", "layout": "fluid", "fixed_top_menu": true, "link": "/", "menu_item": [ { "link": "/", "title": "Home" } ], "javascript": [ "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/highlight.min.js", "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/sql.min.js", "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/handlebars.min.js", "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/json.min.js" ], "footer": "Resource Surveillance Web UI" };', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'shell/shell.sql', 'SELECT ''shell'' AS component, ''Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD)'' AS title, ''database'' AS icon, ''fluid'' AS layout, true AS fixed_top_menu, ''/'' AS link, ''{"link":"/","title":"Home"}'' AS menu_item, ''https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/highlight.min.js'' AS javascript, ''https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/sql.min.js'' AS javascript, ''https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/handlebars.min.js'' AS javascript, ''https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/json.min.js'' AS javascript, json_object( ''link'', ''/ur'', ''title'', ''Uniform Resource'', ''submenu'', ( SELECT json_group_array( json_object( ''title'', title, ''link'', link, ''description'', description ) ) FROM ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/ur'' ORDER BY sibling_order ) ) ) as menu_item, json_object( ''link'', ''/console'', ''title'', ''Console'', ''submenu'', ( SELECT json_group_array( json_object( ''title'', title, ''link'', link, ''description'', description ) ) FROM ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/console'' ORDER BY sibling_order ) ) ) as menu_item, json_object( ''link'', ''/orchestration'', ''title'', ''Orchestration'', ''submenu'', ( SELECT json_group_array( json_object( ''title'', title, ''link'', link, ''description'', description ) ) FROM ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/orchestration'' ORDER BY sibling_order ) ) ) as menu_item, ''Resource Surveillance Web UI (v'' || sqlpage.version() || '') '' || ''📄 ['' || substr(sqlpage.path(), 2) || ''](/console/sqlpage-files/sqlpage-file.sql?path='' || substr(sqlpage.path(), 2) || '')'' as footer;', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''list'' AS component; SELECT caption as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/'' ORDER BY sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation WITH console_navigation_cte AS ( SELECT title, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console'' ) SELECT ''list'' AS component, title, description FROM console_navigation_cte; SELECT caption as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/console'' ORDER BY sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/info-schema/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/info-schema'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Tables'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Table'' AS markdown, ''Column Count'' as align_right, ''Content'' as markdown, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''['' || table_name || ''](table.sql?name='' || table_name || '')'' AS "Table", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count", content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md as "Content" FROM console_information_schema_table GROUP BY table_name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Views'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''View'' AS markdown, ''Column Count'' as align_right, ''Content'' as markdown, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''['' || view_name || ''](view.sql?name='' || view_name || '')'' AS "View", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count", content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md as "Content" FROM console_information_schema_view GROUP BY view_name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Migrations'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Table'' AS markdown, ''Column Count'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT from_state, to_state, transition_reason, transitioned_at FROM code_notebook_state ORDER BY transitioned_at; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/info-schema/table.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/info-schema'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; SELECT $name || '' Table'' AS title, ''#'' AS link; SELECT ''title'' AS component, $name AS contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component; SELECT column_name AS "Column", data_type AS "Type", is_primary_key AS "PK", is_not_null AS "Required", default_value AS "Default" FROM console_information_schema_table WHERE table_name = $name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Foreign Keys'' as contents, 2 as level; SELECT ''table'' AS component; SELECT column_name AS "Column Name", foreign_key AS "Foreign Key" FROM console_information_schema_table_col_fkey WHERE table_name = $name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Indexes'' as contents, 2 as level; SELECT ''table'' AS component; SELECT column_name AS "Column Name", index_name AS "Index Name" FROM console_information_schema_table_col_index WHERE table_name = $name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''SQL DDL'' as contents, 2 as level; SELECT ''code'' AS component; SELECT ''sql'' as language, (SELECT sql_ddl FROM console_information_schema_table WHERE table_name = $name) as contents; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/info-schema/view.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/info-schema'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; SELECT $name || '' View'' AS title, ''#'' AS link; SELECT ''title'' AS component, $name AS contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component; SELECT column_name AS "Column", data_type AS "Type" FROM console_information_schema_view WHERE view_name = $name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''SQL DDL'' as contents, 2 as level; SELECT ''code'' AS component; SELECT ''sql'' as language, (SELECT sql_ddl FROM console_information_schema_view WHERE view_name = $name) as contents; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/sqlpage-files/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/sqlpage-files'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''SQLPage pages in sqlpage_files table'' AS contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Path'' as markdown, ''Size'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''[🚀](/'' || path || '') [📄 '' || path || ''](sqlpage-file.sql?path='' || path || '')'' AS "Path", LENGTH(contents) as "Size", last_modified FROM sqlpage_files ORDER BY path; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/sqlpage-files/sqlpage-file.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/sqlpage-files'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; SELECT $path || '' Path'' AS title, ''#'' AS link; SELECT ''title'' AS component, $path AS contents; SELECT ''text'' AS component, ''```sql '' || (select contents FROM sqlpage_files where path = $path) || '' ```'' as contents_md; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/sqlpage-files/content.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/sqlpage-files/content.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''SQLPage pages generated from tables and views'' AS contents; SELECT ''text'' AS component, '' - `*.auto.sql` pages are auto-generated "default" content pages for each table and view defined in the database. - The `*.sql` companions may be auto-generated redirects to their `*.auto.sql` pair or an app/service might override the `*.sql` to not redirect and supply custom content for any table or view. - [View regenerate-auto.sql](/console/sqlpage-files/sqlpage-file.sql?path=console/content/action/regenerate-auto.sql) '' AS contents_md; SELECT ''button'' AS component, ''center'' AS justify; SELECT ''/console/content/action/regenerate-auto.sql'' AS link, ''info'' AS color, ''Regenerate all "default" table/view content pages'' AS title; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Redirected or overriden content pages'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Path'' as markdown, ''Size'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''[🚀](/'' || path || '') [📄 '' || path || ''](sqlpage-file.sql?path='' || path || '')'' AS "Path", LENGTH(contents) as "Size", last_modified FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/%'' AND NOT(path like ''console/content/%.auto.sql'') AND NOT(path like ''console/content/action%'') ORDER BY path; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Auto-generated "default" content pages'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Path'' as markdown, ''Size'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''[🚀](/'' || path || '') [📄 '' || path || ''](sqlpage-file.sql?path='' || path || '')'' AS "Path", LENGTH(contents) as "Size", last_modified FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/%.auto.sql'' ORDER BY path; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/content/action/regenerate-auto.sql', ' -- code provenance: `ConsoleSqlPages.infoSchemaContentDML` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/web-ui-content/console.ts) -- the "auto-generated" tables will be in ''*.auto.sql'' with redirects DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/table/%.auto.sql''; DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/view/%.auto.sql''; INSERT OR REPLACE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT ''console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql'', ''SELECT ''''dynamic'''' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''''shell/shell.sql'''') AS properties; SELECT ''''breadcrumb'''' AS component; SELECT ''''Home'''' as title, ''''/'''' AS link; SELECT ''''Console'''' as title, ''''/console'''' AS link; SELECT ''''Content'''' as title, ''''/console/content'''' AS link; SELECT '''''' || tabular_name || '' '' || tabular_nature || '''''' as title, ''''#'''' AS link; SELECT ''''title'''' AS component, '''''' || tabular_name || '' ('' || tabular_nature || '') Content'''' as contents; SET total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '' || tabular_name || ''); SET limit = COALESCE($limit, 50); SET offset = COALESCE($offset, 0); SET total_pages = ($total_rows + $limit - 1) / $limit; SET current_page = ($offset / $limit) + 1; SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, '''''' || info_schema_link_full_md || '''''' AS contents_md SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, ''''- Start Row: '''' || $offset || '''' '''' || ''''- Rows per Page: '''' || $limit || '''' '''' || ''''- Total Rows: '''' || $total_rows || '''' '''' || ''''- Current Page: '''' || $current_page || '''' '''' || ''''- Total Pages: '''' || $total_pages as contents_md WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL; -- Display uniform_resource table with pagination SELECT ''''table'''' AS component, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search, TRUE AS hover, TRUE AS striped_rows, TRUE AS small; SELECT * FROM '' || tabular_name || '' LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset; SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page > 1 THEN ''''[Previous](?limit='''' || $limit || ''''&offset='''' || ($offset - $limit) || '''')'''' ELSE '''''''' END) || '''' '''' || ''''(Page '''' || $current_page || '''' of '''' || $total_pages || '''') '''' || (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page < $total_pages THEN ''''[Next](?limit='''' || $limit || ''''&offset='''' || ($offset + $limit) || '''')'''' ELSE '''''''' END) AS contents_md;'' FROM console_content_tabular; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT ''console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.sql'', ''SELECT ''''redirect'''' AS component, ''''/console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql'''' AS link WHERE $stats IS NULL; '' || ''SELECT ''''redirect'''' AS component, ''''/console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql?stats='''' || $stats AS link WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL;'' FROM console_content_tabular; -- TODO: add ${this.upsertNavSQL(...)} if we want each of the above to be navigable through DB rows -- code provenance: `ConsoleSqlPages.console/content/action/regenerate-auto.sql` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/web-ui-content/console.ts) SELECT ''redirect'' AS component, ''/console/sqlpage-files/content.sql'' as link WHERE $redirect is NULL; SELECT ''redirect'' AS component, $redirect as link WHERE $redirect is NOT NULL;', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/sqlpage-nav/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/sqlpage-nav'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''SQLPage navigation in sqlpage_aide_navigation table'' AS contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT path, caption, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation ORDER BY namespace, parent_path, path, sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/notebooks/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/notebooks'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Code Notebooks'' AS contents; SELECT ''table'' as component, ''Cell'' as markdown, 1 as search, 1 as sort; SELECT c.notebook_name, ''['' || c.cell_name || ''](notebook-cell.sql?notebook='' || replace(c.notebook_name, '' '', ''%20'') || ''&cell='' || replace(c.cell_name, '' '', ''%20'') || '')'' as Cell, c.description, k.kernel_name as kernel FROM code_notebook_kernel k, code_notebook_cell c WHERE k.code_notebook_kernel_id = c.notebook_kernel_id; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/notebooks/notebook-cell.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/notebooks'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; SELECT ''Notebook '' || $notebook || '' Cell'' || $cell AS title, ''#'' AS link; SELECT ''code'' as component; SELECT $notebook || ''.'' || $cell || '' ('' || k.kernel_name ||'')'' as title, COALESCE(c.cell_governance -> ''$.language'', ''sql'') as language, c.interpretable_code as contents FROM code_notebook_kernel k, code_notebook_cell c WHERE c.notebook_name = $notebook AND c.cell_name = $cell AND k.code_notebook_kernel_id = c.notebook_kernel_id; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'ur/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/ur'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation WITH navigation_cte AS ( SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) as title, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/ur'' ) SELECT ''list'' AS component, title, description FROM navigation_cte; SELECT caption as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/ur'' ORDER BY sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'ur/info-schema.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/ur/info-schema.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Uniform Resource Tables and Views'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Name'' AS markdown, ''Column Count'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''Table'' as "Type", ''['' || table_name || ''](/console/info-schema/table.sql?name='' || table_name || '')'' AS "Name", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count" FROM console_information_schema_table WHERE table_name = ''uniform_resource'' OR table_name like ''ur_%'' GROUP BY table_name UNION ALL SELECT ''View'' as "Type", ''['' || view_name || ''](/console/info-schema/view.sql?name='' || view_name || '')'' AS "Name", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count" FROM console_information_schema_view WHERE view_name like ''ur_%'' GROUP BY view_name; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'ur/uniform-resource-files.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, (SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/ur/uniform-resource-files.sql'') as contents; ; -- sets up $limit, $offset, and other variables (use pagination.debugVars() to see values in web-ui) SET total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM uniform_resource_file); SET limit = COALESCE($limit, 50); SET offset = COALESCE($offset, 0); SET total_pages = ($total_rows + $limit - 1) / $limit; SET current_page = ($offset / $limit) + 1; -- Display uniform_resource table with pagination SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Uniform Resources'' AS title, "Size (bytes)" as align_right, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search, TRUE AS hover, TRUE AS striped_rows, TRUE AS small; SELECT * FROM uniform_resource_file ORDER BY uniform_resource_id LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset; SELECT ''text'' AS component, (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page > 1 THEN ''[Previous](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset - $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) || '' '' || ''(Page '' || $current_page || '' of '' || $total_pages || ") " || (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page < $total_pages THEN ''[Next](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset + $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) AS contents_md; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'orchestration/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/orchestration'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation WITH navigation_cte AS ( SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) as title, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/orchestration'' ) SELECT ''list'' AS component, title, description FROM navigation_cte; SELECT caption as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/orchestration'' ORDER BY sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'orchestration/info-schema.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/orchestration/info-schema.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Orchestration Tables and Views'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Name'' AS markdown, ''Column Count'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''Table'' as "Type", ''['' || table_name || ''](/console/info-schema/table.sql?name='' || table_name || '')'' AS "Name", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count" FROM console_information_schema_table WHERE table_name = ''orchestration_session'' OR table_name like ''orchestration_%'' GROUP BY table_name UNION ALL SELECT ''View'' as "Type", ''['' || view_name || ''](/console/info-schema/view.sql?name='' || view_name || '')'' AS "Name", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count" FROM console_information_schema_view WHERE view_name like ''orchestration_%'' GROUP BY view_name; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation select ''card'' as component, 3 as columns; SELECT caption as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/opsfolio'' AND sibling_order = 2 ORDER BY sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/infra/assurance/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/infra/assurance'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''card'' as component, 3 as columns; SELECT name AS title, ''/opsfolio/infra/assurance/boundary_list.sql?boundary='' || name || '''' as link, ''Assets '' || (SELECT count(boundary) FROM server_data WHERE boundary = border_boundary.name) AS footer_md FROM border_boundary; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/infra/assurance/boundary_list.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/infra/assurance/boundary_list.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation select ''title'' as component, $boundary as contents; select ''card'' as component, 3 as columns; select server as title, ''Assets '' || count(server) AS footer_md FROM asset_service_view WHERE boundary = $boundary::TEXT GROUP BY server; SELECT ''table'' AS component, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search, TRUE as hover, TRUE as striped_rows, ''Name'' as markdown; SELECT ''['' || name || ''](/opsfolio/infra/assurance/assurance_detail.sql?name='' || name || '')'' AS "Name", server as Server, asset_type as "Asset Type", boundary as Boundary, description as Description, port as Port, experimental_version as "Experimental Version", production_version as "Production Version", latest_vendor_version as "Latest Vendor Version", resource_utilization as "Resource Utilization", log_file as "Log File", vendor_link as "Vendor Link", installation_date as "Installation Date", criticality as Criticality, owner as Owner, asset_criticality as "Asset Criticality", asymmetric_keys as "Asymmetric Keys", cryptographic_key as "Cryptographic Key", symmetric_keys as "Symmetric Keys", status as Status FROM server_data WHERE boundary=$boundary::TEXT; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/infra/assurance/assurance_detail.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/infra/assurance/assurance_detail.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' as component, $name as contents; SELECT ''tab'' as component, TRUE as center; select ''tab'' as component; select $name as title, ''?name='' || $name as link, TRUE as active; select ''Security Incidents'' as title, ''security_incidents.sql?server='' || (SELECT server FROM server_data WHERE name=$name::TEXT) || ''&name='' || $name as link; select ''Security Impact Analysis'' as title, ''security_impact_analysis.sql?server='' || $server as link; select ''html'' as component; select ''

'' as html FROM server_data WHERE name=$name::TEXT; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/infra/assurance/security_incidents.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/infra/assurance/security_incidents.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' as component, $name as contents; select ''tab'' as component; select $name as title, ''assurance_detail.sql?name='' || $name as link; select ''Security Incidents'' as title, ''security_incidents.sql?name='' || $name || ''&'' || ''server='' || $server as link, TRUE as active; select ''Security Impact Analysis'' as title, ''security_impact_analysis.sql?name='' || $name || ''&'' || ''server='' || $server as link; SELECT ''table'' AS component; SELECT incident, incident_date as "Incident Date", asset_name as "Asset Name", category,severity,priority,internal_or_external as "internal or external",location,it_service_impacted as "it service impacted", impacted_modules as "impacted modules", impacted_dept as "impacted dept", reported_by as "reported by", reported_to as "reported to", brief_description as "brief description",detailed_description as "detailed description", assigned_to as "assigned to", assigned_to as "assigned to", assigned_date as "assigned date", investigation_details as "investigation details",containment_details as "containment details", eradication_details as "eradication details", business_impact as "business impact", lessons_learned as "lessons learned",Status, closed_date as "closed date", feedback_from_business as "feedback from business", reported_to_regulatory as "reported to regulatory",report_date as "report date", report_time as "report time", root_cause_of_the_issue as "root cause of the issue", probability_of_issue as "probability of issue", testing_for_possible_root_cause_analysis as "testing for possible root cause analysis",solution, likelihood_of_risk as "likelihood of risk",modification_of_the_reported_issue as "modification of the reported issue",testing_for_modified_issue as "testing for modified issue", test_results as "test results" FROM security_incident_response_view AS s JOIN asset_service_view AS a ON s.asset_name = a.server WHERE s.asset_name = $server::TEXT; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/infra/assurance/security_impact_analysis.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/infra/assurance/security_impact_analysis.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' as component, $name as contents; select ''tab'' as component; select $name as title, ''assurance_detail.sql?name='' || $name as link; select ''Security Incidents'' as title, ''security_incidents.sql?name='' || $name || ''&'' || ''server='' || $server as link; select ''Security Impact Analysis'' as title, ''security_impact_analysis.sql?name='' || $name || ''&'' || ''server='' || $server as link, TRUE as active; SELECT ''table'' AS component; SELECT vulnerability, security_risk as "security risk", security_threat as "security threat",impact_of_risk as "impact of risk", proposed_controls as "proposed controls", impact_level as "impact level", risk_level as "risk level", existing_controls as "existing controls", reported_date as "reported date", reported_by as "reported by", responsible_by as "responsible by" FROM security_impact_analysis_view AS s JOIN asset_service_view AS a ON s.security_risk = a.server WHERE s.security_risk = $server::TEXT; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; -- code provenance: `TypicalSqlPageNotebook.commonDDL` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/notebook/sqlpage.ts) -- idempotently create location where SQLPage looks for its content CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "sqlpage_files" ( "path" VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "contents" TEXT NOT NULL, "last_modified" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ); -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Script to prepare convenience views to access uniform_resource.content column -- as CCDA content, ensuring only valid JSON is processed. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TODO: will this help performance? -- CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_resource_type ON uniform_resource ((content ->> '$.resourceType')); -- CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_bundle_entry ON uniform_resource ((json_type(content -> '$.entry'))); -- CCDA Discovery and Enumeration Views -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Summary of the uniform_resource table -- Provides a count of total rows, valid JSON rows, invalid JSON rows, -- and potential CCDA v4 candidates and bundles based on JSON structure. DROP VIEW IF EXISTS uniform_resource_summary; CREATE VIEW uniform_resource_summary AS SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_rows, SUM(CASE WHEN json_valid(content) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS valid_json_rows, SUM(CASE WHEN json_valid(content) THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) AS invalid_json_rows, SUM(CASE WHEN json_valid(content) AND content ->> '$.resourceType' IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS ccda_v4_candidates, SUM(CASE WHEN json_valid(content) AND json_type(content -> '$.entry') = 'array' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS ccda_v4_bundle_candidates FROM uniform_resource; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS tenant_based_control_regime; CREATE VIEW tenant_based_control_regime AS SELECT tcr.control_regime_id, tcr.tenant_id, cr.name, cr.parent_id, cr.description, cr.logo_url, cr.status, cr.created_at, cr.updated_at FROM tenant_control_regime tcr JOIN control_regime cr on cr.control_regime_id = tcr.control_regime_id; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS audit_session_control; CREATE VIEW audit_session_control AS SELECT c.control_group_id, c.control_id, c.question, c.display_order, c.control_code, ac.audit_control_id, ac.control_audit_status AS status, ac.audit_session_id FROM audit_control ac JOIN control c ON c.control_id = ac.control_id; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS audit_session_list; CREATE VIEW audit_session_list AS SELECT a.audit_session_id, a.control_regime_id as audit_type_id, a.title, a.due_date, a.tenant_id, a.created_at, a.updated_at, a.contact_person as contact_person_id, a.status, a.deleted_at, a.deleted_by, cr.logo_url, cr.name as audit_type, cr.parent_id as control_regime_id, cr2.name as control_regime_name, p.party_name AS tenant_name, p2.party_name AS contact_person, (CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN ac.control_audit_status = 'Accepted by External Auditor' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS FLOAT) / COUNT(ac.audit_control_id)) * 100 AS percentage_of_completion FROM audit_session a JOIN control_regime cr ON cr.control_regime_id = a.control_regime_id JOIN control_regime cr2 on cr2.control_regime_id = cr.parent_id JOIN party p ON p.party_id = a.tenant_id JOIN party p2 ON p2.party_id = a.contact_person JOIN audit_control ac ON ac.audit_session_id = a.audit_session_id GROUP BY a.audit_session_id, a.control_regime_id, a.title, a.due_date, a.tenant_id, a.created_at, a.updated_at, a.deleted_at, a.deleted_by, cr.logo_url, cr.parent_id, cr2.name, cr.name, p.party_name; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS query_result; CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS query_result AS WITH RECURSIVE extract_blocks AS ( SELECT uniform_resource_id, uri, device_id, content_digest, nature, size_bytes, last_modified_at, created_at, updated_at, substr(content, instr(content, '', '') - instr(content, '')) AS query_content, substr(content, instr(content, '') + length('')) AS remaining_content FROM uniform_resource WHERE content LIKE '%', '') - instr(remaining_content, '')) AS query_content, substr(remaining_content, instr(remaining_content, '') + length('')) AS remaining_content FROM extract_blocks WHERE remaining_content LIKE '% 0 THEN SUBSTR(query_content, INSTR(query_content, '{\`') + LENGTH('{\`'), INSTR(SUBSTR(query_content, INSTR(query_content, '{\`') + LENGTH('{\`')), '\`}') - LENGTH('\`') - 1 ) ELSE NULL END AS query_content, CASE WHEN INSTR(query_content, 'satisfies="') > 0 THEN SUBSTR(query_content, INSTR(query_content, 'satisfies="') + LENGTH('satisfies="'), INSTR(SUBSTR(query_content, INSTR(query_content, 'satisfies="') + LENGTH('satisfies="')), '"') - 1 ) ELSE NULL END AS satisfies FROM query_result ), split_satisfies AS ( SELECT uniform_resource_id, uri, device_id, content_digest, nature, size_bytes, last_modified_at, created_at, updated_at, title, grid_style, connection, language, query_content, TRIM(json_each.value) AS fii, hex(substr(title, 1, 50)) AS short_title_hex, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY uniform_resource_id, title ORDER BY uniform_resource_id, title) AS row_num FROM extracted_data, json_each('["' || REPLACE(satisfies, ', ', '","') || '"]') ) SELECT uniform_resource_id, uri, device_id, content_digest, nature, size_bytes, last_modified_at, created_at, updated_at, title, grid_style, connection, language, query_content, fii, uniform_resource_id || '-' || short_title_hex || '-0001-' || printf('%04d', row_num) AS evidence_id FROM split_satisfies; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS audit_session_control_group; CREATE VIEW audit_session_control_group AS SELECT cg.control_group_id, cg.title AS control_group_name, cg.display_order, a.audit_session_id FROM control_group cg JOIN control c ON c.control_group_id = cg.control_group_id JOIN audit_control ac ON ac.control_id = c.control_id JOIN audit_session a ON a.audit_session_id = ac.audit_session_id GROUP BY cg.control_group_id, cg.title, a.audit_session_id; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS audit_control_evidence; CREATE VIEW audit_control_evidence AS SELECT acpe.audit_control_id, acpe.status AS evidence_status, p.policy_id, p.uri, p.title, p.description, p.fii, e.evidence_id, e.evidence, e.title AS evidence_title, e.type AS evidence_type FROM audit_control_policy_evidence acpe JOIN audit_control ac ON ac.audit_control_id = acpe.audit_control_id JOIN control c ON c.control_id = ac.control_id JOIN policy p ON p.policy_id = acpe.policy_id AND ( REPLACE(c.fii, ' ', '') = p.fii OR ',' || REPLACE(c.fii, ' ', '') || ',' LIKE '%,' || p.fii || ',%' ) LEFT JOIN evidence e ON e.evidence_id = acpe.evidence_id; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS policy; CREATE VIEW policy AS WITH rankedpolicies AS (SELECT u.uniform_resource_id || '-' || u.device_id AS policy_id, u.uniform_resource_id, u.device_id, u.uri, u.content_digest, u.nature, u.size_bytes, u.last_modified_at, Json_extract(u.frontmatter, '$.title') AS title, Json_extract(u.frontmatter, '$.description') AS description, Json_extract(u.frontmatter, '$.publishDate') AS publishDate, Json_extract(u.frontmatter, '$.publishBy') AS publishBy, Json_extract(u.frontmatter, '$.classification') AS classification, Json_extract(u.frontmatter, '$.documentVersion') AS documentVersion, Json_extract(u.frontmatter, '$.documentType') AS documentType, Json_extract(u.frontmatter, '$.approvedBy') AS approvedBy, json_each.value AS fii, u.created_at, u.updated_at, Row_number() OVER (partition BY u.uri, json_each.value ORDER BY u.last_modified_at DESC) AS rn FROM uniform_resource u, Json_each(Json_extract(u.frontmatter, '$.satisfies')) WHERE u.nature = 'md' OR u.nature = 'mdx') SELECT policy_id,uniform_resource_id, device_id, uri, content_digest, nature, size_bytes, last_modified_at, title, description, publishdate, publishby, classification, documentversion, documenttype, approvedby, fii, created_at, updated_at FROM rankedpolicies WHERE rn = 1; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS evidence; CREATE VIEW evidence AS SELECT eqr.evidence_id, eqr.uniform_resource_id, eqr.uri, eqr.title, eqr.query_content AS evidence, eqr.fii, 'Query Result' AS type FROM evidence_query_result eqr UNION ALL SELECT ea.evidence_id, ea.uniform_resource_id, ea.uri, ea.title, ea.extracted AS evidence, ea.fii, 'Anchor Tag' AS type FROM evidence_anchortag ea UNION ALL SELECT ei.evidence_id, ei.uniform_resource_id, ei.uri, ei.title, ei.extracted AS evidence, ei.fii, 'Image Tag' AS type FROM evidence_imagetag ei UNION ALL SELECT ec.evidence_id, ec.uniform_resource_id, ec.uri, ec.title, ec.extracted AS evidence, ec.fii, 'Evidence Tag' AS type FROM evidence_customtag ec UNION ALL SELECT eer.evidence_id, eer.uniform_resource_id, eer.uri, eer.title, eer.extracted AS evidence, eer.fii, 'EvidenceResult' AS type FROM evidence_evidenceresult eer; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS evidence_evidenceresult; CREATE VIEW evidence_evidenceresult AS WITH RECURSIVE CTE AS ( SELECT frontmatter->>'title' AS title, uri, nature, device_id, content_digest, content, INSTR(content, '') AS evidence_result_end, SUBSTR(content, INSTR(content, '') - INSTR(content, '')) AS extracted, SUBSTR(content, INSTR(content, '') + LENGTH('')) AS remaining_content, last_modified_at, created_at, uniform_resource_id FROM uniform_resource WHERE INSTR(content, ' 0 AND (nature='mdx' OR nature='md') UNION ALL SELECT title, uri, nature, device_id, content_digest, content, INSTR(remaining_content, '') AS evidence_result_end, SUBSTR(remaining_content, INSTR(remaining_content, '') - INSTR(remaining_content, '')) AS extracted, SUBSTR(remaining_content, INSTR(remaining_content, '') + LENGTH('')) AS remaining_content, last_modified_at, created_at, uniform_resource_id FROM CTE WHERE INSTR(remaining_content, ' 0 AND INSTR(remaining_content, '') > INSTR(remaining_content, ' 0 THEN INSTR(SUBSTR(extracted, INSTR(extracted, 'satisfies="') + LENGTH('satisfies="')), ',') - 1 ELSE INSTR(SUBSTR(extracted, INSTR(extracted, 'satisfies="') + LENGTH('satisfies="')), '"') - 1 END ) AS satisfies, SUBSTR( extracted, INSTR(extracted, 'satisfies="') + LENGTH('satisfies="') + CASE WHEN INSTR(SUBSTR(extracted, INSTR(extracted, 'satisfies="') + LENGTH('satisfies="')), ',') > 0 THEN INSTR(SUBSTR(extracted, INSTR(extracted, 'satisfies="') + LENGTH('satisfies="')), ',') ELSE INSTR(SUBSTR(extracted, INSTR(extracted, 'satisfies="') + LENGTH('satisfies="')), '"') END + 1 ) AS rest_satisfies FROM CTE WHERE INSTR(extracted, 'satisfies="') > 0 UNION ALL SELECT title, uri, nature, device_id, content_digest, content, extracted, last_modified_at, created_at, uniform_resource_id, TRIM(SUBSTR(rest_satisfies, 1, INSTR(rest_satisfies, ',') - 1)) AS satisfies, SUBSTR(rest_satisfies, INSTR(rest_satisfies, ',') + 1) AS rest_satisfies FROM satisfies_split WHERE INSTR(rest_satisfies, ',') > 0 UNION ALL SELECT title, uri, nature, device_id, content_digest, content, extracted, last_modified_at, created_at, uniform_resource_id, TRIM(rest_satisfies) AS satisfies, NULL AS rest_satisfies FROM satisfies_split WHERE INSTR(rest_satisfies, ',') = 0 AND LENGTH(TRIM(rest_satisfies)) > 0 ), latest_entries AS ( SELECT uri, MAX(last_modified_at) AS latest_last_modified_at FROM uniform_resource GROUP BY uri ) SELECT ss.uniform_resource_id, ss.uri, ss.nature, ss.device_id, ss.content_digest, ss.title, ss.content, ss.extracted, CASE WHEN INSTR(satisfies, '"') > 0 THEN SUBSTR(satisfies, 1, INSTR(satisfies, '"') - 1) ELSE satisfies END AS fii, ss.last_modified_at, ss.created_at, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY uniform_resource_id, title ORDER BY uniform_resource_id, title) AS row_num, uniform_resource_id || '-' || hex(substr(title, 1, 50))|| '-0005-' || printf('%04d', ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY uniform_resource_id, title ORDER BY uniform_resource_id, title)) AS evidence_id FROM satisfies_split ss JOIN latest_entries le ON ss.uri = le.uri AND ss.last_modified_at = le.latest_last_modified_at WHERE satisfies IS NOT NULL AND satisfies != '' AND fii LIKE '%FII%' group by fii ORDER BY ss.title, fii; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS evidence_customtag; CREATE VIEW evidence_customtag AS WITH RECURSIVE CTE AS ( -- Base case: Initial extraction SELECT uniform_resource_id, uri, nature, device_id, content_digest, frontmatter->>'title' AS title, content, INSTR(content, '') AS evidence_end, SUBSTR(content, INSTR(content, '') + 1) AS extracted, SUBSTR(content, INSTR(content, '') + 1) AS remaining_content , last_modified_at, created_at FROM uniform_resource WHERE INSTR(content, ' 0 UNION ALL SELECT uniform_resource_id, uri, nature, device_id, content_digest, title, content, INSTR(remaining_content, '') AS evidence_end, SUBSTR(remaining_content, INSTR(remaining_content, '') + 1) AS extracted, SUBSTR(remaining_content, INSTR(remaining_content, '') + 1) AS remaining_content, last_modified_at, created_at FROM CTE WHERE INSTR(remaining_content, ' 0 ), ExtractSatisfies AS ( SELECT uniform_resource_id, uri, nature, device_id, content_digest, title, content, extracted, -- Extract the value of the satisfies attribute TRIM(SUBSTR(extracted, INSTR(extracted, 'satisfies="') + LENGTH('satisfies="'), INSTR(SUBSTR(extracted, INSTR(extracted, 'satisfies="') + LENGTH('satisfies="')), '"') - 1 ) ) AS satisfies_value, last_modified_at, created_at FROM CTE WHERE extracted IS NOT NULL AND INSTR(LOWER(extracted), 'satisfies="') > 0 ), SplitSatisfies AS ( SELECT uniform_resource_id, uri, nature, device_id, content_digest, title, content, extracted, TRIM(SUBSTR(satisfies_value, 1, INSTR(satisfies_value || ',', ',') - 1)) AS satisfy, CASE WHEN INSTR(satisfies_value, ',') > 0 THEN TRIM(SUBSTR(satisfies_value, INSTR(satisfies_value, ',') + 1)) ELSE NULL END AS remaining_satisfies, last_modified_at, created_at FROM ExtractSatisfies WHERE satisfies_value IS NOT NULL AND satisfies_value != '' UNION ALL SELECT uniform_resource_id, uri, nature, device_id, content_digest, title, content, extracted, TRIM(SUBSTR(remaining_satisfies, 1, INSTR(remaining_satisfies || ',', ',') - 1)) AS satisfy, CASE WHEN INSTR(remaining_satisfies, ',') > 0 THEN TRIM(SUBSTR(remaining_satisfies, INSTR(remaining_satisfies, ',') + 1)) ELSE NULL END AS remaining_satisfies, last_modified_at, created_at FROM SplitSatisfies WHERE remaining_satisfies IS NOT NULL AND remaining_satisfies != '' ), latest_entries AS ( SELECT uri, MAX(last_modified_at) AS latest_last_modified_at FROM uniform_resource GROUP BY uri ) SELECT ss.uniform_resource_id, ss.uri, ss.nature, ss.device_id, ss.content_digest, ss.title, ss.content, ss.extracted, satisfy AS fii, ss.last_modified_at, ss.created_at, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY uniform_resource_id, title ORDER BY uniform_resource_id, title) AS row_num, uniform_resource_id || '-' || hex(substr(title, 1, 50))|| '-0004-' || printf('%04d', ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY uniform_resource_id, title ORDER BY uniform_resource_id, title)) AS evidence_id FROM SplitSatisfies ss JOIN latest_entries le ON ss.uri = le.uri AND ss.last_modified_at = le.latest_last_modified_at WHERE satisfy IS NOT NULL AND satisfy != '' group BY fii,ss.title order by ss.title; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS evidence_anchortag; CREATE VIEW evidence_anchortag AS WITH RECURSIVE CTE AS ( SELECT frontmatter->>'title' AS title, uri, nature, device_id, content_digest, content, INSTR(content, '') AS href_end, SUBSTR(content, INSTR(content, '') - INSTR(content, '')) AS extracted, SUBSTR(content, INSTR(content, '') + LENGTH('')) AS remaining_content, last_modified_at, created_at, uniform_resource_id FROM uniform_resource WHERE INSTR(content, ' 0 AND (nature='mdx' OR nature='md') UNION ALL SELECT title, uri, nature, device_id, content_digest, content, INSTR(remaining_content, '') AS href_end, SUBSTR(remaining_content, INSTR(remaining_content, '') - INSTR(remaining_content, '')) AS extracted, SUBSTR(remaining_content, INSTR(remaining_content, '') + LENGTH('')) AS remaining_content, last_modified_at, created_at, uniform_resource_id FROM CTE WHERE INSTR(remaining_content, ' 0 AND INSTR(remaining_content, '') > INSTR(remaining_content, ' 0 THEN INSTR(SUBSTR(extracted, INSTR(extracted, 'satisfies="') + LENGTH('satisfies="')), ',') - 1 ELSE INSTR(SUBSTR(extracted, INSTR(extracted, 'satisfies="') + LENGTH('satisfies="')), '"') - 1 END ) AS satisfies, SUBSTR( extracted, INSTR(extracted, 'satisfies="') + LENGTH('satisfies="') + CASE WHEN INSTR(SUBSTR(extracted, INSTR(extracted, 'satisfies="') + LENGTH('satisfies="')), ',') > 0 THEN INSTR(SUBSTR(extracted, INSTR(extracted, 'satisfies="') + LENGTH('satisfies="')), ',') ELSE INSTR(SUBSTR(extracted, INSTR(extracted, 'satisfies="') + LENGTH('satisfies="')), '"') END + 1 ) AS rest_satisfies FROM CTE WHERE INSTR(extracted, 'satisfies="') > 0 UNION ALL SELECT title, uri, nature, device_id, content_digest, content, extracted, last_modified_at, created_at, uniform_resource_id, TRIM(SUBSTR(rest_satisfies, 1, INSTR(rest_satisfies, ',') - 1)) AS satisfies, SUBSTR(rest_satisfies, INSTR(rest_satisfies, ',') + 1) AS rest_satisfies FROM satisfies_split WHERE INSTR(rest_satisfies, ',') > 0 UNION ALL SELECT title, uri, nature, device_id, content_digest, content, extracted, last_modified_at, created_at, uniform_resource_id, TRIM(rest_satisfies) AS satisfies, NULL AS rest_satisfies FROM satisfies_split WHERE INSTR(rest_satisfies, ',') = 0 AND LENGTH(TRIM(rest_satisfies)) > 0 ), latest_entries AS ( SELECT uri, MAX(last_modified_at) AS latest_last_modified_at FROM uniform_resource GROUP BY uri ) SELECT ss.uniform_resource_id, ss.uri, ss.nature, ss.device_id, ss.content_digest, ss.title, ss.content, ss.extracted, CASE WHEN INSTR(satisfies, '"') > 0 THEN SUBSTR(satisfies, 1, INSTR(satisfies, '"') - 1) ELSE satisfies END AS fii, ss.last_modified_at, ss.created_at, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY uniform_resource_id, title ORDER BY uniform_resource_id, title) AS row_num, uniform_resource_id || '-' || hex(substr(title, 1, 50))|| '-0002-' || printf('%04d', ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY uniform_resource_id, title ORDER BY uniform_resource_id, title)) AS evidence_id FROM satisfies_split ss JOIN latest_entries le ON ss.uri = le.uri AND ss.last_modified_at = le.latest_last_modified_at WHERE satisfies IS NOT NULL AND satisfies != '' AND fii LIKE '%FII%' group by ss.title,fii ORDER BY ss.title, fii; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS evidence_imagetag; CREATE VIEW evidence_imagetag AS WITH RECURSIVE CTE AS ( -- Base case: Initial extraction SELECT uniform_resource_id, uri, nature, device_id, content_digest, frontmatter->>'title' AS title, content, INSTR(content, '') AS imgtag_end, SUBSTR(content, INSTR(content, '') + 1) AS extracted, SUBSTR(content, INSTR(content, '') + 1) AS remaining_content , last_modified_at, created_at FROM uniform_resource WHERE INSTR(content, ' 0 UNION ALL SELECT uniform_resource_id, uri, nature, device_id, content_digest, title, content, INSTR(remaining_content, '') AS imgtag_end, SUBSTR(remaining_content, INSTR(remaining_content, '') + 1) AS extracted, SUBSTR(remaining_content, INSTR(remaining_content, '') + 1) AS remaining_content, last_modified_at, created_at FROM CTE WHERE INSTR(remaining_content, ' 0 ), ExtractSatisfies AS ( SELECT uniform_resource_id, uri, nature, device_id, content_digest, title, content, extracted, -- Extract the value of the satisfies attribute TRIM(SUBSTR(extracted, INSTR(extracted, 'satisfies="') + LENGTH('satisfies="'), INSTR(SUBSTR(extracted, INSTR(extracted, 'satisfies="') + LENGTH('satisfies="')), '"') - 1 ) ) AS satisfies_value, last_modified_at, created_at FROM CTE WHERE extracted IS NOT NULL AND INSTR(LOWER(extracted), 'satisfies="') > 0 ), SplitSatisfies AS ( SELECT uniform_resource_id, uri, nature, device_id, content_digest, title, content, extracted, TRIM(SUBSTR(satisfies_value, 1, INSTR(satisfies_value || ',', ',') - 1)) AS satisfy, CASE WHEN INSTR(satisfies_value, ',') > 0 THEN TRIM(SUBSTR(satisfies_value, INSTR(satisfies_value, ',') + 1)) ELSE NULL END AS remaining_satisfies, last_modified_at, created_at FROM ExtractSatisfies WHERE satisfies_value IS NOT NULL AND satisfies_value != '' UNION ALL SELECT uniform_resource_id, uri, nature, device_id, content_digest, title, content, extracted, TRIM(SUBSTR(remaining_satisfies, 1, INSTR(remaining_satisfies || ',', ',') - 1)) AS satisfy, CASE WHEN INSTR(remaining_satisfies, ',') > 0 THEN TRIM(SUBSTR(remaining_satisfies, INSTR(remaining_satisfies, ',') + 1)) ELSE NULL END AS remaining_satisfies, last_modified_at, created_at FROM SplitSatisfies WHERE remaining_satisfies IS NOT NULL AND remaining_satisfies != '' ), latest_entries AS ( SELECT uri, MAX(last_modified_at) AS latest_last_modified_at FROM uniform_resource GROUP BY uri ) SELECT ss.uniform_resource_id, ss.uri, ss.nature, ss.device_id, ss.content_digest, ss.title, ss.content, ss.extracted, ss.satisfy AS fii, ss.last_modified_at, ss.created_at, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY uniform_resource_id, title ORDER BY uniform_resource_id, title) AS row_num, uniform_resource_id || '-' || hex(substr(title, 1, 50))|| '-0003-' || printf('%04d', ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY uniform_resource_id, title ORDER BY uniform_resource_id, title)) AS evidence_id FROM SplitSatisfies ss JOIN latest_entries le ON ss.uri = le.uri AND ss.last_modified_at = le.latest_last_modified_at WHERE ss.satisfy IS NOT NULL AND ss.satisfy != '' group by fii,ss.title order by ss.title; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS audit_session_control_status; CREATE VIEW audit_session_control_status AS SELECT a.audit_session_id, a.title, a.contact_person, a.audit_type, a.due_date, a.created_at, a.updated_at, a.tenant_id, a.tenant_name, a.control_regime_id, a.control_regime_name, Json_group_array( Json_object( 'control_group_id', cg.control_group_id, 'control_group_name', cg.control_group_name, 'display_order', cg.display_order, 'controls', ( SELECT Json_group_array( Json_object( 'id', c.audit_control_id, 'control_id', c.control_id, 'order', c.display_order, 'question', c.question, 'status', c.status, 'control_code',ct.control_code, 'fii', ct.fii, 'policy', ( WITH EvidenceGrouped AS ( SELECT policy_id, uri, title, description, fii, json_group_array( json_object( 'evidenceId', evidence_id, 'evidence', evidence, 'title', evidence_title, 'type', evidence_type, 'status', evidence_status ) ) FILTER (WHERE evidence_id IS NOT NULL) AS evidence FROM audit_control_evidence WHERE audit_control_id = c.audit_control_id GROUP BY policy_id, uri, title, description, fii ) SELECT json_group_array( json_object( 'policyId', policy_id, 'uri', uri, 'title', title, 'description', description, 'fii', fii, 'evidence', COALESCE(json(evidence), json('[]')) ) ) AS policy_json FROM EvidenceGrouped ) ) ) FROM audit_session_control c JOIN control ct ON ct.control_id = c.control_id WHERE c.control_group_id = cg.control_group_id AND c.audit_session_id = a.audit_session_id ) ) ) AS audit_control FROM audit_session_info a JOIN audit_session_control_group cg ON cg.audit_session_id = a.audit_session_id GROUP BY a.audit_session_id ORDER BY cg.display_order ASC; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS control_group; CREATE VIEW control_group AS SELECT cast("#" as int) as display_order, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY "Common Criteria") || '-' || (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='SOC2 Type I' AND parent_id!="") AS control_group_id, "Common Criteria" AS title, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='SOC2 Type I' AND parent_id!="") AS audit_type_id, NULL AS parent_id FROM uniform_resource_aicpa_soc2_controls GROUP BY "Common Criteria" UNION ALL SELECT cast("#" as int) as display_order, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY "Common Criteria") || '-' || (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='SOC2 Type II' AND parent_id!="") AS control_group_id, "Common Criteria" AS title, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='SOC2 Type II' AND parent_id!="") AS audit_type_id, NULL AS parent_id FROM uniform_resource_aicpa_soc2_type2_controls GROUP BY "Common Criteria" UNION ALL SELECT cast("#" as int) as display_order, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY "Common Criteria") || '-' || (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='HIPAA' AND parent_id!="") AS control_group_id, "Common Criteria" AS title, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='HIPAA' AND parent_id!="") AS audit_type_id, NULL AS parent_id FROM uniform_resource_hipaa_security_rule_safeguards GROUP BY "Common Criteria" UNION ALL SELECT cast("#" as int) as display_order, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY "Common Criteria") || '-' || (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='HiTRUST e1 Assessment' AND parent_id!="") AS control_group_id, "Common Criteria" AS title, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='HiTRUST e1 Assessment' AND parent_id!="") AS audit_type_id, NULL AS parent_id FROM uniform_resource_hitrust_e1_assessment GROUP BY "Common Criteria" UNION ALL SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM uniform_resource_scf_2024_2 AS sub WHERE sub.ROWID <= cntl.ROWID AND sub."US CMMC 2.0 Level 1" != "") AS display_order, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY cntl."SCF Domain") || '-' || (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 1' AND parent_id!="") AS control_group_id, cntl."SCF Domain" AS title, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 1' AND parent_id!="") AS audit_type_id, NULL AS parent_id FROM uniform_resource_scf_2024_2 cntl WHERE cntl."US CMMC 2.0 Level 1" != "" GROUP BY cntl."SCF Domain" UNION ALL SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM uniform_resource_scf_2024_2 AS sub WHERE sub.ROWID <= cntl.ROWID AND sub."US CMMC 2.0 Level 2" != "") AS display_order, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY cntl."SCF Domain") || '-' || (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 2' AND parent_id!="") AS control_group_id, cntl."SCF Domain" AS title, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 2' AND parent_id!="") AS audit_type_id, NULL AS parent_id FROM uniform_resource_scf_2024_2 cntl WHERE cntl."US CMMC 2.0 Level 2" != "" GROUP BY cntl."SCF Domain" UNION ALL SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM uniform_resource_scf_2024_2 AS sub WHERE sub.ROWID <= cntl.ROWID AND sub."US CMMC 2.0 Level 3" != "") AS display_order, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY "SCF Domain") || '-' || (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 3' AND parent_id!="") AS control_group_id, cntl."SCF Domain" AS title, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 3' AND parent_id!="") AS audit_type_id, NULL AS parent_id FROM uniform_resource_scf_2024_2 cntl WHERE cntl."US CMMC 2.0 Level 3" != "" GROUP BY cntl."SCF Domain" UNION ALL SELECT cast("#" as int) as display_order, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY "SCF Domain") || '-' || (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='Together.Health Security Assessment (THSA)' AND parent_id!="") AS control_group_id, "SCF Domain" AS title, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='Together.Health Security Assessment (THSA)' AND parent_id!="") AS audit_type_id, NULL AS parent_id FROM uniform_resource_thsa GROUP BY "SCF Domain" UNION ALL SELECT cast("#" as int) as display_order, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY "Common Criteria") || '-' || (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='Code Quality Infrastructure' AND parent_id!="") AS control_group_id, "Common Criteria" AS title, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='Code Quality Infrastructure' AND parent_id!="") AS audit_type_id, NULL AS parent_id FROM uniform_resource_code_quality_infrastructure GROUP BY "Common Criteria" UNION ALL SELECT cast("#" as int) as display_order, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY "Common Criteria") || '-' || (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='Database Quality Infrastructure' AND parent_id!="") AS control_group_id, "Common Criteria" AS title, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='Database Quality Infrastructure' AND parent_id!="") AS audit_type_id, NULL AS parent_id FROM uniform_resource_database_quality_infrastructure GROUP BY "Common Criteria" UNION ALL SELECT cast("#" as int) as display_order, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY "Common Criteria") || '-' || (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='Scheduled Audit' AND parent_id!="") AS control_group_id, "Common Criteria" AS title, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime WHERE name='Scheduled Audit' AND parent_id!="") AS audit_type_id, NULL AS parent_id FROM uniform_resource_scheduled_audit GROUP BY "Common Criteria"; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS control; CREATE VIEW control AS WITH control_regime_cte AS ( SELECT reg.name as control_regime, reg.control_regime_id as control_regime_id, audit.name as audit_type_name, audit.control_regime_id as audit_type_id FROM control_regime as audit INNER JOIN control_regime as reg ON audit.parent_id = reg.control_regime_id ) SELECT CAST(cntl."#" AS INTEGER) AS display_order, cg.control_group_id, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."Control Identifier", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', '-'), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."FII Id", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', ''), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='SOC2 Type I') AS control_id, cntl."Control Identifier" AS control_identifier, cntl."Control Identifier" AS control_code, cntl."Fii ID" AS fii, cntl."Common Criteria" AS common_criteria, cntl."Name" AS expected_evidence, cntl."Questions Descriptions" AS question, (SELECT control_regime FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='SOC2 Type I') AS control_regime, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='SOC2 Type I') AS control_regime_id, (SELECT audit_type_name FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='SOC2 Type I') AS audit_type, (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='SOC2 Type I') AS audit_type_id FROM uniform_resource_aicpa_soc2_controls cntl INNER JOIN control_group cg ON cg.title=cntl."Common Criteria" WHERE cg.audit_type_id=(SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='SOC2 Type I') UNION ALL SELECT CAST(cntl."#" AS INTEGER) AS display_order, cg.control_group_id, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."Control Identifier", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', '-'), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."FII Id", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', ''), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='SOC2 Type II') as control_id, cntl."Control Identifier" AS control_identifier,"Control Identifier" AS control_code, "Fii ID" AS fii, cntl."Common Criteria" AS common_criteria, cntl."Name" AS expected_evidence, cntl."Questions Descriptions" AS question, (SELECT control_regime FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='SOC2 Type II') AS control_regime, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='SOC2 Type II') AS control_regime_id, (SELECT audit_type_name FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='SOC2 Type II') AS audit_type, (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='SOC2 Type II') AS audit_type_id FROM uniform_resource_aicpa_soc2_type2_controls cntl INNER JOIN control_group cg ON cg.title=cntl."Common Criteria" WHERE cg.audit_type_id=(SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='SOC2 Type II') UNION ALL SELECT CAST(cntl."#" AS INTEGER) AS display_order, cg.control_group_id, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."HIPAA Security Rule Reference", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', '-'), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."FII Id", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', ''), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='HIPAA') as control_id, cntl."HIPAA Security Rule Reference" AS control_identifier, cntl."HIPAA Security Rule Reference" AS control_code, cntl."FII Id" AS fii, cntl."Common Criteria" AS common_criteria, "" AS expected_evidence, cntl.Safeguard AS question, (SELECT control_regime FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='HIPAA') AS control_regime, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='HIPAA') AS control_regime_id, (SELECT audit_type_name FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='HIPAA') AS audit_type, (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='HIPAA') AS audit_type_id FROM uniform_resource_hipaa_security_rule_safeguards cntl INNER JOIN control_group cg ON cg.title=cntl."Common Criteria" WHERE cg.audit_type_id=(SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='HIPAA') UNION ALL SELECT CAST(cntl."#" AS INTEGER) AS display_order, cg.control_group_id, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."Control Identifier", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', '-'), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."Fii ID", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', ''), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='HiTRUST e1 Assessment') as control_id, cntl."Control Identifier" AS control_identifier,"Control Identifier" AS control_code, "Fii ID" AS fii, cntl."Common Criteria" AS common_criteria, cntl."Name" AS expected_evidence, cntl.Description AS question, (SELECT control_regime FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='HiTRUST e1 Assessment') AS control_regime, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='HiTRUST e1 Assessment') AS control_regime_id, (SELECT audit_type_name FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='HiTRUST e1 Assessment') AS audit_type, (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='HiTRUST e1 Assessment') AS audit_type_id FROM uniform_resource_hitrust_e1_assessment cntl INNER JOIN control_group cg ON cg.title=cntl."Common Criteria" WHERE cg.audit_type_id=(SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='HiTRUST e1 Assessment') UNION ALL SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM uniform_resource_scf_2024_2 AS sub WHERE sub.ROWID <= cntl.ROWID AND "US CMMC 2.0 Level 1" != "") AS display_order, cg.control_group_id, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."US CMMC 2.0 Level 1", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', '-'), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."SCF #", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', ''), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 1') as control_id, 'CMMCLEVEL-' || (ROWID) as control_identifier, cntl."US CMMC 2.0 Level 1" AS control_code, cntl."SCF #" AS fii, cntl."SCF Domain" AS common_criteria, "" AS expected_evidence, cntl."SCF Control Question" AS question, (SELECT control_regime FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 1') AS control_regime, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 1') AS control_regime_id, (SELECT audit_type_name FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 1') AS audit_type, (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 1') AS audit_type_id FROM uniform_resource_scf_2024_2 AS cntl INNER JOIN control_group cg ON cg.title=cntl."SCF Domain" WHERE cntl."US CMMC 2.0 Level 1" != "" AND cg.audit_type_id=(SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 1') UNION ALL SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM uniform_resource_scf_2024_2 AS sub WHERE sub.ROWID <= cntl.ROWID AND "US CMMC 2.0 Level 2" != "") AS display_order, cg.control_group_id, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."US CMMC 2.0 Level 2", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', '-'), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."SCF #", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', ''), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 2') as control_id, 'CMMCLEVEL-' || (ROWID) AS control_identifier, cntl."US CMMC 2.0 Level 2" AS control_code, cntl."SCF #" AS fii, cntl."SCF Domain" AS common_criteria, "" AS expected_evidence, cntl."SCF Control Question" AS question, (SELECT control_regime FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 2') AS control_regime, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 2') AS control_regime_id, (SELECT audit_type_name FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 2') AS audit_type, (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 2') AS audit_type_id FROM uniform_resource_scf_2024_2 cntl INNER JOIN control_group cg ON cg.title=cntl."SCF Domain" WHERE "US CMMC 2.0 Level 2" != "" AND cg.audit_type_id=(SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 2') UNION ALL SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM uniform_resource_scf_2024_2 AS sub WHERE sub.ROWID <= cntl.ROWID AND "US CMMC 2.0 Level 3" != "") AS display_order, cg.control_group_id, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."US CMMC 2.0 Level 3", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', '-'), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."SCF #", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', ''), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 3') as control_id, 'CMMCLEVEL-' || (ROWID) AS control_identifier, cntl."US CMMC 2.0 Level 3" AS control_code, cntl."SCF #" AS fii, cntl."SCF Domain" AS common_criteria, "" AS expected_evidence, cntl."SCF Control Question" AS question, (SELECT control_regime FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 3') AS control_regime, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 3') AS control_regime_id, (SELECT audit_type_name FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 3') AS audit_type, (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 3') AS audit_type_id FROM uniform_resource_scf_2024_2 cntl INNER JOIN control_group cg ON cg.title=cntl."SCF Domain" WHERE "US CMMC 2.0 Level 3" != "" AND cg.audit_type_id=(SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='CMMC Model 2.0 LEVEL 3') UNION ALL SELECT CAST(cntl."#" AS INTEGER) AS display_order, cg.control_group_id, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."SCF #", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', '-'), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."SCF #", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', ''), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Together.Health Security Assessment (THSA)') as control_id, cntl."SCF #" AS control_identifier, cntl."SCF #" AS control_code, cntl."SCF #" AS fii, cntl."SCF Domain" AS common_criteria, "" AS expected_evidence, cntl."SCF Control Question" AS question, (SELECT control_regime FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Together.Health Security Assessment (THSA)') AS control_regime, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Together.Health Security Assessment (THSA)') AS control_regime_id, (SELECT audit_type_name FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Together.Health Security Assessment (THSA)') AS audit_type, (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Together.Health Security Assessment (THSA)') AS audit_type_id FROM uniform_resource_thsa cntl INNER JOIN control_group cg ON cg.title=cntl."SCF Domain" WHERE cg.audit_type_id=(SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Together.Health Security Assessment (THSA)') UNION ALL SELECT CAST(cntl."#" AS INTEGER) AS display_order, cg.control_group_id, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."Control Identifier", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', '-'), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."Control Identifier", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', ''), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Code Quality Infrastructure') as control_id, cntl."Control Identifier" AS control_identifier, cntl."Control Identifier" AS control_code, cntl."Control Identifier" AS fii, cntl."Common Criteria" AS common_criteria, cntl."Name" AS expected_evidence, cntl."Questions Descriptions" AS question, (SELECT control_regime FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Code Quality Infrastructure') AS control_regime, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Code Quality Infrastructure') AS control_regime_id, (SELECT audit_type_name FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Code Quality Infrastructure') AS audit_type, (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Code Quality Infrastructure') AS audit_type_id FROM uniform_resource_code_quality_infrastructure cntl INNER JOIN control_group cg ON cg.title=cntl."Common Criteria" WHERE cg.audit_type_id=(SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Code Quality Infrastructure') UNION ALL SELECT CAST(cntl."#" AS INTEGER) AS display_order, cg.control_group_id, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."Control Identifier", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', '-'), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."Control Identifier", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', ''), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Database Quality Infrastructure') as control_id, cntl."Control Identifier" AS control_identifier, cntl."Control Identifier" AS control_code, cntl."Control Identifier" AS fii, cntl."Common Criteria" AS common_criteria, cntl."Name" AS expected_evidence, cntl."Questions Descriptions" AS question, (SELECT control_regime FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Database Quality Infrastructure') AS control_regime, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Database Quality Infrastructure') AS control_regime_id, (SELECT audit_type_name FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Database Quality Infrastructure') AS audit_type, (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Database Quality Infrastructure') AS audit_type_id FROM uniform_resource_database_quality_infrastructure cntl INNER JOIN control_group cg ON cg.title=cntl."Common Criteria" WHERE cg.audit_type_id=(SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Database Quality Infrastructure') UNION ALL SELECT CAST(cntl."#" AS INTEGER) AS display_order, cg.control_group_id, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."Control Identifier", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', '-'), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cntl."Fii ID", ' ', ''), ',', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', ''), '.', ''), CHAR(10), '-'), CHAR(13), '-') || '-' || (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Scheduled Audit') as control_id, cntl."Control Identifier" AS control_identifier, cntl."Control Identifier" AS control_code, cntl."Fii ID" AS fii, cntl."Common Criteria" AS common_criteria, cntl."Name" AS expected_evidence, cntl."Questions Descriptions" AS question, (SELECT control_regime FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Scheduled Audit') AS control_regime, (SELECT control_regime_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Scheduled Audit') AS control_regime_id, (SELECT audit_type_name FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Scheduled Audit') AS audit_type, (SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Scheduled Audit') AS audit_type_id FROM uniform_resource_scheduled_audit cntl INNER JOIN control_group cg ON cg.title=cntl."Common Criteria" WHERE cg.audit_type_id=(SELECT audit_type_id FROM control_regime_cte WHERE audit_type_name='Scheduled Audit'); /* 'orchestrateStatefulIaSQL' in '[object Object]' returned type undefined instead of string | string[] | SQLa.SqlTextSupplier */ -- code provenance: `ConsoleSqlPages.infoSchemaDDL` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/web-ui-content/console.ts) -- console_information_schema_* are convenience views -- to make it easier to work than pragma_table_info. DROP VIEW IF EXISTS console_information_schema_table; CREATE VIEW console_information_schema_table AS SELECT tbl.name AS table_name, col.name AS column_name, col.type AS data_type, CASE WHEN col.pk = 1 THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END AS is_primary_key, CASE WHEN col."notnull" = 1 THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END AS is_not_null, col.dflt_value AS default_value, '/console/info-schema/table.sql?name=' || tbl.name || '&stats=yes' as info_schema_web_ui_path, '[Content](/console/info-schema/table.sql?name=' || tbl.name || '&stats=yes)' as info_schema_link_abbrev_md, '[' || tbl.name || ' (table) Schema](/console/info-schema/table.sql?name=' || tbl.name || '&stats=yes)' as info_schema_link_full_md, '/console/content/table/' || tbl.name || '.sql?stats=yes' as content_web_ui_path, '[Content](/console/content/table/' || tbl.name || '.sql?stats=yes)' as content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md, '[' || tbl.name || ' (table) Content](/console/content/table/' || tbl.name || '.sql?stats=yes)' as content_web_ui_link_full_md, tbl.sql as sql_ddl FROM sqlite_master tbl JOIN pragma_table_info(tbl.name) col WHERE tbl.type = 'table' AND tbl.name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%'; -- Populate the table with view-specific information DROP VIEW IF EXISTS console_information_schema_view; CREATE VIEW console_information_schema_view AS SELECT vw.name AS view_name, col.name AS column_name, col.type AS data_type, '/console/info-schema/view.sql?name=' || vw.name || '&stats=yes' as info_schema_web_ui_path, '[Content](/console/info-schema/view.sql?name=' || vw.name || '&stats=yes)' as info_schema_link_abbrev_md, '[' || vw.name || ' (view) Schema](/console/info-schema/view.sql?name=' || vw.name || '&stats=yes)' as info_schema_link_full_md, '/console/content/view/' || vw.name || '.sql?stats=yes' as content_web_ui_path, '[Content](/console/content/view/' || vw.name || '.sql?stats=yes)' as content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md, '[' || vw.name || ' (view) Content](/console/content/view/' || vw.name || '.sql?stats=yes)' as content_web_ui_link_full_md, vw.sql as sql_ddl FROM sqlite_master vw JOIN pragma_table_info(vw.name) col WHERE vw.type = 'view' AND vw.name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS console_content_tabular; CREATE VIEW console_content_tabular AS SELECT 'table' as tabular_nature, table_name as tabular_name, info_schema_web_ui_path, info_schema_link_abbrev_md, info_schema_link_full_md, content_web_ui_path, content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md, content_web_ui_link_full_md FROM console_information_schema_table UNION ALL SELECT 'view' as tabular_nature, view_name as tabular_name, info_schema_web_ui_path, info_schema_link_abbrev_md, info_schema_link_full_md, content_web_ui_path, content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md, content_web_ui_link_full_md FROM console_information_schema_view; -- Populate the table with table column foreign keys DROP VIEW IF EXISTS console_information_schema_table_col_fkey; CREATE VIEW console_information_schema_table_col_fkey AS SELECT tbl.name AS table_name, f."from" AS column_name, f."from" || ' references ' || f."table" || '.' || f."to" AS foreign_key FROM sqlite_master tbl JOIN pragma_foreign_key_list(tbl.name) f WHERE tbl.type = 'table' AND tbl.name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%'; -- Populate the table with table column indexes DROP VIEW IF EXISTS console_information_schema_table_col_index; CREATE VIEW console_information_schema_table_col_index AS SELECT tbl.name AS table_name, pi.name AS column_name, idx.name AS index_name FROM sqlite_master tbl JOIN pragma_index_list(tbl.name) idx JOIN pragma_index_info(idx.name) pi WHERE tbl.type = 'table' AND tbl.name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%'; -- Drop and create the table for storing navigation entries -- for testing only: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sqlpage_aide_navigation; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sqlpage_aide_navigation ( path TEXT NOT NULL, -- the "primary key" within namespace caption TEXT NOT NULL, -- for human-friendly general-purpose name namespace TEXT NOT NULL, -- if more than one navigation tree is required parent_path TEXT, -- for defining hierarchy sibling_order INTEGER, -- orders children within their parent(s) url TEXT, -- for supplying links, if different from path title TEXT, -- for full titles when elaboration is required, default to caption if NULL abbreviated_caption TEXT, -- for breadcrumbs and other "short" form, default to caption if NULL description TEXT, -- for elaboration or explanation elaboration TEXT, -- optional attributes for e.g. { "target": "__blank" } -- TODO: figure out why Rusqlite does not allow this but sqlite3 does -- CONSTRAINT fk_parent_path FOREIGN KEY (namespace, parent_path) REFERENCES sqlpage_aide_navigation(namespace, path), CONSTRAINT unq_ns_path UNIQUE (namespace, parent_path, path) ); DELETE FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE path LIKE '/console/%'; DELETE FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE path LIKE '/'; -- all @navigation decorated entries are automatically added to this.navigation INSERT INTO sqlpage_aide_navigation (namespace, parent_path, sibling_order, path, url, caption, abbreviated_caption, title, description,elaboration) VALUES ('prime', NULL, 1, '/', '/', 'Home', NULL, 'Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD)', 'Welcome to Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD)', NULL), ('prime', '/', 999, '/console', '/console/', 'RSSD Console', 'Console', 'Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD) Console', 'Explore RSSD information schema, code notebooks, and SQLPage files', NULL), ('prime', '/console', 1, '/console/info-schema', '/console/info-schema/', 'RSSD Information Schema', 'Info Schema', NULL, 'Explore RSSD tables, columns, views, and other information schema documentation', NULL), ('prime', '/console', 3, '/console/sqlpage-files', '/console/sqlpage-files/', 'RSSD SQLPage Files', 'SQLPage Files', NULL, 'Explore RSSD SQLPage Files which govern the content of the web-UI', NULL), ('prime', '/console', 3, '/console/sqlpage-files/content.sql', '/console/sqlpage-files/content.sql', 'RSSD Data Tables Content SQLPage Files', 'Content SQLPage Files', NULL, 'Explore auto-generated RSSD SQLPage Files which display content within tables', NULL), ('prime', '/console', 3, '/console/sqlpage-nav', '/console/sqlpage-nav/', 'RSSD SQLPage Navigation', 'SQLPage Navigation', NULL, 'See all the navigation entries for the web-UI; TODO: need to improve this to be able to get details for each navigation entry as a table', NULL), ('prime', '/console', 2, '/console/notebooks', '/console/notebooks/', 'RSSD Code Notebooks', 'Code Notebooks', NULL, 'Explore RSSD Code Notebooks which contain reusable SQL and other code blocks', NULL) ON CONFLICT (namespace, parent_path, path) DO UPDATE SET title = EXCLUDED.title, abbreviated_caption = EXCLUDED.abbreviated_caption, description = EXCLUDED.description, url = EXCLUDED.url, sibling_order = EXCLUDED.sibling_order; INSERT OR REPLACE INTO code_notebook_cell (notebook_kernel_id, code_notebook_cell_id, notebook_name, cell_name, interpretable_code, interpretable_code_hash, description) VALUES ( 'SQL', 'web-ui.auto_generate_console_content_tabular_sqlpage_files', 'Web UI', 'auto_generate_console_content_tabular_sqlpage_files', ' -- code provenance: `ConsoleSqlPages.infoSchemaContentDML` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/web-ui-content/console.ts) -- the "auto-generated" tables will be in ''*.auto.sql'' with redirects DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/table/%.auto.sql''; DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/view/%.auto.sql''; INSERT OR REPLACE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT ''console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql'', ''SELECT ''''dynamic'''' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''''shell/shell.sql'''') AS properties; SELECT ''''breadcrumb'''' AS component; SELECT ''''Home'''' as title, ''''/'''' AS link; SELECT ''''Console'''' as title, ''''/console'''' AS link; SELECT ''''Content'''' as title, ''''/console/content'''' AS link; SELECT '''''' || tabular_name || '' '' || tabular_nature || '''''' as title, ''''#'''' AS link; SELECT ''''title'''' AS component, '''''' || tabular_name || '' ('' || tabular_nature || '') Content'''' as contents; SET total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '' || tabular_name || ''); SET limit = COALESCE($limit, 50); SET offset = COALESCE($offset, 0); SET total_pages = ($total_rows + $limit - 1) / $limit; SET current_page = ($offset / $limit) + 1; SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, '''''' || info_schema_link_full_md || '''''' AS contents_md SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, ''''- Start Row: '''' || $offset || '''' '''' || ''''- Rows per Page: '''' || $limit || '''' '''' || ''''- Total Rows: '''' || $total_rows || '''' '''' || ''''- Current Page: '''' || $current_page || '''' '''' || ''''- Total Pages: '''' || $total_pages as contents_md WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL; -- Display uniform_resource table with pagination SELECT ''''table'''' AS component, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search, TRUE AS hover, TRUE AS striped_rows, TRUE AS small; SELECT * FROM '' || tabular_name || '' LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset; SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page > 1 THEN ''''[Previous](?limit='''' || $limit || ''''&offset='''' || ($offset - $limit) || '''')'''' ELSE '''''''' END) || '''' '''' || ''''(Page '''' || $current_page || '''' of '''' || $total_pages || '''') '''' || (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page < $total_pages THEN ''''[Next](?limit='''' || $limit || ''''&offset='''' || ($offset + $limit) || '''')'''' ELSE '''''''' END) AS contents_md;'' FROM console_content_tabular; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT ''console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.sql'', ''SELECT ''''redirect'''' AS component, ''''/console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql'''' AS link WHERE $stats IS NULL; '' || ''SELECT ''''redirect'''' AS component, ''''/console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql?stats='''' || $stats AS link WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL;'' FROM console_content_tabular; -- TODO: add ${this.upsertNavSQL(...)} if we want each of the above to be navigable through DB rows', 'TODO', 'A series of idempotent INSERT statements which will auto-generate "default" content for all tables and views' ); -- code provenance: `ConsoleSqlPages.infoSchemaContentDML` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/web-ui-content/console.ts) -- the "auto-generated" tables will be in '*.auto.sql' with redirects DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like 'console/content/table/%.auto.sql'; DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like 'console/content/view/%.auto.sql'; INSERT OR REPLACE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT 'console/content/' || tabular_nature || '/' || tabular_name || '.auto.sql', 'SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' AS component; SELECT ''Home'' as title, ''/'' AS link; SELECT ''Console'' as title, ''/console'' AS link; SELECT ''Content'' as title, ''/console/content'' AS link; SELECT ''' || tabular_name || ' ' || tabular_nature || ''' as title, ''#'' AS link; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''' || tabular_name || ' (' || tabular_nature || ') Content'' as contents; SET total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' || tabular_name || '); SET limit = COALESCE($limit, 50); SET offset = COALESCE($offset, 0); SET total_pages = ($total_rows + $limit - 1) / $limit; SET current_page = ($offset / $limit) + 1; SELECT ''text'' AS component, ''' || info_schema_link_full_md || ''' AS contents_md SELECT ''text'' AS component, ''- Start Row: '' || $offset || '' '' || ''- Rows per Page: '' || $limit || '' '' || ''- Total Rows: '' || $total_rows || '' '' || ''- Current Page: '' || $current_page || '' '' || ''- Total Pages: '' || $total_pages as contents_md WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL; -- Display uniform_resource table with pagination SELECT ''table'' AS component, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search, TRUE AS hover, TRUE AS striped_rows, TRUE AS small; SELECT * FROM ' || tabular_name || ' LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset; SELECT ''text'' AS component, (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page > 1 THEN ''[Previous](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset - $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) || '' '' || ''(Page '' || $current_page || '' of '' || $total_pages || '') '' || (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page < $total_pages THEN ''[Next](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset + $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) AS contents_md;' FROM console_content_tabular; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT 'console/content/' || tabular_nature || '/' || tabular_name || '.sql', 'SELECT ''redirect'' AS component, ''/console/content/' || tabular_nature || '/' || tabular_name || '.auto.sql'' AS link WHERE $stats IS NULL; ' || 'SELECT ''redirect'' AS component, ''/console/content/' || tabular_nature || '/' || tabular_name || '.auto.sql?stats='' || $stats AS link WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL;' FROM console_content_tabular; -- TODO: add ${this.upsertNavSQL(...)} if we want each of the above to be navigable through DB rows -- delete all /fhir-related entries and recreate them in case routes are changed DELETE FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE path like '/fhir%'; INSERT INTO sqlpage_aide_navigation (namespace, parent_path, sibling_order, path, url, caption, abbreviated_caption, title, description,elaboration) VALUES ('prime', '/', 1, '/ur', '/ur/', 'Uniform Resource', NULL, NULL, 'Explore ingested resources', NULL), ('prime', '/ur', 99, '/ur/info-schema.sql', '/ur/info-schema.sql', 'Uniform Resource Tables and Views', NULL, NULL, 'Information Schema documentation for ingested Uniform Resource database objects', NULL), ('prime', '/ur', 1, '/ur/uniform-resource-files.sql', '/ur/uniform-resource-files.sql', 'Uniform Resources (Files)', NULL, NULL, 'Files ingested into the `uniform_resource` table', NULL) ON CONFLICT (namespace, parent_path, path) DO UPDATE SET title = EXCLUDED.title, abbreviated_caption = EXCLUDED.abbreviated_caption, description = EXCLUDED.description, url = EXCLUDED.url, sibling_order = EXCLUDED.sibling_order; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS uniform_resource_file; CREATE VIEW uniform_resource_file AS SELECT ur.uniform_resource_id, ur.nature, p.root_path AS source_path, pe.file_path_rel, ur.size_bytes FROM uniform_resource ur LEFT JOIN ur_ingest_session_fs_path p ON ur.ingest_fs_path_id = p.ur_ingest_session_fs_path_id LEFT JOIN ur_ingest_session_fs_path_entry pe ON ur.uniform_resource_id = pe.uniform_resource_id WHERE ur.ingest_fs_path_id IS NOT NULL; INSERT INTO sqlpage_aide_navigation (namespace, parent_path, sibling_order, path, url, caption, abbreviated_caption, title, description,elaboration) VALUES ('prime', '/', 1, '/orchestration', '/orchestration/', 'Orchestration', NULL, NULL, 'Explore details about all orchestration', NULL), ('prime', '/orchestration', 99, '/orchestration/info-schema.sql', '/orchestration/info-schema.sql', 'Orchestration Tables and Views', NULL, NULL, 'Information Schema documentation for orchestrated objects', NULL) ON CONFLICT (namespace, parent_path, path) DO UPDATE SET title = EXCLUDED.title, abbreviated_caption = EXCLUDED.abbreviated_caption, description = EXCLUDED.description, url = EXCLUDED.url, sibling_order = EXCLUDED.sibling_order; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_session_by_device; CREATE VIEW orchestration_session_by_device AS SELECT d.device_id, d.name AS device_name, COUNT(*) AS session_count FROM orchestration_session os JOIN device d ON os.device_id = d.device_id GROUP BY d.device_id, d.name; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_session_duration; CREATE VIEW orchestration_session_duration AS SELECT os.orchestration_session_id, onature.nature AS orchestration_nature, os.orch_started_at, os.orch_finished_at, (JULIANDAY(os.orch_finished_at) - JULIANDAY(os.orch_started_at)) * 24 * 60 * 60 AS duration_seconds FROM orchestration_session os JOIN orchestration_nature onature ON os.orchestration_nature_id = onature.orchestration_nature_id WHERE os.orch_finished_at IS NOT NULL; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_success_rate; CREATE VIEW orchestration_success_rate AS SELECT onature.nature AS orchestration_nature, COUNT(*) AS total_sessions, SUM(CASE WHEN oss.to_state = 'surveilr_orch_completed' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS successful_sessions, (CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN oss.to_state = 'surveilr_orch_completed' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS FLOAT) / COUNT(*)) * 100 AS success_rate FROM orchestration_session os JOIN orchestration_nature onature ON os.orchestration_nature_id = onature.orchestration_nature_id JOIN orchestration_session_state oss ON os.orchestration_session_id = oss.session_id WHERE oss.to_state IN ('surveilr_orch_completed', 'surveilr_orch_failed') -- Consider other terminal states if applicable GROUP BY onature.nature; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_session_script; CREATE VIEW orchestration_session_script AS SELECT os.orchestration_session_id, onature.nature AS orchestration_nature, COUNT(*) AS script_count FROM orchestration_session os JOIN orchestration_nature onature ON os.orchestration_nature_id = onature.orchestration_nature_id JOIN orchestration_session_entry ose ON os.orchestration_session_id = ose.session_id GROUP BY os.orchestration_session_id, onature.nature; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_executions_by_type; CREATE VIEW orchestration_executions_by_type AS SELECT exec_nature, COUNT(*) AS execution_count FROM orchestration_session_exec GROUP BY exec_nature; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_execution_success_rate_by_type; CREATE VIEW orchestration_execution_success_rate_by_type AS SELECT exec_nature, COUNT(*) AS total_executions, SUM(CASE WHEN exec_status = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS successful_executions, (CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN exec_status = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS FLOAT) / COUNT(*)) * 100 AS success_rate FROM orchestration_session_exec GROUP BY exec_nature; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_session_summary; CREATE VIEW orchestration_session_summary AS SELECT issue_type, COUNT(*) AS issue_count FROM orchestration_session_issue GROUP BY issue_type; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_issue_remediation; CREATE VIEW orchestration_issue_remediation AS SELECT orchestration_session_issue_id, issue_type, issue_message, remediation FROM orchestration_session_issue WHERE remediation IS NOT NULL; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_logs_by_session; CREATE VIEW orchestration_logs_by_session AS SELECT os.orchestration_session_id, onature.nature AS orchestration_nature, osl.category, COUNT(*) AS log_count FROM orchestration_session os JOIN orchestration_nature onature ON os.orchestration_nature_id = onature.orchestration_nature_id JOIN orchestration_session_exec ose ON os.orchestration_session_id = ose.session_id JOIN orchestration_session_log osl ON ose.orchestration_session_exec_id = osl.parent_exec_id GROUP BY os.orchestration_session_id, onature.nature, osl.category; -- delete all /ip-related entries and recreate them in case routes are changed DELETE FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE path like '/opsfolio/infra/audit%'; INSERT INTO sqlpage_aide_navigation (namespace, parent_path, sibling_order, path, url, caption, abbreviated_caption, title, description,elaboration) VALUES ('prime', '/', 1, '/opsfolio', '/opsfolio/', 'Opsfolio', NULL, NULL, 'Opsfolio', NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 2, '/opsfolio/infra/audit', '/opsfolio/infra/audit/', 'Infrastructure Audits', NULL, NULL, 'The Infra Audit is designed to manage and streamline audits across various frameworks, including HIPAA, HITRUST, AICPA, and others. This project provides a comprehensive platform for conducting, tracking, and reporting on compliance audits, ensuring that your organization meets the necessary regulatory requirements.', NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 3, '/opsfolio/infra/audit/control_regime.sql', '/opsfolio/infra/audit/control_regime.sql', 'Control Regimes', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 1, '/opsfolio/infra/audit/session_list.sql', '/opsfolio/infra/audit/session_list.sql', 'Audit Sessions', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 1, '/opsfolio/infra/audit/session_detail.sql', '/opsfolio/infra/audit/session_detail.sql', 'Audit Sessions', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 1, '/opsfolio/infra/audit/control_detail.sql', '/opsfolio/infra/audit/control_detail.sql', 'Controls Detail', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) ON CONFLICT (namespace, parent_path, path) DO UPDATE SET title = EXCLUDED.title, abbreviated_caption = EXCLUDED.abbreviated_caption, description = EXCLUDED.description, url = EXCLUDED.url, sibling_order = EXCLUDED.sibling_order; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'shell/shell.json', '{ "component": "shell", "title": "Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD)", "icon": "database", "layout": "fluid", "fixed_top_menu": true, "link": "/", "menu_item": [ { "link": "/", "title": "Home" } ], "javascript": [ "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/highlight.min.js", "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/sql.min.js", "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/handlebars.min.js", "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/json.min.js" ], "footer": "Resource Surveillance Web UI" };', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'shell/shell.sql', 'SELECT ''shell'' AS component, ''Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD)'' AS title, ''database'' AS icon, ''fluid'' AS layout, true AS fixed_top_menu, ''/'' AS link, ''{"link":"/","title":"Home"}'' AS menu_item, ''https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/highlight.min.js'' AS javascript, ''https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/sql.min.js'' AS javascript, ''https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/handlebars.min.js'' AS javascript, ''https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/json.min.js'' AS javascript, json_object( ''link'', ''/ur'', ''title'', ''Uniform Resource'', ''submenu'', ( SELECT json_group_array( json_object( ''title'', title, ''link'', link, ''description'', description ) ) FROM ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/ur'' ORDER BY sibling_order ) ) ) as menu_item, json_object( ''link'', ''/console'', ''title'', ''Console'', ''submenu'', ( SELECT json_group_array( json_object( ''title'', title, ''link'', link, ''description'', description ) ) FROM ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/console'' ORDER BY sibling_order ) ) ) as menu_item, json_object( ''link'', ''/orchestration'', ''title'', ''Orchestration'', ''submenu'', ( SELECT json_group_array( json_object( ''title'', title, ''link'', link, ''description'', description ) ) FROM ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/orchestration'' ORDER BY sibling_order ) ) ) as menu_item, ''Resource Surveillance Web UI (v'' || sqlpage.version() || '') '' || ''📄 ['' || substr(sqlpage.path(), 2) || ''](/console/sqlpage-files/sqlpage-file.sql?path='' || substr(sqlpage.path(), 2) || '')'' as footer;', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''list'' AS component; SELECT caption as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/'' ORDER BY sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation WITH console_navigation_cte AS ( SELECT title, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console'' ) SELECT ''list'' AS component, title, description FROM console_navigation_cte; SELECT caption as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/console'' ORDER BY sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/info-schema/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/info-schema'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Tables'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Table'' AS markdown, ''Column Count'' as align_right, ''Content'' as markdown, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''['' || table_name || ''](table.sql?name='' || table_name || '')'' AS "Table", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count", content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md as "Content" FROM console_information_schema_table GROUP BY table_name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Views'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''View'' AS markdown, ''Column Count'' as align_right, ''Content'' as markdown, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''['' || view_name || ''](view.sql?name='' || view_name || '')'' AS "View", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count", content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md as "Content" FROM console_information_schema_view GROUP BY view_name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Migrations'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Table'' AS markdown, ''Column Count'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT from_state, to_state, transition_reason, transitioned_at FROM code_notebook_state ORDER BY transitioned_at; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/info-schema/table.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/info-schema'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; SELECT $name || '' Table'' AS title, ''#'' AS link; SELECT ''title'' AS component, $name AS contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component; SELECT column_name AS "Column", data_type AS "Type", is_primary_key AS "PK", is_not_null AS "Required", default_value AS "Default" FROM console_information_schema_table WHERE table_name = $name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Foreign Keys'' as contents, 2 as level; SELECT ''table'' AS component; SELECT column_name AS "Column Name", foreign_key AS "Foreign Key" FROM console_information_schema_table_col_fkey WHERE table_name = $name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Indexes'' as contents, 2 as level; SELECT ''table'' AS component; SELECT column_name AS "Column Name", index_name AS "Index Name" FROM console_information_schema_table_col_index WHERE table_name = $name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''SQL DDL'' as contents, 2 as level; SELECT ''code'' AS component; SELECT ''sql'' as language, (SELECT sql_ddl FROM console_information_schema_table WHERE table_name = $name) as contents; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/info-schema/view.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/info-schema'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; SELECT $name || '' View'' AS title, ''#'' AS link; SELECT ''title'' AS component, $name AS contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component; SELECT column_name AS "Column", data_type AS "Type" FROM console_information_schema_view WHERE view_name = $name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''SQL DDL'' as contents, 2 as level; SELECT ''code'' AS component; SELECT ''sql'' as language, (SELECT sql_ddl FROM console_information_schema_view WHERE view_name = $name) as contents; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/sqlpage-files/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/sqlpage-files'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''SQLPage pages in sqlpage_files table'' AS contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Path'' as markdown, ''Size'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''[🚀](/'' || path || '') [📄 '' || path || ''](sqlpage-file.sql?path='' || path || '')'' AS "Path", LENGTH(contents) as "Size", last_modified FROM sqlpage_files ORDER BY path; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/sqlpage-files/sqlpage-file.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/sqlpage-files'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; SELECT $path || '' Path'' AS title, ''#'' AS link; SELECT ''title'' AS component, $path AS contents; SELECT ''text'' AS component, ''```sql '' || (select contents FROM sqlpage_files where path = $path) || '' ```'' as contents_md; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/sqlpage-files/content.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/sqlpage-files/content.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''SQLPage pages generated from tables and views'' AS contents; SELECT ''text'' AS component, '' - `*.auto.sql` pages are auto-generated "default" content pages for each table and view defined in the database. - The `*.sql` companions may be auto-generated redirects to their `*.auto.sql` pair or an app/service might override the `*.sql` to not redirect and supply custom content for any table or view. - [View regenerate-auto.sql](/console/sqlpage-files/sqlpage-file.sql?path=console/content/action/regenerate-auto.sql) '' AS contents_md; SELECT ''button'' AS component, ''center'' AS justify; SELECT ''/console/content/action/regenerate-auto.sql'' AS link, ''info'' AS color, ''Regenerate all "default" table/view content pages'' AS title; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Redirected or overriden content pages'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Path'' as markdown, ''Size'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''[🚀](/'' || path || '') [📄 '' || path || ''](sqlpage-file.sql?path='' || path || '')'' AS "Path", LENGTH(contents) as "Size", last_modified FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/%'' AND NOT(path like ''console/content/%.auto.sql'') AND NOT(path like ''console/content/action%'') ORDER BY path; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Auto-generated "default" content pages'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Path'' as markdown, ''Size'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''[🚀](/'' || path || '') [📄 '' || path || ''](sqlpage-file.sql?path='' || path || '')'' AS "Path", LENGTH(contents) as "Size", last_modified FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/%.auto.sql'' ORDER BY path; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/content/action/regenerate-auto.sql', ' -- code provenance: `ConsoleSqlPages.infoSchemaContentDML` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/web-ui-content/console.ts) -- the "auto-generated" tables will be in ''*.auto.sql'' with redirects DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/table/%.auto.sql''; DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/view/%.auto.sql''; INSERT OR REPLACE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT ''console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql'', ''SELECT ''''dynamic'''' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''''shell/shell.sql'''') AS properties; SELECT ''''breadcrumb'''' AS component; SELECT ''''Home'''' as title, ''''/'''' AS link; SELECT ''''Console'''' as title, ''''/console'''' AS link; SELECT ''''Content'''' as title, ''''/console/content'''' AS link; SELECT '''''' || tabular_name || '' '' || tabular_nature || '''''' as title, ''''#'''' AS link; SELECT ''''title'''' AS component, '''''' || tabular_name || '' ('' || tabular_nature || '') Content'''' as contents; SET total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '' || tabular_name || ''); SET limit = COALESCE($limit, 50); SET offset = COALESCE($offset, 0); SET total_pages = ($total_rows + $limit - 1) / $limit; SET current_page = ($offset / $limit) + 1; SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, '''''' || info_schema_link_full_md || '''''' AS contents_md SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, ''''- Start Row: '''' || $offset || '''' '''' || ''''- Rows per Page: '''' || $limit || '''' '''' || ''''- Total Rows: '''' || $total_rows || '''' '''' || ''''- Current Page: '''' || $current_page || '''' '''' || ''''- Total Pages: '''' || $total_pages as contents_md WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL; -- Display uniform_resource table with pagination SELECT ''''table'''' AS component, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search, TRUE AS hover, TRUE AS striped_rows, TRUE AS small; SELECT * FROM '' || tabular_name || '' LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset; SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page > 1 THEN ''''[Previous](?limit='''' || $limit || ''''&offset='''' || ($offset - $limit) || '''')'''' ELSE '''''''' END) || '''' '''' || ''''(Page '''' || $current_page || '''' of '''' || $total_pages || '''') '''' || (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page < $total_pages THEN ''''[Next](?limit='''' || $limit || ''''&offset='''' || ($offset + $limit) || '''')'''' ELSE '''''''' END) AS contents_md;'' FROM console_content_tabular; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT ''console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.sql'', ''SELECT ''''redirect'''' AS component, ''''/console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql'''' AS link WHERE $stats IS NULL; '' || ''SELECT ''''redirect'''' AS component, ''''/console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql?stats='''' || $stats AS link WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL;'' FROM console_content_tabular; -- TODO: add ${this.upsertNavSQL(...)} if we want each of the above to be navigable through DB rows -- code provenance: `ConsoleSqlPages.console/content/action/regenerate-auto.sql` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/web-ui-content/console.ts) SELECT ''redirect'' AS component, ''/console/sqlpage-files/content.sql'' as link WHERE $redirect is NULL; SELECT ''redirect'' AS component, $redirect as link WHERE $redirect is NOT NULL;', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/sqlpage-nav/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/sqlpage-nav'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''SQLPage navigation in sqlpage_aide_navigation table'' AS contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT path, caption, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation ORDER BY namespace, parent_path, path, sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/notebooks/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/notebooks'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Code Notebooks'' AS contents; SELECT ''table'' as component, ''Cell'' as markdown, 1 as search, 1 as sort; SELECT c.notebook_name, ''['' || c.cell_name || ''](notebook-cell.sql?notebook='' || replace(c.notebook_name, '' '', ''%20'') || ''&cell='' || replace(c.cell_name, '' '', ''%20'') || '')'' as Cell, c.description, k.kernel_name as kernel FROM code_notebook_kernel k, code_notebook_cell c WHERE k.code_notebook_kernel_id = c.notebook_kernel_id; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/notebooks/notebook-cell.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/notebooks'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; SELECT ''Notebook '' || $notebook || '' Cell'' || $cell AS title, ''#'' AS link; SELECT ''code'' as component; SELECT $notebook || ''.'' || $cell || '' ('' || k.kernel_name ||'')'' as title, COALESCE(c.cell_governance -> ''$.language'', ''sql'') as language, c.interpretable_code as contents FROM code_notebook_kernel k, code_notebook_cell c WHERE c.notebook_name = $notebook AND c.cell_name = $cell AND k.code_notebook_kernel_id = c.notebook_kernel_id; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'ur/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/ur'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation WITH navigation_cte AS ( SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) as title, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/ur'' ) SELECT ''list'' AS component, title, description FROM navigation_cte; SELECT caption as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/ur'' ORDER BY sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'ur/info-schema.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/ur/info-schema.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Uniform Resource Tables and Views'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Name'' AS markdown, ''Column Count'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''Table'' as "Type", ''['' || table_name || ''](/console/info-schema/table.sql?name='' || table_name || '')'' AS "Name", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count" FROM console_information_schema_table WHERE table_name = ''uniform_resource'' OR table_name like ''ur_%'' GROUP BY table_name UNION ALL SELECT ''View'' as "Type", ''['' || view_name || ''](/console/info-schema/view.sql?name='' || view_name || '')'' AS "Name", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count" FROM console_information_schema_view WHERE view_name like ''ur_%'' GROUP BY view_name; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'ur/uniform-resource-files.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, (SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/ur/uniform-resource-files.sql'') as contents; ; -- sets up $limit, $offset, and other variables (use pagination.debugVars() to see values in web-ui) SET total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM uniform_resource_file); SET limit = COALESCE($limit, 50); SET offset = COALESCE($offset, 0); SET total_pages = ($total_rows + $limit - 1) / $limit; SET current_page = ($offset / $limit) + 1; -- Display uniform_resource table with pagination SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Uniform Resources'' AS title, "Size (bytes)" as align_right, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search, TRUE AS hover, TRUE AS striped_rows, TRUE AS small; SELECT * FROM uniform_resource_file ORDER BY uniform_resource_id LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset; SELECT ''text'' AS component, (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page > 1 THEN ''[Previous](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset - $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) || '' '' || ''(Page '' || $current_page || '' of '' || $total_pages || ") " || (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page < $total_pages THEN ''[Next](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset + $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) AS contents_md; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'orchestration/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/orchestration'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation WITH navigation_cte AS ( SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) as title, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/orchestration'' ) SELECT ''list'' AS component, title, description FROM navigation_cte; SELECT caption as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/orchestration'' ORDER BY sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'orchestration/info-schema.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/orchestration/info-schema.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Orchestration Tables and Views'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Name'' AS markdown, ''Column Count'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''Table'' as "Type", ''['' || table_name || ''](/console/info-schema/table.sql?name='' || table_name || '')'' AS "Name", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count" FROM console_information_schema_table WHERE table_name = ''orchestration_session'' OR table_name like ''orchestration_%'' GROUP BY table_name UNION ALL SELECT ''View'' as "Type", ''['' || view_name || ''](/console/info-schema/view.sql?name='' || view_name || '')'' AS "Name", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count" FROM console_information_schema_view WHERE view_name like ''orchestration_%'' GROUP BY view_name; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation select ''card'' as component, 3 as columns; SELECT caption as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/opsfolio'' AND sibling_order = 2 ORDER BY sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/infra/audit/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/infra/audit'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''card'' as component SELECT name as title, ''arrow-big-right'' as icon, ''/opsfolio/infra/audit/control_regime.sql?id='' ||control_regime_id || '''' as link FROM tenant_based_control_regime WHERE tenant_id = ''239518031485599747'' AND parent_id == ''''; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/infra/audit/control_regime.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/infra/audit/control_regime.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, (SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/infra/audit/control_regime.sql'') as contents; ; SELECT ''card'' as component SELECT name as title, ''arrow-big-right'' as icon, ''/opsfolio/infra/audit/session_list.sql?id='' ||control_regime_id || '''' as link FROM tenant_based_control_regime WHERE tenant_id = ''239518031485599747'' AND parent_id = $id:: Text; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/infra/audit/session_list.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/infra/audit/session_list.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, (SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/infra/audit/session_list.sql'') as contents; ; SELECT ''table'' AS component, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search, ''Session'' AS markdown; SELECT ''['' || title || ''](/opsfolio/infra/audit/session_detail.sql?id='' || audit_type_id || ''&sessionid='' || audit_session_id || '')'' AS "Session", audit_type AS "Audit Type", due_date AS "Due Date", tenant_name AS "Tenant" FROM audit_session_list WHERE tenant_id = ''239518031485599747'' AND audit_type_id = $id::TEXT; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/infra/audit/session_detail.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/infra/audit/session_detail.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Control List'' AS contents select ''table'' as component, ''Control code'' AS markdown; SELECT ''['' || control_code || ''](/opsfolio/infra/audit/control_detail.sql?id='' || control_id || '')'' AS "Control code", common_criteria as "Common criteria", question as "Question" FROM control WHERE CAST(audit_type_id AS TEXT)=CAST($id AS TEXT); ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/infra/audit/control_detail.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/infra/audit/control_detail.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component select ''table'' as component SELECT fii AS "FII", question AS "Question", common_criteria as "Common criteria", expected_evidence as "Evidence", control_regime as "Control Regime" FROM control WHERE CAST(control_id AS TEXT)=CAST($id AS TEXT); ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; -- code provenance: `TypicalSqlPageNotebook.commonDDL` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/notebook/sqlpage.ts) -- idempotently create location where SQLPage looks for its content CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "sqlpage_files" ( "path" VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "contents" TEXT NOT NULL, "last_modified" TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ); DROP VIEW IF EXISTS threat_model; CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS threat_model AS WITH json_data AS ( SELECT json_extract(threats.value, '$."a:Value"."b:Id"') AS "id", json_extract(threats.value, '$."a:Value"."b:ChangedBy"') AS "changed_by", json_extract(threats.value, '$."a:Value"."b:ModifiedAt"') AS "last_modified", json_extract(threats.value, '$."a:Value"."b:State"') AS "state", json_each.value AS kv_value FROM uniform_resource_transform, json_each(json_extract(content, '$.ThreatModel.ThreatInstances."a:KeyValueOfstringThreatpc_P0_PhOB"')) AS threats, json_each(json_extract(threats.value, '$."a:Value"."b:Properties"."a:KeyValueOfstringstring"')) ) SELECT id, MAX(CASE WHEN json_extract(kv_value, '$."a:Key"') = 'Title' THEN json_extract(kv_value, '$."a:Value"') END) AS "title", MAX(CASE WHEN json_extract(kv_value, '$."a:Key"') = 'UserThreatCategory' THEN json_extract(kv_value, '$."a:Value"') END) AS "category", MAX(CASE WHEN json_extract(kv_value, '$."a:Key"') = 'UserThreatShortDescription' THEN json_extract(kv_value, '$."a:Value"') END) AS "short_description", MAX(CASE WHEN json_extract(kv_value, '$."a:Key"') = 'UserThreatDescription' THEN json_extract(kv_value, '$."a:Value"') END) AS "description", MAX(CASE WHEN json_extract(kv_value, '$."a:Key"') = 'InteractionString' THEN json_extract(kv_value, '$."a:Value"') END) AS "interaction", MAX(CASE WHEN json_extract(kv_value, '$."a:Key"') = 'Priority' THEN json_extract(kv_value, '$."a:Value"') END) AS "priority", state, MAX(CASE WHEN json_extract(kv_value, '$."a:Key"') = 'StateInformation' THEN json_extract(kv_value, '$."a:Value"') END) AS "justification", "changed_by", "last_modified" FROM json_data GROUP BY id, "changed_by", "last_modified", state; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS web_application; CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS web_application AS SELECT DISTINCT json_extract(border.value, '$."a:Value".Properties."a:anyType"[1]."b:Value"."#text"') AS Title FROM uniform_resource_transform, json_each( CASE WHEN json_type(json_extract(content, '$.ThreatModel.DrawingSurfaceList.DrawingSurfaceModel')) = 'array' THEN json_extract(content, '$.ThreatModel.DrawingSurfaceList.DrawingSurfaceModel') ELSE json_array(json_extract(content, '$.ThreatModel.DrawingSurfaceList.DrawingSurfaceModel')) END ) AS drawing_surface, json_each( json_extract(drawing_surface.value, '$.Borders."a:KeyValueOfguidanyType"') ) AS border WHERE json_extract(border.value, '$."a:Value"."@i:type"') = 'StencilEllipse' AND json_extract(border.value, '$."a:Value".Properties."a:anyType"[0]."b:DisplayName"') = 'Web Application'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS managed_application; CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS managed_application AS SELECT DISTINCT json_extract(border.value, '$."a:Value".Properties."a:anyType"[1]."b:Value"."#text"') AS Title FROM uniform_resource_transform, json_each( CASE WHEN json_type(json_extract(content, '$.ThreatModel.DrawingSurfaceList.DrawingSurfaceModel')) = 'array' THEN json_extract(content, '$.ThreatModel.DrawingSurfaceList.DrawingSurfaceModel') ELSE json_array(json_extract(content, '$.ThreatModel.DrawingSurfaceList.DrawingSurfaceModel')) END ) AS drawing_surface, json_each( json_extract(drawing_surface.value, '$.Borders."a:KeyValueOfguidanyType"') ) AS border WHERE json_extract(border.value, '$."a:Value"."@i:type"') = 'StencilEllipse' AND json_extract(border.value, '$."a:Value".Properties."a:anyType"[0]."b:DisplayName"') = 'Managed Application'; CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS sql_database AS SELECT DISTINCT json_extract(border.value, '$."a:Value".Properties."a:anyType"[1]."b:Value"."#text"') AS Title FROM uniform_resource_transform, json_each( CASE WHEN json_type(json_extract(content, '$.ThreatModel.DrawingSurfaceList.DrawingSurfaceModel')) = 'array' THEN json_extract(content, '$.ThreatModel.DrawingSurfaceList.DrawingSurfaceModel') ELSE json_array(json_extract(content, '$.ThreatModel.DrawingSurfaceList.DrawingSurfaceModel')) END ) AS drawing_surface, json_each( json_extract(drawing_surface.value, '$.Borders."a:KeyValueOfguidanyType"') ) AS border WHERE json_extract(border.value, '$."a:Value"."@i:type"') = 'StencilParallelLines' AND json_extract(border.value, '$."a:Value".Properties."a:anyType"[0]."b:DisplayName"') = 'SQL Database'; CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS boundaries AS SELECT DISTINCT json_extract(border.value, '$."a:Value".Properties."a:anyType"[1]."b:Value"."#text"') AS boundary FROM uniform_resource_transform, json_each( CASE WHEN json_type(json_extract(content, '$.ThreatModel.DrawingSurfaceList.DrawingSurfaceModel')) = 'array' THEN json_extract(content, '$.ThreatModel.DrawingSurfaceList.DrawingSurfaceModel') ELSE json_array(json_extract(content, '$.ThreatModel.DrawingSurfaceList.DrawingSurfaceModel')) END ) AS drawing_surface, json_each( json_extract(drawing_surface.value, '$.Borders."a:KeyValueOfguidanyType"') ) AS border WHERE json_extract(border.value, '$."a:Value"."@i:type"') = 'BorderBoundary' AND ( json_extract(border.value, '$."a:Value".Properties."a:anyType"[0]."b:DisplayName"') IN ( 'Other Browsers Boundaries', 'CorpNet Trust Boundary', 'Generic Trust Border Boundary' ) ) AND json_extract(border.value, '$."a:Value".Properties."a:anyType"[1]."b:Value"."#text"') NOT LIKE '%.%.%.%' AND json_extract(border.value, '$."a:Value".Properties."a:anyType"[1]."b:Value"."#text"') LIKE '%Boundar%'; -- code provenance: `ConsoleSqlPages.infoSchemaDDL` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/web-ui-content/console.ts) -- console_information_schema_* are convenience views -- to make it easier to work than pragma_table_info. DROP VIEW IF EXISTS console_information_schema_table; CREATE VIEW console_information_schema_table AS SELECT tbl.name AS table_name, col.name AS column_name, col.type AS data_type, CASE WHEN col.pk = 1 THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END AS is_primary_key, CASE WHEN col."notnull" = 1 THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END AS is_not_null, col.dflt_value AS default_value, '/console/info-schema/table.sql?name=' || tbl.name || '&stats=yes' as info_schema_web_ui_path, '[Content](/console/info-schema/table.sql?name=' || tbl.name || '&stats=yes)' as info_schema_link_abbrev_md, '[' || tbl.name || ' (table) Schema](/console/info-schema/table.sql?name=' || tbl.name || '&stats=yes)' as info_schema_link_full_md, '/console/content/table/' || tbl.name || '.sql?stats=yes' as content_web_ui_path, '[Content](/console/content/table/' || tbl.name || '.sql?stats=yes)' as content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md, '[' || tbl.name || ' (table) Content](/console/content/table/' || tbl.name || '.sql?stats=yes)' as content_web_ui_link_full_md, tbl.sql as sql_ddl FROM sqlite_master tbl JOIN pragma_table_info(tbl.name) col WHERE tbl.type = 'table' AND tbl.name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%'; -- Populate the table with view-specific information DROP VIEW IF EXISTS console_information_schema_view; CREATE VIEW console_information_schema_view AS SELECT vw.name AS view_name, col.name AS column_name, col.type AS data_type, '/console/info-schema/view.sql?name=' || vw.name || '&stats=yes' as info_schema_web_ui_path, '[Content](/console/info-schema/view.sql?name=' || vw.name || '&stats=yes)' as info_schema_link_abbrev_md, '[' || vw.name || ' (view) Schema](/console/info-schema/view.sql?name=' || vw.name || '&stats=yes)' as info_schema_link_full_md, '/console/content/view/' || vw.name || '.sql?stats=yes' as content_web_ui_path, '[Content](/console/content/view/' || vw.name || '.sql?stats=yes)' as content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md, '[' || vw.name || ' (view) Content](/console/content/view/' || vw.name || '.sql?stats=yes)' as content_web_ui_link_full_md, vw.sql as sql_ddl FROM sqlite_master vw JOIN pragma_table_info(vw.name) col WHERE vw.type = 'view' AND vw.name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%'; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS console_content_tabular; CREATE VIEW console_content_tabular AS SELECT 'table' as tabular_nature, table_name as tabular_name, info_schema_web_ui_path, info_schema_link_abbrev_md, info_schema_link_full_md, content_web_ui_path, content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md, content_web_ui_link_full_md FROM console_information_schema_table UNION ALL SELECT 'view' as tabular_nature, view_name as tabular_name, info_schema_web_ui_path, info_schema_link_abbrev_md, info_schema_link_full_md, content_web_ui_path, content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md, content_web_ui_link_full_md FROM console_information_schema_view; -- Populate the table with table column foreign keys DROP VIEW IF EXISTS console_information_schema_table_col_fkey; CREATE VIEW console_information_schema_table_col_fkey AS SELECT tbl.name AS table_name, f."from" AS column_name, f."from" || ' references ' || f."table" || '.' || f."to" AS foreign_key FROM sqlite_master tbl JOIN pragma_foreign_key_list(tbl.name) f WHERE tbl.type = 'table' AND tbl.name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%'; -- Populate the table with table column indexes DROP VIEW IF EXISTS console_information_schema_table_col_index; CREATE VIEW console_information_schema_table_col_index AS SELECT tbl.name AS table_name, pi.name AS column_name, idx.name AS index_name FROM sqlite_master tbl JOIN pragma_index_list(tbl.name) idx JOIN pragma_index_info(idx.name) pi WHERE tbl.type = 'table' AND tbl.name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%'; -- Drop and create the table for storing navigation entries -- for testing only: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sqlpage_aide_navigation; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sqlpage_aide_navigation ( path TEXT NOT NULL, -- the "primary key" within namespace caption TEXT NOT NULL, -- for human-friendly general-purpose name namespace TEXT NOT NULL, -- if more than one navigation tree is required parent_path TEXT, -- for defining hierarchy sibling_order INTEGER, -- orders children within their parent(s) url TEXT, -- for supplying links, if different from path title TEXT, -- for full titles when elaboration is required, default to caption if NULL abbreviated_caption TEXT, -- for breadcrumbs and other "short" form, default to caption if NULL description TEXT, -- for elaboration or explanation elaboration TEXT, -- optional attributes for e.g. { "target": "__blank" } -- TODO: figure out why Rusqlite does not allow this but sqlite3 does -- CONSTRAINT fk_parent_path FOREIGN KEY (namespace, parent_path) REFERENCES sqlpage_aide_navigation(namespace, path), CONSTRAINT unq_ns_path UNIQUE (namespace, parent_path, path) ); DELETE FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE path LIKE '/console/%'; DELETE FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE path LIKE '/'; -- all @navigation decorated entries are automatically added to this.navigation INSERT INTO sqlpage_aide_navigation (namespace, parent_path, sibling_order, path, url, caption, abbreviated_caption, title, description,elaboration) VALUES ('prime', NULL, 1, '/', '/', 'Home', NULL, 'Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD)', 'Welcome to Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD)', NULL), ('prime', '/', 999, '/console', '/console/', 'RSSD Console', 'Console', 'Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD) Console', 'Explore RSSD information schema, code notebooks, and SQLPage files', NULL), ('prime', '/console', 1, '/console/info-schema', '/console/info-schema/', 'RSSD Information Schema', 'Info Schema', NULL, 'Explore RSSD tables, columns, views, and other information schema documentation', NULL), ('prime', '/console', 3, '/console/sqlpage-files', '/console/sqlpage-files/', 'RSSD SQLPage Files', 'SQLPage Files', NULL, 'Explore RSSD SQLPage Files which govern the content of the web-UI', NULL), ('prime', '/console', 3, '/console/sqlpage-files/content.sql', '/console/sqlpage-files/content.sql', 'RSSD Data Tables Content SQLPage Files', 'Content SQLPage Files', NULL, 'Explore auto-generated RSSD SQLPage Files which display content within tables', NULL), ('prime', '/console', 3, '/console/sqlpage-nav', '/console/sqlpage-nav/', 'RSSD SQLPage Navigation', 'SQLPage Navigation', NULL, 'See all the navigation entries for the web-UI; TODO: need to improve this to be able to get details for each navigation entry as a table', NULL), ('prime', '/console', 2, '/console/notebooks', '/console/notebooks/', 'RSSD Code Notebooks', 'Code Notebooks', NULL, 'Explore RSSD Code Notebooks which contain reusable SQL and other code blocks', NULL) ON CONFLICT (namespace, parent_path, path) DO UPDATE SET title = EXCLUDED.title, abbreviated_caption = EXCLUDED.abbreviated_caption, description = EXCLUDED.description, url = EXCLUDED.url, sibling_order = EXCLUDED.sibling_order; INSERT OR REPLACE INTO code_notebook_cell (notebook_kernel_id, code_notebook_cell_id, notebook_name, cell_name, interpretable_code, interpretable_code_hash, description) VALUES ( 'SQL', 'web-ui.auto_generate_console_content_tabular_sqlpage_files', 'Web UI', 'auto_generate_console_content_tabular_sqlpage_files', ' -- code provenance: `ConsoleSqlPages.infoSchemaContentDML` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/web-ui-content/console.ts) -- the "auto-generated" tables will be in ''*.auto.sql'' with redirects DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/table/%.auto.sql''; DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/view/%.auto.sql''; INSERT OR REPLACE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT ''console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql'', ''SELECT ''''dynamic'''' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''''shell/shell.sql'''') AS properties; SELECT ''''breadcrumb'''' AS component; SELECT ''''Home'''' as title, ''''/'''' AS link; SELECT ''''Console'''' as title, ''''/console'''' AS link; SELECT ''''Content'''' as title, ''''/console/content'''' AS link; SELECT '''''' || tabular_name || '' '' || tabular_nature || '''''' as title, ''''#'''' AS link; SELECT ''''title'''' AS component, '''''' || tabular_name || '' ('' || tabular_nature || '') Content'''' as contents; SET total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '' || tabular_name || ''); SET limit = COALESCE($limit, 50); SET offset = COALESCE($offset, 0); SET total_pages = ($total_rows + $limit - 1) / $limit; SET current_page = ($offset / $limit) + 1; SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, '''''' || info_schema_link_full_md || '''''' AS contents_md SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, ''''- Start Row: '''' || $offset || '''' '''' || ''''- Rows per Page: '''' || $limit || '''' '''' || ''''- Total Rows: '''' || $total_rows || '''' '''' || ''''- Current Page: '''' || $current_page || '''' '''' || ''''- Total Pages: '''' || $total_pages as contents_md WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL; -- Display uniform_resource table with pagination SELECT ''''table'''' AS component, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search, TRUE AS hover, TRUE AS striped_rows, TRUE AS small; SELECT * FROM '' || tabular_name || '' LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset; SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page > 1 THEN ''''[Previous](?limit='''' || $limit || ''''&offset='''' || ($offset - $limit) || '''')'''' ELSE '''''''' END) || '''' '''' || ''''(Page '''' || $current_page || '''' of '''' || $total_pages || '''') '''' || (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page < $total_pages THEN ''''[Next](?limit='''' || $limit || ''''&offset='''' || ($offset + $limit) || '''')'''' ELSE '''''''' END) AS contents_md;'' FROM console_content_tabular; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT ''console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.sql'', ''SELECT ''''redirect'''' AS component, ''''/console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql'''' AS link WHERE $stats IS NULL; '' || ''SELECT ''''redirect'''' AS component, ''''/console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql?stats='''' || $stats AS link WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL;'' FROM console_content_tabular; -- TODO: add ${this.upsertNavSQL(...)} if we want each of the above to be navigable through DB rows', 'TODO', 'A series of idempotent INSERT statements which will auto-generate "default" content for all tables and views' ); -- code provenance: `ConsoleSqlPages.infoSchemaContentDML` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/web-ui-content/console.ts) -- the "auto-generated" tables will be in '*.auto.sql' with redirects DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like 'console/content/table/%.auto.sql'; DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like 'console/content/view/%.auto.sql'; INSERT OR REPLACE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT 'console/content/' || tabular_nature || '/' || tabular_name || '.auto.sql', 'SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' AS component; SELECT ''Home'' as title, ''/'' AS link; SELECT ''Console'' as title, ''/console'' AS link; SELECT ''Content'' as title, ''/console/content'' AS link; SELECT ''' || tabular_name || ' ' || tabular_nature || ''' as title, ''#'' AS link; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''' || tabular_name || ' (' || tabular_nature || ') Content'' as contents; SET total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' || tabular_name || '); SET limit = COALESCE($limit, 50); SET offset = COALESCE($offset, 0); SET total_pages = ($total_rows + $limit - 1) / $limit; SET current_page = ($offset / $limit) + 1; SELECT ''text'' AS component, ''' || info_schema_link_full_md || ''' AS contents_md SELECT ''text'' AS component, ''- Start Row: '' || $offset || '' '' || ''- Rows per Page: '' || $limit || '' '' || ''- Total Rows: '' || $total_rows || '' '' || ''- Current Page: '' || $current_page || '' '' || ''- Total Pages: '' || $total_pages as contents_md WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL; -- Display uniform_resource table with pagination SELECT ''table'' AS component, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search, TRUE AS hover, TRUE AS striped_rows, TRUE AS small; SELECT * FROM ' || tabular_name || ' LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset; SELECT ''text'' AS component, (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page > 1 THEN ''[Previous](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset - $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) || '' '' || ''(Page '' || $current_page || '' of '' || $total_pages || '') '' || (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page < $total_pages THEN ''[Next](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset + $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) AS contents_md;' FROM console_content_tabular; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT 'console/content/' || tabular_nature || '/' || tabular_name || '.sql', 'SELECT ''redirect'' AS component, ''/console/content/' || tabular_nature || '/' || tabular_name || '.auto.sql'' AS link WHERE $stats IS NULL; ' || 'SELECT ''redirect'' AS component, ''/console/content/' || tabular_nature || '/' || tabular_name || '.auto.sql?stats='' || $stats AS link WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL;' FROM console_content_tabular; -- TODO: add ${this.upsertNavSQL(...)} if we want each of the above to be navigable through DB rows -- delete all /fhir-related entries and recreate them in case routes are changed DELETE FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE path like '/fhir%'; INSERT INTO sqlpage_aide_navigation (namespace, parent_path, sibling_order, path, url, caption, abbreviated_caption, title, description,elaboration) VALUES ('prime', '/', 1, '/ur', '/ur/', 'Uniform Resource', NULL, NULL, 'Explore ingested resources', NULL), ('prime', '/ur', 99, '/ur/info-schema.sql', '/ur/info-schema.sql', 'Uniform Resource Tables and Views', NULL, NULL, 'Information Schema documentation for ingested Uniform Resource database objects', NULL), ('prime', '/ur', 1, '/ur/uniform-resource-files.sql', '/ur/uniform-resource-files.sql', 'Uniform Resources (Files)', NULL, NULL, 'Files ingested into the `uniform_resource` table', NULL) ON CONFLICT (namespace, parent_path, path) DO UPDATE SET title = EXCLUDED.title, abbreviated_caption = EXCLUDED.abbreviated_caption, description = EXCLUDED.description, url = EXCLUDED.url, sibling_order = EXCLUDED.sibling_order; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS uniform_resource_file; CREATE VIEW uniform_resource_file AS SELECT ur.uniform_resource_id, ur.nature, p.root_path AS source_path, pe.file_path_rel, ur.size_bytes FROM uniform_resource ur LEFT JOIN ur_ingest_session_fs_path p ON ur.ingest_fs_path_id = p.ur_ingest_session_fs_path_id LEFT JOIN ur_ingest_session_fs_path_entry pe ON ur.uniform_resource_id = pe.uniform_resource_id WHERE ur.ingest_fs_path_id IS NOT NULL; INSERT INTO sqlpage_aide_navigation (namespace, parent_path, sibling_order, path, url, caption, abbreviated_caption, title, description,elaboration) VALUES ('prime', '/', 1, '/orchestration', '/orchestration/', 'Orchestration', NULL, NULL, 'Explore details about all orchestration', NULL), ('prime', '/orchestration', 99, '/orchestration/info-schema.sql', '/orchestration/info-schema.sql', 'Orchestration Tables and Views', NULL, NULL, 'Information Schema documentation for orchestrated objects', NULL) ON CONFLICT (namespace, parent_path, path) DO UPDATE SET title = EXCLUDED.title, abbreviated_caption = EXCLUDED.abbreviated_caption, description = EXCLUDED.description, url = EXCLUDED.url, sibling_order = EXCLUDED.sibling_order; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_session_by_device; CREATE VIEW orchestration_session_by_device AS SELECT d.device_id, d.name AS device_name, COUNT(*) AS session_count FROM orchestration_session os JOIN device d ON os.device_id = d.device_id GROUP BY d.device_id, d.name; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_session_duration; CREATE VIEW orchestration_session_duration AS SELECT os.orchestration_session_id, onature.nature AS orchestration_nature, os.orch_started_at, os.orch_finished_at, (JULIANDAY(os.orch_finished_at) - JULIANDAY(os.orch_started_at)) * 24 * 60 * 60 AS duration_seconds FROM orchestration_session os JOIN orchestration_nature onature ON os.orchestration_nature_id = onature.orchestration_nature_id WHERE os.orch_finished_at IS NOT NULL; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_success_rate; CREATE VIEW orchestration_success_rate AS SELECT onature.nature AS orchestration_nature, COUNT(*) AS total_sessions, SUM(CASE WHEN oss.to_state = 'surveilr_orch_completed' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS successful_sessions, (CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN oss.to_state = 'surveilr_orch_completed' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS FLOAT) / COUNT(*)) * 100 AS success_rate FROM orchestration_session os JOIN orchestration_nature onature ON os.orchestration_nature_id = onature.orchestration_nature_id JOIN orchestration_session_state oss ON os.orchestration_session_id = oss.session_id WHERE oss.to_state IN ('surveilr_orch_completed', 'surveilr_orch_failed') -- Consider other terminal states if applicable GROUP BY onature.nature; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_session_script; CREATE VIEW orchestration_session_script AS SELECT os.orchestration_session_id, onature.nature AS orchestration_nature, COUNT(*) AS script_count FROM orchestration_session os JOIN orchestration_nature onature ON os.orchestration_nature_id = onature.orchestration_nature_id JOIN orchestration_session_entry ose ON os.orchestration_session_id = ose.session_id GROUP BY os.orchestration_session_id, onature.nature; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_executions_by_type; CREATE VIEW orchestration_executions_by_type AS SELECT exec_nature, COUNT(*) AS execution_count FROM orchestration_session_exec GROUP BY exec_nature; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_execution_success_rate_by_type; CREATE VIEW orchestration_execution_success_rate_by_type AS SELECT exec_nature, COUNT(*) AS total_executions, SUM(CASE WHEN exec_status = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS successful_executions, (CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN exec_status = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS FLOAT) / COUNT(*)) * 100 AS success_rate FROM orchestration_session_exec GROUP BY exec_nature; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_session_summary; CREATE VIEW orchestration_session_summary AS SELECT issue_type, COUNT(*) AS issue_count FROM orchestration_session_issue GROUP BY issue_type; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_issue_remediation; CREATE VIEW orchestration_issue_remediation AS SELECT orchestration_session_issue_id, issue_type, issue_message, remediation FROM orchestration_session_issue WHERE remediation IS NOT NULL; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS orchestration_logs_by_session; CREATE VIEW orchestration_logs_by_session AS SELECT os.orchestration_session_id, onature.nature AS orchestration_nature, osl.category, COUNT(*) AS log_count FROM orchestration_session os JOIN orchestration_nature onature ON os.orchestration_nature_id = onature.orchestration_nature_id JOIN orchestration_session_exec ose ON os.orchestration_session_id = ose.session_id JOIN orchestration_session_log osl ON ose.orchestration_session_exec_id = osl.parent_exec_id GROUP BY os.orchestration_session_id, onature.nature, osl.category; -- delete all /ip-related entries and recreate them in case routes are changed DELETE FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE path like '/opsfolio/info/assurance%'; INSERT INTO sqlpage_aide_navigation (namespace, parent_path, sibling_order, path, url, caption, abbreviated_caption, title, description,elaboration) VALUES ('prime', '/', 1, '/opsfolio', '/opsfolio/', 'Opsfolio', NULL, NULL, 'Opsfolio', NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 2, '/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model.sql', '/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model.sql', 'Information Assurance', NULL, NULL, 'A threat model is a structured framework used to identify, assess, and prioritize potential security threats to a system, application, or network to mitigate risks effectively.', NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 3, '/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/threat_model_analysis_report.sql', '/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/threat_model_analysis_report.sql', 'Threat Model Analysis Report', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 3, '/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/web_application.sql', '/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/web_application.sql', 'Web Application', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 3, '/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/managed_application.sql', '/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/managed_application.sql', 'Managed Application', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 3, '/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/sql_database.sql', '/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/sql_database.sql', 'SQL Database', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 3, '/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/boundaries.sql', '/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/boundaries.sql', 'Boundaries', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), ('prime', '/opsfolio', 4, '/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/threat_model_analysis_report/detail.sql', '/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/threat_model_analysis_report/detail.sql', 'Threat Model Report Analysis', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) ON CONFLICT (namespace, parent_path, path) DO UPDATE SET title = EXCLUDED.title, abbreviated_caption = EXCLUDED.abbreviated_caption, description = EXCLUDED.description, url = EXCLUDED.url, sibling_order = EXCLUDED.sibling_order; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'shell/shell.json', '{ "component": "shell", "title": "Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD)", "icon": "database", "layout": "fluid", "fixed_top_menu": true, "link": "/", "menu_item": [ { "link": "/", "title": "Home" } ], "javascript": [ "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/highlight.min.js", "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/sql.min.js", "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/handlebars.min.js", "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/json.min.js" ], "footer": "Resource Surveillance Web UI" };', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'shell/shell.sql', 'SELECT ''shell'' AS component, ''Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD)'' AS title, ''database'' AS icon, ''fluid'' AS layout, true AS fixed_top_menu, ''/'' AS link, ''{"link":"/","title":"Home"}'' AS menu_item, ''https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/highlight.min.js'' AS javascript, ''https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/sql.min.js'' AS javascript, ''https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/handlebars.min.js'' AS javascript, ''https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11/build/languages/json.min.js'' AS javascript, json_object( ''link'', ''/ur'', ''title'', ''Uniform Resource'', ''submenu'', ( SELECT json_group_array( json_object( ''title'', title, ''link'', link, ''description'', description ) ) FROM ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/ur'' ORDER BY sibling_order ) ) ) as menu_item, json_object( ''link'', ''/console'', ''title'', ''Console'', ''submenu'', ( SELECT json_group_array( json_object( ''title'', title, ''link'', link, ''description'', description ) ) FROM ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/console'' ORDER BY sibling_order ) ) ) as menu_item, json_object( ''link'', ''/orchestration'', ''title'', ''Orchestration'', ''submenu'', ( SELECT json_group_array( json_object( ''title'', title, ''link'', link, ''description'', description ) ) FROM ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/orchestration'' ORDER BY sibling_order ) ) ) as menu_item, ''Resource Surveillance Web UI (v'' || sqlpage.version() || '') '' || ''📄 ['' || substr(sqlpage.path(), 2) || ''](/console/sqlpage-files/sqlpage-file.sql?path='' || substr(sqlpage.path(), 2) || '')'' as footer;', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''list'' AS component; SELECT caption as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/'' ORDER BY sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation WITH console_navigation_cte AS ( SELECT title, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console'' ) SELECT ''list'' AS component, title, description FROM console_navigation_cte; SELECT caption as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/console'' ORDER BY sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/info-schema/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/info-schema'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Tables'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Table'' AS markdown, ''Column Count'' as align_right, ''Content'' as markdown, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''['' || table_name || ''](table.sql?name='' || table_name || '')'' AS "Table", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count", content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md as "Content" FROM console_information_schema_table GROUP BY table_name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Views'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''View'' AS markdown, ''Column Count'' as align_right, ''Content'' as markdown, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''['' || view_name || ''](view.sql?name='' || view_name || '')'' AS "View", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count", content_web_ui_link_abbrev_md as "Content" FROM console_information_schema_view GROUP BY view_name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Migrations'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Table'' AS markdown, ''Column Count'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT from_state, to_state, transition_reason, transitioned_at FROM code_notebook_state ORDER BY transitioned_at; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/info-schema/table.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/info-schema'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; SELECT $name || '' Table'' AS title, ''#'' AS link; SELECT ''title'' AS component, $name AS contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component; SELECT column_name AS "Column", data_type AS "Type", is_primary_key AS "PK", is_not_null AS "Required", default_value AS "Default" FROM console_information_schema_table WHERE table_name = $name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Foreign Keys'' as contents, 2 as level; SELECT ''table'' AS component; SELECT column_name AS "Column Name", foreign_key AS "Foreign Key" FROM console_information_schema_table_col_fkey WHERE table_name = $name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Indexes'' as contents, 2 as level; SELECT ''table'' AS component; SELECT column_name AS "Column Name", index_name AS "Index Name" FROM console_information_schema_table_col_index WHERE table_name = $name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''SQL DDL'' as contents, 2 as level; SELECT ''code'' AS component; SELECT ''sql'' as language, (SELECT sql_ddl FROM console_information_schema_table WHERE table_name = $name) as contents; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/info-schema/view.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/info-schema'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; SELECT $name || '' View'' AS title, ''#'' AS link; SELECT ''title'' AS component, $name AS contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component; SELECT column_name AS "Column", data_type AS "Type" FROM console_information_schema_view WHERE view_name = $name; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''SQL DDL'' as contents, 2 as level; SELECT ''code'' AS component; SELECT ''sql'' as language, (SELECT sql_ddl FROM console_information_schema_view WHERE view_name = $name) as contents; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/sqlpage-files/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/sqlpage-files'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''SQLPage pages in sqlpage_files table'' AS contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Path'' as markdown, ''Size'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''[🚀](/'' || path || '') [📄 '' || path || ''](sqlpage-file.sql?path='' || path || '')'' AS "Path", LENGTH(contents) as "Size", last_modified FROM sqlpage_files ORDER BY path; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/sqlpage-files/sqlpage-file.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/sqlpage-files'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; SELECT $path || '' Path'' AS title, ''#'' AS link; SELECT ''title'' AS component, $path AS contents; SELECT ''text'' AS component, ''```sql '' || (select contents FROM sqlpage_files where path = $path) || '' ```'' as contents_md; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/sqlpage-files/content.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/sqlpage-files/content.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''SQLPage pages generated from tables and views'' AS contents; SELECT ''text'' AS component, '' - `*.auto.sql` pages are auto-generated "default" content pages for each table and view defined in the database. - The `*.sql` companions may be auto-generated redirects to their `*.auto.sql` pair or an app/service might override the `*.sql` to not redirect and supply custom content for any table or view. - [View regenerate-auto.sql](/console/sqlpage-files/sqlpage-file.sql?path=console/content/action/regenerate-auto.sql) '' AS contents_md; SELECT ''button'' AS component, ''center'' AS justify; SELECT ''/console/content/action/regenerate-auto.sql'' AS link, ''info'' AS color, ''Regenerate all "default" table/view content pages'' AS title; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Redirected or overriden content pages'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Path'' as markdown, ''Size'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''[🚀](/'' || path || '') [📄 '' || path || ''](sqlpage-file.sql?path='' || path || '')'' AS "Path", LENGTH(contents) as "Size", last_modified FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/%'' AND NOT(path like ''console/content/%.auto.sql'') AND NOT(path like ''console/content/action%'') ORDER BY path; SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Auto-generated "default" content pages'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Path'' as markdown, ''Size'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''[🚀](/'' || path || '') [📄 '' || path || ''](sqlpage-file.sql?path='' || path || '')'' AS "Path", LENGTH(contents) as "Size", last_modified FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/%.auto.sql'' ORDER BY path; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/content/action/regenerate-auto.sql', ' -- code provenance: `ConsoleSqlPages.infoSchemaContentDML` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/web-ui-content/console.ts) -- the "auto-generated" tables will be in ''*.auto.sql'' with redirects DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/table/%.auto.sql''; DELETE FROM sqlpage_files WHERE path like ''console/content/view/%.auto.sql''; INSERT OR REPLACE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT ''console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql'', ''SELECT ''''dynamic'''' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''''shell/shell.sql'''') AS properties; SELECT ''''breadcrumb'''' AS component; SELECT ''''Home'''' as title, ''''/'''' AS link; SELECT ''''Console'''' as title, ''''/console'''' AS link; SELECT ''''Content'''' as title, ''''/console/content'''' AS link; SELECT '''''' || tabular_name || '' '' || tabular_nature || '''''' as title, ''''#'''' AS link; SELECT ''''title'''' AS component, '''''' || tabular_name || '' ('' || tabular_nature || '') Content'''' as contents; SET total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '' || tabular_name || ''); SET limit = COALESCE($limit, 50); SET offset = COALESCE($offset, 0); SET total_pages = ($total_rows + $limit - 1) / $limit; SET current_page = ($offset / $limit) + 1; SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, '''''' || info_schema_link_full_md || '''''' AS contents_md SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, ''''- Start Row: '''' || $offset || '''' '''' || ''''- Rows per Page: '''' || $limit || '''' '''' || ''''- Total Rows: '''' || $total_rows || '''' '''' || ''''- Current Page: '''' || $current_page || '''' '''' || ''''- Total Pages: '''' || $total_pages as contents_md WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL; -- Display uniform_resource table with pagination SELECT ''''table'''' AS component, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search, TRUE AS hover, TRUE AS striped_rows, TRUE AS small; SELECT * FROM '' || tabular_name || '' LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset; SELECT ''''text'''' AS component, (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page > 1 THEN ''''[Previous](?limit='''' || $limit || ''''&offset='''' || ($offset - $limit) || '''')'''' ELSE '''''''' END) || '''' '''' || ''''(Page '''' || $current_page || '''' of '''' || $total_pages || '''') '''' || (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page < $total_pages THEN ''''[Next](?limit='''' || $limit || ''''&offset='''' || ($offset + $limit) || '''')'''' ELSE '''''''' END) AS contents_md;'' FROM console_content_tabular; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents) SELECT ''console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.sql'', ''SELECT ''''redirect'''' AS component, ''''/console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql'''' AS link WHERE $stats IS NULL; '' || ''SELECT ''''redirect'''' AS component, ''''/console/content/'' || tabular_nature || ''/'' || tabular_name || ''.auto.sql?stats='''' || $stats AS link WHERE $stats IS NOT NULL;'' FROM console_content_tabular; -- TODO: add ${this.upsertNavSQL(...)} if we want each of the above to be navigable through DB rows -- code provenance: `ConsoleSqlPages.console/content/action/regenerate-auto.sql` (https://www.surveilr.com/lib/std/web-ui-content/console.ts) SELECT ''redirect'' AS component, ''/console/sqlpage-files/content.sql'' as link WHERE $redirect is NULL; SELECT ''redirect'' AS component, $redirect as link WHERE $redirect is NOT NULL;', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/sqlpage-nav/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/sqlpage-nav'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''SQLPage navigation in sqlpage_aide_navigation table'' AS contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT path, caption, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation ORDER BY namespace, parent_path, path, sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/notebooks/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/notebooks'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Code Notebooks'' AS contents; SELECT ''table'' as component, ''Cell'' as markdown, 1 as search, 1 as sort; SELECT c.notebook_name, ''['' || c.cell_name || ''](notebook-cell.sql?notebook='' || replace(c.notebook_name, '' '', ''%20'') || ''&cell='' || replace(c.cell_name, '' '', ''%20'') || '')'' as Cell, c.description, k.kernel_name as kernel FROM code_notebook_kernel k, code_notebook_cell c WHERE k.code_notebook_kernel_id = c.notebook_kernel_id; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'console/notebooks/notebook-cell.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/console/notebooks'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; SELECT ''Notebook '' || $notebook || '' Cell'' || $cell AS title, ''#'' AS link; SELECT ''code'' as component; SELECT $notebook || ''.'' || $cell || '' ('' || k.kernel_name ||'')'' as title, COALESCE(c.cell_governance -> ''$.language'', ''sql'') as language, c.interpretable_code as contents FROM code_notebook_kernel k, code_notebook_cell c WHERE c.notebook_name = $notebook AND c.cell_name = $cell AND k.code_notebook_kernel_id = c.notebook_kernel_id; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'ur/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/ur'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation WITH navigation_cte AS ( SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) as title, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/ur'' ) SELECT ''list'' AS component, title, description FROM navigation_cte; SELECT caption as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/ur'' ORDER BY sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'ur/info-schema.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/ur/info-schema.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Uniform Resource Tables and Views'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Name'' AS markdown, ''Column Count'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''Table'' as "Type", ''['' || table_name || ''](/console/info-schema/table.sql?name='' || table_name || '')'' AS "Name", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count" FROM console_information_schema_table WHERE table_name = ''uniform_resource'' OR table_name like ''ur_%'' GROUP BY table_name UNION ALL SELECT ''View'' as "Type", ''['' || view_name || ''](/console/info-schema/view.sql?name='' || view_name || '')'' AS "Name", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count" FROM console_information_schema_view WHERE view_name like ''ur_%'' GROUP BY view_name; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'ur/uniform-resource-files.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; -- not including breadcrumbs from sqlpage_aide_navigation -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, (SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/ur/uniform-resource-files.sql'') as contents; ; -- sets up $limit, $offset, and other variables (use pagination.debugVars() to see values in web-ui) SET total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM uniform_resource_file); SET limit = COALESCE($limit, 50); SET offset = COALESCE($offset, 0); SET total_pages = ($total_rows + $limit - 1) / $limit; SET current_page = ($offset / $limit) + 1; -- Display uniform_resource table with pagination SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Uniform Resources'' AS title, "Size (bytes)" as align_right, TRUE AS sort, TRUE AS search, TRUE AS hover, TRUE AS striped_rows, TRUE AS small; SELECT * FROM uniform_resource_file ORDER BY uniform_resource_id LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset; SELECT ''text'' AS component, (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page > 1 THEN ''[Previous](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset - $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) || '' '' || ''(Page '' || $current_page || '' of '' || $total_pages || ") " || (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page < $total_pages THEN ''[Next](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset + $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) AS contents_md; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'orchestration/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/orchestration'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation WITH navigation_cte AS ( SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) as title, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/orchestration'' ) SELECT ''list'' AS component, title, description FROM navigation_cte; SELECT caption as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/orchestration'' ORDER BY sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'orchestration/info-schema.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/orchestration/info-schema.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, ''Orchestration Tables and Views'' as contents; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Name'' AS markdown, ''Column Count'' as align_right, TRUE as sort, TRUE as search; SELECT ''Table'' as "Type", ''['' || table_name || ''](/console/info-schema/table.sql?name='' || table_name || '')'' AS "Name", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count" FROM console_information_schema_table WHERE table_name = ''orchestration_session'' OR table_name like ''orchestration_%'' GROUP BY table_name UNION ALL SELECT ''View'' as "Type", ''['' || view_name || ''](/console/info-schema/view.sql?name='' || view_name || '')'' AS "Name", COUNT(column_name) AS "Column Count" FROM console_information_schema_view WHERE view_name like ''orchestration_%'' GROUP BY view_name; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/index.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation select ''card'' as component, 3 as columns; SELECT caption as title, COALESCE(url, path) as link, description FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND parent_path = ''/opsfolio'' AND sibling_order = 2 ORDER BY sibling_order; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''card'' AS component, 4 AS columns SELECT ''Threat Model Analysis Report'' AS title, ''arrow-big-right'' AS icon, ''/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/threat_model_analysis_report.sql'' AS link SELECT ''Web Application'' AS title, ''arrow-big-right'' AS icon, ''/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/web_application.sql'' AS link SELECT ''Managed Application'' AS title, ''arrow-big-right'' AS icon, ''/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/managed_application.sql'' AS link SELECT ''SQL Database'' AS title, ''arrow-big-right'' AS icon, ''/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/sql_database.sql'' AS link SELECT ''Boundaries'' AS title, ''arrow-big-right'' AS icon, ''/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/boundaries.sql'' AS link; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/threat_model_analysis_report.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/threat_model_analysis_report.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, (SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/threat_model_analysis_report.sql'') as contents; ; SET total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM threat_model); SET limit = COALESCE($limit, 50); SET offset = COALESCE($offset, 0); SET total_pages = ($total_rows + $limit - 1) / $limit; SET current_page = ($offset / $limit) + 1; SELECT ''table'' AS component, ''Title'' as markdown SELECT ''['' || title || ''](/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/threat_model_analysis_report/detail.sql?id='' || id || '')'' AS "Title", category, interaction, priority, "state" FROM threat_model LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset; SELECT ''text'' AS component, (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page > 1 THEN ''[Previous](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset - $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) || '' '' || ''(Page '' || $current_page || '' of '' || $total_pages || ") " || (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page < $total_pages THEN ''[Next](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset + $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) AS contents_md; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/web_application.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/web_application.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SET total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM web_application); SET limit = COALESCE($limit, 50); SET offset = COALESCE($offset, 0); SET total_pages = ($total_rows + $limit - 1) / $limit; SET current_page = ($offset / $limit) + 1; SELECT ''title'' AS component, (SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/web_application.sql'') as contents; ; SELECT ''list'' as component SELECT Title as title FROM web_application LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset; SELECT ''text'' AS component, (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page > 1 THEN ''[Previous](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset - $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) || '' '' || ''(Page '' || $current_page || '' of '' || $total_pages || ") " || (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page < $total_pages THEN ''[Next](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset + $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) AS contents_md; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/managed_application.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/managed_application.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, (SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/managed_application.sql'') as contents; ; SET total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM managed_application); SET limit = COALESCE($limit, 50); SET offset = COALESCE($offset, 0); SET total_pages = ($total_rows + $limit - 1) / $limit; SET current_page = ($offset / $limit) + 1; SELECT ''list'' as component SELECT Title as title FROM managed_application LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset; SELECT ''text'' AS component, (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page > 1 THEN ''[Previous](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset - $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) || '' '' || ''(Page '' || $current_page || '' of '' || $total_pages || ") " || (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page < $total_pages THEN ''[Next](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset + $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) AS contents_md; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/sql_database.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/sql_database.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SET total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sql_database); SET limit = COALESCE($limit, 50); SET offset = COALESCE($offset, 0); SET total_pages = ($total_rows + $limit - 1) / $limit; SET current_page = ($offset / $limit) + 1; SELECT ''title'' AS component, (SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/sql_database.sql'') as contents; ; SELECT ''list'' AS component SELECT Title as title FROM sql_database LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset; SELECT ''text'' AS component, (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page > 1 THEN ''[Previous](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset - $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) || '' '' || ''(Page '' || $current_page || '' of '' || $total_pages || ") " || (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page < $total_pages THEN ''[Next](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset + $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) AS contents_md; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/boundaries.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/boundaries.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SET total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM boundaries); SET limit = COALESCE($limit, 50); SET offset = COALESCE($offset, 0); SET total_pages = ($total_rows + $limit - 1) / $limit; SET current_page = ($offset / $limit) + 1; SELECT ''title'' AS component, (SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/boundaries.sql'') as contents; ; SELECT ''list'' AS component SELECT boundary as title FROM boundaries LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset; SELECT ''text'' AS component, (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page > 1 THEN ''[Previous](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset - $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) || '' '' || ''(Page '' || $current_page || '' of '' || $total_pages || ") " || (SELECT CASE WHEN $current_page < $total_pages THEN ''[Next](?limit='' || $limit || ''&offset='' || ($offset + $limit) || '')'' ELSE '''' END) AS contents_md; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO sqlpage_files (path, contents, last_modified) VALUES ( 'opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/threat_model_analysis_report/detail.sql', ' SELECT ''dynamic'' AS component, sqlpage.run_sql(''shell/shell.sql'') AS properties; SELECT ''breadcrumb'' as component; WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumbs AS ( SELECT COALESCE(abbreviated_caption, caption) AS title, COALESCE(url, path) AS link, parent_path, 0 AS level, namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/threat_model_analysis_report/detail.sql'' UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE(nav.abbreviated_caption, nav.caption) AS title, COALESCE(nav.url, nav.path) AS link, nav.parent_path, b.level + 1, nav.namespace FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation nav INNER JOIN breadcrumbs b ON nav.namespace = b.namespace AND nav.path = b.parent_path ) SELECT title, link FROM breadcrumbs ORDER BY level DESC; -- not including page title from sqlpage_aide_navigation SELECT ''title'' AS component, (SELECT COALESCE(title, caption) FROM sqlpage_aide_navigation WHERE namespace = ''prime'' AND path = ''/opsfolio/info/assurance/threat_model/threat_model_analysis_report/detail.sql'') as contents; ; -- Component definition SELECT ''card'' AS component, 2 AS columns; -- Title section SELECT ''Title'' AS title, title AS description FROM threat_model WHERE id = $id::TEXT; -- Category section SELECT ''Category'' AS title, title AS description FROM threat_model WHERE id = $id::TEXT; -- Short description section SELECT ''card'' AS component, 1 AS columns; SELECT ''Short Description'' AS title, short_description AS description FROM threat_model WHERE id = $id::TEXT; -- Full description section SELECT ''Description'' AS title, description AS description FROM threat_model WHERE id = $id::TEXT; -- Priority and State sections SELECT ''card'' AS component, 2 AS columns; SELECT ''Priority'' AS title, priority AS description FROM threat_model WHERE id = $id::TEXT; SELECT ''State'' AS title, state AS description FROM threat_model WHERE id = $id::TEXT; ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET contents = EXCLUDED.contents, last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;